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Town Hall Celebrates GSA Role in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Video Highlights

Acting Administrator Paul Prouty and other senior officials spoke at a recent employee rally about GSA's chance to assist in the nation's economic recovery. President Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has provided an opportunity to reinvest in the federal infrastructure, promote the use of alternative fuel vehicles, and provide federal agencies with cost-effective, high-quality and environmentally friendly commercial products and services.

Video screenshot Paul Prouty, GSA Acting Administrator; Jim Williams, FAS Commissioner; Barney Brasseux, GSA Deputy Administrator; Tony Costa, Acting PBS Commissioner

-   GSA Town Hall on the American Recovery Act

Windows Media Video, 5 minutes 44 seconds, Posted March 20, 2009

The link above will open Windows Media Player to play the video. Captions can be displayed within the Windows Media Player. Learn how to set this option.

GSA’s Recovery Act Agenda, Plan, and Reports

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Last Reviewed 4/16/2009