Exhibit 1, 223 FW 10
Federal Career Intern Program
Appointment Procedures
FWM#:� 425 (New)
Date:� July 10, 2003
Series: Personnel
Part 223:� Employment
Originating Office:Division of Human Resources

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When filling Federal Career Intern Program positions, we will follow the appointment procedures established in 5 CFR 302 and 370 DM 302, except as modified in this Exhibit. Regions may determine what procedures are most appropriate to fill their positions using this appointing authority.

1. Receipt of Applications

� � � a. Establish and maintain an Applicant Supply File (ASF) for positions filled on a regular and recurring basis and for hard-to-fill positions requiring lengthy or continuous recruitment. Document in writing ASF procedures and fully communicate them to prospective applicants. We will accept all applications submitted in accordance with ASF procedures.

� � � �b. Applications may be received from attendees at special targeted recruitment events; e.g., job fairs, college recruitment activities, and similar events. Inform potential applicants of the recruitment event, the jobs under recruitment, and the appointment requirements. Maintain a written record of the job advertisement process for such events.

� � � �c. Applications may be accepted in response to a job vacancy announcement. If the announcement requirements are met, we will accept all applications received in response to a vacancy announcement.

� � � � �d. We may use other means to solicit and receive applications. However, in doing so, servicing human resources offices must (1) establish definite rules regarding the acceptance of applications for employment for positions covered by this program and (2) make these rules a matter of record.

2. Maintenance of Employment Lists

� � � �a. The Department has established a Priority Reemployment List (PRL) and a Reemployment List (RL) for the Excepted Service under 5 CFR 302.303. This list is colocated with the competitive service Reemployment Priority List (RPL) on DOI's internet site. Prior to considering candidates from a regular employment list, you must consider registrants on the PRL and RPL in accordance with Personnel Bulletin 03-2 (302), Departmental Policy on Reemployment Lists in the Excepted Service.

� � � � b. We may exercise our delegated authority and provide placement for an employee, eligible for reinstatement in the competitive service, who successfully completes the program but cannot be placed for reasons unrelated to misconduct or suitability, and does not have a placement entitlement. Further, we may request the Office of Personnel Policy's assistance in locating a position, Departmentwide, to place an intern in such a situation. In such cases, we must notify the Office of Personnel Policy as early as possible that placement assistance is needed.

For information on the specific content of this chapter, contact the Division of Human Resources. �For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov.��
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