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Mississippi National River and Recreation AreaA 12-spotted skimmer dragonfly perches on twigs while hunting near the Minnesota River.
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Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
Exotic Bush Honeysuckle
Exotic Bush Honeysuckle
Exotic Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera tartarica, L. x bella, L. maackii, L. morrowii)

Description: There are many different species of honeysuckles, but the main concern are of the three exotic species: Tartarian Honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) Morrow's Honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii), and Bella Honeysuckle (Lonicera x bella) which is a hybrid of the Morrow and Tartarian. Honeysuckles are deciduous shrubs that can reach a height of 20 feet. The leaves on the stems are opposite of each other and are smooth on the edges. Each species differs in the color of their flowers that usually grows in May or June. The flowers of Tartarian honeysuckles are pink, but may vary from white to red. Flowers of both the Morrow and Bella honeysuckles are white and becomes yellow with age. Fruits of all three species are red or yellow in pairs in the axils of the leaves. The branches of smaller shrubs are hollow.

Distribution and Effect
Exotic Bush Honeysuckles are natives of Asia and Eastern Europe. Tartarians were brought to the United States in 1752 to be use as ornamentals, while the other two were introduced around the late1800's. All three are found mainly around urban areas, but as the bush honeysuckles were used as wildlife habitats, they spread out into rural areas. In the eastern parts of the United States south to North Carolina, the Exotic Bush Honeysuckle has become naturalized. Exotic Bush Honeysuckle can survive a range of soils and conditions, but it mainly thrives in sunny areas, such as roadsides or at the edge of forests.

Once Exotic Bush Honeysuckles get settled in, their earlier leaf expansion and later fall retention gives them the advantage over native plants. Some scientist believe they made be preventing other plants to grow, in a process called the alleopathic effects.


The mississippi river at night.  

Did You Know?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than 50 cities rely on the Mississippi River for daily water supply.

Last Updated: August 28, 2006 at 14:38 EST