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Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris

National Information

Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is a complex waste stream generated during building construction, renovation, and demolition projects. Most waste from C&D sites is placed into containers, and removed as they fill up. Recently, however, some local waste haulers have made an effort to remove valuable materials from these loads and send them to processors for recycling. Such materials include:

In addition to these wastes, hazardous materials, such as asbestos, lead, and mercury may also be generated.

If you are planning a construction or remodeling project, contact your local builder's association or your county solid waste department to obtain information on recyclers and waste haulers in your area. Also, before purchasing new products, check with local salvagers. Many offer cabinets, doors, windows, and flooring that are in good condition for greatly reduced prices.

For more specific information on state and local requirements and programs for C&D debris management, see EPA Region 7 State Links.

Photo: piles of construction materials

For more information on C&D debris management in Region 7, contact:

Jennifer Dawani, US EPA Region 7 Solid Waste Program
901 N 5th St
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: 913-551-7162
E-mail: dawani.jennifer@epa.gov

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