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Public Elementary Teachers' Views on Teacher Performance Evaluations
NCES: 94097
March 1994

List of Tables and Figures

Tables | Figures


  • Table 1: Percent of public elementary school teachers whose performance has been formally evaluated at their current school, number of evaluations, status when evaluated, date of last evaluation, and existence of written policies, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 1a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers whose performance has been formally evaluated at their current school, number of evaluations, status when evaluated, date of last evaluation, and existence of written policies, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 2: Percent of public elementary school teachers who report various evaluation procedures, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 2a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers who report various evaluation procedures, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 3: Percent of public elementary school teachers indicating whether various aspects of teaching should be considered, the extent to which each was considered in their last teacher performance evaluation, and perception of the competence level of the evaluating person or group: 1993
  • Table 3a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers indicating whether various aspects of teaching should be considered, the extent to which each was considered in their last teacher performance evaluation, and perception of the competence level of the evaluating person or group: 1993
  • Table 4: Percent of public elementary school teachers indicating various aspects of teaching that were actually considered to a great extent and should be considered in formal teacher performance evaluations, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993 Table 4 Continued, Table 4 Continued 2
  • Table 4a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers indicating various aspects of teaching that were actually considered to a great extent and should be considered in formal teacher performance evaluations, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993 Table 4a Continued, Table 4a Continued 2
  • Table 5: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting various reasons for and outcomes of their last evaluation, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 5a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers reporting various reasons for and outcomes of their last evaluation, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993
  • Table 6: Percent of public elementary school teachers indicating the extent to which various uses of teacher performance evaluations are an objective and should be an objective in their school: 1993
  • Table 6a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers indicating the extent to which various uses of teacher performance evaluations are an objective and should be an objective in their school: 1993
  • Table 7: Percent of public elementary school teachers indicating various aspects of teaching that are an objective to a great extent and should be an objective of formal teacher performance evaluations, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993 Table 7 Continued
  • Table 7a: Standard errors of the percent of public elementary school teachers indicating various aspects of teaching that are an objective to a great extent and should be an objective of formal teacher performance evaluations, by selected teacher and school characteristics: 1993 Table 7a Continued


  • Figure 1: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting the existence of written teacher performance evaluation policies: 1993
  • Figure 2: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting the existence of written teacher performance evaluation policies, by region: 1993
  • Figure 3: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting who was involved in their last teacher performance evaluation: 1993
  • Figure 4: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting the evaluator with the most important role in the last teacher performance evaluation: 1993
  • Figure 5: Percent of public elementary school teachers indicating that various aspects of teaching should be considered and actually were considered to a great extent in their last teacher performance evaluation: 1993
  • Figure 6: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting that various uses of teacher performance evaluations should be objectives to a great extent and were objectives to a great extent when they were last evaluated: 1993
  • Figure 7: Percent of public elementary school teachers reporting that determining pay levels should not be an objective of teacher performance evaluations to any extent, by years of service un current school: 1993
