Exhibit 1

274 FW 1
Subject Areas and Information Classes Supporting the Department’s Business Lines


Date: March 4, 2009

Series: Information Resources Management

Part 274: Data Management

Originating Office: Division of Information Resources and Technology Management



PDF Version



Subject Areas


Information Classes

Acquisition and Procurement

·   Acquisition and procurement


·   Contract

·   Non-binding agreement

·   Permit and license


·   Fixed asset

·   Intangible asset

·   Land

·   Personal property and equipment

·   Right


·   Correspondence

·   Liaison

Community Service

·   Community development

·   Community outreach

·   Public affairs

Controls and Oversight

·   Assessment

·   Audit

·   Conservation

·   Enforcement

·   Inspection

·   Performance

·   Program evaluation

·   Standard


·   Account

·   Appropriation

·   Collection and receipt

·   Grant

·   Loan guarantee

·   Payment and disbursement


·   Location

·   Map

·   Remote sensing and imagery

·   Spatial data set


·   Directive

·   Guidance

·   Law

·   Policy

·   Procedure

·   Regulation


·   Occurrence

·   Response

Indian Trust

·   Probate

·   Trust fund

Information Management

·   Data management

·   Information infrastructure

·   Knowledge management

·   Records management

Natural and Cultural Resources

·   Biological resources

·   Cultural resources

·   Energy and natural resource production

·   Mineral resources

·   Monitoring and forecasting

·   Water resources


·   Organization


·   Person

Planning and Resource Allocation

·   Budget

·   Capital planning

·   Enterprise architecture

·   Human resource management

·   Program

·   Strategic planning

·   Task

·   Workforce planning

·   Workforce readiness


·   Citizen protection

·   Endangered species protection

·   Habitat protection

·   Intelligence

·   Property protection

·   Security

·   Wildlife protection


·   Collection

·   Recreational activity

·   Recreation inventory

·   Reservation

·   Tourism

Risk Management

·   Contingency planning

·   Disaster management

·   Health and safety

·   Service recovery

Science and Innovation

·   Agricultural science

·   Biological science

·   Geographic science

·   Earth science

·   Engineering science

·   Environmental science

·   Health science

·   Information science

·   Material science

·   Mathematics

·   Physical science

·   Social science



For information on the content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management. For information about this Web site, contact Krista Holloway in the Division of Policy and Directives Management.  

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