About the Pacific Region
Pacific Region

Pacific Region Facts & Figures as of October, 2008

Resource Facts and Figures

  • 371 species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act.
  • 134 species candidates for listing under the Endangered Species Act.
  • 64 National Wildlife Refuges, including over 1.3 million acres on the mainland, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.
  • Over 1.35 million people visited National Wildlife Refuges in the Pacific Region in 2008.
  • We co-manage (with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the State of Hawaii) the 139,793 square mile Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands).
  • We manage 17 National Fish Hatcheries, plus an additional 7 state and tribal hatcheries managed through the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan. All but 5 facilities are funded by other agencies with mitigation responsibility.
  • We manage one Fish Technology Center, one Fisheries Program Office, 2 Fisheries Resource Offices and 3 Fish Health Centers.
  • We manage 5 Fish and Wildlife Offices and 6 sub-offices that administer the Endangered Species Act and the Service’s Habitat Conservation and Environmental Contaminants programs.
  • We support conservation efforts for migrating birds in the Pacific Region through the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Plan, Joint Ventures, Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plans, Shorebird Conservation Plans, North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, and the North American Bird Conservation Initiative, and through the efforts of the Pacific Flyway Council
  • We manage many Grant-to-States Programs at over $100 million per year, including: Wildlife Restoration, Sport Fish Restoration, Boating Infrastructure, Clean Vessel Act, Coastal Wetlands and State Wildlife Grants; and 4 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Grant programs.
  • We manage Tribal Wildlife Grants and several programs that provide fish and wildlife conservation assistance to private landowners and other landowners
  • The Region has over 1,100 employees.


Regional Budget


Last updated: April 10, 2009
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