U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service  232 FW 4, Fishery Training 

FWM#:        169 (new)
Date:            January 23, 1995
Series:          Employee Development and Training
Part 232:      Training Operations
Originating Office:  National Conservation Training Center 

4.1 Policy. It is the policy of Fisheries to provide quality training for fishery personnel of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and others in accordance with the mission, objectives, and stated roles and responsibilities of the fisheries program.

4.2 Objectives. The objectives of fishery training are:

A. To provide a curriculum of intensive training courses to ensure development and enhancement of technical expertise for fishery biologists in hatcheries and management offices, fish health biologists, administrators, technicians, and other support personnel;

B. To provide required and optional training for employees of the Service and other Federal, state, tribal, and private sector fishery personnel to meet their continuing education needs; and

C. To promote professional development of employees by encouraging active participation in professional meetings, workshops, or symposia, as well as formal training opportunities including advanced academic degree programs.

4.3 Fisheries Training Committee

A. A Fisheries Training Committee (Committee) is established to advise the Assistant Director - Fisheries about training needs, curriculum changes, and technical and professional development. The committee will consist of three to five members and will be selected by consensus of the Assistant Director and Assistant Regional Directors for Fisheries.

B. Each August, the Committee, with the Fisheries Training Section of the National Education and Training Center (NETC), will consult with the Regions to determine annual training needs. The Committee will meet in October with NETC staff to evaluate the training program, identify needed changes, and determine the courses to be offered for the next fiscal year. The Committee will meet again in March to assess and evaluate the current fiscal year training progress.

C. Based on identified needs of the Regions, consultations with the fisheries training staff and expertise and experience of the Committee, an outline of training subject matter and scheduling will be provided to the Assistant Director - Fisheries by the Committee Chairperson no later than January 15 of each year.

D. The Assistant Director - Fisheries will provide the required Fisheries Training Program proposals for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Director, NETC by February 1 of each year.

4.4 Fisheries Training Guidelines. A formal, systematic technical career development program has been developed for fisheries personnel as follows:

A. Mandatory orientation training to the Fisheries Program is required for all entry-level (GS-5/7/9) and new fishery biologists. Fisheries personnel not designated for this mandatory training may be nominated at their supervisor's discretion and will be accepted on a space available basis.

B. Upon completion of orientation, fisheries personnel will have the opportunity to develop and maintain their technical expertise. A listing of recommended "core curriculum" for fisheries professionals and technicians is included in Appendix 1.

C. In addition to the technical courses listed in the Appendix, it is recommended that fisheries personnel attend other courses offered by the NETC, the Office of Personnel Management, and the private sector to enhance an individual's career development.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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