Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams

VolcanoCam Images Archive

Hall Of Fame Images

Reference Image of Mount St. Helens
A clear reference image of Mount St. Helens, taken near sunset with shadows.

We installed and turned on the new VolcanoCam on September 23, 2004. However, we did not make the images available on the web for the world to see until five days later. This allowed the USGS to monitor Mount St. Helens alone, and not compete for bandwidth.

This image was taken at 5:09 pm PDT, on September 24, 2004. The clarity of the image, along with the shadows caused by the setting sun offer a striking view and an excellent reference image for comparisons with future images from the VolcanoCam.

Site design and support by USDA Forest Service
Northwest Enterprise Web Team (NEWT)

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

Pacific Northwest Region

USDA Forest Service

Page Last Modified: 20 July 2007 @ 4:39:08 PM EDT.

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