Exhibit 4, 274 FW 2
Data Standard Template

Supersedes 270 FW 6, FWM 406, 09/30/02

Date: March 4, 2009

Series: Information Technology Management

Part 274: Data Management

Originating Office: Division of Information Resources and Technology Management



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NOTE: The template below includes the primary terms and phrases we use in Service data standards. The table below the template includes definitions for these terms and phrases. Refer to the Definitions of Terms and Phrases on the Data Standards Web site for a complete list of terms, phrases, and definitions we use in data standards. 











Field Name








Use Instructions




Approval Date


Validation Date


Data Steward



   Definitions of Terms and Phrases: 



An easily understood name for the standard. It should not include jargon specific to a particular discipline such as biology, finance, engineering, etc. The name may include terms that are familiar to Service employees such as "Region" or "Ecosystem."


A brief description of the standard with enough detail to enable the reader to use the standard correctly.


A data element may contain data values of the following types: character, date, integer, time, real, etc. Definitions for the types currently in use are given below; we will add other definitions as needed.

  • Alpha: all items in this field type are letters of the alphabet; no other ASCII characters are included.
  • Character: items in this field type can include any of the ASCII characters, such as letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.
  • Integer: a subset of numeric (see below), where decimal places are not used: a whole number.
  • Numeric: all items in this field type are numeric digits or items relating to numeric digits, such as a plus sign (+), minus sign (-), or decimal place (.) marker.
  • Real: a subset of numeric that requires decimal places. The number of places should be defined.


Instructions describing how to code a data value and how long a data value may be. For example, NNN-NN-NNNN could be the syntax for coding a Social Security Number where each N represents a digit from 0 through 9.


Field Name

The recommended field name to be used in a database to facilitate data transfer between different systems and databases.


A data value is an element of a value domain. A value domain provides a set of permissible values by which a data element can be implemented. Examples of data values are names, dates, or dollar amounts.


The source for information and electronic copies of the data values or data sets described by the standard.


A published reference that establishes or describes the standard.

Use Instructions

Instructions on how and when to use the data standard. These instructions may also describe strengths and weaknesses of the standard.


A description of where the standard is in the development process. The options are: Draft, Working Draft, In Review, Adopted, and Pending Revision.

Approval Date

The date on which the Chief Information Officer (CIO) approves a data standard.

Validation Date

The date the Data Steward last reviewed the data standard to ensure its continued usefulness and accuracy.

Data Steward

The person responsible for a data standard. In this role, a Data Steward develops and maintains the data standard and counsels Service employees on the proper use of the data.




For information on the content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management. For information about this Web site, contact Krista Holloway in the Division of Policy and Directives Management.  

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