Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Number of Employees
Certificated Carriers
Year End Data 1977

System Trunks      
American 36,173 1,158 37,331
Braniff 11,498   11,498
Continental 10,510 710 11,220
Delta 30,290 686 30,976
Eastern 33,604 2,379 35,983
National 7,899   7,899
Northwest 11,435 17 11,452
Pan Am 26,312 259 26,571
TWA 35,003 1,246 36,249
United 47,324 2,415 49,739
Western 9,944 615 10,559
Total System Trunks 259,992 9,485 269,477
System All-Cargo      
Airlift 728 11 739
Flying Tiger 3,261 338 3,599
Seaboard 1,562   1,562
Total System All-Cargo 5,551 349 5,900
Local Service      
Allegheny 7978 89 8,067
Frontier 4209 14 4,223
Hughes 4322 85 4,407
North Central 3781   3,781
Ozark 3348   3,348
Piedmont 3149 194  
Southern 2699 220 2,919
Texas International 2567 33 2,600
Total Local Service 32,053 635 32,688
Air Midwest 125 4 129
Air New England 432 5 437
Total Regional 557 9 566
Alaska 1,111 28 1,139
Kodiak-Western 51 14 65
Munz 29 1 30
Reeve 180 20 200
Wien 853 21 874
Total Intra-Alaska 2,224 84 2,308
Aloha 861 152 1,013
Hawaiin 1,268 163 1,431
Total Hawaiian 2,129 315 2,444
Other Carriers      
Aspen 145 12 157
New York 165 3 168
Wright 82   82
Total Other Carriers 392 15 407
Capital 731   731
Evergreen 221   221
McColluch 61   61
Modern     0
ONA 361   361
Rich International Airways 36   36
Trans International 1,447   1,447
World 1,036   1,036
Zantop International Airways 815   815
Total - Total Supplement 4,708   4,708
Industry Total 307,606 10892 318,498

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