Web News

GSA Makes Lodging Simple

Posted March 2, 2003

There are already 378 hotels participating in 41 cities across the country. There will be over 1,200 hotels in 70 cities by the end of 2003!

What is FPLP?

The federal government spends nearly $1.7 billion a year with the lodging industry, but, in almost all cases, federal travelers have no assurance that rooms will be available at fair prices.  Through FPLP, GSA contracts with multiple properties for rooms priced at or below the established per diem rate.  Federal travelers told GSA their number one concern is finding available rooms at or below per diem rates, especially in major metropolitan areas. GSA listened. Now the odds of finding guaranteed rooms, at guaranteed rates just got a lot better.

GSA is making an aggressive effort to improve travel management and provide excellent customer service through innovative travel policies. FPLP gives travelers more time to concentrate on their jobs and less time on arranging travel by providing convenient and safe rooms, and guaranteed room availability. GSA and the federal travel community, in partnership with the private sector, launched FPLP to provide federal travelers with best value.
Benefits of FPLP Hotels

Federal travelers enjoy these benefits at FPLP hotels:

  • FPLP ensures that rooms are available near where federal travelers need to conduct business.
  • FPLP properties are required to have a full-service restaurant on the premises or within one-third mile of the hotel.
  • FPLP hotels are on the fire safety list maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Always seek a hotel that is on FEMA’s safety list.
  • FPLP properties must be rated 2 stars or above by AAA or Mobil, meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and meet the city’s building and safety codes.
  • FPLP properties are near public transportation.

We Need Your Help

Spread the word -- share your good FPLP experiences with other federal travelers.  Ask your travel management center to book an FPLP hotel whenever possible.  For more information about participating FPLP hotels and the cities where they are located, visit www.gsa.gov/fplp.

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Last Reviewed 9/30/2008