Web News

GSA Achieves Results Using the President's Management Agenda

Posted August 10, 2004

Human capital, competitive sourcing, electronic government, financial management data, and asset management are the five initiatives under the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). Using the PMA as the catalyst, senior leaders at GSA have been integrating budget and performance goals and allocating funds to mission-critical activities that produce results!

GSA is using a web-based process, referred to as the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT), to collect measurable data that tracks program performance. This process relates performance to GSA’s financial data. The outcome is better customer service and lower costs, which saves taxpayer dollars.

Each of the GSA initiatives, rated by the Office of Management and Budget for the PMA, has demonstrated concrete results. GSA’s report, “How the President’s Management Agenda Has Helped GSA Achieve Results” details past progress and the future focus of each initiative.

Visit results.gov for more information about each federal agency’s performance in relation to the PMA.


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Last Reviewed 9/30/2008