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U.S. Geological Survey Instructional Memorandum

No.: APS 2007-02

Issuance Date: February 26, 2007

Expiration Date: September 30, 2007

Subject: Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Business Model for Enterprise Publishing Network (EPN)

This Instructional Memorandum (IM) describes the process to be used by Science Centers to obligate funds for EPN publishing work and to describe the process to be used for billing Science Centers for hours worked on products.


The Enterprise Publishing Network (EPN) will charge an $85.00 hourly rate for all publication work performed by the Publication Service Centers (PSC).  This funding model is in place for FY 2007.

Publishing Service Center (PSC) Chiefs have met with Science Centers to establish and sign
FY 2007 EPN Publishing Workload Cost Estimate (PWCE) forms estimating the cost for Science Center publishing needs to be performed by the EPN for FY 2007.

All publication support provided by Publishing Service Centers (PSC’s) to the Science Centers will be formally documented using an Publishing Workload Cost Estimate (PWCE) signed by the individual science center and the EPN personnel.

An obligation(s) should be recorded in the Federal Financial System (FFS) by the Science Center for the total estimated cost.  The obligation is to create a commitment from the Science Centers for work to be performed by the PSC and to support the initial funding estimates allocated in FFS.  The obligation will be referenced for liquidation as bills are processed by the EPN.

Data Elements to be used when recording the obligation:

(Please be aware that you must provide the EPN staff the 8O document number to reference for billing or you will need to manually liquidate the 8O as billings occur.)

The Regional Geospatial Information Office (RGIO) staff will set up the account structure for the EPN and work with Administrative Policy and Services (APS) regarding the funding of the EPN and billing process to be used to bill the Science Centers.

 The billing process will be as follows:

As briefly described above, the EPN has developed an internal database for use by the EPN staff to record publishing products and hours worked on those products.  This database will generate reports for billing purposes and supporting documentation that will be provided to the science centers.

The EPN will begin billing for hours worked on products using the account number provided by the Science Center.  The first billing for hours worked will be processed by the end of February, 2007.  It is important for Science Centers to record their obligations in FFS by that time period. 

Billing for hours worked on products will occur by the 20th of each month for the remainder of the fiscal year.  Guidance will be forthcoming to outline the year-end close-out procedures and how uncompleted products will be handled.

(signed)  Karen D. Baker                                                                   2/26/07
____________________________________                                    _____________________
Karen D. Baker                                                                                    Date
Associate Director for Administrative Policy
     and Services

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
URL: /usgs-manual/im/aps-2007-02.html
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Issuing Office: Office of Administrative Policy and Services
Content Information Contact: Pat Dunham 703-648-5751,
Last modification: 28-Feb-2007@07:54 (kk)
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