U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service  231 FW 5, Administrative and Financial Procedures 

FWM#:        140 (new)
Date:            May 31, 1994
Series:          Employee Development and Training
Part 231:      Training Management
Originating Office:  National Conservation Training Center 
Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to present a uniform set of guidelines whereby incidents of training are requested, authorized, financed, and documented for management and reporting purposes.

5.2 Preparing and Processing Training Requests.

A. Individual requests for training are submitted on Standard Form SF-182, Request, Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training. In addition to individual training requests, the SF-182 can be used for a group of employees if they are attending the same course. The 10-part version of SF-182 is to be used for all training where costs are involved and the 5-part version of SF-182 is to be used for Service or Departmental training where no costs are involved. Instructions for completing the SF-182 are contained on the back of the SF-182 (both 5-part and 10-part editions) and in Appendix 1.

B. Servicing personnel offices are responsible for instructing appropriate field personnel in the completion of SF-182's as well as for reviewing and submitting of SF-182 certifications of completion of training to the PAY/PERS data entry contractor. If the monthly PAY/PERS report indicates that certain forms were in error, the servicing personnel office must resubmit indicated corrections according to the guidelines contained in the PAY/PERS Training Subsystem.

C. Prior approval of all training must be obtained in writing on the SF-182. The Finance Center will not pay for requested training if the SF-182's submitted for payment do not have the required signatures for approval (See 4.2C). Training requests should be submitted well in advance of course registration requirements to allow time for approval,. In particular, it is important to follow advance approval procedures for non-Government training. There is no provision or authority to either retroactively approve or pay for non-Government training which was not approved in writing by the authorizing official prior to the commencement of the training course.

5.3 Payment of Training Expenses.

A. Policy. The Service may pay for all or part of the following training expenses:

(1) Salary;

(2) Tuition;

(3) Books and/or materials;

(4) Travel;

(5) Per Diem; and

(6) Other services or facilities directly related to the training, e.g. laboratory fees, library fees, interpreter fees.

B. Sharing the Costs.

(1) Where training will personally benefit the employee, he/she may be required to assume part of the training expenses. The employee's Regional Director or Assistant Director may determine what part of the total cost of training the Service shall pay after considering the following factors:

(a) The length of time away from duty;

(b) The additional costs related to transporting dependents and household goods of the employee;

(c) Incidental benefits to be derived by the employee (e.g., where one result of the training will be an academic degree or advancement toward a degree);

(d) Availability of scholarships;

(e) The extent that the employee chooses additional courses while engaged in Government sponsored training; and

(f) The additional expenses resulting from a location of training preferred by the employee.

(2) Servicing personnel offices are responsible for assuring equitable treatment for all employees where a determination is made to pay less than the full cost of training.

C. Reimbursing the Employee for Training Costs. There may be instances of training where it is advisable for the Service to pay for the training only after the course has been completed, but the vendor requires payment at time of registration (e.g., correspondence courses). The approval of training must still be received prior to enrollment. In these instances, the employee will pay for the course and be reimbursed upon completion of the training.

5.4 Additional Financial Guidance.

A. Allowances for other expenses related to training shall be paid in accordance with applicable Departmental, General Services Administration, and other regulations.

B. See also 265 FW for travel expenses related to training.

Appendix 1, INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SF-182, is available from the servicing personnel office.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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