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DOCLINE® 1.2 Release Notes (May 6, 2000)

Loansome Doc

For the Loansome Doc User

  • From the Loansome Doc user perspective, "Status of Requests" has been enhanced to allow the requester to view the status of all requests, including those transferred into DOCLINE by the "Ordering Library."
  • Several new data elements have been added to the status page, which now includes labels and text for: Request Number (in bold), Request date, Status (bold), Status date, Journal title, Article title, Article author(s), citation and PMID.


For Loansome Doc Libraries

New link for LD Transfers Shipped to Patron:

  • In DOCLINE, there is a new message link on the HOME Page for filled LD transfers where the address is ship-to-patron. Selecting the link displays the item(s) in Status/Cancel.
  • The message link states: "## Transferred Loansome Doc requests were filled for the Patron." If the transferred request indicates "Ship to Library," those requests remain viewable from the Status/Cancel function, not from this new link.

In Status/Cancel, DOCLINE users now have a drop-down search box from which they may select one of four subsets of Loansome Doc requests to view. The four subsets are:

  • Filled (LD requests filled by the Ordering Library)
  • Pending (LD requests not yet filled or transferred)
  • Retired (LD requests completed by the Ordering Library with a final action code of CST-Cost, COP-needs copyright compliance, INC-incomplete citation, or CAN-canceled)
  • All (a complete set of all LD requests including those that have been transferred and filled or not filled by another library for up to 40 days).

Borrow (Requests)

  • On the Routing Instructions page, the "Need By" date is validated for past dates, invalid dates, 2 digits years, and leap year. The validation occurs after the user clicks the FINISH button on the Delivery Address page.
  • Requestor: After switching requesting LIBID, a note displays when that institution is an active DOCLINE library and ILL contact information is listed.

Status/Cancel (Requests)

  • Lenders can view requests filled by them.
  • Libraries can view and search requests for up to 40 days.
  • In History of Request, the routing reason has been added to each route entry. The route reasons are Prefix, Cell #, Resource, NLM, Refer On, and M/A/N Map. The route reason will appear for new request routing only.
  • In Results Summary and History of Request, text displays instead of codes. For example, "FIL" now displays as "Filled".

Receipt (Requests)

  • The word 'not' is capitalized in the LD holdings information statements (e.g., Library does NOT report holding title).
  • Receipts display in order by title with initial articles ignored (e.g., "The New England Journal of Medicine" would display before "Pain").
  • The number of requests is displayed on the "Acknowledge" button at the bottom of the Receipt page. If new requests are routed to a lender between the time they view the Receipts link and the time they go to the Receipt page, the number of requests downloaded will be displayed in the Acknowledge button and will match the number receipted.


  • Contact DOCLINE has been enhanced. The Contact NLM web page now includes Resource Links and four separate forms to Ask a Question, Report a Problem, send Comments, or Request an Enhancement.
  • A Contact RML feature has been added. This web page allows libraries to send email messages to their Regional Medical Library (RML) from within DOCLINE (the message will be directed to the appropriate RML office based on the LIBID).

Pending Features

  • REQUESTS/ILL/ISO Protocol: NLM is committed to supporting the ISO/ILL protocol as defined in ISO 10160/10161-1:1997. All components are in place at NLM, and testing is in process. Please contact NLM at if you wish to participate in testing.

    ISO ILL functionality removed effective 1/25/07 - See Does DOCLINE Support the ISO ILL Protocol?

  • SERHOLD Batch Update (MARC 21 format, OCLCMARC format): the batch update function will become available at the end of 2001.
  • Resubmit Feature (Request): The ability for borrowers to resubmit a retired unfilled request.

Last reviewed: 11 May 2007
Last updated: 11 May 2007
First published: 11 April 2003
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