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Jeff Keane
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American Rancher by

Susan Allen
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01/16/09 Mad Mexico

I’m Jeff Keane. Today, I have to tell you Mexico is not happy with the United States. I’ll be back right after this break to tell you why. Mexico is not happy with our nation, more to the point Mexico is not happy with the U.S. meat industry. First of all, our southern neighbor filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization over the United States Country of Origin Labeling law (COOL) pertaining to beef and pork products labeling. This was done December 18, 2008 as they joined Canada an...

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Lacy Gray

Food Forethought by

Lacy Gray
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1/15/09 End of an Era

An optimist will look at a dire situation and put a positive spin on it, someway, somehow. Perhaps Americans should look at the nation’s fuel struggles through optimist’s eyes. The oil industry is discovering that the American public adjusted their lifestyles and learned how to not use as much gasoline and instead opt for alternative forms of transportation. Even the recent lowering of fuel prices does not have Americans reverting to their former excessive gasoline usage. Airlines who suffered g...

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Wasted fertilizer is wasted money