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Lake Mead National Recreation AreaDawn at Lake Mead
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Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Join Our Friends

The National Park Service at Lake Mead National Recreation Area has formed a strong partnership with the three other federal land management agencies in Southern Nevada - the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Southern Nevada Agency Partnership (SNAP) was formed to develop collaborative programs and projects that enhance services to the public, improve the stewardship of the federal lands and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our management activities. This volunteer partnership finds new and exciting projects for volunteers to participate in and become stewards of the public lands.

Get Outdoors Nevada is part of the SNAP partnership formed by the four federal land management agencies to recruit volunteer for our programs. The National Park Service utilizes this web based website to connect volunteers to the abundance of volunteer opportunities at Lake Mead National Recreation Area and the three other federal agencies in Southern Nevada.  

Don't Trash Nevada, a Southern Nevada Take Pride in America Program, is part of the SNAP partnership formed to focus on encouraging clean-up efforts and discouraging litter and illegal dumping at Lake Mead National Recreation Area and the three other federal land management agencies in Southern Nevada.

Sunset in a Wilderness Area  

Did You Know?
"It is not the language of painters but the language of nature to which one has to listen." -- Vincent Van Gogh

Last Updated: January 12, 2009 at 16:11 EST