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Metals and Metal Compounds

TRI Metals and Metal Compounds
Row # Chemical Name CAS Number EPA's IRIS Substance File (Risk Information)
1 Aluminum (fume or dust) 007429905  
2 Antimony 007440360
3 Antimony compounds N010  
4 Arsenic 007440382
5 Arsenic compounds N020  
6 Barium 007440393
7 Barium compounds N040  
8 Beryllium 007440417
9 Beryllium compounds N050  
10 Cadmium 007440439
11 Cadmium compounds N078  
12 Chromium 007440473  
13 Chromium compounds(except chromite ore mined in the transvaal region) N090  
14 Cobalt 007440484  
15 Cobalt compounds N096  
16 Copper 007440508
17 Copper compounds N100  
18 Lead 007439921
19 Lead compounds N420  
20 Manganese 007439965
21 Manganese compounds N450  
22 Mercury 007439976
23 Mercury compounds N458  
24 Nickel 007440020  
25 Nickel compounds N495  
26 Selenium 007782492
27 Selenium compounds N725  
28 Silver 007440224
29 Silver compounds N740  
30 Thallium 007440280  
31 Thallium compounds N760  
32 Vanadium (except when contained in an alloy) 007440622  
33 Vanadium compounds N770  
34 Zinc (fume or dust) 007440666
35 Zinc compounds N982  

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