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NWS/Western Region Hydrology Research to Operations Meeting, Park City, Utah, 4-6 October 2005

Drought Information
Natioanl Integrated Drought Information System
NOAA Drought Information Center
North American Drought Monitor (NOAA/NCDC)
North American Drought Briefing (NOAA/NWS/CPC)
Drought Monitoring Indices and Diagnostics (NOAA/NWS/CPC)
Water Watch (USGS)
Experimental Projects and Products
North American LDAS Drought Monitor (NOAA, NASA & Universities)
Drought Monitoring and Hydrologic Forecasting with VIC (PU)
Surface Water Monitor (UW)
West-wide Seasonal Hydrologic Forecast System (UW)
North American Soil Moisture Forecast     (NOAA/NWS/CPC)
Precipitation Analysis (NWS)
  1. Data assimilation using distributed hydrologic models for high-resolution analysis of streamflow and soil moisture
    by Haksu Lee et al. (6/2008)

  2. NOAA reports warmest April on record in U.S. and drought persists across south and southwest  (5/16/2006)

  3. River Forecast Center overview and climate requirements
    by Kevin Werner  (1/4/2006)

  4. Integrated Water Science Plan (IWSP) for the next decade
    by Gary Carter  
    [View the presentationListen to the talk]

  5. CONUS-scale testing of 4km gridded physically-based soil moisture and soil temperature fields   [Print Version]

    by Michael Smith (7/29/2005)

  6. Predicting Drought on Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales Conference, College Park, Maryland, 17-19 May 2005
  7. Progress in NOAA's Water Resources Program  (5/10/2005)

  8. S&T Infusion Memo: Transition of NOAA OGP supported research  (5/10/2005)

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US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Office of Science and Technology
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Page Author: Science and Technology Infusion Plan for Climate Services
Page last modified: 02-09-2009
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