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Tribal Transportation

IRR Program Regulations - Subject Index

Subject Reference
Airports § 170.132
Advance Payments § 170.614 to § 170.617
Applicability of BIA Guidance and Manuals § 170.2, § 170.611
BIA Force Account § 170.605
BIA Road Maintenance § 170.800 to § 170.813, Appendix A
BIA Road Maintenance Program Policy § 170.2
Bridge Inspections § 170.504 to § 170.507
Construction and Construction Monitoring § 170.470 to § 170.474, § 170.702
Consultation, Collaboration, Coordination § 170.100 to § 170.111
Contingency Funds § 170.617
Contract and Agreements Under ISDEAA § 170.610 to § 170.626
Contract Support Costs § 170.607 to § 170.608
Control of Use of Indian Reservation Roads § 170.120 to § 170.122, § 170.813
Cost to Construct Appendix D
Cultural Access Roads § 170.120 - § 170.122
Design Standards § 170.454 to § 170.457 Appendix B
Dispute Resolution § 170.934 to § 170.935
Eligible Uses of IRR Program Funds § 170.115 to § 170.117, Appendix A
ERFO Program - Emergency Relief § 170.920 to § 170.926
Environmental and Archeological Requirements § 170.450 to § 170.452
FEMA Funding § 170.927
Ferry Facilities § 170.130 to § 170.131
Flexible Financing § 170.300 to § 170.303
Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Transportation § 170.900 to § 170.906
Highway Safety § 170.141 to § 170.145
Indian Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) § 170.161 to § 170.171
Indian Preference § 170.620, § 170.911 to § 170.914
IRR and Cultural Access Roads Use § 170.120 to § 170.122
IRR Housing Access Roads § 170.127 to § 170.128
IRR Highway Priority Project § 170.205 to § 170.214, Appendix A
IRR Inventory § 170.442 to § 170.444
IRR Management Systems § 170.502 to § 170.503
IRR Program Coordinating Committee § 170.155 to § 170.158
IRR Program Policy § 170.2
IRR Transportation Improvement Program § 170.420 to § 170.428
Long-Rang Transportation Planning § 170.410 to § 170.415
Oversize and Over Weight Vehicles § 170.933
Population Adjustment Factor § 170.221, Appendix B
Program Oversight and Accountability § 170.700 to § 170.702
Program Reviews § 170.500 to § 170.501
Public Hearings § 170.435 to § 170.441
Research § 170.941
Recreation § 170.135 to § 170.138
Regulation Layout Table of Content Relative Need Distribution Factor § 170.223 to § 170.232, Appendices C and D
Reporting Requirements § 170.910
Review and Approval of Plans, Specifications, and Estimates § 170.460 to § 170.463
Roadless and Wild Areas § 170.138
Seasonal Transportation Routes § 170.123 to § 170.124
Technical Assistance § 170.624
TERO Fees § 170.915 to § 170.917
Toll Facilities § 170.130 to § 170.131
Trails § 170.135 to § 170.138
Tribal Rights § 170.4
Tribal Priority List § 170.420
Tribal Employment Preference § 170.619 to § 170.620
Transit Facilities § 170.148 to § 170.152
Transportation Planning § 170.400 to § 170.407
Tribal Transportation Department § 170.930 to § 170.932
Tribal Transportation Allocation Method § 170.200 to § 170.202
Tourism § 170.135 to § 170.138
Waivers § 170.625 to § 170.626
Welfare to Work, other transportation support § 170.942

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