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U.S. Department of Justice Senior Executive Service

Statutory Senior Executive Service Delegations of Authority

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This page provides delegations covering the following topics:


Position Management Delegations

Approved Delegation Authority Retained by the DAG/AG
Establishment/abolishment of Senior Executive Service (SES) positions Authority to request allocation from Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for Senior Executive Service (SES) spaces
Abolishment of encumbered SES positions [i.e., reduction-in-force (RIF)] Authority to request allocation from OPM for Senior Level spaces
Designation of positions as General or Career reserved Allocation of SES and Senior Level spaces to Department components--See Note 1
  Authority to establish/abolish Senior Level (SL) positions
  Authority to abolish encumbered SL positions [i.e., reduction-in-force (RIF)]

 Note 1:  Senior Level Allocation reverts to the Senior Executive Resources Board upon departure of the incumbent.


Staffing Delegations

Approved Delegation Authority Retained by the DAG/AG
Establishment of qualifications standards Appointment and assignment of key career executive positions listed below
Establishment of Executive Resources Boards Appointments of noncareer executives
Approval of SES and SL appointments (except key career executives listed below) Career appointments of current or former noncareer executives
Certification of selectee's SES managerial qualifications (except key career executives listed below) Limited Term and Limited Emergency SES Appointments
Approval of SES and SL reassignments, reinstatements, transfers, and intradepartmental details (except key career executives listed below)  

Key career executives:


Compensation Delegations

Approved Delegation Authority Retained by the DAG/AG
Initial pay setting up to ES-4 not-to-exceed 10% over current salary Initial pay setting and pay adjustments of career executives above the ES-4
Pay adjustments of one pay level up to ES-4 Pay adjustments of multiple pay levels up to ES-4
Initial pay setting and pay adjustments for SL positions up to SL-3 Initial pay setting and pay adjustments for SL positions above SL-3
  Initial pay setting and pay adjustments of noncareer executives
  Initial pay setting and pay adjustments of key career executives listed below
Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses Retention allowances
Alternative Work Schedules - Flexible or Compressed  

See the Department's Senior Level Pay Chart.


Key career executives:


Performance Management Delegations

Approved Delegation Authority Retained by the DAG/AG
SES recertification determinations SES and SL Superior Accomplishment Awards (Special Act or Service)
Performance appraisals SES performance bonuses
Appointment of Performance Review Boards Performance-based reassignments of key career executives listed below
Performance-based reassignments (except those retained by the DAG) Presidential Rank Awards

Key career executives:


Adverse Actions and Other Delegations

Approved Delegation Authority Retained by the DAG/AG
Adverse Action--Reprimand (except those retained by the DAG) Adverse Action--Reprimand, suspension or removal of SL and key career executives listed below
Adverse Action--Suspension (except those retained by the DAG)--See Note 2 Adverse Action--Reprimand, suspension or removal of limited emergency and limited term appointees--See Note 3
Adverse Action--Removal (except those retained by the DAG)--See Note 2 Adverse Action--Removal of noncareer executives
Other Actions:  none Other Actions:  Any other matter which, by law or regulations, requires the personal decision of the AG/DAG

Key career executives:

 Note 2:  Will require consultation with the Assistant Attorney General for Administration prior to final action.

 Note 3:  Limited emergency and limited term appointees who were covered by 5 U.S.C. 7511 immediately before entering the SES and who received their limited appointment in the same agency.

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Last Updated: January 24, 2000