Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Number of Employees
Certificated Carriers
Year End Data 1974

Domestic Trunk      
American 35,244   35,244
Braniff 9,308   9,308
Continental 9,119   9,119
Delta 28,822   28,822
Eastern 32,536   32,536
National 7,950   7,950
Northwest 10,585   10,585
TWA 32,849   32,849
United 50,014   50,014
Western 9,454   9,454
Total Domestic Trunk 225,881   225,881
Local Service      
Allegheny 8,129   8,129
Frontier 3,627   3,627
Hughes d/b/a Air West 3,761   3,761
North Central 3,364   3,364
Ozark 2,925   2,925
Piedmont 3,439   3,439
Southern 2,657   2,657
Texas International 1,388   1,388
Total Local Service 29,290   29,290
Chicago 63   63
New York 187   187
San Francisco 150   150
Total Helicopter 400   400
Alaska 1,187   1,187
Kodiak-Western Alaska 178   178
Reeve 84   84
Wien Consolidated 890   890
Total Intra-Alaska 2,339   2,339
Aloha 826   826
Hawaii 1,383   1,383
Total Intra-Hawaii 2,209   2,209
Other Carriers      
Aspen 77   77
Wright 68   68
Total Other Carriers 145   145
All-Cargo (domestic)      
Airlift 675   675
Flying Tiger 3,094   3,094
Total All-Cargo (domestic) 3,769   3,769
American 782   782
Braniff 1,576   1,576
Continental 56   56
Delta 39   39
Eastern 1,521   1,521
National 53   53
Northwest 930   930
Pan American Total 32,084   32,084
TWA 3,911   3,911
Western 199   199
Total International 41,151   41,151
International All-Cargo      
Airlift 18   18
Flying Tiger 455   455
Seaboard 1,780   1,780
Total International All-Cargo 2,253 0 2,253
Capital 467   467
Johnson 63   63
McColluch 94   94
Modern 43   43
Overseas 832   832
Saturn 783   783
Trans International 952   952
World 1,017   1,017
Total - Total Supplement 4,251   4,251
Industry Total 311,688   311,688

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