Table 4-1,,,,,,,,, Energy Consumption by the Transportation Sector,,,,,,,,, "(Exajoules, 10 to the 18 joules)",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,Canada ,,,Mexico ,,,United States, ,,,,,,,,, ,1990,1995,1996,1990,1995,1996,1990,1995,1996 ,,,,,,,,, "Energy consumption, totala",7.84,8.59,8.98,5.16,5.49,5.9,88.75,95.86,99.04 " Transportation consumption,",,,,,,,,, totalb,2.04,2.27,2.33,1.28,1.4,1.44,23.78,25.4,26.02 Transportation’s share of total,,,,,,,,, energy consumption (percent) ,26,26.4,25.9,24.8,25.5,24.4,26.8,26.5,26.3 " Fossil fuels, total exajoulesc",2.03,2.26,2.31,N,N,N,23.73,25.35,25.98 Natural gas (exajoules) ,0.14,0.24,0.25,N,N,N,0.72,0.76,0.77 Trillion cubic meters ,0.0035,0.0063,0.0065,N,N,N,0.0187,0.0198,0.0201 Petroleum (exajoules) ,1.89,2.01,2.06,1.27,1.4,1.43,23.01,24.59,25.2 Million barrels ,329,351,359,211,243,249,"4,004","4,281","4,385" Electricityb,0.012,0.014,0.014,0.003,0.003,0.004,0.015,0.014,0.014 "aFor all three countries, energy consumption, total includes electrical system energy losses.",,,,,,,,, "bFor all three countries, transportation consumption, total and electricity do not include electrical system energy losses.",,,,,,,,, "cCoal is not included in this table, because all three countries use negligible amounts of coal for transportation.",,,,,,,,, KEY: N = Data are nonexistent.,,,,,,,,, NOTES,,,,,,,,, Canada,,,,,,,,, "Energy consumption, total: Includes renewable energy.",,,,,,,,, "Transportation consumption, total: Incudes fuel used in fisheries and in private trucking but excludes fuel consumption by public",,,,,,,,, administrations.,,,,,,,,, Mexico,,,,,,,,, "Natural gas: Data are nonexistent, but natural gas consumption in Mexico is estimated to be quite small.",,,,,,,,, United States,,,,,,,,, "Energy consumption, total: Includes renewable energy.",,,,,,,,, "Transportation consumption, total: Total is greater than the sum of the components, because electrical system energy losses are not", "listed. Fisheries are not included, but fuel consumption by public administrations is included.", SOURCES, Canada, "Statistics Canada. Quarterly Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada, Catalogue No. 57-003-XPB. (Ottawa, Ont.: various", editions)., Mexico, "Secretaría de Energía. Balance Nacional, Energía. 1996. (Mexico City, D.F.: 1998).", United States, "U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Information Agency. Annual Energy Review, 1997 and Monthly Energy Review, August 1998.", "(Washington, DC: 1998).",