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Scenario Planning

Four Stages In The Scenario Planning Proces

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Diagram depicting four stages in the scenario planning process with questions and pictures. Question 1, where are we now?, appears above a box reading "community profile", with a picture of buildings. Under the box are the phrases, "descriptive information" and "community values". Question 2, where are we going?, appears above a box reading "trend statement", with a picture of a line graph. Under the box are the phrases, "trend information" and "probable scenario". Question 3, where do we want to be?, appears above a box reading "vision statement", with a picture of a road. Under the box are the phrases, "possible/preferred scenarios" and "community vision". Question 4, how do we get there?, appears above a box reading "action plan", with a picture of a handshake. Under the box are the phrases, "goals, strategies, actions" and "action agendas and priorities".

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