[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1601.13]

[Page 142-145]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
Subpart B--Procedure for the Prevention of Unlawful Employment Practices
Sec. 1601.13  Filing; deferrals to State and local agencies.

    (a) Initial presentation of a charge to the Commission. (1) Charges 
arising in jurisdictions having no FEP agency are filed with the 
Commission upon receipt. Such charges are timely filed if received by 
the Commission within 180

[[Page 143]]

days from the date of the alleged violation.
    (2) A jurisdiction having a FEP agency without subject matter 
jurisdiction over a charge (e.g., an agency which does not cover sex 
discrimination or does not cover nonprofit organizations) is equivalent 
to a jurisdiction having no FEP agency. Charges over which a FEP agency 
has no subject matter jurisdiction are filed with the Commission upon 
receipt and are timely filed if received by the Commission within 180 
days from the date of the alleged violation.
    (3) Charges arising in jurisdictions having a FEP agency with 
subject matter jurisdiction over the charges are to be processed in 
accordance with the Commission's deferral policy set forth below and the 
procedures in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
    (i) In order to give full weight to the policy of section 706(c) of 
title VII, which affords State and local fair employment practice 
agencies that come within the provisions of that section an opportunity 
to remedy alleged discrimination concurrently regulated by title VII or 
the ADA and State or local law, the Commission adopts the following 
procedures with respect to allegations of discrimination filed with the 
Commission. It is the intent of the Commission to thereby encourage the 
maximum degree of effectiveness in the State and local agencies. The 
Commission shall endeavor to maintain close communication with the State 
and local agencies with respect to all matters forwarded to such 
agencies and shall provide such assistance to State and local agencies 
as is permitted by law and as is practicable.
    (ii) Section 706(c) of title VII grants States and their political 
subdivisions the exclusive right to process allegations of 
discrimination filed by a person other than a Commissioner for a period 
of 60 days (or 120 days during the first year after the effective date 
of the qualifying State or local law). This right exists where, as set 
forth in Sec. 1601.70, a State or local law prohibits the employment 
practice alleged to be unlawful and a State or local agency has been 
authorized to grant or seek relief. After the expiration of the 
exclusive processing period, the Commission may commence processing the 
allegation of discrimination.
    (iii) A FEP agency may waive its right to the period of exclusive 
processing of charges provided under section 706(c) of title VII with 
respect to any charge or category of charges. Copies of all such charges 
will be forwarded to the appropriate FEP agency.
    (4) The following procedures shall be followed with respect to 
charges which arise in jurisdictions having a FEP agency with subject 
matter jurisdiction over the charges:
    (i) Where any document, whether or not verified, is received by the 
Commission as provided in Sec. 1601.8 which may constitute a charge 
cognizable under title VII or the ADA, and where the FEP agency has not 
waived its right to the period of exclusive processing with respect to 
that document, that document shall be deferred to the appropriate FEP 
agency as provided in the procedures set forth below:
    (A) All such documents shall be dated and time stamped upon receipt.
    (B) A copy of the originial document, shall be transmitted by 
registered mail, return receipt requested, to the appropriate FEP 
agency, or, where the FEP agency has consented thereto, by certified 
mail, by regular mail or by hand delivery. State or local proceedings 
are deemed to have commenced on the date such document is mailed or hand 
    (C) The person claiming to be aggrieved and any person filing a 
charge on behalf of such person shall be notified, in writing, that the 
document which he or she sent to the Commission has been forwarded to 
the FEP agency pursuant to the provisions of section 706(c) of title 
    (ii) Such charges are deemed to be filed with the Commission as 
    (A) Where the document on its face constitutes a charge within a 
category of charges over which the FEP agency has waived its rights to 
the period of exclusive processing referred to in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) 
of this section, the charge is deemed to be filed with the Commission 
upon receipt of the document. Such filing is timely if the charge is 
received within 300 days from the date of the alleged violation.

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    (B) Where the document on its face constitutes a charge which is not 
within a category of charges over which the FEP agency has waived its 
right to the period of exclusive processing referred to in paragraph 
(a)(3)(iii) of this section, the Commission shall process the document 
in accordance with paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section. The charge shall 
be deemed to be filing with the Commission upon expiration of 60 (or 
where appropriate, 120) days after deferral, or upon the termination of 
FEP agency proceedings, or upon waiver of the FEP agency's right to 
exclusively process the charge, whichever is earliest. Where the FEP 
agency earlier terminates its proceedings or waives its right to 
exclusive processing of a charge, the charge shall be deemed to be filed 
with the Commission on the date the FEP agency terminated its 
proceedings or the FEP agency waived its right to exclusive processing 
of the charge. Such filing is timely if effected within 300 days from 
the date of the alleged violation.
    (b) Initial presentation of a charge to a FEP agency. (1) When a 
charge is initially presented to a FEP agency and the charging party 
requests that the charge be presented to the Commission, the charge will 
be deemed to be filed with the Commission upon expiration of 60 (or 
where appropriate, 120) days after a written and signed statement of 
facts upon which the charge is based was sent to the FEP agency by 
registered mail or was otherwise received by the FEP agency, or upon the 
termination of FEP agency proceedings, or upon waiver of the FEP 
agency's right to exclusively process the charge, whichever is earliest. 
Such filing is timely if effected within 300 days from the date of the 
alleged violation.
    (2) When a charge is initially presented to a FEP agency but the 
charging party does not request that the charge be presented to the 
Commission, the charging party may present the charge to the Commission 
as follows:
    (i) If the FEP agency has refused to accept a charge, a subsequent 
submission of the charge to the Commission will be processed as if it 
were an initial presentation in accordance with paragraph (a) of this 
    (ii) If the FEP agency proceedings have terminated, the charge may 
be timely filed with the Commission within 30 days of receipt of notice 
that the FEP agency proceedings have been terminated or within 300 days 
from the date of the alleged violation, whichever is earlier.
    (iii) If the FEP agency proceedings have not been terminated, the 
charge may be presented to the Commission within 300 days from the date 
of the alleged violation. Once presented, such a charge will be deemed 
to be filed with the Commission upon expiration of 60 (or where 
appropriate, 120) days after a written and signed statement of facts 
upon which the charge is based was sent to the FEP agency by certified 
mail or was otherwise received by the FEP agency, or upon the 
termination of the FEP agency proceedings, or upon waiver of the FEP 
agency's right to exclusively process the charge, whichever is earliest. 
To be timely, however, such filing must be effected within 300 days from 
the date of the alleged violation.
    (c) Agreements with Fair Employment Practice agencies. Pursuant to 
section 705(g)(1) and section 706(b) of title VII, the Commission shall 
endeavor to enter into agreements with FEP agencies to establish 
effective and integrated resolution procedures. Such agreements may 
include, but need not be limited to, cooperative arrangements to provide 
for processing of certain charges by the Commission, rather than by the 
FEP agency during the period specified in section 706(c) and section 
706(d) of title VII.
    (d) Preliminary relief. When a charge is filed with the Commission, 
the Commission may make a preliminary investigation and commence 
judicial action for immediate, temporary or preliminary relief pursuant 
to section 706(f)(2) of title VII.
    (e) Commissioner charges. A charge made by a member of the 
Commission shall be deemed filed upon receipt by the Commission office 
responsible for investigating the charge. The Commission will notify a 
FEP agency when an allegation of discrimination is made by

[[Page 145]]

a member of the Commission concerning an employment practice occurring 
within the jurisdiction of the FEP agency. The FEP agency will be 
entitled to process the charge exclusively for a period of not less than 
60 days if the FEP agency makes a written request to the Commission 
within 10 days of receiving notice that the allegation has been filed. 
The 60-day period shall be extended to 120 days during the first year 
after the effective date of the qualifying State or local law.

[46 FR 43039, Aug. 26, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 48189, Oct. 1, 1981; 52 
FR 10224, Mar. 31, 1987; 52 FR 18354, May 15, 1987; 56 FR 9624, Mar. 7, 