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USGS FY 2005 Budget

USGS Budget FY 2005
President's Budget Request and Congressional Action

Funding for the USGS is contained in the annual Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.

The table below displays the USGS funding at the Activity, Subactivity, and Program Element levels for Fiscal Year 2004 (Enacted), Fiscal Year 2005 President's Budget, and the Fiscal Year 2005 Congressional actions to date.  Upon receipt of the President's Budget Request, major steps in the Congressional Appropriations process are shown below.  Congressional action regarding the Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriation will be displayed as events occur.

  1. Separate markups by the Interior Appropriations Subcommitees in the House and in the Senate.

  2. Separate markups by the Full Appropriations Committees in the House and in the Senate.

  3. Separate passage of a bill by the House and the Senate.

  4. Agreement by a Conference Committee consisting of House and Senate members to resolve their differences.

  5. Passage of this Conference agreement by both the House and Senate.

  6. Presentation of this House-Senate agreement to the President for his signature or veto.

U.S. Geological Survey
FY 2005 Congressional Action

(Dollars in Thousands)

  FY 2004
FY 2005
Activity/Subactivity/Program Element
Revised Request House Floor Recomm.1/ Senate Full Committee Recomm. Omnibus


Cooperative Topographic Mapping

80,843 71,048 74,731 71,999 71,393

Land Remote Sensing

33,678 33,132 33,191 33,191 32,730

Geographic Analysis and Monitoring

15,238 14,761 14,834 14,834 14,628
TOTAL 129,759 118,941 122,756 119,824 118,751

Geologic Hazard Assessments          

Earthquake Hazards

47,401 46,539 48,022 46,732 46,898

Volcano Hazards

19,785 18,509 18,165 19,507  20,714

Landslide Hazards

2,576 2,576 3,336 2,586  3,043

Global Seismographic Network

3,434 3,374 3,382 3,382  3,335


2,043 2,009 2,017 2,017  1,989
75,283 73,007 74,922 74,224 75,979
Geologic Landscape and Costal Assessments          

Earth Surface Dynamics

14,022 13,529 13,828 13,578 13,634 

National Cooperative Geologic Mapping

25,901 25,431 25,518 25,540 25,162

Coastal and Marine Geology

38,428 36,270 37,947 36,385  37,457
Subtotal 78,351 75,230 77,293 75,503 76,253
Geologic Resource Assessments          

Mineral Resources

55,481 48,043 54,736 54,809 53,764

Energy Resources

25,068 24,474 23,828 23,678 23,250
Subtotal 80,549 72,517 78,564 78,487 77,014
TOTAL 234,183 220,754 230,779 228,214 229,246

Hydrologic Monitoring, Assessments, and Research          

Ground-Water Resources

5,967 6,688 7,731 5,911 6,998

National Water-Quality Assessment

63,285 62,506 62,339 62,675 61,645

Toxic Substances Hydrology

14,902 12,638 12,645 14,767 14,476

Hydrologic Research and Development

17,112 14,333 15,683 16,004  15,997

National Streamflow Information Program

14,179 14,018 13,974 14,044 13,814 

Hydrologic Networks and Analysis

29,852 29,492 28,639 29,669 30,231
Subtotal 145,297 139,675 141,011 143,070 143,161

Cooperative Water Program

63,995 63,007 63,065 63,378 62,337

Water Resources Research Act Program

6,421 0 6,500 6,500 6,409 
TOTAL 215,713 202,682 210,576 212,948 211,907


Biological Research and Monitoring

135,110 129,226 132,309 133,819 133,423

Biological Information Management and Delivery

24,662 24,265 24,337 24,337 23,999 

Cooperative Research Units

14,757 14,113 14,890 14,665 14,570
TOTAL 174,529 167,604 171,536 172,821 171,992


Enterprise Information Security and Technology

  22,498 22,248 23,339 22,714

Enterprise Information Resources

  17,233 17,164 17,168 16,989

Federal Geographic Data Coordination

  5,416 4,736 4,726 4,670
TOTAL 0 45,147 44,148 45,233 44,373


Bureau Operations

89,849 67,754 66,546 64,473 64,636

Payments to the National Business Center

962 962 962 962 948
TOTAL 90,811 68,716 67,508 65,435 65,584


Rental Payments

68,899 72,373 72,373 71,967 71,368

Operations and Maintenance

19,959 20,099 20,099 20,099 19,820

Deferred Maintenance and Capital Improvement

4,131 3,472 3,472 2,945 3,423
TOTAL 92,989 95,944 95,944 95,011 94,611


937,984 919,788 943,247 939,486 936,464

1/ A House Floor amendment reduced DOI Fleet funding by $13.5 million. The USGS share of the DOI reduction was $1.251 million, which has been distributed within the House Floor Recommendation column.
2/ The Omnibus Bill Recommendation column includes the following actions: initial Conference appropriation funding; distribution of USGS portion of $3.0 million DOI Fleet reductio (-$278 thousand); distribution of Conference ATB reduction of -$5.635 million; and distribution of Omnibus Bill ATB reduction of -$7.544 million.  In addition, this column includes $1.0 million from the FY 2005 Emergency Supplemental related to hurricane damage costs.

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