Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 6-3b
Top Mexican Gateways for North American Merchandise Trade by Mode: 1996p

(Current value in millions of U.S. dollars)

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Port Name Exports Imports  Total
North American
   To Canada To the United
Total North American   From Canada From the
United States
  Total North
Mexico City, D.F. 34 573 607 97 1,344 1,440 2,047
Guadalajara, Jal. 50 939 989 28 589 617 1,606
Monterrey, N.L. 17 122 138 5 114 119 257
Toluca, Edo. de Mex. 1 131 132 2 49 51 183
Water Transport              
Ciudad del Carmen, Camp.a 137 5,477 5,613 U 39 39 5,652
Coatzacoalcos, Ver. 3 3,606 3,609 2 259 261 3,870
Veracruz, Ver. 12 900 912 108 1,011 1,119 2,031
Manzanillo Col. 6 322 328 158 80 238 565
Tuxpan, Ver. 0 5 5 1 545 546 551
Altamira, Tamps. 3 181 184 7 357 364 548
Lázaro Cárdenas, Mich. 3 217 220 55 101 156 375
Guaymas, Son. U 31 U 21 52 73 U
Nuevo Laredo, Tamps. 792 18,145 18,937 722 16,188 16,909 35,847
Ciudad Juárez, Chih. 19 12,224 12,243 18 11,805 11,823 24,066
Tijuana, B.C. 16 8,433 8,449 49 5,764 5,813 14,262
Matamoros, Tamps. 25 3,729 3,754 47 4,624 4,672 8,425
Ciudad Reynosa, Tamps. 34 3,621 3,655 22 3,394 3,415 7,070
Piedras Negras, Coah. 872 3,482 4,354 91 1,905 1,996 6,350
Colombia, N.L. 64 2,685 2,749 42 1,110 1,152 3,901

aRepresents Cayo Arcas, Camp. which is an offshore platform for oil trade.

KEY: p = Data are preliminary. U = Data are unavailable.


Air: These four airports account for approximately 88 percent of Mexican trade by air with Canada and the United States. Data for other airports are unavailable.

Water transport: These eight water ports account for approximately 90 percent of Mexican trade by water with Canada and the United

States. Data for other water ports are unavailable.

Land: Data are unavailable to separate land ports by the specific modes of road, rail and pipeline. Land data in this table include both road and rail modes.

SOURCE: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. Dirección General de Estadística. Dirección de Estadísticas

Económicas. Based on data developed through an interagency working group including the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, Banco de México and Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1999).

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