
Media Kit
Media Kit


Director, Mayo Clinic Women's Heart Clinic

Dr. Sharonne Hayes directs and practices at the Women's Heart Clinic at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and actively promotes women's cardiovascular health issues at the national, local, and institutional levels.  Dr. Hayes created the Women's Heart Clinic at Mayo to meet the unique needs of women suffering from or at risk for cardiovascular disease, and to improve patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and research efforts.

Dr. Hayes participated in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's (NHLBI) Women's Heart Health Education Strategy Development Workshop in 2001, which ultimately led to the development of The Heart Truth campaign, as well as several other NHLBI-sponsored workshops.  She has served on several national and international steering and planning groups, and helped develop the Second International Conference on Women, Heart Disease and Stroke and American Heart Association's (AHA) Evidence-based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Women.  She is immediate past-chair and current member of the Advisory Board of WomenHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease.  In February 2004 she was honored to be invited by Former First Lady Laura Bush to speak at the White House for the kick-off of American Heart Month.  She serves as a medical spokesperson for The Heart Truth campaign.

Dr. Hayes is a nationally recognized educator on women's cardiovascular issues, as well as preventive cardiology, and echocardiography.  Since 1998, she has hosted "Perspectives in Women's Health", the Mayo Clinic's continuing medical education video-teleconference series and in 2004, co-produced the Emmy-nominated PBS show, "Call to Action: Women and Heart Disease".  She co-founded and is medical director of the Science and Leadership Symposium for Women with Heart Disease, held annually to activate and train women with heart disease to become community heart health educators.  She is past-president of AHA's , Olmsted Division, and the current associate director of CardioVision 2020, a community health initiative that aims to improve the heart health of the residents of Olmsted County, Minnesota.  She is a member of a number of organizations and groups involved in education, strategic planning, and program development for the improvement of health care, particularly cardiovascular health in women.

Dr. Hayes received her medical degree from Northwestern University in Chicago and completed fellowships in internal medicine, cardiovascular research, and cardiovascular diseases at the Mayo Clinic Rochester.  She is currently Associate Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and a Fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography.


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