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Health Promotion Research: Research Areas

Obesity Prevention and Energy Balance

The term, ‘energy balance’ as applied to human health, typically refers to the integrated effects of diet, physical activity, and genetics on growth and body weight over an individual’s lifetime. Increasingly, evidence supports the importance of understanding the effects of energy balance on cancer prevention, development, and progression and on cancer survivors’ quality of life. Weight, body composition, physical activity, and diet affect numerous physiological systems and can influence the cancer process at many points. The Health Promotion Research Branch supports research that explores the effect of energy balance (obesity and overweight) on cancer prevention and relevant approaches with broad population impact. Source: President’s Cancer Panel 2006-2007 Annual Report.

Linda Nebeling, PhD, MPH, RD

Frank M. Perna, EdD, PhD

Tanya Agurs-Collins, PhD, RD

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National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research – (NCCOR) Exit Disclaimer

The National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) brings together three of the nation’s leading research funders – the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) – to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and application of childhood obesity research and to produce positive changes more rapidly through enhanced coordination and collaboration.

Announcement – New webinar series on obesity-related policy evaluation.
Please access the flyer to view details on session topics, dates, and times.

More about the series:
The web-based seminar series aims to increase skills of researchers and practitioners in policy evaluation effectiveness. Increasingly, policies are being implemented at state and local levels that are intended to reduce obesity prevalence by improving diet and/or increasing physical activity. Rigorous evaluation of these "natural experiments" may be an effective means for the research community to inform policy on the issues of obesity, diet, and activity.

The first webinar will be held on Friday, Feb. 27, 2009 at 1-2 p.m. EST, and will address the basics of design to evaluate policy interventions.

Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC)

The National Cancer Institute funds four research centers and one coordinating center as part of the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC) initiative. The TREC centers will foster collaboration among transdisciplinary teams of scientists with the goal of accelerating progress toward reducing cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality associated with obesity, low levels of physical activity, and poor diet. They also will provide training opportunities for new and established scientists who can carry out integrative research on energetics and energy balance. The TREC initiative complements NCI’s other energy balance research endeavors and efforts of the NIH Obesity Task Force.


Information on NIH Obesity Research

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Last Updated: April 3, 2009


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