Web News

IDEAS Conference Gets Bigger Each Year

Posted December 23, 2003

Attendance reached a record high at IDEAS 2003, which was held at the Washington DC Convention Center. Attendees included assistive technology professionals, government employees, and disability advocates from both the public and private sectors.

The IDEAS conference was initiated to help federal agencies learn how to meet the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended. Section 508 requires that federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, and use technology to ensure comparable access to information for all federal employees and members of the public with disabilities. GSA has co-hosted the conference since 2000.

The IDEAS 2003 theme was Breakthroughs in Access. Over the course of the two-day conference, participants chose from 24 presentations and panel discussions. Some of this year’s topics included:

  • Breakthroughs in Accessible E-Learning
  • Agency Innovations and Ideas
  • Implementation of Section 508 and Lessons Learned
  • Buying Accessibility is Good Business

Attendees also explored the Breakthroughs in Access Showcase where many new assistive technologies were displayed and demonstrated by representatives from leading assistive technology companies. This was an exceptional opportunity for industry professionals and attendees to talk about the products.

Make plans to attend IDEAS 2004, which will be held in October 2004. The conference is free to all government employees. Come learn about Section 508 and network with professionals and advocates of disability issues. In the months preceding the conference, you’ll find information on registration, conference speakers, and presentation topics at GSA’s Section 508 website.


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