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General School Resources

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Developing a Chemical Management Program

General Chemical Management Program Resources

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Chemical Inventory

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Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

An MSDS is a comprehensive fact sheet prepared by chemical manufacturers that describes the physical properties, health effects, and other characteristics of chemicals, as well as procedures for handling, storing, and disposing. The Web sites listed below offer valuable information on MSDS:

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Regulatory Requirements

Many chemical management practices are often regulated at the federal, state, and/or local level. Contact your state or local health departments for more information.

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Chemical Use and Management

The Web sites listed below offer valuable information on the proper handling of chemicals:

Green Cleaning

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Integrated Pest Management

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Greening Labs and Lesson Plans

The Web sites listed below offer valuable information on greening labs and lesson plans:

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School Nurses

The Web sites listed below offer valuable information for school nurses:

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These brochures provide potential SC3 partners with campaign information, and basic chemical management steps. Chemicals in Schools: Partner for Healthy School Environments targets community partners. Chemicals in Schools: Solutions for Healthy School Environments targets K-12 school partners.

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Public Service Announcements

These public service announcements (PSAs) target K-12 school and community partners. The PSAs can be used to promote school chemical cleanout information.

Public Service Announcement: Is Chemical Safety Part of the Equation? (Photo of student in front of a blackboard with math equations written on it)
PSA for Organizations

Is Chemical Safety Part of the Equation? (PDF) (1 pg, 2.4MB)

Learn how your organization can work with schools to protect kids from chemical accidents.


Public Service Announcement: You work hard to keep your students safe from bullies and drugs. But what about chemicals? (Photo of teacher
PSA for Schools

You Work Hard to Keep Your Students Safe from Bullies and Drugs. But What About Chemicals? (PDF)
(1 p, 7.2MB)

Mismanaged chemicals expose students and staff to unnecessary dangers. Learn about the Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign.

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SC3 Media

SC3 Video: Watch the SC3 Video to learn how some of our partners have benefited from joining the program.

Watch the SC3 video: Maria Vickers, Deputy Director of EPA’s Office of Solid Waste (renamed the Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery on January 18, 2009), and Maria Johnson, Science Department Chair at Wakefield High School in Arlington, VA discuss the Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign.

Download the Lab Out Loud podcast When Good Chemicals Go Bad Exit EPA. Lab Out Loud is sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association.

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Partnership Agreement

The Schools Chemical Cleanout Partnership Agreement describes the actions that an organization volunteers to undertake as a program partner. The Agreement is between EPA and the partner and does not impose any legally-binding obligations on EPA, the SC3 partner, or any other entity.

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These presentations can be used by teachers, administrators, and state officials to promote safe chemical management.

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Press Releases

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Federal Registers

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