Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2-4
Employment in Transportation and Related Industries

(Thousands of employees)

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  Canada Mexico United States
1990 1995 1996 1990 1995 1996 1990 1995 1996
Employed labor force, total 11,369 10,876 10,967 25,958 27,348 28,282 118,793 124,900 126,708
Transportation labor force 1,176 1,051 1,068 1,652 1,741 1,910 9,685 9,579 10,125
Transport sectors 500 447 442 1,332 1,407 1,513 3,293 3,636 4,034
Air 61 53 56 23 20 21 745 788 1,122
Trucking, warehousing and storage 158 152 159 553 553 608 1,391 1,583 1,641
Trucking 145 136 141 536 536 593 1,274 1,440 1,484
Warehousing and storage 13 16 18 17 17 15 117 143 152
Local and intercity passenger transport 92 77 77 589 673 709 338 424 440
Intercity and rural e4 e4 e3 117 154 160 26 24 26
Local and suburban transit systems e23 e17 e16 122 124 135 141 203 217
School bus e39 e39 e38 U U U 111 134 133
Taxi N N N 350 395 414 32 32 31
Other local and intercity e3 e2 e3 U U U 28 31 33
Railroad 69 53 51 35 19 20 279 239 231
Water 17 18 18 34 29 28 177 174 173
Pipeline 9 8 7 U U U 18 15 15
Transportation services 107 102 92 98 113 127 345 413 417
Transportation vehicle and equipment manufacturing 243 230 247 255 215 229 2,539 2,460 2,464
Aircraft and parts 45 37 40 6 5 5 712 449 460
Road motor vehicles, equipment, parts and accessories 150 154 160 193 176 188 1,278 1,563 1,565
Road motor vehicles and equipment 50 53 54 U U U 812 968 963
Parts and accessories, road motor vehicles 87 88 92 N N N 400 516 530
Truck, bus bodies and trailers 13 13 14 N N N 66 79 73
Railroad equipment 7 10 9 28 14 14 33 37 36
Ship/boat building and repair 17 7 10 5 2 4 188 159 157
Tires and tubes 22 22 24 16 13 14 84 80 80
Other transportation equipment 2 C 4 7 5 5 244 172 166
Related industries, totala 420 358 379 65 119 169 3,180 3,382 3,523
Auto repair services 71 70 70 U U U 914 1,020 1,084
Gasoline service stations 113 69 65 U U U 647 647 670
Highway and street construction 65 47 51 65 119 169 239 227 235
Road motor vehicle wholesalers 61 64 65 U U U 456 492 502
New and used car and light truck dealers 110 108 110 U U U 924 996 1,032
Government employment, total N N N U U U 673 101 99
Federal departments of transportation e21 e19 e13 47 42 b75 104 101 99
State/province and local N N N U U U 569 U U

aEmployment data for related industries includes nontransportation occupations.

b Mexican data for 1996 includes part-time positions for work on the rural road program of the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes.

KEY: e = Data are estimated. C = Data are confidential. N = Data are nonexistent. U = Data are unavailable.


All Countries

Data are based on annual averages. U.S. and Canadian data are based on the number of employees. Mexican data are based on the number of full-time positions.


Federal Departments of Transportation: Labor force includes number of positions in the area of communications and in the area of transportation for the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes. It is not possible to further separate the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes employment data.



Statistics Canada. Employment, Earnings and Hours-Payrolls and Hours, Catalogue No. 72-002-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years).

Statistics Canada. Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics, Catalogue No. 53-215-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various years).

Statistics Canada. Special tabulations. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).

Transport Canada. Transportation in Canada 1997-Annual Report. (Ottawa, Ont.: 1998).


Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. Dirección General de Contabilidad Nacional, Estudios Socioeconómicos y Precios. Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales de México, 1988 - 1996. (Aguascalientes, Ags: 1997).

Poder Ejecutivo Federal. Informe de Gobierno, various years. (Mexico City, D.F.: various years).

United States

Employed labor force, total: U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Household Data Annual Averages, 1998. Web site: www.stats.bls.gov

Private employment (Transport sectors, transportation vehicle and equipment manufacturing and related industries): U.S. Department of Transportation. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, April 1999, special tabulation based on data from:

U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. National Employment, Hours and Earnings, United States, 1988-1996.   (Washington, DC: various years).

U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. National Employment, Hours and Earnings, United States, June 1997.   (Washington, DC: 1997).

Government employment: U.S. Department of Transportation. Office of the Secretary. DOT Workforce Facts and DOT Employment Facts. (Washington, DC: various years).

U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Census Bureau. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1998. (Washington, DC: 1998).

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