Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Number of Employees
Certificated Carriers
Year End Data 1970

Domestic Trunk      
American 35,569   35,569
Eastern 31,290   31,290
TWA 34,784   34,784
United 51,679   51,679
Braniff 7,972   7,972
Continental 8,497   8,497
Delta 20,931   20,931
National 7,791   7,791
Northeast 3,727   3,727
Northwest 3,121   3,121
Western 8,660   8,660
Total Domestic Trunk 214,021   214,021
Local Service      
Allegheny 4,944   4,944
Frontier 3,350   3,350
Hughes d/b/a Air West 3,502   3,502
Mohawk 622   622
North Central 3,147   3,147
Ozark 2,348   2,348
Piedmont 2,994   2,994
Southern 1,771   1,771
Texas International 2,230   2,230
Total Local Service 24,908   24,908
Chicago 52   52
Los Angeles      
New York 193   193
San Francisco & Oakland 161   161
Total Helicopter 406   406
Kodiak 36   36
Reeve 153   153
Western Alaska 34   34
Wien Consolidated 700   700
Total Intra-Alaska 923   923
Aloha 716   716
Hawaii 1,227   1,227
Total Intra-Hawaii 1,943   1,943
Other Carriers      
Alaska 1,107   1,107
Aspen 57   57
Tag 0   0
Total Other Carriers 1,164   1,164
All-Cargo (domestic)      
Airlift 871   871
Flying Tiger 2,446   2,446
Total All-Cargo (domestic) 3,317   3,317
American 350   350
Braniff 1,614   1,614
Caribbean 669   669
Delta 12   12
Eastern 839   839
National 39   39
Northwest 959   959
Pan American Total 39,143   39,143
Trans Caribbean 991   991
TWA 6,105   6,105
Western 180   180
Total International 50,901   50,901
International All-Cargo      
Airlift 78   78
Flying Tiger 336   336
Seaboard 1,873   1,873
Total International All-Cargo 2,287   2,287
Industry Total 299,870   299,870

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