Web News

Be Vigilant When Traveling in the United States or Overseas

Posted March 24, 2003

For today’s federal travelers, it’s business as usual for domestic travel. But how do they know when that’s not the case?

GSA is committed to providing government travelers--both within and outside the United States--with the most up-to-date travel advisories possible. When federal travelers have questions, they can go to the gsa.gov homepage and click on Travel on Government Business to get to current GSA travel advisories. As explained by Peggy DeProspero, GSA’s Travel Management Policy Director, GSA's travel advisories are "…a line of communication."

When overseas, travelers can obtain current facts about security in any country by visiting the U.S. Department of State website at http://travel.state.gov. The State Department’s information is organized into three categories:
o travel warnings that recommend avoidance of travel
o public announcements that announce terrorist threats
o consular information sheets that provide information about American Embassies and Consulates throughout the world

If travelers' safety requires an exception to the Federal Travel Regulations, they can contact Jim Harte at (202) 501-0483 in GSA’s Office of Governmentwide Policy or their agency's travel policy manager.

The current international events provide an environment that demands a raised level of awareness. It is important for travelers to be proactive by reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities. Because traveling safe is the only way to go!

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