[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2003]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1640.7]

[Page 376]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
Sec. 1640.7  Processing of charges of employment discrimination filed with 
the EEOC.

    (a) EEOC determination of jurisdiction. Upon receipt of a charge of 
employment discrimination, the EEOC shall:
    (1) Determine whether it has jurisdiction over the charge under 
title I of the ADA. If it has jurisdiction, except as provided in 
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the EEOC shall process the charge 
pursuant to title I procedures.
    (2) If the EEOC determines that it does not have jurisdiction under 
title I, the EEOC shall promptly refer the charge to the Civil Rights 
Division. The CivilRights Division shall determine if a Federal agency 
may have jurisdiction over the charge under section 504 or title II, 
and, if so, shall refer the charge to a section 504 agency or to a 
designated agency with jurisdiction over the complaint.
    (b) Retention by the EEOC for investigation. (1) The EEOC shall 
retain a charge for investigation when it determines that it has 
jurisdiction over the charge under title I.
    (2) Referral to an agency. Any charge retained by the EEOC for 
investigation and processing will be investigated and processed under 
title I only, and will not be deemed dual filed under section 504, 
except that ADA cause charges (as defined in 29 CFR 1601.21) that also 
fall within the jurisdiction of a section 504 agency and that the EEOC 
(or the Civil Rights Division, if such a charge is against a government, 
governmental agency, or political subdivision) has declined to litigate 
shall be referred to the appropriate section 504 agency for review of 
the file and any administrative or other action deemed appropriate under 
section 504. Such charges shall be deemed complaints, dual filed under 
section 504, solely for the purposes of the agency review and action 
described in this paragraph. The date of such dual filing shall be 
deemed to be the date the complaint was received by the EEOC.