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Bioaccumulation and Effects of PCBs on Tree Swallows Nesting along the Housatonic River, Massachusetts

Research at the Upper Midwest Environmental Center, which gathered detailed observations on tree swallow nesting success and contaminant concentrations in 1998-2000, to guide EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in effectively managing the risk of chemical contaminants to wildlife and the environment.

  • Warning sign near the Housatonic River

Contaminant Biology Program: Databases

This web page lists databases related to contaminant research across government agencies and partnerships. Many of the links include access to documented trends in the occurrence of persistent toxic chemicals that may threaten fish and wildlife resources, summaries of the results from aquatic acute toxicity tests, Avian Incident Monitoring, More...

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Texas Gulf Coast Field Research Station

The BFRS works cooperatively with team members from CERC and with faculty and graduate students of Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University in research areas represented by the branch structure of the CERC including toxicology, ecology, biochemistry and physiology, environmental chemistry, ecogeography, and information More...

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