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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Department of Health and Human Services
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Center for Mental Health Services

Last Updated: 8/1/2007

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SAMHSA's Resource Center to Promote Acceptance,
Dignity and Social Inclusion Associated with
Mental Health (ADS Center)

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In the past 10 to 20 years, there has been a fundamental change in the way mental illnesses are viewed and treated. Simply put, we now know that people can improve and recover from even the most serious mental illnesses. Also, we know that people recover better when their treatment is focused on meeting their individual needs

Mental health professionals and other health care providers are in a unique position to impact the lives of people with mental illnesses. Because of their scientific knowledge and special relationship with mental health consumers, providers have a singular opportunity through their attitudes and practices to promote self-esteem, self-efficacy, decision making about treatment, illness self-management practices, and recovery.

This section will help care providers learn more about issues related to mental illnesses and the people who have them.

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This Web site was developed under contract with the Office of Consumer Affairs in SAMHSA?s Center for Mental Health Services. The views, opinions, and content provided on this Web site do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of SAMHSA or HHS. The resources listed in this Web site are not all-inclusive and inclusion on this Web site does not constitute an endorsement by SAMHSA or HHS.