Safe Routes to School :: Practice and Promise

Safe Routes To School Projects and Related Efforts
Appendix A








Safe Routes To School (SR2S) Projects and Related Efforts
Local Communities and Statewide

(Alphabetically by State) (as of December 2002)


Safest Routes to School - City of Phoenix
Brandon Forrey,
Chief Engineering Technician
Street Transportation Department
City Hall, 200 West Washington St., 5th Floor, Traffic Operations,
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Tel: 602.534.2020
Fax: 602.495.0336

  • Has completed year-long School Safety Task Force effort which has resulted in $500,000 funding from City Council plus new positions
  • Recommendations include Education, Engineering and Enforcement
  • Safest Route to School Walking plans will be developed cooperatively between City staff and school officials and parents � identify safest roads for children to use when walking or biking
  • School Crossing Safety Audit Procedure has specific items to check to determine safety of school crossings and crosswalks. Points are assigned to crossings � high points indicate need for improvements or changes

Prescott Alternative Transportation
Sue Knaup, Executive Director
Prescott Alternative Transportation,
P.O. Box 2122, Prescott, AZ 86302
Tel: 928.708.0911

  • Program covers all "4E"s: Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Encouragement. It also includes funding
  • The Morris grant is kick-start funding and is being used to leverage local, state, federal and foundation funding
  • PAT is a strong advocacy organization with a mission that Safe Routes fits beautifully
  • Use a lot of organizational resources for SR2S program
  • As of 2/02 started preliminary stages of starting SR2S teams in three schools, with possibly two others joining soon
  • Prescott City Council passed SR2S proclamation in 2/02
  • Applying for additional funds from various foundations to expand program


Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition
Pam Webster, Project Director
Safe Routes To School Planning Grantee
P.O. Box 13357, Berkeley, CA 94712
Tel: 510.549.7433
Fax: 510.540.1057
PW: 510.848.0305

  • Works with individual schools to identify unsafe conditions and then contracts with Caltrans to correct dangerous conditions. Received $450K in 2000 to make SR2S to Willard Middle School and Le Conte Elementary Pilot programs in 12 Elementary schools and 3 middle schools
  • Completed Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Task Force Report in March 2000; Results: Berkeley had highest rates of pedestrian and bicycle injuries compared to 44 other CA cities of similar size; local children age 10-17 suffer twice as many pedestrian injuries than any other age group
  • SR2S committees organized at each school; members include school staff, parents, healthcare workers and school neighbors
  • Six �E�s: Events; Encouragement; Engineering; Education; Enforcements; Escorts
  • DHS SR2S Planning Grantee

Safe Walks Home Program Oakland Pedestrian Safety Project
Tom Van Demark, Coordinator
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, 3rd Floor, Office of the City Manager
Oakland, CA 94612
Tel. 510.238.7049
Fax: 510.238.6129

  • Initially started as a city funded project in 1995; efforts focus on Education, Engineering, and Enforcement
  • Held cities first WTSD in 1998 with 40 schools participating; in 2001, all 74 elementary schools in the district participated. Events supported by the City Council members and staff, School Board and District, principals, teachers, and volunteers
  • Other activities include Safe Moves Town trainings for elementary students (and seniors); Mock Vehicle/Pedestrian Traffic-Collisions (joint project with OPSP, OFD, and drama depts. of every high school); and Pedestrian Stings with OPD
  • Uses the Safe Communities model for organizing and outreach
  • Council staff and community members working with seven elementary schools to upgrade signage and safety engineering and to introduce each school's SR2S
  • Developing the �20 Year Pedestrian Master Plan� which will �institutionalize pedestrian safety� by focusing on the inclusion of pedestrian safety solutions in ongoing city street engineering
  • OPSP received two year OTS grant; offered $220,000 in minigrants (with a nine month grant cycle) for traffic-related injury prevention projects. Three grant tiers: $0-5000, $5,000-10,000 and $10,000-30,000, with the under-$5000 tier geared towards non-501(c)3 organizations for materials only (helmets, safety seats, educational materials, etc).

City of Palo Alto; Department of Planning & Community Environment
Amanda Jones, Project Director
250 Hamilton, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Tel: 650.329.2568
Fax: 650.617.3108

  • Main problems identified are congestion around schools, lack of sidewalks and stop lights
  • Goal is to identify how people are currently getting around and the barriers that keep people from walking
  • Working with Cal-Trans to develop facilities that enhance walking and safety and install stop lights
  • Implementing �Way-To-Go� program�a comprehensive program for city promote driving less (including school trip reductions) and to increase walking, car pooling
  • Only one school in the city has completed mapping a SR2S (route goes through the local park instead of streets)
  • Received California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) Traffic Study Grant for the �Share our Streets, As If� project (an �As If� project refers to, �as if it was your child walking, biking, etc.�) to work with law enforcement to increase citations and signage. Also, collecting crash and injury data on an on-going basis to determine whether an increase in the number of children walking combined with a decrease in driving will lead to an increase in the number of injuries.
  • Conducts the Pedestrian Safety Program (in conjunction with Safe Moves) in schools with teachers, students, and parents
  • DHS SR2S Planning Grantee; Area of focus for grant purposes is two elementary schools in the Ventura/So. El Camino Real neighborhood and connecting corridor.

Caltrans Safe Routes To School Construction Program
Caltrans District Offices staff
CA Grantees�Statewide
Caltrans Headquarters: 1120 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
See web-site

  • See web site for a list of funded grantees; 1st & 2nd Cycles
  • Funded by federal transportation safety funds
  • Began in 1999 with the passage and signing of Assembly Bill 1475 (Soto-D); effort spearheaded by James Corless at Surface Transportation Policy Project in San Francisco
  • Two-year demonstration period; approx. $20 million worth of SR2S projects for the first cycle of the program; up to $500,000 per project with a 90 percent federal reimbursement ratio
  • The SR2S program is a construction program. It is intended to improve and enhance the safety of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and related infrastructure
  • On October 2, 2001, Governor Davis signed State Bill 10 (SB 10/Soto), extending the Safe Routes to School program for three more years. The program sunsets on January 1, 2005, unless a future statute deletes or extends this date

Safe Routes To School Initiative Planning Grantees
Barb Alberson
611 No. 7th Street
Suite C
Sacramento, CA 95814-0208
Tel: 916.323.3486
Fax: 916.323.3682

  • California Dept. of Health Services (CA DHS) funded projects with $25,000 each
  • 2/3 of grantees either have collected community data or will be collecting data starting with Walk To School Day 2001 to identify problem areas and pedestrian safety issues that need to be addressed and/or corrected. 2001-2002 Grantees:
  • Bicycle-Friendly Berkeley Coalition
  • California Bicycle Coalition Sacramento
  • Child Abuse Prevention Council of Shasta County (Anderson Partnership for Healthy Children)
  • City of Palo Alto; Dept. of Planning & Community
  • Mid-City SR2S, Center for Healthier Communities, Hospital San Diego
  • Town of Fairfax
  • San Francisco Educational, Inc.
  • Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, City of Santa Barbara
  • Tulare County Health & Human Services
  • Vista Community Clinic

Safe Routes To School, Marin County
Wendi Kallins, Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 201,
Forrest Knolls, CA 94933
Debbie Hubsmith, Director
Tel: 415.488.4101
Fax: 415.488.0926
DH: 415.456.3469

  • Pilot program, started in August 2000; Marin County Bicycle Coalition received $50,000 funding from NHTSA to develop national model (promoted by Congressman Oberstar)
  • Promotes walking/biking to school through classroom education/activities, contests/events (i.e., W/BTSDs, Frequent Rider Miles contest, walking school buses, bike trains), mapping, and community involvement
  • Each school receives guidance, forms, newsletters and other promotional materials
  • Formed citywide task forces to study engineering solutions for safety issues on school routes; hired Transportation Engineer.
  • 1st year: nine pilot schools in four different geographic locations; 2nd year: 20 schools; conducted community Train-The-Trainer programs;
  • Developed SR2S Tool-kit
  • By end of the pilot program the schools experienced a 50 percent increase in the number of children walking and biking and a 29 percent decrease in the number of children arriving alone in a car
  • DHS SR2S Planning Grantee contractor for Town of Fairfax

Mid-City Safe Routes To School, Center for Healthier Communities, Children's Hospital San Diego
Cheri Fidler, Director
3020 Children's Way, MC 5073, San Diego, CA 92123
Anna Zacker, Program Coordinator
CF: 858.495.7748
AZ: 858.576.1700, ext. 4796
Fax: 858.966.7563

  • Conducted environmental assessments of areas around two schools and developed recommendations for improvements
  • Conducting ongoing pedestrian education program (building off of WTSD) at three schools
  • Received approval from the Public Safety and Neighborhood Services Committee of the City Council to start a city-wide pedestrian advisory group
  • Multidisciplinary coalition of health professionals, police, city planners/traffic engineers, Council members, schools, CBOs, parents and other community members
  • Focus on driver behavior
  • Integrated approach of education, environmental assessment and engineering, and enforcement
  • DHS SR2S Planning Grantee

Santa Ana Pedestrian Safety Project
Kelly Broberg
Orange County Health Care Agency; Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
12 Civic Center Plaza
Suite 127
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Tel: 714.834.3059
Fax: 714.834.3492

  • Two-year project coordinated by UC Irvine's Center for Health Policy and Research in conjunction with the Orange County Health Care Agency Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Program. Funded by California Office of Traffic Safety from 1998-2001 to mobilize community action to reduce pedestrian injuries and deaths in the city of Santa Ana
  • 2002 project ended and the task force was transitioned over to the City of Santa Ana's Department of Public Works (DPW). The DPW will continue to work with schools on SR2S and will be responsible for coordinating and promoting Walk Day
  • Pedestrian safety has been improved by engineering measures (slight decrease in the number of injuries for children 0-15 years old and no fatalities since the program began in 1998)
  • Promotes walking and safety through a Family Literacy Program that includes books focused on walking to school
  • Representatives from law enforcement, schools, traffic engineering, and community development, locally elected officials, Santa Ana community-based organizations, and concerned Santa Ana residents are combining efforts to improve pedestrian safety through a city-wide Task Force
  • Developed a comprehensive multi-lingual educational toolkit and community outreach program to reduce Santa Ana's high number of pedestrian motor-vehicle crashes

Safe Moves
Pat Hines
15500 Erwin Street
Suite 1121
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Tel: 818.908.5341
Fax: 818.908.5337
PH: 818.762.5535

  • SAFE MOVES is a non-profit organization, dedicated to saving lives through education. SAFE MOVES provides programs throughout the United States
  • Educates children, parents and the community on pedestrian, bicycle, motor vehicle, train, bus and recreational safety
  • Conducts student and parent workshops, traffic simulation rodeos, community outreach campaigns, data collection and evaluation
  • Provides information on the California Bicycle Helmet Law, how to choose the right helmet, and bicycle safety
  • Programs are designed to be interactive, fun and effective
  • SAFE MOVES was selected as the winner of the 1996 United States Secretary of Transportation Award for Child Transportation Safety and the 1996 California Office of Traffic Safety Award


Bicycle & Pedestrian Traffic Safety Education: Home to School Safe Travel for Children
Gay Page, Program Manager, Education Director, & Instructor,
CO Department of Transportation
4201 E. Arkansas Ave
Room 212
Denver, CO 80222
Tel: 303.757.9982
Fax: 303.757.9727

  • CDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian program offers a two day traffic safety education course that provides trainers with tools and skills necessary to teach children how to become predictable, competent and confident in traffic by focusing on developing their decision making skills
  • The course features classroom training, hands-on field work, problem solving exercises, peer training, role playing, lectures, videos, and demonstrations
  • Upon completion of the training, each participant (trainer) will be able to create a traffic safety program that best suits their needs
  • Each trainer receives a training binder and curriculum materials
  • The traffic safety education curriculum is designed for grades K � 5
  • The goal of the program is to place one copy of the curriculum in every elementary school in Colorado and to provide the instructor training for successful implementation


Safe Ways To School
Linda Crider, Project Director
University of Florida
P.O. Box 115706
Gainesville, FL 32611-5706

Dwight Kingsbury, FL Pedestrian and Bicycle Coordinator
Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Tel: 352.392.8192
DK: 850.487.1200
Fax: 850.922.2935

  • Safe Ways to School operated out of the University of Florida since 1997
  • Florida Dept. of Transportation, Traffic and Bicycle Safety Education Program is the funder
  • Home-to-School study in 1992 found one out of six children walking to school in FL
  • Have not done another survey; feeling is there is majority opinion in FL against kids walking to school
  • Each participating school has a School Traffic Safety Team; attends to Education, Engineering, Encouragement
  • Have produced tool kits for school and distributed 100. Do not know how they have been used
  • Have a training program for schools to train & certify crossing guards (the only one we know of in the country)


Kids Walk
Sally Flocks, President & CEO
Michael Orta, Director of Community Education
100 Edgewood Ave
Suite 540
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: 404.873.5513
Fax: 404.873.5667

  • Project sponsored by PEDS advocacy group (Pedestrians Educating Drivers on Safety, Inc)
  • Kids Walk project began in 1999 when CDC wanted to pilot test Kids Walk-to-School booklet
  • Operates with 10-12 schools in central Atlanta; unable to work much with suburban counties
  • Provides pedestrian safety training to children, teachers, parents, and volunteers
  • Organizes �walking school buses�
  • Evaluates walking conditions and empowers communities to advocate successfully for SR2S
  • Has created a toolkit for school �champions�
  • Anecdotal information about program popularity and success: air quality, parent attitudes, driver behavior, increased walking. No hard data yet
  • Have grant money from CMAQ. Had money from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in collaboration with CDC, but project had inflexible research constraints


Safe Passage/The Walking School Bus
Walking Schoolbus.html

Vance Henry, Director
Kathie Carothers, School Safety Director
Chicago Police Department, Chicago School District
CAPS Implementation Office
DePaul Center,
333 South State St.
Room 500
Chicago, IL 60604
Tel: 312.747.9987
Fax: 312.747.1137

  • City of Chicago Police Department and School District
  • Began in 1997 with a few elementary schools (K-8) in State Street Corridor
  • Uniformed and tactical officers, parent patrols, church volunteers, and local residents patrol area schools
  • Mapping projects and safety education with individual schools
  • Walking School Buses organized mostly in housing projects; Parent Attendance Officers go door-to-door to get children to school and to arrive on time
  • Project is considered a success because safety education has been institutionalized in individual schools

Safe Routes to School Chicagoland Bicycle Federation
Heather Convey
Research Coordinator/Education Assistant
650 S. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60605
Tel: 312.427.3325
Fax: 312.427.4907

  • Primary focus of program is to increase the number of children who ride their bikes to school, thereby increasing the health and safety of all residents by reducing traffic and encouraging everyone to become more active
  • Program began in 2001. Target of four schools in 2001-2002 school year
  • Budget: $135,000
  • Four phases to program; 3Es approach
  • For detailed info see 2002 STPP SR2S Inventory

Walkers Win
Artemio Perez
Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 W North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60647
Tel: 773.278.4800
Fax: 773.278.3840

  • Walkers Win! is a pedestrian advocacy campaign that promotes health and social cohesion by improving the pedestrian atmosphere around schools on the northwest side of Chicago
  • Part of the program is to assist schools develop their SR2S initiatives, with limited resources
  • Schools are located in dense, low income, minority communities
  • Working with the Chicago Area Transportation Study to develop a workshop that will directly address the issue of access to schools and bring together representatives of the health, transportation, engineering, education, advocacy and policy communities
  • Transportation summits information is at


Walking in Arlington
107 George St.
Arlington, MA 02476

  • Public Advocacy group, working on SR2S with Walk Boston
  • Two elementary and one middle school intensively working on Walk to School
  • Increased walking rate in 2000 � 2001 from approximately 40 percent to up to 90 percent

Safe Routes To School Walk Boston
Dorothea Hass, Program Manager
Steve Golden, National Park Service
94 Perry Street
Brookline, MA 02446
Tel: 617.232.0104
Fax: 617.451.6475

  • Oberstar NHTSA grant for one year (2000-2001)
  • Funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, NHTSA, Mass Highway Dept, and National Park Service Rivers and Trails Program
  • Program includes WTS Day, Safety training for kids, classroom materials and working with Town councils on ways to make routes to school safer
  • Would like to expand from Arlington schools into two Boston schools in 2001-02
  • Not much data collected on overall effectiveness


Kids and Transportation Program
Erik Hermann, Program Coordinator
233 Oxford St.
Portland, ME 04101
Tel: 207.774.9891

  • Greater Portland Council of Governments, began in 1994, funded by Maine DOT
  • Aim is to teach kids about transportation alternatives to autos, with hope for net decrease in auto-related congestion and air pollution in the future
  • Original concept came from regional planning staff
  • Educational materials, including map to guide kids in getting around
  • Teacher courses and school presentations
  • Evaluation is in number of contacts/presentations


Child Pedestrian Injury Project
Susan DeFrancesco, JD, MPH, Project Coordinator
Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy, School of Public Health
624 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205-1996
Tel: 410.502.8671
Fax: 410.614.2797

  • Research project begun in 2000, working in four Baltimore city school neighborhoods
  • Collected data on pedestrian areas, conducted safety audit and counted pedestrians
  • Has information on state pilot study on SR2S in planning stages (for additional info on state project visit


Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance
Paul Charmosta, Executive Director
210 E. 10th St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Tel: 651.290.0405

  • Represents the interests of bicyclists and pedestrians on a variety of issues, infrastructure, facilities and programs related to alternative transportation
  • Currently in partnership with the Capital City Traffic Calming Alliance, Transit for Livable Communities to coordinate a demonstration project in St. Paul designed to reduce car usage and encourage walking, biking, carpools, and transit use
  • Building on the Neighborhood Pace Car Program and SR2S models (started 02/02; 12 month timeline)


Safe Routes to School Task Force Bureau of Chronic Disease Control
Department of Health and Senior Services
Diana Hawkins, M.Ed., C.H.E.S. Manager, Cardiovascular Health Program
920 Wildwood
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Tel: 573.522.2896
Fax: 573.522.2898
DH: 573.522.2860

  • Board meeting held in July 2002 resulted in quite a few members signing up for the newly established Safe Routes to School Task Force
  • Hope to bring those folks together in the next few weeks to brainstorm regarding goals, objectives, strategies and additional partners
  • More information to follow

New Mexico

Pedestrian Safety Program
Transportation Programs Division
Isabel Lopez-Encinias
New Mexico Highway and Transportation Department
P.O. Box 1149
604 W. San Mateo
Santa Fe, NM 87504-1149
Tel: 505.827.0427

  • Funded by the New Mexico Traffic Safety Bureau
  • New Mexico has the highest pedestrian fatality rate in the country (6.6 per 100,000), nearly twice the national rate. (In 1994, pedestrian deaths accounted for 16% of all motor vehicle-related deaths in the state. The pedestrian death rate in rural areas and among American Indians is extraordinarily high.)
  • Initiative to promote pedestrian safety throughout the state seeks to focus attention on the extent and source of the problem, to identify possible interventions, to rally community support, and to marshal resources to effect change
  • Initiative is based on strengthening viable coalitions and alliances among public and private sector organizations at the local, state and federal levels
  • TSB has embraced a broad spectrum approach involving: education/behavior modification, motor vehicle modification, and environ-mental/engineering changes

New York

Safe Routes to School: The Bronx
Transportation Alternatives
John Kaehny, Executive Director
115 W. 30th St., Suite 1207
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212.629.8080
Fax: 212.629.8334

Urbitran Associates
Ellen Cavanaugh, Campaign Coordinator
71 West 23rd Street
11th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Tel: 212.366.6200
Fax: 212.366.6214

  • Traffic calming and pedestrian safety engineering program
  • Project began in 1997,with support from the office of the Bronx Borough President and the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
  • Collected surveys on traffic hazards; worked with NYC DOT to change signage, signal timing
  • Has completed traffic calming plans for 38 schools; partial installations at all
  • NYC DOT will take over program in October 2001 and expand citywide, via RBA Group and Urbitran consultants ($2.5 million contract)


Portland Kids On The Move
Shannon Parker, Education Contact
Office of Transportation
1120 SW Fifth
Room 800
Portland, OR 97204
Tel: 503.823.5391

  • Bureau of Transportation System Management, Traffic Calming Program, Portland Office of Transportation. Funds were allocated in 1994 to begin an Elementary School Safety program
  • Educational materials and events for schools; engineering approaches including signs, beacons; and enforcement against speeding
  • Identifies most common problems as high traffic volume and excessive speed
  • Reports from schools indicate that after engineering changes were made, speeds decreased in the targeted area


Pennsylvania Walk To School Trails Program
Tom Sexton, Director
105 Locust Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Tel: 717.238.1717
Fax: 717.238.7566

  • Government Agency supported; Rails-To-Trails Conservancy's Pennsylvania Field Office
  • Rails-to-Trails Conservancy -PA (and NPS) are meeting with the PA. Dept. of Health to talk about developing a SRTS program. Rails-To-Trails Conservancy inventoried all elementary schools near trails (a few blocks away) as a first step. Assessed what's out there: 100 open trails in PA, about 20 identified within two blocks of school
  • Looking to partner with four to five local health organizations to plan program to increase rail trail use in walking and biking to school. Will follow Centers for Disease Control's program guide on KidsWalk to School

Safe Routes To School
Leann C. Cheney, Senior Land Use Planner

Jerry Richardson, Deputy Director
Indiana County Office of Planning & Development
801 Water Street
Indiana, PA 15701
Tel: 724.465.3870
Fax: 724.465.3150

  • Pilot program� Started this August 2001
  • In early stages of �getting it off the ground�� initial stages of program implementation
  • Funded by the County Office of Planning & Development, in cooperation with Livable Indiana Neighborhood Connections (LINC) a grassroots organization
  • Focus is on three area schools (an elementary, middle, and high school) with plans to create a pedestrian convergence zone to increase walking and bicycling, improve safety, and implement changes to the physical infrastructure within the SR2S zone


Safe Routes To School TX Bicycle Coalition
Robin Stallings, Executive Director

Laura King, Program Director
P.O. Box 1121
Austin, TX 78767
Tel: 512.476.RIDE

  • TX Bicycle Coalition Gets $3 Million For �Safe Routes'
  • According to the March 2nd Bike League News, �Texas Bicycle Coalition (TBC) supporters were stunned by the recent announcement that the Texas Department of Transportation will allocate $3 million to develop the TBC-sponsored Safe Routes to Schools program
  • The announcement was made by State Rep. Roberto Gutierrez (D-McAllen), who sponsored the Matthew Brown Act that included the creation of Safe Routes to School
  • Gutierrez said he had been assured by both Gov. Rick Perry and TxDOT Executive Director Michael W. Behrens that TxDOT intends to come up with the funds to get the program started

WALK Austin
Steve Rogers or Marilyn Rogers
P.O. Box 773
Austin, TX 78713
Tel: 512.451.9335

  • Advocacy group
  • WALK Austin was founded in 1993 to organize citizen support for increased use and safety of pedestrian facilities


Arlington Co. Safe Routes to School
Arlington Co Public Affairs Division
2100 Clarendon Blvd.
Suite 310
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: 703.228.3969

  • Arlington Co. Public Schools & County Government funded
  • Each parent receives a walking route map and a bus route map when they enroll their child in an Arlington Public School
  • Families are encouraged to review the map and to chart a safe course to and from school, and to have a discussion of safety issues such as looking both ways, staying on well-lit pathways and �what to do� when encountering dangers


Teaching Safe Bicycling Program

Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation
JoAnne PruittThunder, Safety Program Manager
Wisconsin DOT Division of Transportation
Investment Management

Peter Flucke, WEBIKE, President
4802 Sheboygan Avenue
Room 951
P.O. Box 7913
Madison, WI 53707
Tel: 608.267.3154
Fax: 608.267.0441
PF: 920.497.3196

  • According to a recent WisDOT statewide survey, nearly 12 percent of all trips were being completed by bicycling and walking
  • WisDOT has recently approved a state bicycle plan and is currently working on a state pedestrian plan.
  • All 14 metropolitan areas in Wisconsin have their own bicycle and pedestrian plans
  • The 12th Annual Teaching Safe Bicycling (TSB) Workshops are coming up in April. These workshops provide community instructors information about child bicycling safety
  • WisDOT's Bureau of Planning has been working on the creation of long-range plans to address the needs of bicyclists and pedestrians
  • WisDOT has produced a Statewide Pedestrian Policy Plan; a 20 year plan that will consider pedestrian needs and concerns and provide recommendations to address them. WisDOT devotes two staff positions to bicycle and pedestrian planning and safety
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