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A-Frame Structure ..........................  D25 / 29
Abacus .....................................  434 / 203+
    Design .................................  D18 / 6+
Abattoir See Butchering  
    Supporters .............................  450 / 94+
Abietic Acid ...............................  562 / 404+
    Esters .................................  560 / 7
    Naturally occuring mixtures ............  530 / 200+
Abietyl Alcohol ............................  568 / 714
Ablative Fluids ............................  169 / DIG 2
    Indicator of aborted start .............  431 / 15
    Motor with abort means .................  60 / 379
Abrading See File or Filing; Grinding ......  451 / 38+
    Abradant-filled bags ...................  451 / 526+
    Attachments for cutlery ................  451 / 415+
    Blasting by ............................  451 / 38+
    Comminuting solid material by ..........  241
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 31+
        Hard material in situ ..............  299
        Process ............................  241 / 1+
    Cutlery combined .......................  30 / 138+
    Dental apparatus .......................  433 / 142
        Motor driven .......................  433 / 125
    Disintegrating material in general .....  451
    By .....................................  451
    Etching ................................  216 / 52
    Filter block cleaning by ...............  210 / 353
    Frames and mounts ......................  451 / 340+
    Fruit peeler and parer .................  99 / 588+
    Grain hulling  
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 600+
        Processes ..........................  426 / 482+
    Graters for vegetables .................  241 / 273.1+
    Hand held power tool ...................  D08 / 61+
    Horseshoe calk sharpeners ..............  168 / 46
    Kerf cutting in the earth ..............  299 / 29+
    Lubricant by fluid for feeding .........  184 / 60
    Machinery design .......................  D15 / 124+
    Machines ...............................  451 / 64+
        Compound tools .....................  132 / 75.6
        Implements .........................  132 / 76.4
    Mask or stencil ........................  451 / 442+
        Utilizing ..........................  451 / 29+
    Material ...............................  51
    Methods ................................  451 / 28+
    Processes ..............................  451 / 28+
    Razor combined .........................  30 / 138+
    Saw sharpening .........................  76 / 31+
    Severing by ............................  451 / 231+
    Sharpeners .............................  D08 / 91+
    Test by ................................  73 / 7
    Tool carrier ...........................  451 / 463+
    Tool making ............................  51
    Tool, flexible member ..................  451 / 526+
    Tool, rigid ............................  451 / 540+
    Traveling band .........................  451 / 296+
    Tumbling device ........................  451 / 326+
    Water purification  
        Chemical feeders ...................  241 / 39
        Chemical treatment .................  210 / 198.1+
    Wearing in .............................  29 / 89.5
    With glass working .....................  65 / 61
    Work feeder ............................  451 / 331+
    Work holder ............................  451 / 364+
    Work rests .............................  451 / 406+
    Work tables ............................  451 / 411+
Abrasives ..................................  51
    Belts ..................................  451 / 526+
    Cleaning compositions or detergents ....  510
    Having .................................  510
    Discs ..................................  451 / 490+
    Lubricants having ......................  508
    Materials ..............................  51
    Metal stock particulate ................  75 / 231
    Polishing compositions with ............  51
    Silicon carbide ........................  51 / 307+
    Stock material .........................  428 / 143+
        Metallic ...........................  428 / 932*
    Tungsten carbide .......................  51 / 307+
Abscission Agent ...........................  504 / 162+
Absorbents and Absorbers  
    (See sorbents)  
    Absorber shading, manually adjusts .....  126 / 703
    Bandages ...............................  602 / 41+
        Design .............................  D24 / 189
    Carbohydrate treatment with ............  127 / 55
        Chemical purification ..............  127 / 49
    Carbon .................................  502 / 416
    Catamenial & diaper ....................  604 / 358+
        Designs ............................  D24 / 125+
    Cigar & cigarette tips .................  131 / 331
    Coating ................................  126 / 907*
    Compositions ...........................  502 / 400+
        Colloid system resolving or ........  516 / 136+
        Inhibiting .........................  516 / 136+
        Drying .............................  252 / 194
        Getters for electric lamps etc .....  252 / 181.1+
        Liquid containing ..................  252 / 1
        Refrigerant ........................  252 / 69
        Undergoing chemical change .........  252 / 184
        (E.g., ion exchange) ...............  252 / 184
    Converting mineral oil using ...........  208 / 46+
    Dehumidification of gas ................  62 / 271
    With refrigeration .....................  62 / 271
        Processes ..........................  62 / 94
    Dehydrating mineral oil with ...........  208 / 188
    Distilled vapor treating ...............  203 / 41
        Apparatus ..........................  202 / 183+
    Drying solids (see blotter) ...........  34 / 95+
        Sheet form for printed matter ......  101 / 419
        Web form for printed matter ........  101 / 417+
        Web or sheet form absorbent ........  34 / 94
    Electric battery gas vents .............  429 / 86
    Gas separators .........................  96 / 243+
        Drier combined with ................  34 / 71
    Gas storing ............................  206 / .6+
    Liquefied gas handling .................  62 / 46.1+
        Producing ..........................  62 / 625+
    Liquid separating, by ..................  210 / 660+
        Chromatography .....................  210 / 665+
    Material separation by  
        Chemical sugar refining ............  127 / 49
        Processes ..........................  127 / 49
        Combined drying ....................  34 / 71
        Dehydrating oil ....................  208 / 188
        Distillation process combined ......  203 / 41
        Distillation system combined .......  202 / 183+
        Drying .............................  34 / 95
        Drying vapor treatment .............  34 / 80+
        From gases .........................  95
        Liquid purification ................  210 / 660+
            Chromatography .................  210 / 656+
        Mineral oil separation .............  208 / 341+
        Physical sugar refining ............  127 / 55
        Processes ..........................  127 / 55
        Purification of fats etc ...........  554 / 175+
        Smoking device smoke treating ......  131 / 203+
        Tobacco products smoke treating ....  131 / 331
    Neutron ................................  376 / 339
    Other drying means combined ............  34 / 71
    Purification of fats oils waxes ........  554 / 175
    Receptors ..............................  604 / 358+
    Refrigeration producing ................  62 / 476+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 141+
        Processes ..........................  62 / 101+
    Smoking devices used with ..............  131 / 203+
    Surgical pads ..........................  604 / 358+
        Vacuumizing a chamber ..............  62 / 268+
    Wipers & brushes .......................  15
Absorber, Nuclear Energy ...................  250 / 515.1+
    Radar ..................................  342 / 1
Absorption See Absorbents  
    Type frequency measurements ............  324 / 76.51
Absorptive Concrete Form Lining ............  249 / 189
Abuse, Drugs of ............................  436 / 901*
Abutment for Bridges .......................  14 / 26
AC DC Converter ............................  363
        Auto stop light ....................  340 / 467
        Motor system .......................  388 / 842+
    Inertia switch .........................  200 / 61.45 R
    Vehicle light system ...................  315 / 77+
Accelerator ................................  74 / 513
    Hand control with ......................  74 / 482
    High energy particles ..................  315 / 500
    Polymers prepared from .................  520 / 1+
    Electrical .............................  324
        Piezoelectric ......................  310 / 329
    Non-electrical .........................  73 / 514.01+
    Using inertial element .................  73 / 514.01+
Accident Preventing Devices See ............  D29
    Safety devices .........................  D29
Acclimatization of Ferments ................  435 / 245
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 376 R
        Design .............................  D17 / 3+
        Music digest .......................  84 / DIG 15
    Pleating or folding ....................  270 / 30.1+
        Coating device for accordion .......  401 / 153
        Folding wall .......................  401 / 153
    Straps, tighteners .....................  24 / 68 AS
    Binder device releasably ...............  402
    Engaging aperture or ...................  402
    Notch of sheet .........................  402
    Book strips & leaves ...................  281
    Calculating ............................  235
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 30+
        Bill preparation ...................  705 / 34
        Business data processing with ......  705 / 52
        Usage or charge determination ......  705 / 52
            Multi-layered rights for use ...  705 / 54
            Third party billing ............  705 / 53
        Employee time, attendance ..........  705 / 32
        For electronic account, ............  705 / 68
        Using cryptography .................  705 / 68
        Secure transactions with remote ....  705 / 77
        Charge determination ...............  705 / 77
            Including third party ..........  705 / 78
        Tax preparation ....................  705 / 31
    Manifolding form-book type .............  462 / 54
        Computerized .......................  705 / 2
            Cpt codes ......................  705 / 2
    Perforated article assorting ...........  209 / 613
    Printed matter .........................  283
    Punch selector .........................  234
    Typing .................................  400
Accumulator ................................  425 / DIG 1
    Boiler steam storage ...................  122 / 35
    Calculating totalizer ..................  235
        Variator with accumulator ..........  235 / 61 FC
    Combustion products power plants .......  60 / 731
    Cookers fireless .......................  126 / 273.5
    Electric battery .......................  429 / 149+
    Fluid pressure compensator .............  138 / 26+
    Heat absorber structure ................  126 / 400
    Heat radiator ..........................  237 / 75
    Heat storage ...........................  165 / 236
        Regenerator ........................  165 / 4+
    Hill planting ..........................  111 / 51
    Hydraulic ..............................  138 / 26+
        Power plant ........................  60 / 413+
        Power plant ........................  60 / 659
    Making .................................  29 / 890.06
    Motor steam exhaust ....................  60 / 659
    Open top liquid heating vessel .........  126 / 375.1
    Pump combined ..........................  417 / 540+
    Refrigerant ............................  62 / 503
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 174
    Storage battery ........................  429
    Vehicle heater .........................  237 / 44
    Water heater combined ..................  126 / 375.1
Acetals ....................................  568 / 590+
    Cyclic 5 membered ring .................  549 / 430+
    Cyclic 6 membered ring .................  549 / 369+
    Resins .................................  568 / 590+
Acetanilide ................................  564 / 218
Acetate ....................................  536 / 69+
    Cellulose ..............................  536 / 69+
    Esters .................................  560 / 231+
    Lead ...................................  556 / 105
    Light metal salts ......................  562 / 607
    Polyvinyl (see also synthetic resin ....  526 / 319
    Or natural rubber) .....................  526 / 319
    Silk (see artificial silk)  
Acetic Acid ................................  562 / 607
    Dehydration of .........................  203 / 16
Acetoacetic Acid ...........................  562 / 577
    Esters .................................  560 / 178
Acetone ....................................  568 / 382
    Fermentative production ................  435 / 150+
    Purification or recovery ...............  568 / 411
Acetonitrile ...............................  558 / 435
Acetophenone ...............................  568 / 335
Acetosalicylic Acid ........................  560 / 143
    Chloride ...............................  562 / 840
Acetylation (See Acetate)  
    Amines .................................  564 / 137+
    Ketene production ......................  568 / 301
    Phenols ................................  560 / 130+
    Textiles ...............................  8 / 121
Acetylene (See Triple Bond  
    Aldehydes from .........................  568 / 458
        Lantern ............................  362 / 160
    Cylinder ...............................  206 / .6+
    Electrostatic field or electrical ......  204 / 171
    Discharge production ...................  204 / 171
    Esters from ............................  560 / 242
    Gas tanks ..............................  220 / 581+
    Generating by wet methods ..............  585 / 534+
    Generation from carbide ................  48
    Package or receptacle ..................  206 / .6+
    Separating from gases ..................  95 / 145+
    Separating from gases ..................  95 / 238
    Six membered hetero n ..................  546 / 253
    Compounds from .........................  546 / 253
    Synthesis of ...........................  585 / 534+
    Synthetic resins from (see also ........  526 / 285
    Synthetic resin or natural .............  526 / 285
    Rubber) ................................  526 / 285
    Vinyl halides from .....................  570 / 233
Achromatic Image  
    From chromatic .........................  430 / 367
    From organic compound ..................  430 / 402
    To organic compound ....................  430 / 565
    With chromatic .........................  430 / 364
Acid (See Type of Acid)  
    Absorbing agents for ...................  252 / 189
    Acidizing or formation destroying ......  507 / 200+
    In well treating .......................  507 / 200+
    Activated (see clay)  
        Carbocyclic or acyclic .............  562 / 869+
        Cyclic polycarboxylic ..............  549 / 231+
        Electrolytic synthesis of ..........  205 / 427
        Inorganic, phosphorus compound .....  423 / 304+
        Inorganic, sulfur compound .........  423 / 511+
    Catalyst regeneration with .............  502 / 27
        Organic ............................  502 / 28
    Containers .............................  206 / 524.1+
    Electrolytic synthesis of ..............  205 / 440
    Metal cleaning compositions ............  510 / 245+
    Containing .............................  510 / 245+
    Organic ................................  562
        Carboxylic halides .................  562 / 840
        Halides ............................  562 / 800+
        Higher fatty electric discharge ....  204 / 167
        Treatment ..........................  204 / 167
        Higher fatty electromagnetic .......  204 / 157.6+
        Wave treatment .....................  204 / 157.6
        Hydrocarbon purification using .....  585 / 866
    Phosphate fertilizer ...................  71 / 33+
Acidophilus Milk, Cream, Buttermilk ........  426 / 71
Acorn Type Electronic Tube .................  313
Acoustic Levitation Devices ................  73 / 570.5
Acoustics (See Sound) .....................  181
    Building construction ..................  52 / 144+
        Altering optical element ...........  359 / 285+
        Isolation of motion picture ........  352 / 35
        Housing and supports ...............  352 / 35
        Combined telephone-phonograph ......  379 / 78
        Design .............................  D14 / 242
        Oscillators ........................  331 / 155
    Electrical, wave systems & devices .....  367
        Airborne shock-wave detection ......  367 / 906*
        Collision avoidance ................  367 / 909*
        Coordinate determination ...........  367 / 907*
        Doppler compensation systems .......  367 / 904*
        Material level detection ...........  367 / 908*
        Noise reduction in nonseismic ......  367 / 901*
        Receiving system ...................  367 / 901*
        Particular well-logging ............  367 / 911*
        Apparatus ..........................  367 / 911*
        Portable sonar devices .............  367 / 910*
        Side lobe reduction or shading .....  367 / 905*
        Sonar time varied gain control .....  367 / 900*
        Speed of sound compensation ........  367 / 902*
        Transmit-receive circuitry .........  367 / 903*
    Energy measuring .......................  73 / 861.25+
    Fluid pressure leak detector ...........  73 / 40.5 A
    Holography,vibration measuring .........  73 / 603
    Measuring instruments ..................  73 / 570+
    Stock material .........................  181 / 284+
    Target for golf ........................  473 / 176
    Transducer making ......................  29 / 594
    Transducer making ......................  29 / 602.1
        Mechanical-optical scanning by .....  348 / 198
        Acoustic wave ......................  348 / 198
        Picture projection device ..........  348 / 744+
    Wall construction ......................  52 / 144+
Acridine ...................................  546 / 102+
    Anthrone or anthraquinone nuclei .......  546
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 753+
Acridone Dye ...............................  8 / 662
Acriflavine ................................  546 / 104+
ACRILANâ„¢    (Polyacrylonitrile .............  526 / 342
    Copolymers) ............................  526 / 342
    Polymers (see also synthetic resin .....  526 / 315
    Or natural rubber) .....................  526 / 315
Acronycines ................................  546 / 62+
    In drug ................................  514 / 285
ACRYLONâ„¢    (Polyacrylonitrile Methyl ......  526 / 329.4
    Methacrylate) ..........................  526 / 329.4
Acrylonitrile ..............................  526 / 341
    (See also synthetic resin or natural ...  526 / 341
    Rubber) ................................  526 / 341
Actinic Glass ..............................  501 / 900*
    Developing by heat .....................  65 / 30.1+
Actinide Series Metals See  
    Alloys .................................  420 / 1+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 625
    Electrolysis ...........................  205 / 43+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 560
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 393+
    Nuclear fuels ..........................  376 / 409+
    Organic compounds ......................  534 / 11+
Actinometer ................................  356 / 213+
Actinomycetales ............................  435 / 169
    X-art collections ......................  435 / 822*
Actinospectacin ............................  549 / 361
Activated Ergosterol .......................  552 / 653
Activating Carbon ..........................  502 / 180+
    Lamp filaments .........................  445 / 6
    Of catalyst before use in ..............  585 / 906*
    Hydrocarbon synthesis ..................  585 / 906*
    Vitamins in foods ......................  426 / 72+
Actuated and Actuation (See Type of  
    Device actuated as door gate valve,  
    Etc or means employed to actuate as  
    Cam, gear, motor pawl, speed re-  
    Sponsive device, spring thermostat)  
Acupuncture Test, Electric .................  600 / 548
    Acupuncture, x-art .....................  128 / 907*
Acyclic Hydrocarbon (See Diolefin;  
    Olefin; parafin; triple bond)  
Acyloins ...................................  568 / 303+
Adamantane Synthesis .......................  585 / 352
    Electrical connector socket ............  439 / 638+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 148.22+
    Dispenser cycle totalizer ..............  222 / 36+
    Machine ................................  235
        Design .............................  D18 / 3.1+
        With recorder ......................  235 / 58 R+
    Pencil .................................  235 / 64
Addressing Machine .........................  101 / 47+
    Address printers .......................  D18 / 50+
    Plates .................................  101 / 369+
    Stabilizing an enzyme by ...............  435 / 188
    Urea ...................................  564 / 1.5+
Adenine ....................................  544 / 277
    In drug ................................  514 / 263.4
Adenoid Removal Devices ....................  606 / 110
Adenosine ..................................  536 / 27.6
    Phosphate ..............................  536 / 26.7
    Triphosphate ...........................  536 / 26.26
        Stacking apparatus with means ......  414 / 904*
        To apply adhesive to articles ......  414 / 904*
        To pluck fowls .....................  452 / 72
        With laminating ....................  156
    Bonding (see extensive digest list) ....  156
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 346+
        Methods ............................  156 / 60+
    Brackets attached by ...................  248 / 205.3+
    Carrier component having adherent ......  224 / 901*
    Surface ................................  224 / 901*
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 600+
        Biocide with .......................  424
        Carbohydrate gum ...................  106 / 205.01+
        Cellulose liberation liquor ........  106 / 123.11
        Core oils ..........................  106 / 38.2+
        Protein ............................  106 / 124.1+
        Rubber ctg (see synthetic resin ....  520 / 1+
        Or natural rubber) .................  520 / 1+
        Starch .............................  106 / 206.1+
        Synthetic resin ctg see ...........  520 / 1+
        Synthetic resin or natural .........  520 / 1+
        Rubber .............................  520 / 1+
            Anerobic .......................  523 / 176
            Dental .........................  523 / 116
            Optical cement .................  523 / 168
            Surgical .......................  523 / 118
        Vermin catching, trapping ..........  424 / 77
    Digest .................................  24 / DIG 11
    Fastener for diaper ....................  604 / 389+
    Insect catching and destroying .........  424 / 77
    Insect trap ............................  43 / 114+
    Jewelry ................................  63 / DIG 1
    Manifolding ............................  462 / 900*
        Pressure sensitive .................  462 / 901*
    Metal working involving ................  29 / DIG 1
    Moisteners .............................  118
        Envelope sealing combined ..........  156 / 441.5+
    Process of forming .....................  427 / 207.1+
    Separator for sheet feeding ............  271 / 33
    Tape ...................................  422 / 149+
        Coated on both sides ...............  427 / 208
        Coated on outermost layer ..........  428 / 343
        Coating process ....................  427 / 207.1
        Holder with edge for tearing .......  225 / 6+
        Laminated ..........................  428 / 343+
        Removable layer ....................  428 / 40.1+
        Rolls ..............................  206 / 411
    Testing ................................  73 / 150 A
    Toys, detachably adhesive ..............  446 / 85+
    X-art, special receptacle or ...........  206 / 813*
    Package ................................  206 / 813*
Adipic Acid ................................  562 / 590
    Static mold ............................  249 / 205+
        Sink head or hot top ...............  249 / 202
Adjustable See Device to Be Adjusted  
ADRENALINâ„¢    ..............................  564 / 365
    Medicine containing ....................  424 / 520+
Adrenochrome ...............................  548 / 512
Adrenocorticotrophin Acth .................  530 / 306
Adrenosterone ..............................  552 / 621
Adsorbent (See Sorbent)  
    Device for tool ........................  173 / 141+
        Automatic ..........................  173 / 4+
        Cyclic self acting .................  173 / 19
        Impacting device combined ..........  173 / 112+
    Material of indeterminate-length .......  226
    Aerial .................................  40 / 212+
    Calendars ..............................  40 / 107
    Card support ...........................  D06 / 512
    Coupons, electronic redemption .........  705 / 14
    Design .................................  D20 / 10+
    Display cards ..........................  40 / 124.01+
    Mirror or reflector devices ............  359 / 838+
    Mounting bracket for sign ..............  D08 / 354+
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 56
    Show boxes and cards ...................  D20 / 40
    Sign exhibiting ........................  40
    Skywriting .............................  40 / 213
    Telegraph phones & annunciators ........  369
    Vehicle body ...........................  296 / 21
Adzes ......................................  30 / 308.1
    Design .................................  D08 / 76
    Aerator ................................  D23 / 213+
        Aquarium ...........................  119 / 263
    Agitation mixers .......................  366 / 101+
    Bait container .........................  43 / 57
    Dispensing with gas agitating ..........  222 / 195
    Distillation separatory  
        Distillate .........................  202 / 203
        Vapor ..............................  202 / 201
    Faucet attachment for ..................  239 / 428.5
        Digest .............................  261 / DIG 22
    Food, cereal puffing ...................  99 / 323.4
    Liquid purification  
        Contact surface means ..............  210 / 150+
        Process, biological ................  210 / 620+
            Oxidation ......................  210 / 758+
            With flotation .................  210 / 703+
        Submerged fluid inlet ..............  210 / 220+
    Oxygen transfer technique ..............  435 / 818*
    Pumping by aerating liquid column ......  417 / 108+
    Sewage process .........................  210 / 620+
        Diffusers ..........................  261 / DIG 70
        Rotating ...........................  261 / DIG 71
Aerial (See Antenna)  
    Bombs ..................................  102 / 382+
    Cableway ...............................  104 / 112+
    Camera .................................  396 / 7+
    Films, radiation imagery ...............  430 / 928*
    Fire fighting apparatus ................  244 / 136
    Photo instruments ......................  33 / 1 A
    Sighting ...............................  33 / 229+
Aerogram Design ............................  D19 / 2
Aerometer ..................................  73 / 30.01+
Aeronautics ................................  244
Aeroplane (See Aircraft) ..................  244
Aerosol, Compositions & Processes ..........  516 / 1+
Aerostatic Exhibiting Devices ..............  40 / 212
    Skywriting .............................  40 / 213
Aerosteam Engines ..........................  60 / 200.1+
Aesculin ...................................  536 / 18.1
Affixing Apparatus  
    Label pasting and paper hanging ........  156
    Sheet metal container making ...........  413
Afghan Blanket .............................  D06 / 603
African Violets ............................  PLT / 264+
Afterburner, Reaction Motor With ...........  60 / 761+
Aftertreatment of Polymers  
    Chemically from ethylenic ..............  525 / 326.1+
    Monomers only ..........................  525 / 326.1+
    Physically .............................  528 / 480+
Agar .......................................  536 / 3
Age Hardening  
    Ferrous alloys .........................  148 / 622+
    Nonferrous alloys ......................  148 / 559+
    Permanent magnet material ..............  148 / 102
    Apparatus ..............................  425 / 222
    Inorganic compounds ....................  23 / 313 R+
    Metal powder or scrap ..................  425 / 222
    Ores ...................................  75 / 746+
        Agents .............................  252 / 381+
        Comminution combined ...............  241 / 16
Aggregate and Pellet .......................  425 / DIG 101
    Composition for making mortars, ........  425 / DIG 101
    Concrete, or artificial stone ..........  425 / DIG 101
Agitating See Compacting,Jarring, ..........  366
    Jogging, mixer, stirrer, vibrators .....  366
    Abrading tumbler .......................  451 / 326+
        Processes ..........................  451 / 32+
        Sand blast combined ................  451 / 85+
    Agitator discharging ...................  366 / 184
        Receptacle moving ..................  366 / 187
    Agitator feeding to ....................  366 / 150.1+
        Condition responsive control of ....  366 / 151.1+
        Liquid injector in mixing ..........  366 / 167.1+
        Chamber ............................  366 / 167.1
        Suction ............................  366 / 163.1+
        Tangential to mixing chamber .......  366 / 165.1+
    Agitator mixing chamber movable ........  366 / 219+
        Oscillating ........................  366 / 237+
        Rotating ...........................  366 / 220
    Agitator mixing chamber stationary .....  366 / 341
        With stirrer .......................  366 / 241
    Agitator plural mixing chamber  
        Mortar .............................  366 / 14
        Moving .............................  366 / 235
        Rubber & heavy plastic .............  366 / 91
    Agitator stirrer .......................  366 / 343+
        Cover combined .....................  366 / 242+
        Rotatable ..........................  366 / 279+
    Bathtubs ...............................  4 / 584+
    Bearing lubricant ......................  384 / 395
        Axle bearing .......................  384 / 384
    Churn butterworker combined ............  99 / 459
    Coating implement combined .............  401 / 4
    Comminuting combined ...................  241 / 98
    Concentrating evaporator ...............  159 / 25.1
    Distillation appartus combined .........  202
    Distillation processes combined ........  201
    Distillation processes combined ........  203
    Electrode agitator .....................  204 / 222+
        Liquid electrode ...................  204 / 221
        Rotary receptacle ..................  204 / 213+
    Electrolytic cell ......................  204 / 273
        Diaphragm type .....................  204 / 261
    Feeders and conveyors  
        Article dispensers .................  221 / 200+
        Comminutor feeder ..................  241 / 249
        Dispensing .........................  222
        Fluid current conveyor .............  406 / 86+
            In intake receptacle ...........  406 / 134+
        Gravity flow drier .................  34 / 166
        Kiln feeder ........................  34 / 203
        Reciprocating conveyors ............  198 / 750.1+
            Pushers ........................  198 / 736+
        Sifter feeder ......................  209 / 245
        Stationary receptacle drier ........  34 / 179
    Fuels and oils  
        Cracking assistant .................  208 / 146+
        Distillation assistant .............  201
        Gas generator fuel .................  48 / 85.1+
        Oil distillation process ...........  208 / 347+
        Oil vaporizing apparatus ...........  196 / 123+
    Furnace grate ..........................  126 / 155+
    Gas injection, effected by .............  366 / 101+
        Dispensing .........................  222 / 195
        Gas and liquid contact .............  261
        Mortar mixers ......................  366 / 10+
        Mortar mixing processes ............  366 / 3+
    Heating or cooling combined  
        Boiling apparatus ..................  99 / 409
        Canning apparatus ..................  99 / 371
        Coffee and tea making apparatus ....  99 / 287
        Congealed product producers ........  62 / 342+
        Congealed product producing ........  62 / 68+
        Cooking apparatus ..................  99 / 348
        Cooled heat transfer liquid ........  62 / 435
        Cooled withdrawable liquid .........  62 / 392
        Drying gas agitator ................  34 / 241
        Gravity flow tube drier ............  34 / 166
        Heat exchange apparatus ............  165 / 109.1
        Heating furnace ....................  432 / 80
        Kiln zigzag flow ...................  34 / 203+
        Mixing .............................  366 / 144+
        Mortar mixer heater or cooler ......  366 / 22+
            Processes ......................  366 / 7
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 387.1
        Rotary drier .......................  34 / 108+
        Stationary receptacle drier ........  34 / 179+
        Vibrating drier ....................  34 / 164
        Zigzag flow drier ..................  34 / 171+
    Insect catcher  
        Oscillating plant leaf agitator ....  43 / 143
        Rotating plant leaf agitator .......  43 / 142
    Liquid heater cleaner ..................  122 / 380
    Liquid jet .............................  366 / 167.1+
        Amalgamator agitator ...............  209 / 66
        Dispensing assistant ...............  222 / 195
        Flotation apparatus ................  209 / 170
        Fluid current conveyor .............  406
        Injector for gas and liquid ........  261 / 76
        Contact ............................  261 / 76+
        Mortar mixing apparatus ............  366 / 10
        Mortar mixing processes ............  366 / 3
        Multiple jet gas and liquid ........  261 / 40
        Contact ............................  261 / 40+
        Multiple screen sifter .............  209 / 312
        Radiant energy treatment ...........  250 / 428
        Combined ...........................  250 / 428+
        Reciprocating sifter ...............  209 / 321
        Sifter cleaner .....................  209 / 380
        Superposed screen sifter ...........  209 / 318
        Amalgamators .......................  209 / 50+
        Centrifugal filter .................  210 / 360.1+
        Electrical or electrical and .......  204 / 660+
        Magnetic apparatus to separate .....  204 / 660+
        Or purify liquid ...................  204 / 660+
        Filter .............................  210 / 407
        Liquid suspension ..................  209 / 155+
        Magnetic ...........................  209 / 225+
        Sifter .............................  209 / 233+
    Spittoons ..............................  4 / 278
        Fluid treating .....................  68
        Fluid treating processes ...........  8 / 159
    Vibratory support or receptacle ........  366 / 108+
        Dispenser part .....................  222 / 196+
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 164
        Filled bag or receptacle ...........  53 / 525
        Gas generator fuel .................  48 / 85.1
        Heat exchange receptacle ...........  165 / 86+
        Movable dispensing container .......  222 / 161
    With glass making apparatus ............  65 / 178
Agraffe ....................................  84 / 211
Agriculture & Agricultural See  
    Plants, animal, or implement type  
        Design .............................  D08 / 1+
        Dibbles ............................  111 / 99
        Fruit gatherers ....................  56 / 328.1+
        Hand cultivators ...................  172 / 371+
        Hand cutters .......................  56 / 239+
        Hand rakes .........................  56 / 400.01+
        Boring or penetrating the earth ....  175
        Diggers ............................  171
        Digging & recovering buried ........  171
        Objects ............................  171
        Harrows ............................  172
        Harvesters .........................  56
        Hydraulic & earth engineering ......  405
        Not hand-held ......................  D15 / 10
        Planters ...........................  111
        Plows ..............................  172
        Wells ..............................  166
    Post or column .........................  D25 / 131
Aibn (Azobisisobutyronitrile) ..............  526 / 219.6
Aileron ....................................  244 / 90 R
Aim See Sight  
    Direct sighting ........................  33 / 227+
    Optical ................................  356 / 247+
    Radar, external device .................  342 / 61+
        Gun ................................  342 / 67
Air (See Gas; Pneumatic)  
    Air injected liquid heaters & ..........  122 / 5.51
    Vaporizers .............................  122 / 5.51
    Airbag passenger restraints ............  280 / 728.1+
    Aircooled engines ......................  123 / 41.56+
    Analysis ...............................  73 / 31.01
    Auxiliary inlet carburetors ............  261 / DIG 1
    Blast or suction  
        Dispensed material entraining ......  222 / 630+
            In conduit or guide ............  406
        Dispensed material propelling ......  222 / 195
        Fiber liberation ...................  19 / 9
        Filter cleaning ....................  210 / 407
        Solid material comminution .........  241 / 38
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 38+
        Solid material comminution .........  241 / 15
        Process ............................  241 / 15+
    Blast or suction cleaning  
        Blast only .........................  15 / 405+
        Both blast and suction .............  15 / 345+
        Convertible type ...................  15 / 328+
        Ejectors for unstacking ............  414 / 795.5
        Articles ...........................  414 / 795.5
        Installed or fixed position ........  15 / 301
        Devices ............................  15 / 301+
        Methods ............................  134
        Tube blowers .......................  15 / 316.1+
        With dirt filter ...................  15 / 347+
        With mechanical agitator for .......  15 / 363
        Work ...............................  15 / 363+
    Blow molding needle or nozzle ..........  425 / 535
    Circulating shoe .......................  36 / 3 R
    Cleaner (see air purification)  
    Compressors ............................  415
    Conditioning (see cooling; drying; .....  D23 / 351+
    Disinfection; filter; heat; ............  D23 / 351+
    Moistener; purifying;sterlizing) .......  D23 / 351+
    Cooling ................................  62 / 404+
        Air coolers ........................  261 / DIG 43
        Aircooling .........................  261 / DIG 3
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 186+
        Compressing and expanding ..........  62 / 401+
            Apparatus ......................  62 / 401+
            Automatic ......................  62 / 172
            Process ........................  62 / 86+
        Processes ..........................  62 / 89+
    Dielectric capacitor ...................  361 / 326+
    Disinfecting or sterilizing ............  422 / 4
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 120+
        Using heat transfer other ..........  422 / 38
        Than air ...........................  422 / 38
        Funnels ............................  141 / 297+
        Portable receptacle filling ........  141 / 37
        Register baseboard .................  454 / 287+
        Register ceiling ...................  454 / 292+
        Register floor .....................  454 / 289+
        Sweeping type ......................  454 / 285
        Wick type fuel burner ..............  431 / 298+
    Drying .................................  95
        Compositions .......................  252 / 194
    Ejection ...............................  425 / DIG 102
    Feeding see air mixer  
    Filled nuclear counter .................  376 / 108+
        System .............................  250 / 374
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 861+
    Heating ................................  126 / 99 R+
        Industrial blast stoves, etc .......  432 / 214+
    Impregnating inhaler ...................  128 / 203.12
    Inductor ...............................  336 / 199+
    Instruments ............................  33 / DIG 2
    Line lubricators .......................  261 / DIG 35
    Manifold ...............................  198 / 955*
    Mattresses .............................  5 / 706+
        Gas heating illuminating ...........  48 / 180.1+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 527+
        Liquid contact .....................  261
        Solid contact ......................  34
        Ventilators ........................  454 / 261+
    Moistener ..............................  261
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 31+
        Fireplace attachments ..............  126 / 508
        For vehicle ........................  454 / 157
        Furnace hot air ....................  126 / 113
        Heat exchanger combined ............  165 / 60
        Radiator combined ..................  237 / 78 R
        Slow diffuser ......................  239 / 34+
        Stovepipe attachments ..............  126 / 313
        Ventilating floor register .........  454 / 291
        Ventilating wall register ..........  454 / 337
        Window ventilator ..................  454 / 223
    Monitor radioactivity ..................  250 / 374+
    Motor expansible chamber ...............  91
        Dental plugger .....................  433 / 120
        Turbine ............................  415
        Wind ...............................  416
    Pillows ................................  5 / 645
    Plane (see aircraft) ..................  244
    Plugger dental .........................  433 / 120
    Port (see airport)  
    Pressure indicator  
        Pressure gage ......................  73 / 700+
        Tire deflation .....................  116 / 34 R
    Propeller ..............................  416
        Aircraft type ......................  416
    Pump (see pump)  
    Purification ...........................  95
        Chemical ...........................  423 / 210
    Raid shelter ...........................  109
    Screw ..................................  416 / 176
    Separator ..............................  96
        Cleaning ...........................  55 / 282+
    Speed measurement ......................  73 / 181+
    Suction cleaning .......................  15 / 300.1+
    Supply device for breathing ............  128 / 204.18+
        Combined with fire fighting ........  239 / 270
        Nozzles ............................  239 / 270
    Support for shaping-treating item ......  425 / DIG 2
    Syringe thermal medicator ..............  604 / 113+
        Filling portable receptacles .......  141
        Fluid pressure dispenser ...........  222 / 394+
        High pressure ......................  220 / 581+
        Ship raising .......................  114 / 52+
        Spring wheels ......................  152 / 10
        Tire inflater ......................  222 / 3+
        Tire inflater wheel carried ........  152 / 418+
    Testing apparatus ......................  73 / 37+
    Tracer for pattern control .............  409 / 126+
    Vehicle heating effected by ............  237 / 12.3 A
    Circulating air ........................  237 / 12.3 A
    Washing apparatus ......................  261 / 75+
Air Brake  
    Fluid pressure operator ................  188 / 151 R+
    System control .........................  303
    System testing .........................  73 / 39
    Vehicle fender combined ................  293 / 5
    Vehicle momentum responsive ............  188 / 141
Air Brush ..................................  D23 / 223+
Air Conditioning (See Cooler)  
Air Gun ....................................  124 / 56+
Air Hammer Motor ...........................  173 / 90+
    Noise muffler ..........................  181 / 230
Air Lock  
    Caissons ...............................  405 / 9
    Closures for ...........................  49 / 68
        Diving bell combined ...............  405 / 192
    Pneumatic conveyer .....................  406 / 169
AIR WICKâ„¢    Composition  
    Dispenser ..............................  239 / 44+
Airbag Passenger Restraints ................  280 / 728.1+
    Steering wheel mount ...................  280 / 777
Aircraft (See Airship; Balloon) ...........  244
    Air cushion ............................  180 / 116+
    Air intake guard .......................  55 / 306
    Altitude indicator .....................  33 / 328+
    Angle or direction instrument ..........  D10 / 67
    Artillery ..............................  89
        Synchronized with propeller ........  89 / 133
    AUTOGIROâ„¢    ...........................  244 / 17.11+
        Toys ...............................  446 / 36+
    Autorotating wing ......................  244 / 17.11+
    Balloons ...............................  244 / 31+
        Gas cell construction ..............  244 / 128
    Boarding stairs design .................  D34 / 30
    Bomb sights ............................  33 / 229
    Buildings ..............................  52 / 86+
        Tent ...............................  135 / 87+
    Cabin air pressure maintenance .........  454 / 71+
    Cable or rail mounted ..................  104 / 23.1+
    Carrier,ship ...........................  114 / 261+
    Control automatic ......................  244 / 175+
    Crash signal  
        Radio ..............................  342 / 385+
        Water dye ..........................  116 / 211
    Design .................................  D12 / 319+
    Dirigible ..............................  244 / 24+
    Discharging ............................  244 / 137.1+
        Inflatable evacuation slide ........  244 / 905*
    Drop bomb retarders ....................  102 / 386+
    Flares parachute .......................  102 / 337+
    Gas & liquid contact apparatus .........  261 / DIG 2
    Ground effect ..........................  180 / 116+
    Gun sights .............................  89 / 41.21+
    Gyroplane ..............................  244 / 17.11+
    Hang glider ............................  244 / 900+
    Hangar .................................  52 / 86+
        Movable wall .......................  52 / 64+
    Helicopter .............................  244 / 17.11+
    Ice prevention .........................  244 / 134 R
    Jet propulsion .........................  60 / 200.1+
    Kites ..................................  244 / 154
    Landing gear or strut ..................  244 / 100 R+
        Spring .............................  267 / 2+
    Lift modifiers .........................  244 / 198+
    Lights .................................  362 / 470+
    Loading ................................  244 / 137.1+
    Locating lights ........................  362 / 470+
    Maintenance vehicle ....................  D12 / 14+
    Mines aerial ...........................  102 / 405
    Mobile stair for boarding ..............  D34 / 30
    Model airplane systems .................  244 / 190
    Motion retarding device ................  244 / 113
        Parachute ..........................  244 / 142+
    Motor mount ............................  248 / 554+
    Navigation instruments .................  73 / 178 R+
    Operator training or testing ...........  434 / 30+
        Radio navigation simulation ........  434 / 239+
        View simulation ....................  434 / 38+
    Ordnance mounts ........................  89 / 37.16+
    Pilot operated .........................  244 / 220+
    Pilotless control ......................  244 / 190+
    Propeller or airplane system ...........  60 / 904*
    Pyrotechnic ............................  102 / 335+
    Radio beacon for .......................  342 / 385+
    Radio controlled radar .................  342 / 36+
    Radio course or bearing for ............  342 / 407+
    Radio glide slope ......................  342 / 410+
    Radio receiver .........................  455 / 345
    Rockets ................................  102 / 384
        Inflatable toys ....................  446 / 225
        Velocipede .........................  280 / 1.21
        Velocipede occupant propelled ......  280 / 1.12
    Stores ejectors ........................  244 / 137.4
        Bomb, flare, or signal .............  89 / 1.51+
    Streamlining ...........................  244 / 130
    Structural element strength ............  73 / 802
    Measurement ............................  73 / 802
    Take off condition measuring ...........  73 / 178 T+
    Take off signal calculation ............  701 / 15
    Towed target ...........................  273 / 360+
    Toys ...................................  446 / 230+
        Design .............................  D21 / 447+
        Flying .............................  446 / 34+
    Ultralight .............................  244 / 900+
Airfield ...................................  244 / 114 R+
Airflow Responsive Switch ..................  200 / 81.9 R
    Construction ...........................  244 / 123.1+
    Lift modifiers .........................  244 / 198+
    Railway traction regulator .............  105 / 74
    Shape ..................................  244 / 35 R+
Airing Device for Bedclothes ...............  5 / 506.1
    Airway signs, ground indicia ...........  40 / 217
    Arrangement landing field ..............  244 / 114 R
    Bulletin boards ........................  40 / 446+
    Electric signaling systems .............  340 / 945+
    Electronic baggage management ..........  705 / 5
    Electronic tickets .....................  705 / 5
        Making reservations from ...........  705 / 6
        Multiple locations .................  705 / 6
        Beacon for .........................  342 / 385+
        Course or bearing ..................  342 / 407+
        Glide slope ........................  342 / 410+
    Security by metal detector systems .....  340 / 568.1+
    Traffic analysis computerized ..........  701 / 120
    Traffic control systems(see airway)  
Airship See Aircraft  
    Cabin pressure control .................  454 / 71+
    Control ................................  244 / 96
    Gas cell construction ..................  244 / 128
    Hull construction ......................  244 / 125
    Load attachment ........................  244 / 127
    Mooring devices ........................  244 / 115+
    Propulsion and sustenance ..............  244 / 24
    Skin construction ......................  244 / 126
Airway Traffic Control Systems  
        Electric signaling .................  340 / 947+
        Illuminating .......................  362 / 35
        Radar type .........................  342 / 385+
        Rotating ...........................  342 / 398+
    Mechanical .............................  116 / 28 R+
        Beacon .............................  342 / 385+
        Course .............................  342 / 407+
        Glide slope ........................  342 / 410+
    With position indicating ...............  342 / 456
    Inter-aisle article transfer ...........  414 / 266+
Ajmaline ...................................  546 / 40
Alanine ....................................  562 / 575
Alarm (See Monitor; Signal)  
    Boiler .................................  122 / 504.2
        Electric, approach operated ........  340 / 541+
        For vehicle ........................  340 / 426.1+
        Mechanical .........................  116 / 75+
    Clock ..................................  368 / 244
        Electrically driven ................  968 / 580+
        Mechanically driven ................  968 / 229+
    Closure position .......................  49 / 13+
    Coffin .................................  340 / 573.1+
    Design .................................  D10 / 106
        Electrical .........................  340 / 632+
        Mechanical .........................  116 / 67 R
    Heat exchanger combined ................  165 / 11.1
    Light responsive .......................  340 / 600+
        Photoelectric system ...............  250 / 200+
    Lock combined ..........................  116 / 8+
        Design .............................  D08 / 332
    Noise exposure .........................  340 / 540
    Over telephone circuit .................  379 / 37+
    Pipe joint combined ....................  285 / 93
    Register mechanism .....................  235 / 128
    System electrical ......................  340 / 500+
    Valve combined .........................  137 / 558
    Watches ................................  368 / 244
ALATHONâ„¢    (Polyethylene) .................  526 / 352
Album ......................................  281
    Book binder sheet ......................  402 / 79
    Design .................................  D19 / 26+
    Fasteners ..............................  24 / 2
    Phonograph record  
        Cabinet type .......................  312 / 9.1+
        Folder carrier indicia .............  40 / 359
        Package type .......................  206 / 311
Albumin ....................................  530 / 362+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 124.1+
    Foods containing .......................  426 / 656
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 88
Alcamine See Alkamine  
Alcohol ....................................  568 / 700+
    Aldehyde ...............................  568 / 496+
    Amines .................................  564 / 503+
    Beverages ..............................  426 / 592
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 275+
            Automated open bar .............  705 / 15
    Breath alcohol .........................  436 / 900*
        Processes ..........................  203
        Stills .............................  202 / 232+
        Systems ............................  202 / 152+
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 450+
    Ether ..................................  568 / 672+
    Fermentation ...........................  435 / 161+
    From olefines ..........................  568 / 895+
    Fuel containing ........................  44 / 436+
    Hydrogen purification using ............  585 / 864
    Hydrometers ............................  73 / 32 R+
    Stove ..................................  126 / 43
        Aging for beverages ................  426
Aldehyde ...................................  568 / 420+
    Acyclic ................................  568 / 448+
    Amine ..................................  564 / 502
    Amine or ammonia reaction product ......  564 / 248
    Aromatic ...............................  568 / 425+
    Cellulose ether or ester ...............  106 / 169.33+
    Composition containing .................  106 / 169.33+
        Fatty acid or ester containing .....  106 / 169.33+
        Fatty acid or ester containing .....  106 / 170.26+
    Fuel containing ........................  44 / 437+
    Hydrogen purification using ............  585 / 864
    Polymer (see synthetic resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
    Sulfonic acid aromatic .................  562 / 46
    With carboxylic acid esters  
        Acyclic ............................  560 / 174+
        Alicyclic ..........................  560 / 126
        Aromatic ...........................  560 / 51+
Aldols .....................................  568 / 496+
Aldosterone ................................  552 / 588
Aldoximes ..................................  564 / 253+
Ale See Beer  
Alfalfa ....................................  426 / 636
Alfin Catalysts ............................  526 / 175
        Edible products from ...............  426
            Single cell protein ............  435 / 804*
        Protein extracts from ..............  530 / 370
    Multicellular algae, culturing .........  47 / 1.4
    Apparatus and methods ..................  47 / 1.4
    Algae, per se, culture methods .........  435 / 257.1+
        Species cross-reference ............  435 / 946*
        Transforments ......................  435 / 257.2
Algicide ...................................  504 / 150+
Algin ......................................  536 / 3
Algoecide Algicide ........................  504 / 150+
Alicyclic Carboxylic Acid Esters ...........  560 / 1+
Alicyclic Hydrocarbon ......................  585 / 22+
    Purification of ........................  585 / 800+
    Synthesis of ...........................  585 / 350+
    Screw drivers ..........................  81 / 451+
    Tools for radio ........................  81
Alizarin ...................................  552 / 261
Alkadiene (See Diolefin)  
    Aluminates .............................  423 / 600+
    Amids ..................................  423 / 351
    Carbonates .............................  423 / 421+
    Carbonates .............................  423 / 419.1+
        Preparation by electrolysis ........  205 / 480+
    Chemical agents for absorbing ..........  252 / 193
    Earth metal see alkaline earth  
        Alloys .............................  420 / 415
            Lead ...........................  420 / 564
        Carbonates .........................  423 / 430+
        Crystallization of compounds .......  23 / 304
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 402+
        Halides ............................  423
        Hydroxides and oxides ..............  423 / 635
            Electrolytic synthesis of ......  205 / 508
            Electrolytic treatment of ......  205 / 762
        Mercury alloys by electrolysis .....  205 / 558
        Nitrates ...........................  149
            Containing .....................  149 / 61+
            Explosive ......................  149
        Organic compounds ..................  260
        Oxides .............................  423 / 635
        Peroxides ..........................  423 / 583
        Phosphates .........................  423 / 305+
        Pigments fillers or aggregates .....  106 / 461+
        Pyrometallurgy .....................  75 / 605+
        Refractory compositions ctg ........  501 / 123+
        Sulphates ..........................  423 / 554+
    Hydroxide preparation ..................  423 / 641
        By electrolysis ....................  205 / 508+
        Alloys .............................  420 / 400
            Lead ...........................  420 / 564
        Carbonates .........................  423 / 419.1
        Chemical agents containing .........  252 / 192
        Chemical agents for absorbing ......  252 / 193
        Crystallization of compounds .......  23 / 302 R+
        Electrolytic synthesis from ........  205 / 367+
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 367+
        Electrolytic synthesis of ..........  205 / 560+
        Electrolytic synthesis of ..........  205 / 508+
        Hydroxides and oxides ..............  205 / 508+
        Electrolytic treatment of ..........  205 / 704+
        Hydroxides and oxides ..............  205 / 704+
        Halides ............................  423 / 462+
        Hydroxides and oxides ..............  423 / 592.1+
        Inorganic compound recovery ........  423 / 179
        Mercury alloys by electrolysis .....  205 / 558
        Nitrates ...........................  149
            Explosive containing ...........  401 / 118+
        Organic compounds ..................  260
        Oxy-halogen salt ...................  423 / 472
            Explosive ......................  149 / 77
        Phosphates .........................  423 / 304+
        Preparation ........................  75 / 745
        Pyrometallurgy .....................  75 / 589
        Solvents, sodium chloride & ........  422 / 902*
        Potassium chloride .................  422 / 902*
        Sulphates ..........................  423 / 551
    Nitrates ...............................  423
        Organic ............................  260
        Packing ............................  206 / 524.1+
    Secondary battery  
        Chromium cobalt or cadmium .........  429
        Iron ...............................  429
        Nickel .............................  429
Alkaline Earth  
    Carbonates .............................  423 / 430+
    Oxides and hyclroxides .................  423 / 635
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 605+
    Silicates ..............................  423 / 326
    Sulfates ...............................  423 / 554+
    Sulfides ...............................  423 / 554
    Biocides containing ....................  424
    Cinchona ...............................  546 / 134+
    Ergot ..................................  546 / 67+
    Medicines containing ...................  424
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
    Opium ..................................  546 / 44+
    Solanum ................................  546 / 124
    Tobacco ................................  546 / 279.4
    Undetermined constitution ..............  424 / 195.15
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 503
        Alkanoic esters ....................  560 / 253
        Monocyclic carboxylic acid .........  560 / 110
        Esters .............................  560 / 110
        Monocyclic carboxylic acid .........  560 / 106+
        Esters .............................  560 / 106+
        Nitro carboxylic acid esters .......  560 / 20+
        Nitro carboxylic acid esters .......  560 / 156
Alkane (See Hydrocarbon; Parafin) .........  585 / 700+
Alkenes (See Olefines)  
Alkines (See Acetylene; Triple Bond  
Alkyd Resins (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Alkylate Detergent Synthesis ...............  585 / 455+
    Acyclic hydrocarbons ...................  585 / 709+
    Alicyclic hydrocarbons .................  585 / 375
    Aromatic hydrocarbons ..................  585 / 446+
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
    Phenols ................................  568 / 780+
Allantoin ..................................  548 / 318.1
    In drug ................................  514 / 390
Allochiral Arrangements  
    Bulb or tube special package ...........  206 / 422
    Closure actuators ......................  49 / 299
    Closure link system ....................  49 / 111+
    Tool with series of teeth ..............  83 / 852
    Tool-face, metal deforming .............  72 / 198
    Age or precipitation hardened ..........  148 / 405
    Amorphous ..............................  148 / 403
    Bearing compositions ...................  508 / 100+
    Compositions ...........................  420
        Making when casting ................  164 / 55.1+
            Continuously casting ...........  164 / 473
    Deformation of .........................  72 / 700*
    Dispersion strengthened ................  75 / 951*
    Electrodes for electrolytic ............  204 / 293
    Apparatus ..............................  204 / 293
        Coating from aqueous bath ..........  205 / 234+
        Synthesis from aqueous bath ........  205 / 557+
        Synthesis from fused bath ..........  205 / 363+
        Treatment ..........................  205 / 704+
    Electron emissive cathode of ...........  420
    Ferrous see ferrous alloys .............  420 / 8+
    Iron ...................................  420 / 8+
    Loose metal particles ..................  75 / 255+
    Mechanical memory ......................  148 / 402
    Metal treatment ........................  148
    Metallurgy .............................  420
    Powder metallurgy  
        Processes ..........................  419
        Products ...........................  75 / 228+
    Pyrophorous ............................  420 / 416
    Railway surface track ..................  238 / 150
    Shape memory ...........................  148 / 402
    Beta gamma survey meter ................  250 / 336.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 361 R+
    Hand counter ...........................  250 / 374
    Proportional counter ...................  376 / 153+
        Similar counter tubes ..............  313 / 93
        System .............................  250 / 374
    Scintillation detector  
        Crystal mounting ...................  250 / 361 R
        Electric ...........................  250 / 361 R
        Non-electric .......................  250 / 483.1
        With sample holder .................  250 / 361 R+
    Survey meters ..........................  250 / 374
        Electric ...........................  250 / 361 R
        Nonelectric ........................  250 / 483.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 361 R+
Alpha Globulins ............................  530 / 392
    Block ..................................  434 / 172
    Design, type ...........................  D18 / 24+
    Letter training ........................  434 / 159+
    Playing cards ..........................  273 / 299
    Specialized font .......................  382
    Stencil ................................  101 / 127+
        By matrix ..........................  345 / 59+
        Cathode ray tube ...................  345 / 25+
Altars .....................................  81
    Design .................................  D06 / 329+
Alternating Current (See Type of  
    Equipment using)  
    Converters to direct current ...........  363
    Electromagnet with armature ............  335 / 243+
    Electromagnetic switches ...............  335 / 99+
    Generator ..............................  310 / 159+
        Prime mover driven .................  290 / 5
    Lamp or electronic tube ................  315 / 246+
    Meter ..................................  324 / 137+
    Motor ..................................  310 / 159+
    Polyphase to arc lamp ..................  314 / 31
    Polyphase to lamp or electronic ........  315 / 137
    Tube ...................................  315 / 137+
        Telautograph .......................  178 / 19.06
        Telegraph ..........................  178 / 66.1+
    Transmission ...........................  307
Alternating Mechanical Motions .............  74
    (See gearing)) .........................  74
Alternator Structure .......................  310
Altimeter See Altitude Instrument ..........  D10 / 70
    Electrical echo systems ................  367 / 87+
    Radio wave systems .....................  342 / 120
Altitude Instrument  
    Barometric .............................  73 / 384+
    Design .................................  D10 / 70+
    Directional radio ......................  342 / 462
    Light ray type .........................  33 / 282
        Aerial bomb sight ..................  33 / 229
        Optical ............................  356 / 3+
        Solar position locator .............  33 / 268+
        Telescopes .........................  359 / 399+
        Vertical and horizontal angle ......  33 / 281
        Vertical angle .....................  33 / 282+
    Passive sonic or supersonic object .....  367 / 118+
    Detection type .........................  367 / 118+
    Radiant energy .........................  342 / 120+
    Radiosonde .............................  340 / 870.01+
        System .............................  340 / 870.1
    Sonic or supersonic echo system, ie ....  367 / 87+
    Active sonar ...........................  367 / 87
    With position indicating ...............  342 / 462
    Wind instrument see instrument  
Alum .......................................  423 / 544+
Alumina ....................................  423 / 625
    Refractory containing ..................  501 / 127+
        Magnesium compound combined ........  501 / 118+
Aluminates .................................  423 / 600+
    Alicyclic compound synthesis ...........  585 / 475
        By isomerization ...................  585 / 481+
    Compounds with plural metals ...........  423 / 118.1
    Saturated compound synthesis ...........  585 / 722
    Saturated compound synthesis ...........  585 / 739
    Silicon and silicon compounds ..........  423+
    Unsaturated compound synthesis .........  585 / 533
    Unsaturated compound synthesis .........  585 / 666
    Age hardening ..........................  148 / 694+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 528
        Copper .............................  420 / 529
    Compounds ..............................  554 / 38
        Aluminates .........................  423 / 600+
        Azo compounds containing ...........  534 / 692+
        Azoles containing ..................  548 / 101+
        Carbocyclic or acyclic .............  556 / 170+
        Compounds containing ...............  556 / 170+
        Diarylene ortho diketones ..........  552 / 209
        Containing .........................  552 / 209
        Diazine containing .................  544 / 225
        Diazo compounds containing .........  534 / 562+
        Halides ............................  423 / 462
        Higher fatty acids containing ......  554 / 76
        Inorganic ..........................  423
        Nitrides ...........................  423 / 409
        Organic ............................  556 / 170+
            Chelates .......................  556 / 175
            Clay or zeolite containing .....  556 / 173
            Salicylates ....................  556 / 175
            Sesquihalides ..................  556 / 180
        Oxazine containing .................  544 / 64
        Oxides .............................  423 / 625
        Proteins containing ................  530 / 400+
        Pyridine nucleus compounds .........  546 / 2+
        Containing .........................  546 / 2
        Sulphates ..........................  423 / 544+
        Thiazine containing ................  544 / 4
        Triarylmethanes containing .........  552 / 103
    Electrolytic coating of ................  205 / 323+
        Cleaning or etching combined .......  205 / 213+
    Electrolytic synthesis from ............  205 / 372+
    Fused bath .............................  205 / 372+
    Electrothermic processes ...............  75 / 10.1+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 688+
    Metal working using ....................  29 / DIG 2
    Pigments ...............................  106 / 404
    Plate ..................................  428 / 650+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 671+
Amalgam Mixer, eg Dental Filling ...........  366 / 602*
Amalgamator (See Mercury)  
    Coated surface adhesion ................  209 / 50+
    Mercury suspension .....................  209 / 174+
    Other separators combined ..............  209 / 12.1+
    Selective differentiation ..............  209 / 48
Amantadine, in Drug ........................  514 / 656
AMBERLITEâ„¢    (Ion Exchange Resins) ........  521 / 25+
Ambulance ..................................  296 / 19+
Ambulatory Pneumatic Splints ...............  602 / 10
Amides .....................................  564
    Higher fatty acid ......................  554 / 35+
        Sulphonated ........................  554 / 42+
Amidines ...................................  564 / 225+
    Aromatic ...............................  564 / 244+
    N prime-aryl formamidines ..............  564 / 245
    Polyamidines ...........................  564 / 243
Amidino Hydrazines or Hydrazones ...........  564 / 226+
Amidoximes .................................  564 / 229
Amine ......................................  564
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 463+
        Aldehyde or ketone ctg .............  564 / 502
        Hydroxy or ether ctg ...............  564 / 503+
        Plural amine ctg ...................  564 / 511+
        Sulfur .............................  564 / 500+
        Unsaturated ........................  564 / 509
    Aldehyde (see azomethine)  
    Aromatic ...............................  564 / 305+
        Aralkyl ............................  564 / 374+
        Aryloxy alkanol ....................  564 / 349+
        Aryloxy alkyl ......................  564 / 347+
        Benzyl .............................  564 / 384+
        Diaryl amines ......................  564 / 433+
        Diphenyl ether or sulfides .........  564 / 430
        Monocyclic .........................  564 / 305
        Phenethyl ..........................  564 / 376+
        Polycylo ring system ..............  564 / 426+
    Boron ctg ..............................  564 / 8+
        Bonded directly to nitrogen ........  564 / 9+
        Boron-nitrogen rings ...............  564 / 10+
    Carbocyclic ............................  564 / 305+
    Oxides .................................  564 / 297+
    Phenol addition salts ..................  564 / 280+
    Phosphorus bonded  
        Directly to nitrogen ...............  564 / 12+
            In same ring ...................  564 / 13
        Indirectly to amino nitrogen .......  564 / 15+
            Phosphorous in a ring ..........  564 / 106
        Amination ..........................  564 / 395+
        Dealkylation of secondary or .......  564 / 486
        Tertiary amine .....................  564 / 486
        From amides ........................  564 / 414
        From amides ........................  564 / 488
        From esters ........................  564 / 393
        From esters ........................  564 / 468
        From heterocyclic compound .........  564 / 413
        From organic acid acid halide ......  564 / 394
        Or salt ............................  564 / 394
        Halogenation or dehalogenation .....  564 / 412
        Nitration ..........................  564 / 411
        Nitrosation ........................  564 / 410
        Purification or recovery ...........  564 / 497+
        Reduction ..........................  564 / 448+
        Ring alkylation or deakylation .....  564 / 409
        Separation of aromatic isomere .....  564 / 424+
    Stabilized or preserved ................  564 / 5+
Aminimines .................................  564 / 464+
Amino Acids ................................  260
    Acyclic ................................  562 / 553+
    Aromatic ...............................  562 / 433+
    Protein derived ........................  562 / 516
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 89
Amino Carboxylic Acid Esters  
    Acyclic ................................  560 / 155+
    Alicyclic ..............................  560 / 125
    Aromatic ...............................  560 / 19+
Amino Optical Isomers  
    Racemization ...........................  564 / 302
    Resolution .............................  564 / 303
Aminophenols ...............................  564 / 305+
Aminoplast (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Aminopyrine ................................  548 / 367.4
Ammeter ....................................  324 / 76.11+
    Chemical agents for binding ............  252 / 193
    Derivatives inorganic ..................  423
    Developing .............................  430 / 150
        Machines ...........................  396 / 579
    Distillation processes .................  203
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 552
    Gas generators .........................  422 / 148
    Medicator ..............................  128 / 203.12
    Production .............................  423 / 352+
    Soda apparatus .........................  422 / 148
    Stills .................................  202 / 232+
    Systems for distilling .................  202 / 152+
    Crystallization of compounds ...........  23 / 302 A
    Electrolytic synthesis of ..............  205 / 551
    Compounds ..............................  205 / 551
    Fertilizer containing compounds ........  71
    Halides ................................  423 / 470
    Nitrates ...............................  423 / 396
        Explosive or thermic ...............  149 / 46+
        Composition containing .............  149 / 46+
    Perchlorates ...........................  423 / 476
        Explosive or thermic ...............  149 / 76
        Composition containing .............  149 / 76
    Phosphates .............................  423 / 305+
    Quaternary .............................  564 / 281+
    Sulphates ..............................  423 / 545+
Ammonolysis ................................  564
    Acyclic amine production ...............  564 / 469+
    Anthraquinone alpha amine ..............  552 / 238+
    Production .............................  552 / 238+
    Anthraquinone beta amine production ....  552 / 236+
    Aromatic amine production ..............  564 / 395
Ammunition (See Cap; Magazine; Shell; ......  102
    Ordnance ...............................  102
    Armor piercing .........................  102 / 517+
    Belts ..................................  89 / 35.01+
    Blasting ...............................  102 / 301+
    Cartridges .............................  102 / 430+
        Combustible ........................  102 / 431+
            X-art collection ...............  102 / 700*
        Holder .............................  224 / 223
            Bandoleer ......................  224 / 602
            Covered ........................  224 / 239
        Packing ............................  86 / 47+
    Charge wave forming ....................  102 / 305+
        X-art collection ...................  102 / 701*
    Compression ignition ...................  102 / 702*
    Coolants ...............................  102 / 704*
    Design .................................  D22 / 112+
        Belt or belt  
        Attachable holders .................  D03 / 224
    Drop bombs .............................  102 / 382+
    Explosive & thermic compositions .......  149
    Or charges .............................  149
    Explosive charge making ................  86
    Explosive devices & ammunition .........  102
    Feeding devices ........................  86 / 45+
    Firearms ...............................  42
    Flechette ..............................  102 / 703*
    Fuses, primers & igniting devices ......  102 / 200+
    Heat shield ............................  244 / 159.1+
    Heat shield ............................  244 / 171.7+
    Loading ................................  86 / 23+
    Making .................................  86 / 10+
    Mines ..................................  102 / 401+
    Narcotic containing ....................  102 / 512
    Non-ricocheting ........................  102 / 398
    Ordnance ...............................  89
        Mechanical guns & projectors .......  124
    Powder bags ............................  102
    Powder form ............................  102 / 282
    Projectile .............................  102 / 501+
    Pyrotechnics ...........................  102 / 335+
    Receptacle .............................  206 / 3
        Body or belt attached ..............  224 / 223
    Sabots & rifling bands .................  102 / 520+
    Separated explosive constituents .......  102 / 705*
    Shells .................................  102 / 473+
    Testing ................................  73 / 167
    Torpedoes, aircraft ....................  244 / 14
    Torpedoes, ships .......................  114 / 20.1+
    Wads ...................................  102 / 448+
    Well torpedoes .........................  102 / 301+
Amorphous Alloy or Metal Stock .............  148 / 403
Amoxicillin ................................  540 / 331
Ampere Meter ...............................  324 / 76.11+
Amphetamine ................................  564 / 381
    In drug ................................  514 / 654
Amphibian Vehicles  
    Airborne ...............................  244 / 50
        Fluid cushion ......................  180 / 116+
    Design .................................  D12 / 324
    Landing gear ...........................  244 / 101
Ampicillin .................................  540 / 336
Ampicillin, in Drug ........................  514 / 198
Amplidyne ..................................  322 / 92
Amplifier ..................................  330
    A c raw power or bias supply ........  330 / 114+
    Adjustable coupling impedance  
        Automatic ..........................  330 / 144+
        Automatic thermal ..................  330 / 143
    Anode voltage control ..................  330 / 128
    Anode voltage supply ...................  330 / 202
        With input electrode bias ..........  330 / 203
    Artificial line coupling ...............  330 / 57
    Beam power .............................  313 / 299
        Diode ..............................  313 / 298
        With beam forming electrodes .......  313 / 299+
    Bias voltage control ...................  330 / 129+
        In feedback amplifier ..............  330 / 96
        In push pull amplifier .............  330 / 182
    Bootstrap ..............................  330 / 156
    Bridge, wheatstone .....................  330 / 146
        Cascode type .......................  330 / 72
        Impedance network in coupling ......  330 / 175
        Circuit ............................  330 / 175
    Buffer .................................  330
        Radio transmitter with .............  455 / 91+
    Bypass of an amplifier stage ...........  330 / 151
    Capacitive amplifier device system .....  330 / 7
        Input ..............................  330 / 185
        Interstage .........................  330 / 177+
        L in anode or grid circuit .........  330 / 179
        L in series between stages .........  330 / 178
        Output .............................  330 / 192
        R in anode and grid circuit ........  330 / 180
        Between stages .....................  330 / 180
        R in series between stages .........  330 / 178
    Cascaded differently coupled stage .....  330 / 152+
        Including a cathode follower .......  330 / 153
        Including an interstage ............  330 / 154
        Resonant network ...................  330 / 154
        Including interstage ...............  330 / 154
        Transformer coupling ...............  330 / 154
    Cascode ................................  330 / 70+
    Cathode self biasing circuit ...........  330 / 142
    Cathode to cathode coupling of .........  330 / 89
    Adjacent stages ........................  330 / 89
    Cathode to cathode feedback ............  330 / 88+
    Class d type ...........................  330 / 251
    Combined with diverse type art .........  330 / 1 R
    Device .................................  330 / 1 R
    Compressor thru bias control ...........  330 / 129+
        Output .............................  330 / 193+
        Phase inverter .....................  330 / 117
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 119
    Compressor thru impedance control ......  330 / 144+
        Interstage .........................  330 / 158+
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 119
    Compressor thru thermal impedance ......  330 / 143
    Control ................................  330 / 143
        Screen grid input ..................  330 / 161
        Screen grid output .................  330 / 163
    Coupling from cathode  
        Interstage .........................  330 / 172+
        Interstage transformer .............  330 / 168
    Coupling from grid .....................  330 / 162+
    Coupling from screen grid ..............  330 / 162+
    Coupling impedance automatically .......  330 / 144+
    Varied .................................  330 / 144+
        Diode ..............................  330 / 145
        Electronic tube ....................  330 / 145
        Thermal ............................  330 / 143
    Coupling network  
        H filter ...........................  330 / 176
        Lattice filter .....................  330 / 175
        P i filter .........................  330 / 176
        R c ................................  330 / 180
        T filter ...........................  330 / 176
        Wheatstone bridge ..................  330 / 175
    Coupling to cathode  
        Bootstrap ..........................  330 / 156
        Input ..............................  330 / 186+
    Coupling to plate or auxiliary .........  330 / 160+
    Electrode ..............................  330 / 160+
    Coupling to screen grid ................  330 / 160+
    Current mirror type ....................  330 / 257
    Current mirror type ....................  330 / 288
    D c coupling  
        Cathode input ......................  330 / 187
        Cathode input interstage ...........  330 / 159
        Cathode output .....................  330 / 194
        Cathode output interstage ..........  330 / 173
        Grid output ........................  330 / 163
        Input ..............................  330 / 191
        Interstage .........................  330 / 181+
        Output .............................  330 / 198
        Plate or aux electrode input .......  330 / 161
        Push pull interstage ...............  330 / 121
    Design .................................  D14 / 188+
    Detector for avc .......................  330 / 140
        Biased .............................  330 / 138
        Triode .............................  313 / 293+
    Differential ...........................  330 / 69
    Diode as coupling element ..............  330 / 164
    Diode power pentode ....................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Diode type .............................  330 / 287
        With plural power supplies .........  315 / 166
    Direct coupled power ...................  313 / 3
    Distortion bucking in ..................  330 / 149
    Distributed parameter coupling .........  330 / 53+
    Diverse type amplifying devices ........  330 / 3
    Dynamic coupled power ..................  313 / 3
    Dynamo- electric rotary linear .........  330 / 58
    Electric ...............................  330
        Automatically varied impedance .....  330 / 86
        In feedback path ...................  330 / 86
        Auxiliary electrode ................  330 / 111
        Cascade amplifiers .................  330 / 98+
        Cathode ............................  330 / 87+
        Cathode impedance feedback .........  330 / 87+
        Cathode-cathode feedback ...........  330 / 88+
        Combined with bias voltage .........  330 / 85
        Control of fl bl amplifier .........  330 / 85
        Combined with bias voltage .........  330 / 96
        Control of signal amplifier ........  330 / 96
        Current and voltage feedback .......  330 / 102
        Current feedback ...................  330 / 105
        Dc signal feedback path ............  330 / 97
            In push pull amplifier .........  330 / 83
        Electromechanical telephone ........  381 / 161+
        Electronic tube type ...............  330
        Frequency responsive ...............  330 / 109
        Frequency responsive cathode .......  330 / 94
        Impedance ..........................  330 / 94
        Negative feedback ..................  330 / 75+
        Non- linear cathode impedance ......  330 / 95
        Non- linear impedance ..............  330 / 110
        Phase shift means in loop path .....  330 / 107
        Plural channel amplifiers ..........  330 / 84
        Positive feedback ..................  330 / 112
        Pulse amplifier electronic .........  327 / 178+
        Transformer ........................  336
        Transistor making  
            Apparatus ......................  29 / 25.02
            Process ........................  438
        Transistor system see .............  330 / 250+
        Amplifier, transistor ..............  330 / 250+
        Transistor system non-linear .......  327
        Traveling wave tube systems ........  330 / 43
        Traveling wave type ................  315 / 3.5
        Tube structure .....................  315 / 3.5
        Traveling wave type ................  315 / 39.3
        Tube structure .....................  315 / 39.3
        Two way telephone repeater .........  379 / 338+
    Electrocardiograph .....................  128 / 902*
    Electrolytic ...........................  330 / 207 R
    Electromechanical transducer ...........  330 / 174
    Coupling element .......................  330 / 174
        Positive and negative feedback .....  330 / 82
        In push pull amplifiers ............  330 / 82
        Positive and negative feedback .....  330 / 101
        In same path .......................  330 / 101
        Positive feedback included with ....  330 / 93
        Cathode impedance feedback .........  330 / 93
        Push pull amplifiers ...............  330 / 81+
    Electron beam tube systems .............  330 / 44+
    Electronic tube as coupling ............  330 / 164
    Element ................................  330 / 164
    Feedback ...............................  330 / 75+
        Amplifier in feedback path .........  330 / 85
    Filamentary cathode ....................  330 / 206
        Ac supply ..........................  330 / 115
        Plural .............................  330 / 201
        With input electrode supply ........  330 / 205
    Gas tube amplifying device system ......  330 / 41
    Guitar .................................  84 / 723+
    Hum bucking in .........................  330 / 149
    Indicating amplifier condition .........  330 / 2
    Input ..................................  330 / 185+
    Input coupling .........................  330 / 185+
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 122
    Integrated circuits ....................  330 / 307
    Interstage coupling ....................  330 / 157+
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 120+
    Light controlled or activated ..........  330 / 59
    Means in amplifier system ..............  330 / 59
    Magnetic linear ........................  330 / 8
    Magnetic switching .....................  307 / 415
    Magnetic voltage magnitude control .....  323
        External or operator controlled ....  323 / 329
        Input responsive ...................  323 / 302
        Output responsive ..................  323 / 249
        Self regulating ....................  323 / 310
    Magneto-resistive type amplifier .......  330 / 62
    Device .................................  330 / 62
    Magneto-strictive means in .............  330 / 60
    Amplifier system .......................  330 / 60
    Magnetron systems ......................  330 / 47+
    Masertype ..............................  330 / 5
    Measuring amplifier condition ..........  330 / 2
    Microphone .............................  381 / 111+
    Modulator- demodulator systems .........  330 / 10
    Neutralization by feedback .............  330 / 76+
    Neutralization by feedback .............  330 / 292
    Transistor .............................  330 / 292
    Neutron ................................  376 / 171
    Noise bucking in .......................  330 / 149
    Output coupling ........................  330 / 192+
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 122
    Parametric type capacitive reactor .....  330 / 7
    Parametric type distributed ............  330 / 5
    Parameter solid element ................  330 / 5
    Parametric type saturable core .........  330 / 8
    Reactor ................................  330 / 8
        Combined with meter ................  324 / 118
    Pentode ................................  330
    Pentode ................................  313 / 300
    Phase inverters ........................  330 / 116
    Phase inverters ........................  330 / 117
    Phase inverters transistors ............  330 / 301
    Piezoelectric crystal coupling .........  330 / 174
    Element ................................  330 / 174
    Pilot current controlled ...............  330 / 52
    Plural amplifier channel systems .......  330 / 124 R+
    Plural input sources ...................  330 / 147
    Plural output loads ....................  330 / 148
    Power supply ...........................  330 / 199+
        Ac raw ............................  330 / 114+
        Control or regulation ..............  330 / 127+
        Polyphase ..........................  330 / 113
        Push pull ..........................  330 / 123
        Push pull control or regulation ....  330 / 123
    Preselector ............................  330
    Printed circuits in amplifier ..........  330 / 66
    System .................................  330 / 66
    Protection means .......................  330 / 298
    Push pull systems ......................  330 / 118+
    Radio frequency ........................  330
        Power amplifier ....................  330
        Shielded ...........................  330 / 68
        With gain control ..................  330 / 129+
    Resistance coupled .....................  330 / 180
    Resistive type amplifying device .......  330 / 61 R
    Systems ................................  330 / 61 R
    Saturable core reactor systems  
        External or operator controlled ....  323 / 329
        Input responsive ...................  323 / 302
        Linear .............................  330 / 8
        Non- linear ........................  307 / 401
        Output responsive ..................  323 / 249
        Self regulating ....................  323 / 310
        Voltage magnitude control ..........  323
    Screen grid voltage control ............  330 / 128
    Secondary emitter vacuum tube ..........  330 / 42
    Systems ................................  330 / 42
    Semiconductor device see  
    Amplifier, transistor  
    Series energized tubes .................  330 / 70+
    Sound ..................................  181
        Diaphragms and mountings ...........  181 / 148+
        Electromechanical audio ............  381 / 161+
        Megaphones .........................  181 / 177+
        Receiver telegraph .................  178 / 100
        Recording and reproducing ..........  369
    Speaker ................................  381 / 111+
    Stagger tuned ..........................  330 / 154
    Sum & difference amplifiers ............  330 / 69
    Testing amplifier condition ............  330 / 2
    Thermal impedance in amplifier .........  330 / 143
    Signal path ............................  330 / 143
        Diode type .........................  330 / 287
        Electrostatic field control ........  330 / 277
        Feedback ...........................  330 / 291+
        Four electrode type ................  330 / 307
        Graded conductivity type ...........  330 / 250+
        Input to collector .................  330 / 250+
        Intrinsic zone .....................  330 / 250+
        Light control ......................  330 / 308
        Negative feedback ..................  330 / 293
        Neutralization by feedback .........  330 / 292
        Plural channel .....................  330 / 295
        Plural input .......................  330 / 295
        Plural output ......................  330 / 295
        Push- pull .........................  330 / 262+
        Radiant energy bombarding ..........  330 / 308
        Three electrode type ...............  330 / 309
        Unbalanced to balanced .............  330 / 301
        Volume control .....................  330 / 278+
    Time constant circuit in bias ..........  330 / 141
    Control system .........................  330 / 141
    Tone control automatic  
        Diode as variable coupling .........  330 / 145
        Impedance ..........................  330 / 145
        Electronic tube as variable ........  330 / 145
        Coupling impedance .................  330 / 145
        Feedback frequency selective .......  330 / 109
        Network ............................  330 / 109
        Feedback frequency selective .......  330 / 94
        Network in cathode impedance .......  330 / 94
        Impedance control in feedback ......  330 / 86
        Path ...............................  330 / 86
        Phase shift means in feedback ......  330 / 107
        Amplifier ..........................  330 / 107
        Variable coupling impedance ........  330 / 144+
        Variable coupling thermal ..........  330 / 143
        Impedance ..........................  330 / 143
    Tone control manual ....................  330
        Input coupling adjustment ..........  330 / 185+
        Interstage coupling adjustment .....  330 / 157+
        Output coupling adjustment .........  330 / 192+
        Plural amplifier channels ..........  330 / 126
        Different frequencies ..............  330 / 126
        Potentiometer common to signal .....  330 / 108
        And feedback path ..................  330 / 108
        Push pull input coupling ...........  330 / 122
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 122
        Push pull interstage coupling ......  330 / 120+
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 120+
        Push pull output coupling ..........  330 / 122
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 122
        Unicontrol means ...................  330 / 155
    Transductor linear .....................  330 / 8
    Transductor voltage magnitude ..........  323
    Control general ........................  323
        External or operator controlled ....  323 / 329
        Input responsive ...................  323 / 302
        Output responsive ..................  323 / 249
        Self regulating ....................  323 / 310
    Transformer coupling  
        Additional impedance input .........  330 / 189
        Additional impedance interstage ....  330 / 167
        Additional impedance output ........  330 / 196
        Additional reactive coupling .......  330 / 166
        Adjustable inductance ..............  330 / 169
        Cathode input ......................  330 / 186
        Cathode input interstage ...........  330 / 158
        Cathode output .....................  330 / 193
        Cathode output interstage ..........  330 / 168
        In cascade differently coupled .....  330 / 154
        Stages .............................  330 / 154
        Input ..............................  330 / 188+
        Interstage .........................  330 / 165+
        Output .............................  330 / 195+
        Push pull input ....................  330 / 122
        Push pull interstage ...............  330 / 120
        Push pull output ...................  330 / 122
        Stagger tuned ......................  330 / 154
        Structure input ....................  330 / 190
        Structure interstage ...............  330 / 171
        Structure output ...................  330 / 197
        Tuned input ........................  330 / 189
        Tuned interstage ...................  330 / 167
        Tuned output .......................  330 / 196
        With shielding .....................  330 / 170
    Transistor system, non-linear ..........  327
    Transistor, linear .....................  330 / 250+
        Balanced to unbalanced .............  330 / 301
        Cascaded ...........................  330 / 310+
        Combined diverse type combined .....  330 / 299+
        Combined with semiconductor ........  330 / 299+
        Diode ..............................  330 / 299+
        Common collector ...................  330 / 250+
        Complementary types cascaded .......  330 / 310+
        Complementary types parallel .......  330 / 263+
        Input ..............................  330 / 263+
        Dc coupled cascaded ................  330 / 310+
    Travelling wave tube systems ...........  330 / 43
    Twin triode power ......................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Unicontrol of coupling .................  330 / 155
    Vapor tube amplifying device ...........  330 / 41
    System .................................  330 / 41
    Voltage delay in bias control ..........  330 / 132
    Amplifier ..............................  330 / 132
    Volume control automatic ...............  330
        Amplifier in feedback path .........  330 / 85
        Anode voltage control ..............  330 / 128
        Bias control .......................  330 / 129+
        Diode impedance variable ...........  330 / 145
        Electronic tube impedance ..........  330 / 145
        Variable ...........................  330 / 145
        Feedback ...........................  330 / 75+
        Power supply regulation ............  330 / 127+
        Push pull amplifier bias or ........  330 / 123
        Power supply control ...............  330 / 123
        Variable coupling impedance ........  330 / 144+
        Variable coupling thermal ..........  330 / 143
        Impedance ..........................  330 / 143
        Variable feedback impedance ........  330 / 86
    Volume control manual  
        Anode voltage adjustment ...........  330 / 128
        Bias adjustment ....................  330 / 129
        Cathode self bias adjustment .......  330 / 142
        Input coupling adjustment ..........  330 / 185+
        Input coupling adjustment push .....  330 / 122
        Pull amplifier .....................  330 / 122
        Interstage coupling adjustment .....  330 / 157+
        Interstage coupling adjustment .....  330 / 120+
        Push pull amplifier ................  330 / 120+
        Output coupling adjustment .........  330 / 192+
        Output coupling adjustment .........  330 / 122
        Push pull amplifier ................  330 / 122
        Potentiometer common to signal .....  330 / 108
        And feedback paths .................  330 / 108
        Power or bias supply adjustment ....  330 / 127+
        Power or bias supply adjustment ....  330 / 123
        In push pull amplifier .............  330 / 123
        Unicontrol means ...................  330 / 155
    With high frequency structure ..........  330 / 53+
    With long line .........................  330 / 53+
        With volume compression ............  330 / 129
        Thru bias control ..................  330 / 129+
    With volume compression thru ...........  330 / 144+
    Impedance control ......................  330 / 144+
    With volume compression thru ...........  330 / 143
    Thermal impedance control ..............  330 / 143
Amplitude Distribution .....................  324 / 76.13
    Comparison, compressional wave, ........  367 / 30
    Geophysical ............................  367 / 30
        Amplifier avc ......................  330 / 129+
        Clipper ............................  327 / 309+
    Telephone system .......................  330
Amplitude Modulation .......................  332 / 149+
    Analog carrier wave communications .....  455
    Peak compressional wave, ...............  367 / 29
    Geophysical ............................  367 / 29
    Pulse carrier wave communications ......  375 / 353
    Pulse or digital communication .........  375
Ampoule See Container  
    Exhaust ................................  141
    Filling ................................  141 / 31
    Medicament containing ..................  424 / 451+
    Opener .................................  451 / 540+
    Structure ..............................  215 / 47+
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 200+
        Hypodermic .........................  604 / 415
Amprotropine, in Drug ......................  514 / 534
Amusement Devices ..........................  472
    Design .................................  D21 / 811+
    Elevator ...............................  472 / 131
        Roundabout .........................  472 / 2
    Exercising devices .....................  482
    Games ..................................  473
    Houses .................................  472 / 136
        Illusionary ........................  472 / 74
    Mechanical guns & projectors ...........  124
    Mirrors and reflectors .................  359 / 838+
    Nonprojectile game .....................  463
    Projectile games .......................  473
    Railway ................................  104 / 53+
        Car in wheel .......................  104 / 77
    Roundabout stationary ..................  472 / 1+
    Roundabout transported .................  472 / 3
    Toys see toys ..........................  446
    Trip illusions .........................  472 / 59+
    Water guns .............................  222 / 78+
    Alcohol ................................  568 / 840
    Chloride ...............................  570 / 181
    Mercaptan ..............................  568 / 61+
    Nitrate ................................  558 / 480
Amylaceous Material ........................  127
    Fermentative analysis or testing .......  435 / 4+
Anabasine ..................................  546 / 193
    Cultivation ............................  435 / 801*
    Curing adhesive ........................  156 / 322
    Fermentation ...........................  435
        Fertilizer .........................  71 / 10
    Sewage treatment .......................  210 / 601+
        And aerobic ........................  210 / 605
Anaglyphs ..................................  359 / 464+
Analgesic,Audio ............................  600 / 26+
Analogue Computer  
    Electrolytic tank for determining ......  235 / 61 R
    Equipotential lines ....................  235 / 61 R
Analysis of Complex Waves ..................  324 / 76.12
Analytical and Analytical Control  
        Chemical ...........................  422 / 50+
        Electrolytic .......................  204 / 400+
        Fermentation .......................  435 / 286.1+
        Fermentation .......................  435 / 287.1+
    Compositions ...........................  330 / 299
    Electrical .............................  330 / 299
    Electron microscope ....................  330 / 299
    Human diagnostics ......................  600 / 300+
    Mass spectrometry ......................  250 / 281+
        Chemical ...........................  436 / 43
        Fermentative .......................  435 / 3
    Using invisible light ..................  250 / 336.1
    Using x rays ...........................  378
Analyzers (See Analytical and  
    Electric waves and harmonics ...........  324 / 76.12+
        Cathode ray oscilloscopes ..........  324 / 121 R
        Mirror galvanometer ................  324 / 97
        Oscilloscopes ......................  324 / 97
        Oscillographs ......................  346 / 107.3+
        Sound ..............................  73 / 584+
        Speech .............................  704 / 200+
        Automated credit or loan ...........  705 / 38
    Refrigerator, sorbent type .............  62 / 495+
    Sound ..................................  181
        Frequency components ...............  324 / 76.12+
        Wave separation ....................  333 / 167+
Analyzing (See Sensing)  
    Finances ...............................  705 / 10
    Financial market .......................  705 / 10
    Job performance ........................  705 / 11
Anastigmat Lenses ..........................  359 / 642+
Anatase ....................................  423 / 610
Anatomical Gauges ..........................  33 / 511+
Anatomy, Teaching ..........................  434 / 267+
Anchor and Anchorage  
    Animal powered apparatus ...............  185 / 25
        Concrete set type ..................  52 / 698+
        Tapered expander in sleeve .........  411 / 57.1+
        Arch ...............................  14 / 26
        Suspension .........................  14 / 21
    Building component .....................  52 / 698+
    Cable rail .............................  104 / 117
    Cycle locked to ........................  70 / 234
    Decoy ..................................  43 / 2+
    Design .................................  D12 / 215
        Bank spud anchor ...................  37 / 345
        Bottom spud anchor .................  37 / 346
        Drywall type .......................  411 / 80.1+
    Earth control device combined ..........  405 / 259.1+
    Expansible well type ...................  166 / 206+
        Earth boring combined ..............  175 / 230
    Fishing trolley ........................  43 / 27.2
    Freight on freight carrier .............  410 / 101+
    Land ...................................  52 / 155+
    Land vehicle anchors ...................  188 / 7
    Marine structure to bed ................  405 / 224+
    Marine type mines ......................  102 / 411+
    Masonry ................................  52 / 698+
    Pile ...................................  405 / 244
        Cast in situ enlargement ...........  405 / 237+
    Pole base ..............................  52 / 292+
    Railway surface track  
        Bolt ...............................  238 / 377
        Clamp type rail anchors ............  238 / 343+
        Concrete for rail seat .............  238 / 265
        Rail anchors .......................  238 / 315+
        Screw pedestals ....................  238 / 120
        Sleeve type expanded by fastener ...  411 / 80.5+
        Tie anchors ........................  238 / 106
        Tie plate anchors ..................  238 / 297+
    Ship anchors ...........................  114 / 294+
    Stovepipe ..............................  126 / 318
    Strand ends ............................  24 / 122.6
        Hoist rope .........................  212 / 95
        Line driven planters ...............  111 / 49
        Suspension bridges .................  14 / 21
    Tank-car body ..........................  105 / 362
    Wall tile  
Andirons ...................................  126 / 298
    And robot ..............................  901 / 1*
    Android ................................  901 / 1*
    Design .................................  D23 / 407
Androstenes ................................  552 / 633+
Androsterone ...............................  552 / 641
Anemometer .................................  73 / 861.85
    Direction determination combined .......  73 / 170.01+
Anerobic Sealant Resin Compositions ........  523 / 176
Aneroid Barometers .........................  73 / 386+
    Anesthesia gas scavenging system .......  128 / 910*
    Compositions ...........................  424
    Explosive devices containing ...........  102 / 512
    Feeder .................................  128 / 203.12
Anethol ....................................  568 / 658
Angle Iron .................................  52 / 831+
Angle Measurement  
    Instrument proving or calibrating ......  73 / 1.75+
    Photoelectric ..........................  356 / 138+
        Of rotating shaft ..................  250 / 231.13+
        Variable angle, with light .........  250 / 227.3
        Conductor ..........................  250 / 227.3
Angle Polysection Measure ..................  33 / 1 AP
    Measuring instrument ...................  D10 / 65+
Angling (See Fishing; Trapping)  
Anhydrite Anhydrous Gypsum .................  106 / 775+
    Calcining processes ....................  106 / 765
    Plasters ...............................  106 / 772+
Aniline ....................................  564 / 305+
    Formaldihide polymers see  
    Synthetic resin or natural  
    Artificial .............................  428 / 16
        Having lights ......................  362 / 124
    Attack resistant stock .................  428 / 907*
    Beds ...................................  D30 / 118
    Bee culture ............................  449
    Blocking repelling or chasing ..........  49 / 58+
    Butchering .............................  452
        Depilating .........................  452 / 71
    Calls and callers ......................  446 / 397
        With mouthpiece ....................  446 / 207+
    Canopy frame supported by ..............  135 / 90
    Care and handling ......................  D30
    Catching and holding device ............  119 / 801+
    Confining and housing devices ..........  119 / 416+
        Birdhouse ..........................  119 / 428+
        Cages ..............................  119 / 452+
            Bird ...........................  119 / 459+
        Coop ...............................  119 / 482+
        Experimental purpose ...............  119 / 417+
        Hutch ..............................  119 / 482+
            Rabbit .........................  119 / 483
        Kennel .............................  119 / 482+
        Paperboard shipping box ............  229 / 120.1+
        Pen ................................  119 / 502+
        Perch for bird cage ................  119 / 468
        Perch for poultry ..................  119 / 531+
        Permanenent building ...............  119 / 436+
        Rack ...............................  119 / 502+
        Stall ..............................  119 / 516+
    Dips and sprays ........................  424
    Draft appliance ........................  278
        Monorail vehicle ...................  105 / 143
    Droppings handler ......................  294 / 1.3+
    Exerciser or toy .......................  D30 / 160
        Medicine containing ................  424 / 520+
    Farriery ...............................  168
    Feed devices ...........................  119 / 51.01+
        Design .............................  D30 / 121+
    Feeding method  
        Crustacean .........................  119 / 212
        Fish ...............................  119 / 230
        Mollusk ............................  119 / 242
    Fertilizer .............................  71 / 15+
        Bones ..............................  71 / 19+
    Fishing, trapping, & vermin ............  43
    Destroying .............................  43
    Food ...................................  426 / 635+
        Apparatus ..........................  99
        Design .............................  D01
        Mixer ..............................  366 / 603*
        Protein ............................  426 / 635+
    Grooming ...............................  D30 / 158+
    Harness ................................  54
    Husbandry ..............................  119
        Design .............................  D30
    Marker .................................  40 / 300+
        Design .............................  D30 / 155
    Medicines for treating .................  424
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
        Composition ........................  424 / 1.11+
    Poisons ................................  424
        With food bait .....................  424 / 410
    Pokes ..................................  119 / 758+
    Preserving or mounting including .......  434 / 296+
    Teaching taxidermy .....................  434 / 296+
    Releasing apparatus ....................  119 / 423+
        As target ..........................  119 / 427
    Saddlery ...............................  D30 / 134+
    Shears .................................  30 / 194+
    Shelter or pen .........................  D30 / 108+
    Shipping crates ........................  D30 / 109+
    Stop in building .......................  52 / 101
    Stop in sewage system ..................  210 / 131
    Taming or training devices .............  119 / 712+
    Tissue treatment .......................  8 / 94.1 R+
    Toys ...................................  446 / 268+
    Traps ..................................  43 / 58+
        Design .............................  D22 / 119+
    Watering devices .......................  119 / 72+
        Design .............................  D30 / 121+
    Whips & whip apparatus .................  231
Animal Cell Culture ........................  435 / 325+
Animal Cell Growth Media ...................  435 / 404+
Animal Cell Per Se .........................  435 / 325+
Animated Cartoons See Motion Picture  
Animation ..................................  345 / 473+
Anisidine ..................................  564 / 443
    Protector ..............................  D29 / 121.2
    Supports ...............................  602 / 65
Anklets ....................................  2 / 239+
    Boxes ..................................  266 / 262+
    Casting plus annealing in mold .........  164 / 122+
    Containers for material heated .........  432 / 254.1+
    Glass apparatus ........................  65 / 348+
        Cutter associated ..................  65 / 176
    Glass making and .......................  65
    Glass process ..........................  65 / 117+
    Heating apparatus ......................  432 / 120+
    Metal ..................................  148
    Metal casting combined .................  148 / 538+
    Metal working combined .................  148 / 648+
    Metallurgical apparatus ................  266 / 249+
Annular Article,Container for ..............  206 / 303
Annunciator and Systems ....................  369
    Drops ..................................  340 / 815.79+
    Electrical .............................  340 / 815.4+
        Systems ............................  340 / 286.11+
        Telephone switchboard ..............  379 / 315+
    Mechanical .............................  116 / 200+
    Timer electric .........................  340 / 309.16+
    Train position .........................  246 / 124
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 280+
        Basket type cell ...................  204 / 259
        Support ............................  204 / 297.01+
        Support combined ...................  204 / 286.1+
    Gas and vapor lamp .....................  313 / 326+
    Plural consumable electrode eg arc .....  314 / 36+
    Space discharge devices ................  313 / 326+
    Electronic tubes .......................  313 / 326+
Anodic Oxidation ...........................  205 / 316+
    Multiple layers ........................  205 / 171+
Answer (See Question)  
Answer Back  
    Annunciator system .....................  340 / 313+
    Telegraph system .......................  178 / 4.1 B+
Antagonists ................................  504 / 103+
Antenna ....................................  D14 / 230+
    Active antenna as reflector ............  343 / 832
    Aircraft, with .........................  343 / 705
    Alarm combined .........................  343 / 894
        Moving means for scanning ..........  343 / 760
    Array ..................................  343 / 700 R+
    Automobile, with .......................  343 / 711+
    Balanced v-wave ........................  343 / 735
    Biconical horn .........................  343 / 773
    Body attached or carried ...............  343 / 718
    Bracket supported ......................  343 / 892
    Cage ...................................  343 / 896
    Clover leaf type .......................  343 / 741+
    Coated .................................  343 / 873
    Cone ...................................  343 / 829+
    Connectors for electrical ..............  439
    Counterpoise, with .....................  343 / 846+
    Coupled to plural lead ins .............  343 / 858
    Coupling for electrical ................  333 / 24 R+
        Plural channel .....................  333 / 1+
    Coupling, with .........................  343 / 850+
    Design .................................  D14 / 230+
    Dielectric lens ........................  343 / 911 R
    Dielectric type ........................  343 / 785
    Dipole .................................  343 / 793+
        Folded .............................  343 / 803+
    Director ...............................  343 / 912+
    Doublet balanced .......................  343 / 793+
    Drooping ground plane ..................  343 / 829+
    Duplex system, in ......................  370 / 276+
    Electromagnetic wave refractor .........  343 / 753+
    Embedded ...............................  343 / 873
    Filter in an active antenna ............  343 / 722
    Filter in coupling, with ...............  343 / 850+
    Fishbone ...............................  343 / 811
    Foundry ................................  164 / 374+
    Ground plane ...........................  343 / 829+
    Grounding structure combined ...........  343 / 846+
    Helical ................................  343 / 895
    High frequency loop ....................  343 / 741+
    Horn ...................................  343 / 786
    Housing, with ..........................  343 / 872+
    Ice clearer or preventer, with .........  343 / 704
    Impedance matching,with ................  343 / 860+
        Plural path ........................  343 / 852
    Indicator combined .....................  343 / 894
        Moving means for scanning ..........  343 / 760
    Insulators for .........................  174 / 137 R+
        Bushing type .......................  174 / 152 A+
    Inverted v-wave ........................  343 / 736
    Knockdown ..............................  343 / 880
    Lens ...................................  343 / 909
        Lens combined ......................  343 / 753+
    Lightning protector combined ...........  343 / 904
    Lightning protectors for  
        Miscellaneous ......................  361 / 117+
        Spark gap type .....................  313 / 325
        Thermal current ....................  337 / 28+
    Liquid column type .....................  343 / 700 R
    Loading ................................  343 / 749+
    Loop ...................................  343 / 866+
        Collapsible ........................  343 / 871
        High frequency .....................  343 / 741+
        Rotatable ..........................  343 / 869
    Making .................................  29 / 600
    Mast for ...............................  52 / 651.07+
        Guy wire ...........................  52 / 148
        Pivoted or extensible ..............  52 / 111+
    Mast type ..............................  343 / 874
    Mesh type ..............................  343 / 897
    Orienting ..............................  343 / 757+
    Pillbox ................................  343 / 780
    Planar linear array ....................  343 / 824
    Plural .................................  343 / 893
        Converter combined .................  343 / 756
        Filter combined ....................  343 / 756
    Polarizer ..............................  343 / 909
    Potted .................................  343 / 873
    Rabbit-ears ............................  343 / 805
        Cabinet combined ...................  343 / 702
        Receiver, in .......................  455 / 269+
        Transmitter, in ....................  455 / 129
    Reel type ..............................  343 / 877
    Reflector ..............................  343 / 912+
        Collapsible ........................  343 / 915
        With reflector .....................  343 / 833+
    Resonant v-type ........................  343 / 809
    Retractible into support ...............  343 / 899
    Rhombic ................................  343 / 733+
    Rod type ...............................  343 / 900+
        Decorative element .................  52 / 301
        Extensible .........................  52 / 632
        Motorized reel type extender .......  242 / 390.2+
        Reel ...............................  242 / 917*
        Support for ........................  248 / 511+
        Telescoping ........................  343 / 901+
        Vehicle attached ...................  52 / 110
    Rotator ................................  D14 / 237
    Scanning ...............................  343 / 757+
    Shield, with ...........................  343 / 841+
    Signal measuring structure, with .......  343 / 703
    Skirt ..................................  343 / 829+
    Sleeve type ............................  343 / 790+
    Slot type ..............................  343 / 767+
    Space discharge device, with ...........  315 / 34
    Space discharge device, with ...........  343 / 701
    Spiniferous ............................  343 / 899
    Spiral .................................  343 / 895
        Scanning ...........................  343 / 759
    Steering ...............................  342 / 368+
        Wheel ..............................  343 / 829+
    Stub ...................................  343 / 831
    Submerged ..............................  343 / 719
    Support for ............................  248
    Support for ............................  211
    Support, with ..........................  343 / 878+
        Electric stress distributing .......  343 / 885
        Static discharge ...................  343 / 885
        Streamlined support ................  343 / 887
        Support rotatable ..................  343 / 882
    Sweeping ...............................  343 / 757+
    Switch for .............................  200
    Switch,with ............................  343 / 904
    Switching between antenna and line .....  343 / 876
    Telescoping ............................  343 / 901+
    Tower type .............................  343 / 874+
    Transceiver, in ........................  455 / 82
    Transmission line for ..................  174 / 68.1+
        Electrically long ..................  333 / 236+
    Transmission line with .................  343 / 905
    Traveling wave .........................  343 / 731+
    Tuning .................................  343 / 745+
    Turnstile ..............................  343 / 797+
    Underground ............................  343 / 719
    Underwater type ........................  343 / 719
    Vehicle combined .......................  343 / 711+
    Water-borne ............................  343 / 709+
    Wave ...................................  343 / 731+
        Guide type .........................  343 / 772+
    Whip ...................................  343 / 900+
    Woven type .............................  343 / 897
Anthanthrones ..............................  552 / 284
Anthracene (See Aromatic Hydrocarbon) .....  585 / 400+
    Oxidation of ...........................  552 / 208
    Purification of ........................  585 / 800
Anthracyclinones ...........................  552 / 201
Anthranilic Acid ...........................  562 / 458
Anthranols .................................  552 / 271+
Anthrapyridones ............................  546 / 76
Anthrapyrimidines ..........................  544 / 248
Anthraquinodimethane .......................  552 / 210
Anthraquinone Purification .................  552 / 208
    Acridine nucleus containing ............  546 / 102+
    Anthraquinonebenzacridones .............  546 / 58
    Azo compound ctg .......................  534 / 654+
    Carbazole nucleus containing ...........  548 / 416+
    Dye compositions containing ............  8 / 675+
    Imidazole nucleus containing ...........  548 / 300.4+
    Piperazines containing .................  544 / 380+
    Pyrazole nucleus containing ............  548 / 356.5+
    Pyridine nucleus containing ............  546
    Pyrimidines containing .................  544 / 294
    Triazines containing ...................  544 / 187+
Anthrimides ................................  552 / 214
Anthrones (See Anthraquinones) ............  552 / 271+
Antiabrasion Cable Device ..................  174 / 136
Antiaircraft See Gun  
Antibiotic Compositions ....................  424
Antibodies .................................  530 / 387.1+
    Monoclonal .............................  530 / 387.2+
Anticaking Agents ..........................  252 / 381+
Anticannibalism Devices for ................  119 / 713+
    Poultry ................................  119 / 713+
Anticathode ................................  378 / 143
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 387+
        Coating or plastic .................  106 / 14.05+
        Heat exchange fluid containing .....  252 / 68
        Metal cleaning compositions ........  510 / 245+
        Containing .........................  510 / 245+
        Well treating ......................  507 / 200+
    Magnetic field apparatus ...............  422 / 186.02
    Metal protection  
        Reactive coating ...................  148 / 240+
        Within nuclear reactor .............  376 / 305
    Mineral oil conversion combined ........  208 / 47
    Silverware tray incorporated ...........  206 / 553
    Vapor treating apparatus ...............  312 / 31+
    Rim and wheel ..........................  152 / 384
    Spring wheel drive .....................  152 / 66
        Wheel drive ........................  152 / 68
    Tire and tube ..........................  152 / 500
Antidotes ..................................  504 / 103+
    Electrical distribution system .........  307 / 95
    Metal or metal alloy protection  
        Apparatus ..........................  204 / 196.01+
        Electrolytic processes .............  205 / 724+
Antiexplosion Agents .......................  44 / 300+
    Explosive combined .....................  149
Antifading Radio Receiver ..................  455 / 504+
    Agents and processes ...................  516 / 115+
    Devices for boilers ....................  122 / 459
Antifouling Plastic Compositions ...........  106 / 15.05+
    Aircraft deicing .......................  244 / 134 R
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 71+
        Coating ............................  106 / 13
    Heating system protectors ..............  237 / 80
    Tester .................................  73 / 32 R+
    Treatment of solid fuel ................  44 / 601
Antifreeze Agent Supply ....................  138 / 34+
    Bearing ................................  384 / 445+
        Compositions .......................  508 / 100+
        Fluid bearing combined .............  384 / 101+
        Linear .............................  384 / 7+
        Plain bearing combined .............  384 / 126+
    Closure guide ..........................  49 / 425+
    Compositions ...........................  508 / 110+
    Keepers ................................  292 / 340+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 464
Antigen ....................................  424 / 184.1+
Antigen, Chemical Modification of ..........  530 / 403+
    Protein ................................  530 / 403+
Antigen-Antibody Testing ...................  436 / 500+
    In vitro ...............................  436 / 500+
        Enzyme labeled .....................  435 / 4+
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
        Composition ........................  424 / 1.11+
    In vivo ................................  424
    Light projectors .......................  362 / 351+
    Mirrors and reflectors .................  359 / 603+
    Windows ................................  359 / 609
    Windshields ............................  296 / 96.19
Antihalation Layer .........................  430 / 510+
Antihemorrhagic Composition ................  424
    Cathode ray tube circuits ..............  315 / 8
    Inductor devices with shields ..........  336 / 84 R+
    Resistors ..............................  338 / 61+
    Shielding tubes and spark plugs ........  315 / 85
    Telegraph interference balancing .......  178 / 69 B
    Telephone circuitry ....................  379 / 416+
    Transmission line ......................  174 / 32+
Antiingestible .............................  252 / 365+
Antijimmy Locks ............................  70 / 418
Antikink Devices  
    Appliance cords  
        Extensible cords ...................  174 / 69
    Springs ................................  267 / 74
    Cyclomatic compounds ...................  556 / 1+
    Engine accessories .....................  123 / 198 A
    Exhaust gas treatment ..................  422 / 168+
    Fuel combined with antiknock agent .....  44 / 300+
        Gaseous compositions ...............  252 / 373
    Measuring knock ........................  73 / 35.01
    Tetraalkyl lead ........................  556 / 95
        With preservative or stabilizer ....  556 / 3+
Antileak Joint .............................  105 / 424
Anti-Lock Brake System .....................  303
    Speed control ..........................  303 / 121+
    Valve control ..........................  303 / 113.1+
Antimagnetic Timepiece .....................  368 / 293
Antimicrobial Activity  
    Fermentative analysis or testing .......  435 / 32
    Alloys .................................  420 / 576
    Antimonates ............................  423 / 592.1+
    Carbocyclic or acyclic compounds .......  556 / 64+
    Containing .............................  556 / 64+
    Halides ................................  423 / 462+
    Oxides .................................  568 / 477
    Pigments fillers or aggregates .........  106 / 455
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 703+
    Sulphides inorganic ....................  423 / 511
    Bed ....................................  5 / 309
    Closure buffer .........................  16 / 82+
    Cranks and wrist pins ..................  74 / 604
    Ear shields ............................  128 / 864+
    Flywheels ..............................  74 / 574.1+
    Gears ..................................  74 / 443
    Land vehicle  
        Animal draft gear ..................  278 / 61+
        Axle connection ....................  280 / 137.507
        Resonance vibration suppression ....  280 / 124.108
        Tongue .............................  280 / 108
    Levers and linkage .....................  74 / 490
    Lock mufflers ..........................  70 / 463
    Machinery support  
        Bases ..............................  248 / 678+
        Bracket ............................  248 / 674+
        Suspension .........................  248 / 637+
            Resilient ......................  248 / 610+
    Motor support vehicle ..................  248 / 560+
    Mufflers ...............................  181 / 212+
    Pawl and rachet ........................  74 / 576
        Rolling stock ......................  105 / 452
        Track ..............................  238 / 382
        Wheels .............................  295 / 7
    Reaction motor nozzle ..................  239 / 265.13
    Rotary motors or pump ..................  415 / 119
    Supports ...............................  248 / 562+
        Muffler ............................  400 / 689+
        Platen .............................  400 / 661+
Antioronze Agent or Process ................  430 / 929*
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 397+
    Edible oils and fats ...................  426 / 601+
    Fats,fatty oils,fatty acids, ...........  554 / 2+
    Ester type waxes .......................  554 / 2+
    Polymers treated (see class 523,  
    Solid polymers containing see  
    Synthetic resin compositions  
Antipanic Door Bolts .......................  292 / 92+
Antipecking Poultry Restraint ..............  119 / 713+
Antiphone Ear Sound Stoppers ...............  128 / 864+
Antipick Locks .............................  70 / 419+
Antipicking Poultry Restraint ..............  119 / 713+
Antipyrine .................................  548 / 370.7+
Antirachitic Vitamin  
    D compound .............................  552 / 653
    Foods and processes ....................  426
    Medicines ..............................  514 / 167+
Antirattle .................................  16 / DIG 6
    Lock ...................................  70 / 463
        Keeper .............................  292 / 341.12+
    Window .................................  292 / 76
        Car ................................  49 / 428+
Antireflection Films .......................  359 / 580+
Antiricochet Projectiles ...................  102 / 398
Antiroosting Poultry Restraint .............  119 / 903*
Antiscorbutic Vitamin  
    C compound .............................  549 / 315
    Foods and processes ....................  426 / 72+
    Medicines ..............................  514 / 474
Antisense ..................................  536 / 24.5
Antiseptics (See Disinfection; .............  422
    Preserving) ............................  536 / 24.5
    Compositions ...........................  424
    Human skin cleaning compositions .......  510 / 131+
    Combined ...............................  510 / 131+
    Medicators .............................  604 / 19+
    Water softener combined ................  252 / 175+
Antiside Draft Device (See Equalizer)  
    Animal draft ...........................  278 / 3+
    Harvesters .............................  56 / 321
Antisiphon for Fluid Handling Systems ......  137 / 215+
Antislip or Antiskid  
    Compositions,coating or plastic ........  106 / 36
    Horseshoe calks ........................  168 / 29+
    Ladder terminals and feet ..............  182 / 107+
    Overshoes ..............................  36 / 7.6+
    Pavements ..............................  404 / 19+
        Block surface ......................  404 / 19+
        From foot ..........................  36 / 58.5
        Tread ..............................  36 / 59 C
        Illumination .......................  362 / 389
    Tires ..................................  152 / 208+
        Armored ............................  152 / 167+
    Track sanders ..........................  291
    Traction mats ..........................  238 / 14
Antismoking Product or Device ..............  131 / 270
    Compositions,coating repellent .........  106 / 2
    Printing combined ......................  101 / 416.1+
    Slip sheet  
        Apparatus ..........................  34 / 94
        Processes ..........................  34 / 306
    Body restraints ........................  128 / 871
    Chin supporters ........................  602 / 902*
    Mouth restraints .......................  128 / 859+
Antispasmodics .............................  424
    Vehicle mud guards .....................  280 / 847+
    Electrically conductive coating ........  252 / 500
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 500+
    Polymers treated (see class 523,  
    Process for synthetic fibers ...........  57 / 901*
Antitheft Devices, eg Locks ................  70
    Alarms .................................  340 / 500+
        For vehicle ........................  340 / 426.1+
    Vehicle ignition disabling .............  307 / 10.3+
Antithumb Sucking ..........................  128 / 857+
Antitoxins .................................  424 / 85.1+
    Syringes ...............................  604 / 187+
Antivermin .................................  43 / 124+
    Animal treatment .......................  119 / 650+
    Perches fowl ...........................  119 / 532+
Antivibration (See Antinoise)  
Anvil ......................................  D08 / 46
    Assembling and disassembling ...........  29 / 283
    Blacksmith .............................  72 / 476+
    Bolt and rivet making ..................  470 / 208
    Hammer attached ........................  72 / 407+
    Hammer or press ........................  72 / 462+
    Hollow rivet setting ...................  227 / 61+
    Machine combined .......................  29 / 560+
    Nail extractor .........................  254 / 19
    Pile or post ...........................  173 / 128
    Saw setting ............................  76 / 73
    Saw swaging ............................  76 / 57
    Tool driving ...........................  173 / 128
    Vises combined .........................  72 / 457+
Apa-6 ......................................  540 / 312
Apartments .................................  52 / 234+
    Rolling partitions .....................  160 / 351
        Hanging or drape type ..............  160 / 350
Aperture Card ..............................  493 / 944*
Apiaries ...................................  449
Apparel (See Type of Article Worn; .........  2
    Clothes) ...............................  2
    Adornment, attachable ..................  D11
    Apparatus ..............................  223
        Boot and shoe making ...............  12
        Knitting ...........................  66
        Patterns ...........................  33 / 2 R+
        Sewing .............................  112
        Weaving ............................  139
    Blouse, shirt ..........................  D02 / 840+
        Design .............................  D02 / 896+
        Making .............................  12
    Cape, stole, shawl .....................  D02 / 823+
    Catamenial and diaper ..................  604 / 358+
        Design .............................  D24 / 125+
    Ceremonial robe ........................  D02 / 739
        Brushing devices ...................  15
        Ironing or pressing ................  38
        Methods ............................  8 / 137+
        Washing devices ....................  68
    Coat, jacket, vest .....................  D02 / 828+
        Coat combined with dress ...........  D02 / 760+
    Collar making ..........................  83 / 901*
    Containers for .........................  206 / 278+
        Making .............................  493 / 938*
        Making garment bag .................  493 / 935*
        Making with support ................  493 / 939*
    Costume ................................  D02 / 741
        Hosiery ............................  D02 / 980+
        Negligees ..........................  D02 / 718+
    Design .................................  D02 / 700+
        Hosiery ............................  D02 / 983+
    Dress ..................................  D02 / 756+
    Exercise suit ..........................  D02 / 731+
    Female support undergarments ...........  450 / 1+
    Fire fighters ..........................  169 / 48+
    Footwear ...............................  D02 / 896+
    Hand coverings .........................  D02 / 610+
    Headwear ...............................  D02 / 865+
    Knitted ................................  66 / 169 R+
    Layout and measurement means ...........  33 / 403+
        Footwear ...........................  33 / 4+
        Garments ...........................  33 / 11+
    Leather manufactures ...................  69
    Light thermal electrical treatment .....  607 / 149+
    Lingerie ...............................  D02 / 700+
    Locks for ..............................  70 / 59
    Marking & measuring instruments ........  33 / 2 R+
    Neckwear ...............................  D02 / 600+
    Respirators ............................  128 / 200.24+
    Skirt ..................................  D02 / 851+
    Stockings, socks .......................  D02 / 980+
    Swimming suit ..........................  D02 / 731+
    Tennis .................................  D02 / 731
    Travel bags for ........................  206 / 278+
    Undergarments ..........................  D02 / 700+
    Vestment ...............................  D02 / 739
Appendage ..................................  425 / DIG 3
Apple Trees ................................  PLT / 161+
    Cooking ................................  D07 / 323+
    Food preparation, household ............  D07
    Major household see types ..............  D15
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 523+
    Brushing ...............................  15
        Material supply combined ...........  401 / 268+
    Coating by absorbent ...................  427 / 429
    Coating by brush .......................  427 / 429
    Coating or cleaning implement ..........  15 / 104.001+
        Material supply combined ...........  401
    Daubing ................................  15
    Dispenser combined .....................  141 / 110+
    Electrical .............................  607 / 115+
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 224 R
    Hair dye ...............................  D28 / 7+
    Kinesitherapy ..........................  601 / 1+
    Light ..................................  607 / 88+
    Loaders ................................  15 / 257.05+
    Material supply combined ...............  401
    Medicators .............................  604 / 19+
    Medicinal ..............................  D24 / 119
    Polishing ..............................  15
        Material supply combined ...........  401
    Powder compact .........................  132 / 293+
        Pad overlying material .............  401 / 130
        Including ..........................  401 / 130
    Separable from combined ................  401 / 118
    Supply container .......................  401 / 118+
    Thermal ................................  607 / 96+
    Wiping .................................  15
Appliers (See Applicator)  
    Abrading sheet .........................  451 / 458
    Antiskid device ........................  152 / 213 R+
    Boot and shoe cement ...................  118 / 410+
    Boot and shoe lining ...................  12 / 39
    Box bail ...............................  493 / 88
    Box end enclosure ......................  493 / 102+
    Cigar and cigarette making .............  131 / 88+
    Hose clamp .............................  81 / 9.3+
    Label pasting and paper hanging ........  156
    Metallic leaf ..........................  156 / 540+
    Receptacle closure .....................  53 / 287+
    Sealing wax ............................  401 / 1+
        Dispenser with heating means .......  222 / 146.2
        Dispenser with illuminator .........  222 / 113
        Or burner ..........................  222 / 113
    Shaped cosmetic ........................  132 / 320
    Sheet metal container making ...........  413
    Components .............................  413
    Ship caulking ..........................  114 / 224
    Skid chain .............................  81 / 15.8
    Surgical clip ..........................  29 / 243.56
    Tools for assembling/disassembling .....  29 / 700+
    Wire to articles .......................  140 / 93 R+
        Winding on .........................  242 / 430+
        Winding on article .................  242 / 430+
        Winding on ring ....................  242 / 434+
        Winding on stator ..................  242 / 432+
    Woodwork glueing and pressing ..........  156
Applique ...................................  428 / 914*
    Design .................................  D05 / 63+
    Sewn ...................................  112
Apricot Trees ..............................  PLT / 186
Apron See Associated Machine  
    Apparel ................................  2 / 48+
        Design .............................  D02 / 861+
        Design, combined with dress ........  D02 / 775+
    Cigar and cigarette machine ............  131 / 47+
    Drawbridge .............................  14 / 47
    Dump car ...............................  105 / 279
    Lathe ..................................  82 / 135+
    Ship leak stopper ......................  114 / 229
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 41
    Vehicle storm protector ................  296 / 77.1+
Aqua Regia  
    Metal cleaning composition .............  510 / 245+
    Containing .............................  510 / 245+
Aquaplanes (See Ski; Sled; Surfboard; ......  441 / 65+
    Tobaggon) ..............................  441 / 65+
    Design .................................  D21 / 760+
Aquarium ...................................  119 / 245+
    Aerator ................................  119 / 263+
    Cover ..................................  119 / 265+
        With light .........................  119 / 266
    Design .................................  D30 / 101+
    Filter .................................  210 / 416.2
        Combination ........................  119 / 259+
    Illumination ...........................  119 / 267
    Immersion water heater .................  D23 / 316
    Purification, closed circulating .......  210 / 167.21+
    System .................................  210 / 167.21+
        Combination ........................  119 / 259+
Aquasols See Sol  
Aquatic Animal Culturing ...................  119 / 200+
Aquatic Devices (See Boats; Buoys; .........  441
    Lifesaving; swimming) ..................  441
Aquatic Plant Destruction ..................  504 / 150+
Aqueducts ..................................  405 / 84
Aqueous Fluids  
    Earth boring compounds .................  507 / 100+
Aqueous Polymerization Systems See  
    Class 523, 524, 526  
Arabinose ..................................  536 / 1.11
ARALDITEâ„¢    ...............................  528 / 87+
Arbor (See Mandrel; Shaft)  
    Garden .................................  47 / 44+
    Press ..................................  29 / 251
    Processes of making watch ..............  29 / 896.31
    Watch and clock ........................  368 / 322
    Work ...................................  279 / 2.01+
Arbutin ....................................  536 / 4.1
    Curved line scribers ...................  33 / 27.01+
        Straight line ......................  33 / 26
        And incandescent lamp ..............  313 / 8
        Blowout lightning arrestors ........  361 / 117+
        Blowout magnet .....................  335 / 210+
            Arc system having ..............  314 / 20
            Electronic tube system having ..  315 / 344+
            Lamp having ....................  313 / 153+
            Switch having ..................  218 / 22+
        Chemical apparatus .................  422 / 186.21
            With magnetic field ............  422 / 186.03
        Chemical processes nitrogen ........  204 / 178+
        Chemical processes with ............  204 / 156
        Magnetic field .....................  204 / 156
        Consumable electrode eg lamp .......  314
        Consumption feed type ..............  314 / 59+
        Cored carbon lamp ..................  314
        Economizer combined ................  314 / 25
        Extinction in a fusible ............  337 / 273
        Element actuated switch ............  337 / 273+
        Extinction in lightning ............  361 / 117+
        Arrester ...........................  361 / 117+
        Extinction or prevention in ........  200 / 10+
        Switch .............................  200 / 10+
        Extinction or prevention in ........  337 / 110
        Switch .............................  337 / 110
        Extinction or prevention in ........  218 / 1+
        Switch .............................  218 / 1+
        Feeding electrodes to ..............  314
        Fume condenser for .................  314 / 26+
        Fume flow director .................  314 / 26+
        Furnaces ...........................  373 / 60
            Induction ......................  373 / 7
            Resistance .....................  373 / 5+
            Resistance with induction ......  373 / 6
        Globes for .........................  362 / 363
        Lamps ..............................  313
            Electrode composition ..........  252 / 500+
            Electrode holder ...............  403
            Electrode structure ............  313 / 326+
            Hangers ........................  362 / 416
            Manufacture ....................  445
        Metal heating ......................  219 / 121.11+
        Metal heating and casting ..........  164 / 250.1
            In continuous casting ..........  164 / 505
            Apparatus ......................  164 / 505+
        Plural diverse heating means .......  373 / 1
            With induction .................  373 / 4
            With resistance ................  373 / 3
        Projectors using ...................  362 / 261+
        Recorder ...........................  347 / 111
        Regulating consumable electrode ....  314
        Regulating generally ...............  315
        Search light .......................  362 / 261
        Shade or bowl supports for .........  362 / 433+
        Space discharge devices, ...........  445
        Manufacture ........................  445
            Spot knocking ..................  445 / 5
        Stage spotlights ...................  362 / 261+
        Supply systems .....................  315
        Suspended support for ..............  248 / 317+
        Suspension supports for ............  362 / 391+
        Telegraph receiver .................  178 / 92
        Tip cleaner for ....................  314 / 23+
        Tower or post for supporting .......  52 / 40
        Treating materials with ............  422 / 186.21
        Ventilator for .....................  314 / 26+
        Welding ............................  219 / 136+
        Chemical ...........................  422 / 186.21+
        Welding electrode holder ...........  219 / 138+
    Gas lamp ...............................  313 / 567+
        Circuit ............................  315
        Structure ..........................  313 / 567+
    Metal heaters ..........................  219 / 121.11+
    Saw machines ...........................  83 / 782
    Slicer blade ...........................  144 / 167
    Welding ................................  219 / 121.11+
        Electrode ..........................  219 / 145.1+
Arch .......................................  52 / 86
    Arch bar bogie .........................  105 / 204+
        Arch ...............................  14 / 24+
        Truss and arch .....................  14 / 2
    Doorway ................................  52 / 85
    Fire tube boilers  
        Water arch .........................  122 / 89
        Water arch subjacent ...............  122 / 79
    Furnace ................................  110
        Arch per se ........................  110 / 331+
        Door arch ..........................  110 / 181+
    Garden .................................  47 / 44
    Masonry ................................  52 / 89
    Monolithic .............................  52 / 88
    Support for footwear ...................  36 / 71
        Design .............................  D02 / 961
        Shoe with ..........................  36 / 140+
        Ventilated .........................  36 / 3 R
        With bandage structure .............  602 / 66
Archery ....................................  273 / 317+
    Arrows and darts .......................  473 / 578+
    Blow guns ..............................  124 / 62
        Design .............................  D22 / 102
    Bow ....................................  124 / 23.1+
        Compound ...........................  124 / 25.6
        Cross bow ..........................  124 / 25
    Design .................................  D22 / 107
    Design .................................  D22 / 107
    Elastic band guns ......................  124 / 22
Architecture Teaching ......................  434 / 72+
Architrave .................................  52 / 211+
Arctics Rubber .............................  36 / 7.3
    Calculators ............................  33 / 121+
    Integrators ............................  33 / 121+
        Velocity integrators ...............  73 / 227
        Nuclear energy .....................  250 / 336.1
        Scintillation type .................  250 / 361 R+
Areaway ....................................  52 / 107
Arecoline ..................................  546 / 318
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 92+
        For racing .........................  472 / 85+
        For wheeled or gliding vehicle .....  472 / 88+
        Ice or roller skating rinks ........  472 / 88+
    Construction ...........................  D25 / 12
    Lighting ...............................  362 / 227+
Areometers .................................  73 / 441+
Argol ......................................  562 / 585
Argon ......................................  423 / 262
    Lamps ..................................  313 / 567+
Arithmetic Teaching ........................  434 / 191+
    Calculators ............................  235 / 61 R+
    Artificial .............................  623 / 57+
    Phonograph .............................  369 / 244.1+
        Acoustical .........................  369 / 158
    Protectors .............................  2 / 16+
    Robot ..................................  901*
        Railway semaphore ..................  246 / 482+
        Vehicle direction ..................  116 / 52+
Arm Band ...................................  D02 / 624+
Arm Rest ...................................  248 / 118
    Chair folding ..........................  297 / 35+
    Chair or seat ..........................  297 / 411.2+
    Chair reclining ........................  297 / 323
    Crutches ...............................  135 / 73
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 71
    Pianist ................................  84 / 469
    Sofa bed ...............................  5 / 52
    Stringed instruments ...................  84 / 328
    Writing aid ............................  248 / 118.1+
    Banding ................................  310 / 271
        Process ............................  29 / 598
        Winding ............................  242 / 433+
    Coil ...................................  310 / 195+
        On closed ring .....................  242 / 434+
    Cores ..................................  310 / 216+
    Dynamo .................................  290
        Differential wound in arc lamp .....  314 / 76
        Disk ...............................  310 / 268
        Drum ...............................  310 / 265
        Multiple ...........................  290 / 6
        Pole ...............................  310 / 269
        Ring ...............................  310 / 267
    Electromagnet ..........................  335 / 279+
        Plunger type .......................  335 / 255+
    Electromagnetic switch .................  335 / 80+
    Electromagnetic switch .................  335 / 95+
    Electromagnetically actuated in ........  314 / 119
    Arc lamp ...............................  314 / 119+
    Fault tester ...........................  324 / 545+
    Growler ................................  324 / 537+
        Commutator .........................  29 / 597
        Electromagnet ......................  29 / 602.1+
        Rotor ..............................  29 / 598
    Manufacture of .........................  29
    Massage device vibrator ................  601 / 46+
    Railway switch motor reciprocating .....  246 / 225+
    Railway switch motor rotary ............  246 / 240+
    Testers ................................  324 / 555+
    Wedges .................................  310 / 261+
    Winding directly .......................  242 / 433+
    Winding methods ........................  242 / 433+
        Assemblying apparatus ..............  29 / 732+
        Combined operations ................  29 / 605
        Miscellaneous ......................  29 / 605
        Through a closed ring ..............  242 / 434+
Armchair ...................................  D06 / 334+
Arming Devices .............................  102 / 221+
    Bomb,flare, & signal dropping ..........  89 / 1.55
Armor and Armored  
    Body armor .............................  2 / 2.5
    Cable ..................................  174 / 102 R+
        Fittings ...........................  174 / 50+
    Conduit ................................  138 / 123+
        Electric conductive sheath .........  174 / 102 C+
        Liner ..............................  138 / 137+
        Spirally wound .....................  138 / 134+
    Lock protection ........................  70 / 417
    Piercing ammunition ....................  102 / 517+
    Railroad ties ..........................  238 / 95+
    Shields ................................  89 / 36.01+
    Shields and protectors .................  109 / 49.5
        Port combined ......................  109 / 58.5
    Tires resilient ........................  152 / 167+
    Vehicle ................................  296 / 187.12
        Railway cars .......................  105 / 394
        Ships ..............................  114 / 9+
    Wall structure .........................  109 / 78
Armpit Shield ..............................  2 / 53+
    Fastener ...............................  24 / 903*
Arms, ......................................  D22
    Making .................................  89 / 1.151+
    Making .................................  42 / 16.1
    Hydrocarbon ............................  585 / 24+
        Hydrogenation of ...................  585 / 266+
        Purification of ....................  585 / 800+
        Synthesis of .......................  585 / 400+
    Hydrocarbon synthesis ..................  585 / 407+
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
Arranging or Piling Apparatus See  
    Assembling; placers  
    Article ................................  414 / 788+
    Article unpiling .......................  414 / 795.4+
    Articles on conveyors ..................  198 / 373+
    Bulk material by conveyor rotation .....  198 / 631.1
    Bulk material by conveyors .............  198 / 633+
    Cigarette making combined ..............  131 / 282
    Conveyors from static support ..........  198 / 508
    Dried or gas treated material ..........  34 / 518
    Horticultural tools ....................  D08 / 1+
    Piles arrangements holders or ..........  206
    Spacers ................................  206
    Sheet material associating or ..........  270
    Folding ................................  270
    Stackers for fluid current .............  406
    Conveyors ..............................  406
    Tobacco stringers or unstringers .......  414 / 26
    Type ...................................  276 / 36+
Array Processors ...........................  712 / 10+
    Cash register key ......................  235 / 26
    Lightning ..............................  361 / 117+
        Combined with fuse .................  337 / 31+
        Design .............................  D10 / 105
    Loom letoff ............................  139 / 111+
    Loom take up ...........................  139 / 314
    Metallurgical fume .....................  266 / 144+
    Spark ..................................  110 / 119+
        Fixed whirler or rotator ...........  55 / 447
        Deflector separators ...............  55 / 447+
        Illuminating burners having ........  362 / 380
Arrhythmia Detector ........................  600 / 515
Arrow ......................................  473 / 578+
    Carriers ...............................  224 / 916*
    Design .................................  D22 / 115
    Making .................................  473 / 578+
    Sight ..................................  33 / 265
    Targets ................................  273 / 348+
Arsanilic Acid .............................  556 / 74
Arsenic ....................................  423
    Alloys .................................  420 / 579
    Arsenates ..............................  423 / 602+
    Azoles containing ......................  548 / 102
    Biocides containing ....................  424 / 621+
        Organic ............................  514 / 504
    Carbocyclic or acyclic compounds .......  556 / 64+
    Containing .............................  556 / 64+
    Halides ................................  423 / 462+
    Medicines containing ...................  424 / 621+
        Organic compounds of ...............  514 / 504+
    Oxides .................................  423 / 617
    Pyridine nucleus compounds .............  546 / 72
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 706
    Sulphides ..............................  423 / 511
Arsenites ..................................  423 / 601
Arseno Carbocyclic or Acyclic ..............  556 / 65+
    Compounds ..............................  556 / 65+
Arsphenamines ..............................  556 / 66+
Art (See Subject Involved)  
    Collage ................................  428 / 39
    Etching ................................  216 / 28
    Non-uniform coating ....................  427 / 256+
    Ornamental stitching ...................  112 / 439
    Sectional layer ........................  423 / 410+
    Superposed elements ....................  428 / 77+
Artery, Artifical ..........................  623 / 1.1
Article (See Type of Article)  
    Advertising design .....................  D20 / 10+
    Carrier ................................  224
        Hunting coats ......................  2 / 94
    Controlled burner ......................  126 / 52
        Magazine type cabinet ..............  312 / 36
    Dispensing .............................  221
        Magazine type ......................  312 / 35
        Match and toothpick ................  206 / 102+
        Packages ...........................  206 / 233
        Pellet pill tablet pocket use ......  206 / 528+
        With heating or cooling ............  221 / 150 R
        With treating means ................  221 / 135+
    Handling (see process or machine .......  414
    With which associated) .................  414
        Conveyors ..........................  198
        Hand or hoist line implements ......  294
    Land vehicle compartment ...............  296 / 37.1+
        Dispenser ..........................  221 / 175
Article Support Brackets ...................  248 / 200+
    Specially mounted or attached ..........  248 / 205.1+
        Corner .............................  248 / 220.1
        Interlocked bracket and support ....  248 / 220.21+
        Post or column attached ............  248 / 218.4+
        Support being pierced or cut .......  248 / 216.1+
Articulated Fuel ...........................  44 / 531
Articulator ................................  433 / 54
Artificial Intelligence ....................  706 / 1+
        Control ............................  706 / 905*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 913*
        Control ............................  706 / 904*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 912*
    Applications ...........................  706 / 902+
    Business ...............................  706 / 925*
        Time management ....................  706 / 926*
    Cad ....................................  706 / 919*
    Case ...................................  706 / 922*
        Control ............................  706 / 909*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 917*
    Computer aided design ..................  706 / 919*
    Computer aided software ................  706 / 922*
    Engineering ............................  706 / 922*
    Computer program preparation ...........  706 / 922*
    Computer, internal & network  
        Control ............................  706 / 908*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 916*
    Construction industry ..................  706 / 923*
    Control or controllers .................  706 / 903+
        Aerospace ..........................  706 / 905*
        Agriculture ........................  706 / 904*
        Communications .....................  706 / 909*
        Computers ..........................  706 / 908*
        Electronic circuits ................  706 / 908*
        Elevators ..........................  706 / 910*
        Machine tools ......................  706 / 904*
        Machines ...........................  706 / 904*
        Manufacturing ......................  706 / 904*
        Power plant ........................  706 / 907*
        Process plant ......................  706 / 906*
        Robot ..............................  706 / 904*
        Vehicles ...........................  706 / 905*
    Design .................................  706 / 919*
        Aerospace ..........................  706 / 913*
        Agriculture ........................  706 / 912*
        Communications .....................  706 / 917*
        Computers ..........................  706 / 916*
        Electronic circuits ................  706 / 916*
        Elevators ..........................  706 / 918*
        Machine tools ......................  706 / 912*
        Machines ...........................  706 / 912*
        Manufacturing ......................  706 / 912*
        Medical ............................  128 / 924*
        Medical ............................  706 / 924*
        Non-medical ........................  706 / 911+
        Power plant ........................  706 / 915*
        Process plant ......................  706 / 914*
        Robot ..............................  706 / 912*
        Vehicles ...........................  706 / 913*
    Education ..............................  706 / 927*
    Electronic circuits  
        Control ............................  706 / 908*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 916*
        Control ............................  706 / 910*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 918*
    Engineering ............................  706 / 932*
    Environment ............................  706 / 930*
    Fuzzy logic ............................  706
        Applications .......................  706 / 900*
    Geological .............................  706 / 929*
    Government .............................  706 / 933*
    Information management .................  706 / 934*
    Information retrieval ..................  706 / 934*
    Knowledge processing ...................  706 / 10+
        Applications .......................  706 / 902+
    Law ....................................  706 / 933*
    Law enforcement ........................  706 / 933*
    Layout for construction ................  706 / 921*
    Layout of circuit ......................  706 / 921*
    Library management .....................  706 / 934*
    Machine tools  
        Control ............................  706 / 904*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 912*
        Control ............................  706 / 904*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 912*
        Control ............................  706 / 904*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 912*
    Mathematics ............................  706 / 932*
    Medical ................................  706 / 924*
        Diagnostics ........................  128 / 924*
    Power plant  
        Control ............................  706 / 907*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 915*
    Process plant  
        Control ............................  706 / 906*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 914*
    Robot with artificial intelligence  
        Control ............................  706 / 904*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 912*
    Robot with knowledge processing ........  700 / 246
    Robotic control ........................  700 / 245+
    Science ................................  706 / 932*
    Seismology .............................  706 / 929*
    Simulation .............................  704 / 920*
    Speech signal processing ...............  704 / 200+
    Teaching ...............................  706 / 927*
    Time management in business ............  706 / 926*
        Control ............................  706 / 905*
        Diagnostics ........................  706 / 913*
    Weather ................................  706 / 931*
Artificial Neural System See Neural  
Artificial See Imitation, Synthetic  
    Arms ...................................  623 / 57+
    Artery .................................  623 / 1.1
        Laminated ..........................  428 / 105+
        Particle ...........................  428 / 403
    Body member ............................  623
        Electrical actuation ...............  623 / 24+
        Fluid actuation ....................  623 / 26
    Bones ..................................  623 / 16.11+
        Making .............................  426 / 603+
        Renovating or treating  
            Apparatus ......................  99 / 452
            Process ........................  426 / 663
    Ear ....................................  623 / 10
    Eye prosthesis .........................  623 / 4.1+
    Fauna ..................................  428 / 16
    Feet ...................................  623 / 53+
        Making .............................  264 / 165+
        Plasticizing .......................  8 / 130.1+
    Fingernails ............................  132 / 73
    Fish bait ..............................  43 / 42
        Trap hook combined .................  43 / 35
    Flies ..................................  43 / 42.24+
    Flora ..................................  428 / 17+
    Flower .................................  428 / 24+
    Fog ....................................  516 / 1+
    Fuel (see fuel) .......................  44
    Garland ................................  428 / 10
    Grass ..................................  428 / 17
    Heart valve ............................  623 / 2.1
        Levels and plumbs ..................  33 / 365+
        Light ray type measurement .........  33 / 320+
    Insemination ...........................  604 / 906*
    Intelligence see artificial  
    Larynx .................................  623 / 9
    Leather ................................  428 / 904*
    Legs ...................................  623 / 27+
    Musk ...................................  568 / 375
    Nose ...................................  623 / 10
    Reef ...................................  405 / 21+
    Respiration ............................  601 / 41+
    Seaweed ................................  405 / 24
        Cellulose ester or ether ...........  106 / 168.01+
        Containing composition .............  106 / 168.01+
        Cellulose or derivative ............  536 / 56+
        Chemical modification ..............  8 / 129+
        Cuprammonium compositions ..........  106 / 167.01
        Dyeing processes & compositions ....  8
        Filament forming apparatus .........  425 / 66
        Filament forming apparatus .........  425 / 67+
        Filament forming apparatus .........  425 / 76
        Filament forming apparatus .........  425 / 382.2
        Filament forming process ...........  264 / 165+
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 30+
        Regenerated cellulose ..............  106 / 163.01
        Spinning or twisting process .......  57 / 76
        Spinning or twisting strand ........  57 / 243+
        Structure ..........................  57 / 243+
        Swelling or plasticizing ...........  8 / 130.1+
        Viscose compositions ...............  106 / 166.01+
    Snow ...................................  106
        Exhibitor ..........................  40
    Sod ....................................  428 / 17
        Dyeing .............................  8 / 523
        Firing .............................  264 / 603+
        Inorganic settable ingredients .....  106 / 638+
        Molding process ....................  264 / 333
        Precious stone .....................  501 / 86
        Static mold ........................  249 / 140
        Water glass plaster of paris .......  106 / 611
        Water glass portland cement ........  106 / 606+
    Stone decorative face ..................  52 / 311.1+
    Teeth ..................................  433 / 167+
        Molds ..............................  425 / 2
        Molds ..............................  425 / 175
        Static mold ........................  249 / 54
    Three dimensional product ..............  428 / 15+
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 353
    Trachea ................................  623 / 9
    Tree ...................................  428 / 18+
    Turf ...................................  428 / 17
    Wreath .................................  428 / 10
Artillery ..................................  89
    Calculators ordnance control ...........  235 / 400
    Sights .................................  89 / 200+
Artist See Painters and Painting  
    Canvas carriers ........................  294 / 137
    Fine arts materials ....................  D19 / 35+
    Materials, design ......................  D19
    Paint boxes ............................  206 / 1.7+
    Palette ................................  D19 / 35+
    Sheet bearing ..........................  428 / 195.1
    Catalyst carrier .......................  502 / 439+
    Chemical treatment .....................  423 / 167.1
    Comminution ............................  241 / 4
    Fiber liberation .......................  162 / 153+
    Non-structural laminates ...............  428 / 443+
Ascarite ...................................  252 / 408.1
Ascorbic Acid ..............................  549 / 315
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 129
Ascot ......................................  D02 / 605+
Aseptic Cultivation ........................  435 / 800*
    Ashpan boiler feed heaters .............  122 / 413
    Cans ...................................  110 / 165 R+
    Cigars and cigarettes with ash .........  131 / 349
    Holder .................................  131 / 349+
    Furnaces ...............................  110 / 165 R+
    Holder combined with smoking ...........  131 / 174+
    Device .................................  131 / 174+
    Sifters ................................  209 / 233+
        Design .............................  D23 / 420
    Stoves .................................  126 / 242+
    Tray ...................................  232 / 43.1+
        Combined with other devices ........  131 / 231+
        Design .............................  D27 / 102+
        Gas separation, used in ............  55 / 385.8
        Luminous ...........................  250 / 462.1
        Vehicle built in ...................  296 / 37.9
        Vehicle mounted ....................  131 / 329+
Asparagus Harvester ........................  56 / 327.2
Asphalt ....................................  208 / 22+
    Binders in coating compositions ........  106 / DIG 7
    Cement .................................  106 / 273.1+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 273.1+
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 622
        Carbohydrate .......................  106 / 217.8
        Carbohydrate gum ...................  106 / 205.8
        Casein .............................  106 / 157.1
        Cellulose ether or ester ...........  106 / 169.54
        Cellulose ether or ester ...........  106 / 170.56
        Cellulose ether or ester ...........  106 / 196.1
        Coating or plastic emulsions .......  106 / 277
        Emulsions ..........................  516 / 38+
        Fat or fatty acid salt .............  106 / 269
        Fatty oil ..........................  106 / 246+
        Feathers hair or leather ...........  106 / 124.83
        Gelatine or glue ...................  106 / 157.1
        Ink ................................  106 / 31.91+
        Mold ...............................  106 / 38.8
        Mold coating .......................  106 / 38.25
        Natural resin ......................  106 / 232+
        Natural resin and drying oil .......  106 / 225
        Natural resin and nondrying oil ....  106 / 229
        Plaster of paris ...................  106 / 670
        Polish .............................  106 / 10
        Portland cement ....................  106 / 668+
        Prolamine ..........................  106 / 157.1
        Protein miscellaneous ..............  106 / 157.1
        Starch .............................  106 / 216.1
    Making, treating and recovery ..........  208 / 39+
    Melting furnaces .......................  126 / 343.5 A
    Mixers .................................  366 / 1+
        Design .............................  D15 / 19
    Pavements ..............................  404 / 17+
    Paving machinery .......................  404 / 83+
    Polymers containing or derived from  
    (See synthetic resin or natural  
    Body fluids ............................  604 / 19+
        Flowing liquid aspirates gas .......  261 / DIG 75
    Body inserted ..........................  604 / 35
    Jet pump ...............................  417 / 151+
    Mixing .................................  137 / 888+
    Static mold ............................  249 / 102+
Aspirin ....................................  560 / 143
    In drug ................................  514 / 165
    Apparatus ..............................  29 / 700+
        Caps and cartridges ................  86 / 12
        Chain links ........................  59 / 25
        Chains .............................  59 / 1+
        Chains sprocket ....................  59 / 7
        Cleaning combined ..................  134 / 59
        Electrostatic type .................  29 / 900*
        Liquid purification ................  210 / 232
        Matrices type casting ..............  199 / 9+
        Nailing and stapling combined ......  227 / 19+
        Press type filter ..................  210 / 230
        Supporters garment .................  223 / 49
        Tire and rim .......................  157
        Welding combined ...................  228 / 4.1+
    Bolts nuts and washers .................  470 / 3+
    Closure cap and liner ..................  413 / 56+
        Laminating .........................  156
    Electric discharge devices .............  445 / 23+
    Hinges .................................  29 / 11
    Lamps and vacuum tubes .................  445 / 23
        Apparatus ..........................  445 / 60+
        Processes ..........................  445 / 1+
    Mold parts .............................  164 / 339+
        Batteries ..........................  29 / 623.1+
        Electrostatic type .................  29 / 900*
    Receptacle with closure ................  413 / 2+
        Apparatus ..........................  413 / 26+
    Sheet material .........................  270
    Shoe heels .............................  12 / 50+
    Shoe uppers ............................  12 / 52
    Textile fibers .........................  19 / 144+
    Well ...................................  166 / 373+
Assembly Means  
    Fluid handling .........................  137 / 15.01+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 18
Associating Sheet Material .................  270
    Tobacco leaf ...........................  131 / 327
Assorter See Associated Process,  
    Article, or machine  
    Brush making ...........................  300 / 18
    Cleaning machines combined .............  15 / 3+
    Coin ...................................  453 / 3+
    Livestock ..............................  119 / 842+
    Printing machines combined .............  101
    Solid material .........................  209
Astrolabe ..................................  33 / 1 R
Astrology ..................................  434 / 106
Astronomical Instrument  
    Clock ..................................  368 / 15+
    Globes .................................  33 / 268+
    Optical ................................  356 / 138+
    Solar position locator .................  33 / 268+
    Telescopes .............................  359 / 399+
    Tellurions .............................  33 / 268+
Astronomy Teaching .........................  434 / 284+
Astrophysical Instruments  
    Angle measurement ......................  33 / 281+
        Solar ..............................  33 / 268+
    Spectroscope ...........................  356 / 300+
    Telescope ..............................  359 / 399+
    Ophtahalmic lenses for correction ......  351 / 176
    Test chart .............................  351 / 241
    Equipment see type  
    Protective hand covering ...............  D29 / 113+
    Shoes ..................................  D02 / 902+
    Shoes, making ..........................  12 / 142 P
    Shorts .................................  D02 / 731+
Atm Machines or Networks ...................  705 / 43
    Cross-reference collection .............  902
Atmometer ..................................  374 / 39+
    Utilizing special  
        Glass making .......................  65 / 32.1+
        Refrigeration ......................  62 / 78
Atmospheric Electricity ....................  307 / 149
    Chemically inert or reactive ...........  425 / 815*
    Collecting .............................  310 / 308+
        With condenser .....................  320 / 166+
    Discharging ............................  361 / 212
    Grounding ..............................  174 / 6+
    Lightning rods .........................  174 / 2+
Atomic Energy ..............................  376
    Fission reactions ......................  376 / 349
    Fusion reactions .......................  376 / 100
    Power utilization ......................  376 / 336
    Power utilization ......................  376 / 402
    Power utilization ......................  376 / 370
    Power utilization ......................  376 / 391
    Transmutation reactions ................  376 / 156
    Well processes .........................  166 / 247
Atomic Hydrogen Welding ....................  219 / 75
Atomizer ...................................  239
    Container or bottle with ...............  D28 / 91.1
    Electrically heated ....................  392 / 386+
    Electrically heated ....................  392 / 324+
    Fumigator ..............................  422 / 305+
    Gas liquid contact .....................  261 / 78.1
        Non-carboretor .....................  261 / 78.2
    Internal combustion engine supply ......  123 / 434+
    Liquid fuel burner .....................  239
    Medical ................................  D24 / 110
    Medicator ..............................  128 / 200.14+
    Perfume ................................  239 / 355+
    Sprayer ................................  239 / 337+
    Temperature responsive control .........  236 / 8
Atropine ...................................  546 / 131
    In drug ................................  514 / 304
Attack Defeating Locks  
    Mechanism ..............................  70 / 1.5+
        Key lock ...........................  70 / 416+
    Canned food processors .................  99 / 367+
        Conveyor combined ..................  99 / 361
Attenuator .................................  333 / 81 R
    Light conductor with photocell .........  250 / 227.11
    Pads ...................................  333 / 24 R+
    Resistance structure ...................  338
    Voltage magnitude control ..............  323 / 369
    Resistors ..............................  323 / 369
    Fans ...................................  416
        Inlet ..............................  454 / 338
        Inlet and outlet ...................  454 / 249
        Outlet .............................  454 / 341+
        Wind operated air pump .............  454 / 240
    Ventilators ............................  454+
        Having both inlet and outlet .......  454 / 237+
        Airways ............................  454 / 237+
        Having inlet airway ................  454 / 254+
        Having outlet airway ...............  454 / 339+
Attitude or Pitch Indicator ................  33 / 328+
Attrition Comminutor  
    Apparatus ..............................  241 / 284
        Suspended particles ................  241 / 39
    Processes ..............................  241 / 26
        Suspended particles ................  241 / 5
    Electronic negotiation with ............  705 / 80
    Encrypted data .........................  705 / 80
    Internet ...............................  705 / 37
        Display of products on internet ....  705 / 27
    Livestock tags .........................  40 / 300+
    Through the internet ...................  705 / 37
    Radio survey ...........................  455 / 2.01
    Reaction apparatus  
        Loudness meter .....................  73 / 646
        Voting machines ....................  235 / 51+
    Television survey ......................  725 / 9+
Audio Amplifier ............................  330
Audio-Visual Teaching Machine ..............  D19 / 60
Audiometer .................................  73 / 585
    Design .................................  D24 / 151+
    Amplifier, electronic tube type ........  330
    Cathode ray tube structure .............  313 / 364+
    Oscillation generators .................  331
    Structure ..............................  313
Audiphone ..................................  381 / 312+
    Amplifier for ..........................  330
Auditorium .................................  52 / 6
    Acoustics ..............................  181 / 30
Auger (See Bit; Drill)  
    Boring machines wood ...................  408 / 199
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 394+
    Land anchors ...........................  52 / 157
        Dies ...............................  72 / 470+
        Machines ...........................  76 / 2+
        Processes ..........................  76 / 102
        Twisting stock .....................  72 / 299
    Mortising machines wood ................  144 / 69+
    Post base ..............................  52 / 157
    Wood ...................................  408 / 199+
Auramine ...................................  564 / 269
Auricle ....................................  181 / 129+
Aurines ....................................  552 / 115
    Fuchsone ...............................  552 / 115
    For automated, secure transactions .....  705 / 76
Autoclaves .................................  422 / 242
    Cooker see steaming food  
Autocollimator .............................  33 / 297+
    With photocell .........................  356 / 152.1+
Autofrettage ...............................  89 / 14.7
Autogenous Bonding  
    Of particles ...........................  264 / 123+
    Of running length fibers ...............  156 / 180+
    Of self-sustaining laminae .............  156 / 308.2+
Autogenous Welding .........................  228 / 196+
    Electric ...............................  219 / 78.01+
Autogiro ...................................  244 / 17.11+
    Aerial toy .............................  446 / 36+
    Airplane combined ......................  244 / 8
Autograph Register .........................  D18 / 21
AUTOHARPâ„¢    ...............................  84 / 8+
Automatic (See Controller and  
    Automated machine  
        Broaching ..........................  409 / 245+
        Gear cutting .......................  409 / 2+
        Milling ............................  409 / 80+
        Planing ............................  409 / 289+
        Exposure control ...................  396 / 213+
        Focusing ...........................  396 / 89+
    Cost determination .....................  705 / 400
    Cutouts for electric circuit ...........  200
        Electromagnetic ....................  335
        For lamp circuit ...................  315
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 52+
        With cutoff operator ...............  222 / 14+
        With recorder register or ..........  222 / 23+
        Indicator ..........................  222 / 23+
    Drying and gas or vapor contact ........  34 / 524+
    With solids ............................  34 / 524+
    Earth boring means .....................  175 / 24+
    Fire alarms ............................  116 / 101+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 500+
            Flame ..........................  340 / 577+
            Heat ...........................  340 / 584+
            Smoke ..........................  340 / 628+
        With indicator .....................  116 / 5
    Fish butchering ........................  452 / 150+
    Flexible partitions and panels .........  160 / 1+
    Eg curtains ............................  160 / 1+
    Food treating machine ..................  99 / 486+
    Glass making apparatus .................  65 / 160+
    Grain hullers and scourers .............  99 / 488
    Grapples ...............................  294 / 110.1+
    Gun see gun  
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 200
        Heating and cooling ................  165 / 201
    Heating systems ........................  237 / 2 R+
    Metal deforming  
    Mining control .........................  299 / 1.05+
        Apparatus ..........................  72 / 6.1+
    Musical instruments ....................  84 / 2+
        Comb type ..........................  84 / 94.1+
        Electrical tone generation .........  84 / 600+
        Stringed eg pianos .................  84 / 7+
        Two different instruments ..........  84 / 2+
        Wind eg organs .....................  84 / 83+
    Nuclear reactions ......................  376 / 207
    Press control ..........................  100 / 43
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 132+
    Solid material comminution or ..........  241 / 33
    Disintegration .........................  241 / 33+
    Teller machine  
        For remote banking .................  705 / 43
        To purchase postage ................  705 / 403
        Using cryptographic code ...........  705 / 64+
            Unidentified user ..............  705 / 74
    Temperature or humidity regulation .....  236
        Cereal puffing apparatus ...........  99 / 323.4+
        Cooking apparatus ..................  99 / 325+
        Distillation separatory ............  203 / 2
        Processes ..........................  203 / 2
        Distillation separatory systems ....  202 / 160
        Electronic tube or lamp ............  315 / 117
        Humidor ............................  312 / 31+
        Hygrostats .........................  73 / 29.02+
        Infuser,eg percolator ..............  99 / 281+
        Liquid heaters and vaporizers ......  122 / 446+
        Mineral oil distillation ...........  196 / 141
        Condensers .........................  196 / 141
        Mineral oil distillation ...........  196 / 132
        Vaporizors .........................  196 / 132
    Thermostats ............................  60 / 527+
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 374.1
        Other than a top accessible ........  126 / 350.1
        Stand boiler .......................  122 / 14.1+
    Tool driving or impacting device .......  173 / 2+
    Volume control  
        Amplifier coupling impedance .......  330 / 144+
        Amplifier having of bias ...........  330 / 127+
        Or power supply ....................  330 / 127+
        Amplifier thermal coupling .........  330 / 143
        Impedance ..........................  330 / 143
        In radio receiver ..................  455 / 234.1+
    Wave transmission lines & networks .....  333 / 17.1+
    Weigher ................................  177 / 60+
        Cigar and cigarette making .........  131 / 280
Automation (See Robot) ....................  901 / 1*
Automobile (See Land Vehicle; Motor  
    Air bag passenger restraints ...........  280 / 728.1+
    Beds ...................................  5 / 118+
        Cribs ..............................  5 / 94
    Body crushers ..........................  100 / 901*
    Carburetor see carburetor ..............  261
    Compound repair tools ..................  7 / 100+
    Cooler .................................  62 / 243
    Door handle ............................  D08 / 300+
    Electric distribution systems ..........  307 / 10.1+
    Electric motors ........................  D13 / 112
    Fender covers ..........................  280 / 762+
    Frame straightener .....................  72 / 705*
    Gas station lift .......................  187 / 203+
    Headlight ..............................  362 / 459+
        Design .............................  D26 / 28+
        Dimming system .....................  315 / 82+
        Electric system for ................  315 / 82+
        Mutually responsive automatic ......  315 / 82+
        Dimmers ............................  315 / 82+
        Retractable ........................  362 / 527
        Sealed beam ........................  313 / 113+
    Heater .................................  237 / 12.3 R
    Heater and cooler ......................  165 / 42+
    Hood light .............................  362 / 496
    Horn ...................................  D10 / 116+
    Insignia ...............................  D11 / 95+
    License tags ...........................  40 / 200
        Changeable year section ............  40 / 207+
    Lift or hoist .........................  269 / 58+
    Lights combined with part ..............  362 / 459+
        Ceiling or roof light ..............  362 / 479
        Ceiling or roof light ..............  362 / 490
    Mirrors ................................  359 / 838+
        Plural .............................  359 / 850+
        Plural reflections .................  359 / 857+
    Miscellaneous equipment design .........  D12 / 400+
    Name plate fasteners ...................  40 / 662+
    Radio ..................................  455 / 345
        Portable ...........................  455 / 346
        Portable transmitter ...............  455 / 99
    Registration plates ....................  D20 / 13+
    Roll bars ..............................  280 / 756
    Safety belt or harness .................  297 / 464+
        Motor vehicle system responsive ....  180 / 268+
        Passive ............................  280 / 802+
    Safety promoting means, ................  180 / 271+
    Seats ..................................  297
        Crash ..............................  297 / 216.1+
        Design .............................  D06 / 334+
        With body modification .............  296 / 63+
    Shipped as freight .....................  410 / 4+
        Group of bodies shipped ............  410 / 43
    Signals ................................  116 / 28 R+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 425.5+
        Lamp supply systems ................  315 / 77+
        Stop electric ......................  340 / 479+
    Simulators .............................  434 / 65+
    Steering post or wheel  
        Fluid handling .....................  137 / 352
        Lock for pilot wheel control or ....  70 / 253
        Linkage ............................  70 / 253
    Suspension systems .....................  280
        Active suspension control ..........  280 / 5.5+
        Body leveling ......................  280 / 6.15+
    Tailpipe muffler .......................  181 / 227
        With exhaust pipe ..................  181 / 228
    Tape storage for cars ..................  D12 / 415+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 431+
        Sounding ...........................  446 / 409+
    Transmission jack ......................  254 / DIG 16
    Trunk light ............................  362 / 496
        Switch .............................  200 / 61.62+
    Turntables .............................  104 / 44
    Ventilation ............................  454 / 69+
    Wheels and axles for land vehicles .....  301
        Aligning tools, hand ...............  29 / 273
        Lock for spare or mounted wheel ....  70 / 259
    Window defrosting see window ...........  52 / 171.2+
Autophon ...................................  84 / 83+
Autosyn (See Selsyn)  
Averaging, Aromatic Hydrocarbon ............  585 / 474
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 474
Aviaries See Bird  
    Bedstead related .......................  5 / 131+
    Clock ..................................  368 / 12
        Alarm ..............................  368 / 244+
    Person contacting ......................  116 / 205
        Time operated ......................  368 / 12
    Time alarm except clock ................  111 / 91+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 309.16+
Awl ........................................  D08 / 47
    Leather ................................  30 / 366
    Needles ................................  223 / 104
    Punch type .............................  30 / 366
        Implement ..........................  112 / 169
        Machine ............................  112 / 48
    Shoe making ............................  12 / 103
    Surgery ................................  606 / 222+
Awning .....................................  160 / 45+
    Design, fabric type ....................  D25 / 57
    Head rod bracket .......................  248 / 273
    Non rigid structure ....................  160 / 45+
        Storage or shield combined .........  160 / 22
    Rigid structure ........................  52 / 74+
        Design .............................  D25 / 57
    Window closing .........................  49 / 71
Ax .........................................  30 / 308.1+
    Design .................................  D08 / 76
    Diaphragm ..............................  92 / 96+
    Holder .................................  224 / 234
        Blanks .............................  76 / 103
        Dies ...............................  72 / 470+
        Machines ...........................  76 / 7+
        Processes ..........................  76 / 103
    Rack ...................................  211 / 13.1+
        Apparel ............................  211 / 85.3
        Eyeglasses .........................  211 / 85.1
    Type cutlery ...........................  30 / 318
        Manufacture dies forging ...........  72 / 356
        Manufacture dies forging ...........  72 / 343
        Railway car ........................  72 / 343+
        Railway car mounting ...............  105 / 218.1+
        Wheel combined .....................  301 / 109+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 193
    Housings ...............................  74 / 607
    Lubricating jack .......................  254 / 32
        Assembly or disassembly tools ......  29 / 700+
        By metal deforming process .........  72
        Dies forging railway car ...........  72 / 343+
        Dies forging vehicle ...............  72 / 356+
        Lathes turning .....................  82 / 104+
    Puller .................................  29 / 244+
    Railway ................................  295 / 36.1+
    Removing device ........................  29 / 277
    Rethreading dies .......................  408 / 20+
    Rethreading dies .......................  408 / 22+
    Shafts .................................  301 / 124.1+
    Skein ..................................  301 / 134+
    Spindle ................................  301 / 131+
    Vehicle ................................  301 / 124.1+
        Design .............................  D12 / 160
    Vehicle wheel combined .................  301 / 1+
    Carpet .................................  139 / 399+
        Making apparatus ...................  139 / 7 R+
Azaporphyrins ..............................  540 / 121+
Azauridine .................................  536 / 28.3
Azeotropes .................................  203 / 50+
Azetididiones ..............................  540 / 356
Azetidines .................................  548 / 950+
Azetidinones ...............................  540 / 200+
Azides .....................................  423
    Inorganic metal azides .................  149 / 35
        Explosive or thermic containing ....  149 / 35
    Organic radical containing .............  552 / 1+
Azidocillin ................................  540 / 331
Azimuth Instrument  
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 372
    Horizontal and vertical angle ..........  33 / 281
    Horizontal angle .......................  33 / 285
    Optical ................................  356 / 138+
    Solar locating .........................  33 / 268+
    Telescope ..............................  359 / 399+
Azines .....................................  544 / 1+
    Azines .................................  564 / 249
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 751+
        Heavy metal containing .............  534 / 701+
Aziridines .................................  548 / 954+
Azo Compounds ..............................  534 / 573+
    Anthraquinone containing ...............  534 / 654+
    Dye compositions containing ............  8 / 662+
        Several dyes .......................  8 / 639+
        Textile printing ...................  8 / 445+
    Fiber-reactive .........................  534 / 617+
    Indane containing ......................  534 / 659
    Quaternary ammonium ctg ................  534 / 603+
    Resorcinol containing ..................  534 / 682+
    Salicylic acid containing ..............  534 / 660+
    Stilbene containing ....................  534 / 689+
Azoles .....................................  548 / 100+
    Acridine nucleus containing ............  546 / 26+
    Aluminum containing ....................  548 / 101+
    Arsenic containing .....................  548 / 102
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 769+
        Heavy metal containing .............  534 / 710+
    Boron containing .......................  548 / 110
    Heavy metal containing .................  548 / 101+
    Phosphorus containing ..................  548 / 111+
    Silicon containing .....................  548 / 110
Azomethine .................................  564 / 271+
    Benzoselenazoles .......................  548 / 121
    Benzothiazoles .........................  548 / 152
    Benzoxazoles ...........................  548 / 219
    Heavy metal containing .................  556 / 32+
    Pyridines ..............................  546 / 268.1
    Quinolines .............................  546 / 152
Azoxy Compound .............................  534 / 566+

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