U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historic Preservation
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Civilian Conservation Corps workers at White River National Wildlife Refuge. Animated graphic that says - Learn, discover, protect


Twenty Seven Square Miles Brochure Cover The USFWS Cultural Resource program produces or assists in the production of annual reports that monitor the cultural resources in the care of the USFWS. Click on the page links on the left to view these reports in their entirety as PDFs.

Also, The USFWS Cultural Resource program produces a monthly e-newsletter that highlights program accomplishments and items of interest. Click on "Past Issues of Historical Happenings" to view issues of the e-newsletters in PDF format.

Finally, the May / June 2004 issue of Refuge Update focused on cultural resources in the USFWS. Please click on the Refuge Update link for the full article as a PDF.

Regional Publications
Additionally, regional archaeologists produce reports of investigation and other publications that pertain to the historical events and projects in their regions. They are available from the appropriate regional archaeologist or from the Regional Reports page.

Refuge Narratives
For many years the annual Refuge Narratives served as the official 'diary' for our wildlife refuges. These documents offer invaluable information and insights into management practices used throughout the history of a refuge and provide a unique 'snapshot' of how things were. The information remains an immensely useful primary source not only for the historical record of a refuge, but also as a key to assisting in present day management initiatives. Learn more >>

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