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Your search for: Breast Feeding, All Years All Organizations returned the following 7 results:
09/11/08   Public Comment: DRAFT Pregnancy and Perinatology (PP) Branch Report to Council
Each component of the NICHD reports its activities to the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council, the federal advisory committee for the NICHD. The NACHHD Council follows all regulations set forth in the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
06/04/08   Findings Offer Insights into Role of Breastfeeding in Preventing Infant Death, HIV Infection in Resource Poor Countries
In many poor countries, mothers with HIV face a stark choice: to nurse their infants, and risk passing on HIV through their breast milkā€”or to formula feed, and deprive their infants of much of the natural immunity needed to protect against fatal diseases of early infancy. Now, two studies supported by the National Institutes of Health offer insights into preventing early death and HIV infection among breastfeeding infants of mothers with HIV in these countries.
06/16/04   Analysis Shows Infants of Mothers Infected With HIV Face Nearly Constant Risk For HIV Infection For Duration of Breastfeeding
After four weeks of age, infants who breast feed from mothers infected with HIV continue to be at risk for infection with HIV for as long as they breastfeed, according to an analysis conducted and funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health. Previously, researchers thought the risk for being infected with the virus from breast milk diminished as an infant grew older.
03/20/02   Undersize Infants Score Higher on IQ Tests If Breast Fed Exclusively
Full-term infants who are born small score an average of 11 points higher on IQ tests if they are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life compared to those who are given formula or solids early on, according to findings published in the March Acta Paediatrica.
05/15/01   Breastfeeding Has Minor Effect in Reducing Risk of Childhood Overweight
Breast feeding appears to be a minor factor in reducing the likelihood of childhood overweight, according to a study by the National Institute of Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and two other Federal agencies.
03/06/00   Formula Additives Boost Small Children's Intelligence in Study
Adding two substances found in breast milk to infant formula boosted the average intelligence scores in a group of 18-month-old children significantly, according to a study funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
02/16/00   Moderate Weight Loss OK for Overweight Moms Who Breast Feed
Overweight mothers who breast feed their infants may lose weight through a sensible diet and exercise program-without fear of harming their infants-a study by NICHD-funded researchers has found.

If you are a member of the media and have questions about an NICHD news release or research, or if you would like to schedule an interview with an NICHD scientist or grantee, please contact the Public Information and Communications Branch at 301-496-5133 or by fax at 301-496-7101.