U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service 265 FW 3, Travel Advances

FWM#:         334 (replaces FWM 160, 9/30/94)
Date:             November 3, 1998
Series:           Finance
Part 265:       Travel
Originating Office:  Division of Finance  

3.1 Purpose. This chapter prescribes the policies for providing Service and non-Service employees a travel advance when conducting official travel.

3.2 Policy. Travelers are entitled to be provided a means in which to accommodate cash needs involved with everyday travel. Cash advances will be limited based on access to the Government Travel Charge Card (access by ATM) and privileges provided to employees who maintain good standing in application of Federal, Departmental, and Service travel privileges.

3.3 Authority. Federal Travel Regulations under 41 CFR 301-304.

3.4 Travel Advance Application. Use Standard Form 1038 (Advance of Funds Application and Account) to request a travel advance for meals, lodging, and incidental expenses for employees who are infrequent travelers (less than twice a year), seasonal or temporary employees, international travelers who require large advances, employees located in remote areas, or, permanent change of station travelers. Otherwise, travel advances are obtained through the Government Travel Charge Card Automated Teller Machine (ATM) option. Temporary duty travel advances require that you complete Form F265-3A (Trip-By-Trip Travel Advance Request Form) (Exhibit 1) and attach it to the SF 1038. Travel advances will not be processed unless this form accompanies the SF 1038.

3.5 Travel Advance Limitations. Travel advances are limited under the following conditions:

A. Supervisors will ensure that Government Travel Charge Cards are used for travel. If the traveler elects not to accept (waives) the card, or in the event the card is revoked for non-payment due to no fault of the Service, the employee will be entitled to only 80 percent of the miscellaneous and incidental expenses (M&IE) for a specific trip. In situations of lost or waived card privileges, Government cash advances for lodging, rental cars, and other allowable expenses are prohibited.

B. Travelers not qualifying for a Government Travel Charge Card (non-employees and infrequent travelers) and employees traveling to an area where the cards are not accepted may request an advance up to 80 percent of the per diem. However, the advance request (SF 1038) must include an explanation as to why an advance is not being obtained through the ATM or the advance will be denied or reduced.

C. A travel advance cannot be issued for less than $50.00, except where an employee would be subject to a financial hardship by refusal of an advance. You must attach a justification in these cases.

D. A travel advance cannot be issued after the last day of travel.

E. A travel advance cannot be issued for training costs.

F. Requests for new travel advances are limited by outstanding advances. A request for a new advance of any type will be decreased by the amount of any outstanding advance. See paragraph 3.8 for policy on delinquent (outstanding) advances.

3.6 Refund of Advances. In the event of cancellation, or indefinite postponement of authorized travel, travel advances must be refunded immediately. Refunds must be made by check or money order made payable to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and forwarded to the Service's lockbox (P.O. Box 840114, Dallas, Texas 75284-0114).

3.7 Collection of Advances. Every traveler must repay outstanding travel advances promptly. Prepare and forward travel vouchers within 5 working days after the travel period to the Fiscal Services Unit at the Denver Administrative Service Center. Repay the total amount of the advance. If the travel reimbursement is not sufficient to cover the advance, pay the balance by personal check or money order. Repayment of the advance will be processed through the Service's lockbox. Attach a copy of the collection transmittal and the check/money order to the reimbursement voucher. Permanent change of station advances are an exception. Under this exception, the traveler is advanced funds based on various needs involved with a permanent change of station; e.g. house hunting, temporary quarters, and per diem. Repayment of each advance phase (i.e. house hunting) will occur upon completion of each reimbursement phase of the PCS.

3.8 Delinquent Advances.

A. Travel advances for trip-by-trip authorizations are considered delinquent if outstanding more than 60 days after the last day of travel. Permanent change of station advances are considered delinquent after 90 days from the date the advance was issued.

B. If an outstanding travel advance becomes delinquent, the Washington Office Division of Finance will notify the Regional Finance Office when dealing with a Regional employee. The Washington Division of Finance will coordinate delinquent activity for Washington Office personnel. In both cases, the responsible Finance Office will issue a notification letter and forward it to the employee requesting immediate settlement of the outstanding amount through submission of a travel voucher or personal check within 30 days. If the letter does not result in settlement of the outstanding advance, immediate action will be taken to deduct the full amount from the employee's next salary payment. Unpaid delinquent advances are reported to the Internal Revenue Service as taxable income and are classified as an insubordination issue. Failure to repay a travel advance when directed to do so is classified as insubordination.

C. If an outstanding travel advance obtained through the ATM option becomes delinquent, the Government Travel Charge Card Washington/Regional Coordinator will notify the employee's supervisor of the delinquency and request a status or reason for the delinquency. If the travel advance remains outstanding for more than 120 days, the employee is subject to disciplinary action, the Government Travel Charge Card is canceled, and the employee will not be entitled to a travel advance to accommodate future travel except for what is identified in paragraph 3.5.A. In addition, the Government Travel Charge Card Contractor will proceed with a variety of actions including establishing collection activity against the employee.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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