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Tip 10: Compost Yard Trimmings and Some Food Scraps

orange calico cat using pitchfork to turn over compost a capital green letter B with a yellow cats paw printackyard composting of certain food scraps and yard trimmings can significantly reduce the amount of waste that needs to be managed by the local government or put in a landfill. When properly composted, these wastes can be turned into natural soil additives for use on lawns and gardens, and used as potting soil for house plants. Finished compost can improve soil texture, increase the ability of the soil to absorb air and water, suppress weed growth, decrease erosion, and reduce the need to apply commercial soil additives.

yellow cats paw printLearn how to compost food scraps and yard trimmings (see Composting Is Easy!). For more information, consult reference materials on composting, or check with local environmental, agricultural, or park services. Composting foods in highly populated areas is not recommended because it can attract rodents and other pests.

yellow cats paw printParticipate in local or regional programs that collect compostable materials. If no program is in place, contact public officials and community leaders about setting one up.

yellow cats paw printIf there's no room for a compost pile, offer compostable materials to community composting programs or garden projects near you.

yellow cats paw printIf you have a yard, allow mown grass clippings to remain on the lawn to decompose and return nutrients back to the soil, rather than bagging and disposing of them.

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