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Format Conversion Tool

This powerful tool has the following functionality.
  •    Enter PIL header;  get report of all associated WMO headers and product descriptions
  •    Enter PIL header segment (CCC, NNN, or XXX); get report of WMO headers and product descriptions
  •    Enter WMO header; get report of  PIL headers and product descriptions
  •    Enter WMO header segment; get report of WMO headers and product descriptions
  •    Obtain listing of NNN product categories by clicking on box next to "To find the NNN or Product Description"
  •    Find the description of any NNN, type the NNN and click the Box

NOTE: To access a second record, you must depress the BACK button on the Report page on your browser first, and then return to the conversion tool page.

Access the conversion tool by registering here.  Go to Special Features. First, fill out the registration form. The next time, you can bypass the form per instructions. The site will instruct you on how to download a Java tool called Oracle Jinitiator. After downloading, go back to the main page and click on "Enter the WMO Header Database (Field Offices).

When converting from PIL to WMO, the program gives you the first line of the WMO header. The next step is to use the NNNXXX portion of the PIL header for the second line, which is the AWIPS ID line. You now have the complete WMO header and AWIPS ID.

As a further aid,  a list of all System Operations Center Change Notices is available from this site.  Two notices are particularly important:  (1) Scroll down and select CID XR-04 for an updated cross reference between the NNN product category identifier of the PIL header and the data type T1T2 of the WMO header, along with the product description, sorted by NNN, and (2) for a sort by T1T2, select the next item i.e., CID XR-05.  These advisories update automatically and change their URL addresses, so you should access them from the webpage rather than by bookmarking them.



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NOAA Weather Radio Program Office
Last modified: March 17, 2004
Page Author: Gary.Banks@noaa.gov
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