Web News

Usability University

usability testing the gsa.gov website

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Posted December 16,  2004

You want to communicate effectively with visitors to your agency’s website. You want them to find the information they want effortlessly, and you want them to come back. The courses offered by Usability University will teach you how to achieve all that.

Presented by leaders in their fields, training is offered on writing for the web, usability testing, searching versus linking, forms, and a whole lot more. Some seminars are free and some require a small fee. Look over the list of training and sign up now! Usability University is a joint effort of GSA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Contact GSA’s Usability Solutions Group for more information. Sign up for U-Group, a free electronic newsletter, to stay informed about the latest usability issues.


Index of Web News
Last Reviewed 10/22/2008