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Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgements

  2. Chapter 1 Introduction
    1. Highway Noise Abatement

  3. Chapter 2 Aesthetics in the Design Process
    1. The Problem

    2. The Design Process

    3. A Planning Approach

    4. Landscape Inventory as a Design Tool

    5. Citizen Participation

    6. Analysis

    7. Development of Concepts

    8. Preliminary Design

    9. Detailed Design

  4. Chapter 3 Visual Design Principles
    1. Major Elements

      1. Line

      2. Form

      3. Color

      4. Texture

    2. Coordinate Elements

      1. Contrast

      2. Sequence

      3. Axis

      4. Dominance

    3. Variable Factors

      1. Scale

      2. Proportion

      3. Distance

      4. Observer Position

      5. Atmospheric Conditions

      6. Light

      7. Seasons

      8. Motion

  5. Chapter 4 Application of Principles
    1. Major Elements and the Noise Barrier

      1. The Noise Wall: Line and Form

      2. Earth Berms: Line and Form

      3. Combination Berm and Wall

      4. Color

      5. Texture

      6. Creating Texture

      7. Texture in Walls

      8. Texture in Combination Barriers

      9. Creating Texture - Other Materials

    2. Coordinate Elements and the Noise Barrier

      1. Contrast

      2. Sequence

      3. Axis

      4. Dominance

    3. Variable Elements and the Noise Barrier

      1. Scale, Proportion and Distance

      2. Observer Position

      3. Atmospheric Conditions and Seasonal Change

      4. Light and Shadow

      5. Motion

  6. Chapter 5 Design Concepts
    1. Use of Right-of-Way

    2. Concepts in Wall Design

    3. Concepts in Combination Barriers

    4. The Functional Role of Plantings

    5. Summary

  7. Appendix

  8. Bibliography

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