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E-Layers in Thermo Nuclear Reactions .......  376 / 126
    Coupling detachable janney type ........  213 / 157
    Guards .................................  2 / 455+
        Design .............................  D29 / 112
        Surgical ...........................  128 / 857+
    Hair cutters ...........................  30 / 29.5
        Eyeglass with protective ...........  351 / 122
        Speaking tube combined .............  181 / 20
        Telephone ..........................  381 / 385
            Design .........................  D14 / 249
    Plug ...................................  D24 / 106
        Bail ...............................  220 / 773+
        Wooden bucket ......................  217 / 126
    Surgical treatment electrical ..........  607 / 136
    Syringes ...............................  604 / 187+
    Trolley support ........................  191 / 43+
        Insulator ..........................  191 / 42
    Trumpets ...............................  181 / 129+
Earmuff ....................................  2 / 209
    Design .................................  D29 / 112
Earplug ....................................  D24 / 106
Earring ....................................  63 / 12+
    Design .................................  D11 / 40+
Earth (See Type of Earth Working  
    Boring .................................  175
        Compositions .......................  507 / 100+
    Carrier wave communication system ......  455 / 40
    Combustion in situ .....................  166 / 256
    Electric current through ...............  166 / 248
    Electrolyte or conductor in ............  429 / 47
    Batteries, having earth feature ........  429 / 47
    Engineering ............................  405
        Caissons ...........................  405 / 8+
        Diving .............................  405 / 194
        Dry docks ..........................  405 / 4+
        Earth control ......................  405 / 258.1+
        Marine ways ........................  405 / 2
        Pipe and cable laying ..............  405 / 154.1+
        Ship caissons ......................  405 / 12+
        Stable structures in shifting ......  405 / 229+
        Media ..............................  405 / 229
            Marine structures ..............  405 / 195.1
        Tunnel .............................  405 / 132+
        Underground fluid storage ..........  405 / 53+
        Water control ......................  405 / 52+
    Excavating .............................  37
    Getter for lamps etc ...................  252 / 181.7
    Grounds ................................  174 / 6+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  405 / 129.1+
    Containment ............................  405 / 129.1+
    Induction compass ......................  33 / 361+
    Metals preparation  
        Electrolytic .......................  204 / 194+
        Pyrometallurgy .....................  75 / 605+
    Mining of in situ disintegration of ....  299
    Hard material ..........................  299
    Planting ...............................  111
    Pulse or digital communications ........  375 / 218
    Roadway stabilization ..................  404 / 76
    Sciences computerized, monitored .......  702 / 2+
    Stabilizing for mining .................  299 / 11
    Transmission teledynamic systems .......  455 / 68
    Unearthing plants or buried objects ....  171
    Wells ..................................  166
    Working ................................  172
    Apparatus for shaping ..................  425
    Decorating .............................  427 / 256+
        Final coating nouniform ............  427 / 269
        Nonuniform coating .................  427 / 287
        Plural nonuniform coating ..........  427 / 266
    Glazing apparatus ......................  118
Earthing See Grounds Electric ..............  174 / 6+
Earthquake Proof Construction ..............  52 / 167.1
Earthquake Recorders .......................  346
        Electrical .........................  367 / 115
        Mechanical .........................  181
Earthworking ...............................  172
    Excavating .............................  37
Earthworm Agitator  
        Earth grounds ......................  174 / 6+
        Electrocuting ......................  43 / 98+
        Prods ..............................  47 / 1.3
        Trapping ...........................  43 / 58+
Earvent or Drain ...........................  606 / 109
Easel ......................................  248 / 441.1+
    Body supported .........................  248 / 444
    Collapsible ............................  248 / 460+
    Copyholder .............................  248 / 441.1+
        Advanceable copytype ...............  40 / 342+
        Line guide type ....................  40 / 352+
    Painters ...............................  248 / 444+
    Photographic enlarging  
        For original .......................  355 / 75+
        For photosensitive paper ...........  355 / 72+
    Seat with ..............................  D06 / 335+
    Wall mounted ...........................  248 / 447.1+
    Watch and clock ........................  248 / 442
Easy Out Extractor .........................  81 / 436+
Eaves Trough ...............................  52 / 11+
    Supports ...............................  248 / 48.1+
Ebonite ....................................  525 / 332.6
    Chemical aspects of producing ..........  525 / 332.6
Ebullioscope ...............................  73 / 53.01+
Eburnamonine ...............................  546 / 50
Eccentric ..................................  74 / 570.1+
    Adjustment of frictional gearing .......  476 / 61
    Belt tightener .........................  474 / 112
    Chucks and sockets .....................  279 / 6
    Drive mechanical movement ..............  74 / 116+
    Drive shaft for gearing ................  74 / 390
    Gearing ................................  74 / 393
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 162+
    Instruments ............................  33 / DIG 8
    Pivot cutter ...........................  30 / 104
    Weight wheeled toy .....................  446 / 458
    Wheel mounts vehicle ...................  280 / 229
Ecgonine ...................................  546 / 131
Echo Sounding ..............................  367 / 87
Economics Teaching .........................  434 / 107+
    Feed water .............................  122 / 412+
Ecraseur ...................................  606 / 135+
Edge (See Border; Cutter)  
    Beading metal sheet ....................  72 / 102+
    Beveling pencil sharpener ..............  144 / 28.2
    Binding and covering ...................  29 / 243.58
    Binding or protector  
        Skirt garment ......................  2 / 222
    Coating method .........................  427 / 284+
    Curling by bending rolls ...............  72 / 102+
    Cutter .................................  83 / 425.2+
    Fabric bed bottom ......................  5 / 192
    Flanging metal .........................  72 / 352+
    Grinding lenses (see templet)  
    Guarded cutting  
        Cutlery ............................  30 / 286+
        Manicure cutlery ...................  30 / 27
        Razor ..............................  30 / 51+
    Hand gardening tool ....................  172 / 371
        Design .............................  D08 / 1+
    Indenting shoe sole ....................  12 / 32
    Knitted garment antiravel portion ......  66 / 172 R+
    Mattress ...............................  5 / 739
    Panel e.g. table top ...................  52 / 782.2+
        Resilient strip ....................  52 / 800.1+
        Retainer ...........................  52 / 764+
        Laminated strand ...................  156 / 166
        Metallic container .................  220 / 640+
    Runner mill comminutor .................  241 / 107+
        Paper box making ...................  493 / 56+
        Tool sharpener .....................  76 / 89.1
    Stays pivoted ..........................  24 / 267
    Tool clamp for abrading ................  451 / 367+
    Trim strips ............................  52 / 716.1+
    Trimming stock for apparel .............  428 / 122+
    Upholstery trim ........................  428 / 123
    Winding flat wire ......................  72 / 135+
    Wire fabric ............................  245 / 10
Edgewise Sheet-Metal Bender ................  72 / 411
Edible Foodstuffs ..........................  D01
    Container holder,edible ................  D01
Education and Teaching .....................  434
    Appliance design .......................  D19 / 59+
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 927*
    Blocks & cards .........................  434 / 403+
    Cryptography ...........................  434 / 55+
    Display panel, chart, or graph .........  434 / 430+
    Erasable surfaces ......................  434 / 408+
    Keyboard operation .....................  434 / 227+
Effervescent Tablets  
    Medicine ...............................  424 / 43+
    Beater .................................  366 / 343+
    Breaker or cracker .....................  99 / 568+
    Candling ...............................  356 / 52+
        Testing instrument .................  D10 / 48
        Design .............................  D09 / 757+
        Making .............................  493 / 52+
        Paper, compartmented box ...........  206 / 521.1+
            X-art collection ...............  493 / 913*
        Paperboard .........................  206 / 521.1+
        Wooden .............................  217 / 18+
    Cleaning ...............................  134
        Brushing or scrubbing ..............  15 / 3.1+
        By abrading ........................  451 / 103+
    Compositions and processes .............  426 / 614+
        Automatic control ..................  99 / 336
        Boiler .............................  99 / 403+
        Supports combined ..................  99 / 440
    Cup ....................................  211 / 14
    Cutting and separating  
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 498
        Processes ..........................  426 / 299+
    Dyeing .................................  426 / 252
    Incubator ..............................  119 / 311+
        Brooder combined ...................  119 / 301
    Nest medicated .........................  119 / 348
    Packaging wrapping and casing ..........  426 / 298
    Powdered ...............................  426 / 614
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 298+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 467+
        Coating ............................  426 / 289+
        Dehydration ........................  426 / 471+
        Hermetic sealing ...................  426 / 298+
        Packing in liquids and powders .....  426 / 392+
        Refrigeration ......................  426 / 524
    Production .............................  119 / 6.8
    Racks ..................................  211 / 14+
    Separators .............................  99 / 497
    Shaker-mixer ...........................  D07 / 300.1
    Sorting ................................  209 / 510+
    Tester .................................  73 / 432.1
        Candling ...........................  356 / 52+
        Electrical .........................  324
        Specific gravity ...................  73 / 32 R
    Treatment ..............................  426 / 614
        Altering normal development ........  119 / 6.8
    Turner .................................  99 / 644
        Implement ..........................  294 / 7+
        Incubator tray type ................  119 / 323+
Ejecting or Ejector  
    Article dispensing magazine with .......  221 / 208+
        Stacked card or sheet ..............  312 / 50+
    Bale ...................................  100 / 218
    Bobbin and cop winding with ............  242 / 473.9
    Boiler blowoff .........................  122 / 384
    Conveyor bucket discharging ............  198 / 703+
    Convolute winding ......................  242 / 533+
    Cowl ventilator outlet .................  454 / 39+
        Windvane ...........................  454 / 22+
    Cutlery combined with material .........  30 / 128
    Embalming ..............................  27 / 24.1
    Envelope machine with ..................  493 / 268
    Firearms ...............................  42 / 25
        Upward tilting breech ..............  42 / 47+
    Fluid sprayer with collapsible .........  239 / 328
    Holder .................................  239 / 328
    Furnace smoke box spark ................  110 / 127
    Grain binder with ......................  56 / 449
    Ingot strippers ........................  164 / 405
    Jet pump ...............................  417 / 151+
    Mechanism for key ......................  70 / 388
        With key operating mechanism .......  70 / 414
    Medicator gas ..........................  604 / 23+
        Metal castings .....................  164 / 344+
    Molds with fluent hardening ............  249 / 66.1
    Material forming .......................  249 / 66.1+
        Plastic forming ....................  425 / 422
        Plastic forming ....................  425 / 436 R+
        Type casting .......................  199 / 80+
    Movable dispensing pockets with ........  222 / 216+
    Parachute flare carrying ...............  102 / 340
    Phonograph record holder ...............  312 / 9.11+
    Plastic die expressing with ............  425 / 381.2
    Pottery machines with ..................  425 / 263+
    Pottery machines with ..................  425 / 459+
    Power plant exhaust treatment ..........  60 / 685+
    Punch implement ........................  30 / 368
    Punch press ............................  83 / 123+
    Pyrotechnic device with article ........  102 / 357
        Rocket .............................  102 / 351
        Dispensing type ....................  222
        Non refillable bottles .............  215 / 16
        Pocket safes or ticket cases .......  221 / 208+
        Receptacle filling charge ..........  141 / 249
    Saliva .................................  433 / 91
    Self unloading vehicles with ...........  414 / 506
    Sewing machine bobbin ..................  112 / 180
    Sheet cutting dies with blank ..........  83 / 123+
    Sheet cutting dies with blank ..........  83 / 652+
    Sheet metalware die shaping with .......  72 / 344+
    Ship bilge discharge ...................  114 / 184+
    Special tools ..........................  29 / 700+
        Stereotype casting device with .....  164 / 145
    Tobacco smoking device with ............  131 / 182+
    Type casting mechanisms ................  199 / 60+
    Integral line with .....................  199 / 60+
    Type setting machine with ..............  276 / 12+
Elastic (See Spring)  
    Band guns and projectors ...............  124 / 17+
    Electrical cord ........................  174 / 69
    Extension devices ......................  267 / 69+
    Fabric (see fabric) ...................  442 / 182+
        Bed bottom .........................  5 / 186.1+
    Fastener, elastometric .................  269 / 907*
    Shoe upper .............................  36 / 51
    Stocking ...............................  2 / 239+
        Knitted ............................  66 / 178 A+
        Surgical ...........................  602 / 62+
    Strand .................................  57 / 200+
        Core covering processes ............  57 / 3+
        Covered core .......................  57 / 225
        Making by spinning twisting ........  57 / 3+
    Bending ................................  72 / 369
    Conduit electric .......................  174 / 81
    Coupling pipe ..........................  285 / 179+
Electret ...................................  307 / 400
    Gas separation .........................  55 / DIG 39
    Making .................................  29 / 886
    Static information storage .............  365 / 146
    Telephone transmitter ..................  381 / 173
Electric & Electricity  
    Actuation of artificial body member ....  623 / 24+
    Amplifiers .............................  330
    Apparatus, demonstrating ...............  434 / 379
    Arc (see arc, electric)  
    Bandaging ..............................  602 / 2
        Battery & condenser charging & .....  320
        Discharging ........................  320
        Boxes for ..........................  429 / 96+
        Electro chemical ...................  429
        Thermo electric or photoelectric ...  136
    Bearings, magnetic supports ............  310 / 90.5
    Bells ..................................  340 / 392.1+
    Binding posts ..........................  439
        Terminal boards ....................  439 / 709+
    Blankets and pads ......................  219 / 212
    Block signaling systems for ............  246 / 20
    Railways ...............................  246 / 20+
    Board games ............................  273 / 237+
    Boiler .................................  392 / 441+
    Boiler .................................  392 / 325+
        Electrically operated ..............  188 / 158+
            Frictionless ...................  310 / 92+
    Bridge networks ........................  323 / 365
        Wave filter ........................  333 / 170
    Cabinet combined with electrical .......  312 / 223.1+
    Features ...............................  312 / 223.1+
    Cable (see cable, electric) ...........  174
        Composite cable molding ............  425 / 505
        Connections or joints ..............  174
            Forming tool ...................  7 / 107+
        Support ............................  248 / 49+
    Candlelabrum ...........................  D26 / 24+
    Capacitor devices ......................  361 / 271+
    Car propulsion systems .................  104
    Cell (see cell, electric)  
    Chair, eg electrocution ................  607 / 1+
    Cigar or cigarette lighter .............  219 / 260+
    Circuit maker or breaker see ...........  200
    Circuit; switch ........................  200
    Clock ..................................  368 / 76+
        Electric motor and clutch ..........  477
        Control ............................  477
        Electric operator ..................  192 / 84.3+
            In automatic type ..............  192 / 40
        Torque transmitting ................  310 / 92+
        Frictionless .......................  310 / 92+
    Coating processes ......................  427 / 58
    Coaxial cable  
        Electronic tube combined with ......  315 / 39
        Transmission lines .................  333 / 243+
        With fluid or vacuum ...............  174 / 28+
    Coil winding ...........................  242 / 430+
        Conductive or emissive .............  252 / 500+
    Computer controlled, monitored item ....  700 / 286+
    Computers & data processing systems ....  703
    Condensers (see condenser) ............  361 / 271+
        Making .............................  29 / 25.41+
    Conductor (see conductor)  
        Conduits and tubes .................  174
        Insulators .........................  174
        Making or joining ..................  156 / 47+
        Running lengths ....................  219 / 85.1+
        Structure ..........................  174
        Transmission to moving object ......  191 / 1 R
        Transmission to vehicles ...........  191
    Conduits & housing (see conduits)  
        Electrical service meters ..........  361 / 659+
        Housed switchboards ................  361 / 601+
        Outlet or junction box type ........  220 / 3.2+
        Pipe joints ........................  285
        Pipes ..............................  138
        Structure ..........................  174
    Connectors (see connection) ...........  439
        Design .............................  D13 / 133+
        Winding by orbital guide ...........  242 / 442
        Winding by rotating connector ......  242 / 439+
        Winding implement ..................  242 / 442
        Wire nuts ..........................  174 / 87
    Contact (see contact, electrical)  
    Contact brush  
        Making by plastic operation ........  264 / 104+
        Making methods .....................  29 / 826+
        Motor or generator .................  310 / 248+
        Moving arc lamp electrode ..........  314 / 129
        To moving object or vehicle ........  191
    Contact metal ..........................  75
        Composite ..........................  428 / 929*
    Container for removable components .....  206 / 701+
    Control of dispensers ..................  222 / 52+
        Interlocked with discharge .........  222 / 75
        Guide or support ...................  222 / 75
    Controller (see control or  
    Controller, electric)  
    Conversion systems .....................  363
        Current conversion .................  363 / 13+
        Frequency conversion ...............  363 / 157+
        Phase conversion ...................  363 / 148+
    Cooking by current through food ........  99 / 358
    Cooling produced by ....................  62 / 3.1+
        Storing ............................  191 / 12 R+
    Course control .........................  244 / 175+
    Current distribution ...................  307
    Current producing apparatus, ...........  429
    Product, process .......................  429
    Demagnetizers ..........................  361 / 267
    Depilatories ...........................  606 / 43
    Design .................................  D13
        Air conditioning ...................  D23 / 351+
        Clocks .............................  D10 / 1+
        Fan ................................  D23 / 370+
        Heating ............................  D23 / 314+
        Lamps ..............................  D26
        Measuring testers ..................  D10 / 75+
        Medical xray .......................  D24 / 158
        Photo chemical etching .............  430 / 313+
        Soldering iron .....................  D08 / 30
    Diagnostics medical ....................  600 / 300
    Distribution ...........................  D13
    Distributor (see distributor,  
    Door or gate ...........................  49 / 59
    Drill ..................................  30 / 500
    Electrical device making processes .....  29 / 592.1
    Electrical power conversion systems ....  363
    Electrical systems & devices ...........  361
    Electrocardiographs ....................  600 / 510
    Electrolytic device ....................  361 / 500+
        Batteries ..........................  136
        Chemistry, electrical & wave .......  204
        Energy .............................  204
    Electromagnetic operation ..............  335
        Coating utilizing ..................  427 / 457+
        Ion plating or implanting ..........  427 / 523+
    Electronic tube (see electric  
    Space discharge devices)  
    Electrothermally or thermally ..........  337
    Actuated switches ......................  337
    Electrothermic metallurgical ...........  75 / 10.1+
    Processes ..............................  75 / 10.1+
    Elevators, electric control ............  187 / 277+
    Engine starting motor systems ..........  290
        Motor per se .......................  310
    Equipment, design ......................  D13
    Exercise device related ................  482 / 1+
    Eye (see photoelectric)  
    Fan ....................................  310 / 40.5
        Guards .............................  416 / 247 R
        With body motion ...................  310 / 40.5
    Fault isolating safety systems .........  361 / 1+
    Fault location .........................  324 / 512+
    Fault testing ..........................  324 / 500+
    Fence ..................................  256 / 10
        Insulator ..........................  174 / 137 R+
    Filter (see filter, electric)  
    Fire starting device ...................  D07 / 416+
    Flashlight .............................  362 / 208
    Fluid heater ...........................  392 / 311+
    Fluid motor system incorporating .......  60 / 911*
    Electrical system ......................  60 / 911*
    Furnace ................................  373
    Fuses ..................................  337 / 142+
        For explosives .....................  102
        In arc lamp ........................  314 / 10+
        In lamp or electronic tube .........  315 / 74+
    Gas & liquid contact apparatus .........  261 / DIG 80
    Geiger muller counter ..................  250 / 374+
    Geiger muller counter ..................  313 / 93
    Generation .............................  310
        In lamp or electronic tube .........  315 / 55
        System .............................  322
    Generator (see generators) ............  310
        Bicycle driven with lamp ...........  362 / 193
        Nonelectric prime mover driven .....  290
        System .............................  322
    Generator control ......................  322 / 44+
        Polarity control ...................  322 / 5+
        Power transmitting .................  322 / 40
        Mechanism control ..................  322 / 40+
    Generator systems ......................  322
        Automatic control ..................  322 / 11
        Automatic control ..................  322 / 17+
        Excitation control .................  322 / 59+
        Piezoelectric ......................  322 / 2 R
    Gyroscopic compass .....................  33 / 324+
    Heating ................................  219
        Distillation processes  
            Paratory .......................  203
            Thermolytic ....................  201 / 19
        Electrothermic metallurgy ..........  75 / 10.1+
        Gas generator retort ...............  48 / 103
        Incubator type heater ..............  236 / 3
        Knife ..............................  30 / 140
        Metal treatment ....................  148 / 566+
        Metal working with .................  29 / DIG 13
        Static mold ........................  249 / 78
        Thawing pipes and freeze ...........  138 / 33
        Protection .........................  138 / 33
        Track sanders ......................  291 / 20
    High frequency medical .................  607 / 154+
    Igniter with burner (see igniter) .....  431 / 258+
    Ignition, internal combustion ..........  123 / 143 R+
    Engine .................................  123 / 143 R+
    Impulse generator  
        Condenser discharge ................  320 / 166
        Dynamoelectric .....................  310 / 10+
        Electromagnetic periodic switch ....  335 / 87+
        Gas tube relaxation generator ......  331 / 129
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 291+
        System .............................  327 / 291+
        Nondynamoelectric ..................  310 / 300
        Periodic switch ....................  200 / 19.01+
        Radar system .......................  342 / 175+
        Relaxation oscillation generator ...  331 / 143
        Signal transmitters ................  341 / 173+
        Supplied to lamp or electronic .....  315 / 289
        Tube ...............................  315 / 289
        Telegraph system ...................  178
        Telephone call transmitters ........  379
        Transistor relaxation generator ....  331 / 111
    Inductor devices .......................  336
    Insulation, electrical .................  493 / 949*
    Insulator ..............................  D13 / 129+
    Interrupter (see interrupter)  
    Ionization chamber .....................  313 / 93
        For nuclear fusion reaction ........  376 / 100
        System .............................  250 / 335
    Junction box ...........................  D13 / 152
    Key (see key, electric)  
    Lamp (see lamps, electric) ............  313
        Consumable electrode arc lamp ......  314
        Display systems, matrix ............  345 / 73
        Display systems, monogram ..........  345 / 44+
        Flash lights .......................  362 / 208+
        Heaters using ......................  219 / 552+
        Lamp systems .......................  315
        Making .............................  445
        Making glassworking machine ........  65 / 152+
        Making glassworking processes ......  65 / 36+
        Making miscellaneous ...............  445
        Repair apparatus ...................  445 / 61
        Repair methods .....................  445 / 2
        Signs, multiple function ...........  40 / 553+
    Lead frame stock .......................  428 / 572
    Leyden .................................  361 / 301.1+
    Line (see line, electric)  
    Liquid purifier insulating or ..........  210 / 243
    Discharging ............................  210 / 243
    Magnetic surgery .......................  600 / 9+
    Magnetically operated switches, ........  335
    Magnets, & electromagnets ..............  335
    Massage ................................  601 / 46+
    Mattress, flexible heater element ......  219 / 549
    Measuring & testing ....................  324
        Instruments, design ................  D10 / 46+
    Medical and surgical treatment .........  607 / 1+
    Medicators .............................  604 / 20+
    Melting furnace ........................  373
        Glass ..............................  373 / 27
    Meter (see meter, electric) ...........  324 / 76.11+
        Coin controlled ....................  194
        Recording ..........................  346
    Miscellaneous ..........................  361
    Miscellaneous electron space ...........  327
    Discharge device systems ...............  327
    Miscellaneous non-linear reactor .......  307 / 401+
    Systems ................................  307 / 401+
    Miscellaneous non-linear solid .........  327
    Solid device circuits ..................  327
    Motive power (see motor, electric) ....  310
        Aircraft control actuator ..........  244 / 175+
        Arc electrode actuator .............  314 / 69+
        Arc electrode actuator .............  314 / 94+
        Automatic miscellaneous ............  318 / 445+
        Generating electric locomotives ....  105 / 35+
        Induction motors ...................  310 / 166+
        Induction motors systems ...........  318 / 727+
        Interchangeably locked gearing .....  74 / 365
        Operator ...........................  74 / 365
        Ironing or smoothing machine .......  38 / 38+
        Lock operating mechanism ...........  70 / 277+
        Locomotives ........................  105 / 49+
        Motor acceleration .................  388 / 842+
        Motor braking ......................  318 / 362+
        Motor making processes .............  29 / 596+
        Motor reversing ....................  318 / 280+
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 65.1+
        Piezoelectric ......................  310 / 311+
        Planetary gearing combined .........  475 / 149+
        Plural motor control ...............  318 / 255+
        Plural motors ......................  318 / 34+
        Potentiometer controller ...........  D13 / 125
        Reciprocating motor systems ........  318 / 119+
        Speed control ......................  388 / 800+
        Steering gear operator .............  180 / 443
        Synchronous motor systems ..........  318 / 700+
        Systems ............................  318
        Textile twisting apparatus .........  57 / 100
        Time controlled locks ..............  70 / 271
        Toy machinery ......................  446
        Toys ...............................  446 / 484
            Vehicle ........................  446 / 457
        Vehicle ............................  D13 / 112+
    Motor generators .......................  310 / 113
        System .............................  322
    Motors alternating current .............  310 / 159+
    Music instrument .......................  84 / 600+
    Nail hammers ...........................  227 / 131
    Needle .................................  606 / 44
    Oil well tubing dewaxer ................  392 / 301+
    Organ (see organ, electric) ...........  84 / 600+
    Orthopedics ............................  602 / 4+
    Oscillators ............................  331
    Outlet box support .....................  248 / 906*
    Oven ...................................  219 / 391+
    Packaging for removable components .....  206 / 701+
    Pencil sharpener .......................  144 / 28.1+
    Phase control systems ..................  323 / 212
    Photography,electric ...................  430 / 31+
    Plant culture ..........................  47 / 1.3
    Plasma control .........................  376 / 143
    Plug (see plug, electric)  
    Power conversion systems ...............  363
    Power supply or regulation systems .....  323
        Inrush current limiters ............  323 / 908*
        Lamp dimmer structure ..............  323 / 905*
        Medical electronics ................  323 / 911*
        Optical coupling to ................  323 / 902*
        Semiconductor ......................  323 / 902*
        Precipitators ......................  323 / 903*
        Remote sensing .....................  323 / 909*
        Solar cell systems .................  323 / 906*
        Starting circuits ..................  323 / 901*
        Temperature compensation of ........  323 / 907*
        Semiconductor ......................  323 / 907*
        Touch systems ......................  323 / 904*
        Two of three phases regulated ......  323 / 910*
    Precipitator ...........................  96 / 15+
        Distillation processes & ...........  201 / 19
        Distillation processes & ...........  201 / 40
        Processes ..........................  95 / 57+
    Preserving, disinfecting, ..............  422 / 22+
    Sterilizing methods ....................  422 / 22+
        Food or beverage ...................  426 / 237
            Apparatus ......................  99 / 451
        Fumigator with electric fan ........  422 / 124
    Prime-mover dynamo plants ..............  290
    Printed circuits .......................  361 / 679+
    Prod ...................................  231 / 7
    Production .............................  D13
    Protection (see protection,  
    Public utility meter ...................  D10 / 100
    Radio tube (see electric space  
    Discharge devices)  
    Radioactive surgery ....................  600 / 1+
    Rail bonds .............................  238 / 14.1+
    Recorder ...............................  346
        Electrochemical ....................  347 / 163+
        Lock indicator .....................  70 / 434
        Photographic oscillograph ..........  346 / 107.3+
        Spark perforating ..................  347 / 161
        Electrolytic .......................  361 / 436+
        Electronic tube type structure .....  313
        Supplying electronic tube or .......  315 / 200 R
        Lamp ...............................  315 / 200 R+
        Supplying radio ....................  327 / 531+
        Systems ............................  363 / 13+
    Relay (see relay, electric)  
    Resistor devices (see resistance) .....  338
    Rivet heaters ..........................  219 / 157
    Safety devices (see safety devices)  
    Score boards ...........................  235 / 1 B
        Timing type ........................  340 / 309.16
    Shock apparatus (see shocker)  
        Cattle goad ........................  231 / 7
        Electric chair .....................  128 / 898+
        Fences .............................  256 / 10
        Hazard prevention systems ..........  307 / 326+
        Patient protection from shock ......  128 / 908*
        Practical joke or initation ........  472 / 56
        Ceremony ...........................  472 / 56
        Preventing shock ...................  174 / 5 R
        Preventing shock ...................  361 / 212+
        Surgical ...........................  607 / 1+
        Therapeutic application ............  607 / 115+
        Trawl net fish control .............  43 / 9.6
    Signaling, electric (see signal) ......  340
        Noise suppression in signal ........  128 / 901*
        Radio ..............................  455
        Railway ............................  246
        Telegraph ..........................  178
        Telephone ..........................  379
        Television transmission ............  348 / 469+
        Vehicle mounted ....................  340 / 425.5+
    Socket (see socket, electric)  
    Soldering ..............................  219 / 129
        Iron ...............................  219 / 245+
        Iron design ........................  D08 / 30
        With pressure ......................  219 / 85.1
    Space discharge device (see radio;  
    Space discharge device;  
    Spark perforating ......................  219 / 384
        Recorder ...........................  347 / 161
    Steering motor system ..................  318
    Sterilizing and pasteurizing  
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 451
        Methods ............................  426 / 237+
    Stove ..................................  219 / 392+
    Super conductor metal ..................  75
        Composite ..........................  428 / 930*
    Surgical instruments ...................  606 / 32+
    Surgical receptors .....................  604 / 20+
    Switches (see switch, electric) .......  200
        Magnetically operated ..............  335
        Mechanically actuated, general .....  200
        Pencil sharpener ...................  144 / 28.5
        Pencil actuated ....................  144 / 28.5
        Thermally actuated .................  337
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  521 / 915*
    Formation ..............................  521 / 915*
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 301
    Terminals (see terminals, electric)  
    Tester .................................  324
    Testing devices (see testing) .........  324
        Nonelectric test ...................  73
            Engine .........................  73 / 35.01
            Sensor .........................  73 / 35.07
        Radiant energy using ...............  250
        X ray using ........................  378
    Time internal measurements .............  368 / 114+
        Electrical .........................  324 / 160+
    Toothbrush .............................  D04 / 101
    Toys ...................................  446 / 484+
        Telephones .........................  446 / 142
    Train dispatching systems ..............  246 / 2 R+
    Transformation .........................  D13
    Transformers ...........................  336
    Transmission or interconnection ........  307
    Systems (see transmission) ............  307
    Transmission to vehicles or ............  191
    Moving object ..........................  191
        Elevator ...........................  187 / 413
        Moving arc lamp ....................  314 / 129
    Tube (see tube, electric)  
    Tuners .................................  334
    Valve (see electric space  
    Discharge devices)  
        Valve actuation ....................  261 / DIG 74
        Locomotive .........................  105 / 49+
        Locomotive generating electric .....  105 / 35+
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 65.1+
        Electric switch ....................  335 / 87+
        Massage ............................  601 / 46+
        Rectifying system ..................  363 / 110+
    Voltage magnitude control systems ......  323
        Current regulation .................  323
        Electronic tube with ...............  323 / 291
        Impedance systems ..................  323 / 293
        Saturable reactor ..................  323 / 249
        Tap changing .......................  323 / 255
        Transformer systems ................  323 / 247
        Wheatstone bridge ..................  323 / 293
    Wall plug, outlet ......................  439
        Design .............................  D13 / 138.1+
    Watches ................................  D10 / 30+
    Wave analysis ..........................  324 / 76.12+
    Wave guide .............................  333 / 239+
        In cathode ray tube ................  315 / 3+
        In electronic tube .................  315 / 39+
    Wave resonator .........................  333 / 219+
        In cathode ray tube ................  315 / 4+
        In electronic tube .................  315 / 39.51+
    Wave transmission lines & networks .....  333
    Weighing scales ........................  177 / 210 R+
    Welding apparatus ......................  D15 / 144
    Whistles ...............................  340 / 404.1+
    Wire (see wire, electric)  
    Wire nuts ..............................  174 / 87
    Wireless power transmission to a .......  455 / 522
    Radio receiver .........................  455 / 522
        Motors having ......................  318 / 16
        Radio receiver .....................  455 / 343.1+
        Vehicles having ....................  191 / 10
    Wiring systems .........................  307
Electric Control Systems  
    Alarm signal ...........................  340 / 500+
    Annunciators ...........................  340 / 815.4+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 19
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 448
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 702
    Battery condition responsive ...........  320
    Coded record sensors ...................  235 / 433+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  700 / 286+
    Current responsive  
        Battery charging systems ...........  320
        Electronic tube voltage ............  323 / 291
        Magnitude control systems ..........  323 / 291+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 23+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 27
        Impedance voltage magnitude ........  323 / 293
        Control systems ....................  323 / 293
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 474+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 478
        Motor systems acceleration .........  388 / 847
        Motor systems braking ..............  318 / 367
        Motor systems speed control ........  388 / 823
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 714
            Field winding circuits .........  318 / 717
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 144
        Voltage magnitude control ..........  323
        Systems ............................  323
    Direction responsive ...................  340
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 489
    Display systems ........................  345+
    Electric sign, matrix ..................  345 / 55
    Electric sign, monogram ................  345 / 33+
    Error detector/corrector ...............  714
    Fluid level responsive  
        Alarm signal .......................  340 / 618+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 481
    Fluid pressure responsive  
        Alarm signal .......................  340 / 626+
        Battery charging systems ...........  320
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 35
        Motor systems ......................  388 / 929*
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 481
    Moisture responsive  
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 483
    Motion picture change over .............  352 / 135
    Multiplexing ...........................  370
    Musical instrument .....................  84
    Ordance control data ...................  235 / 400+
    Position or movement responsive  
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 265+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 466+
        Motor systems braking ..............  318 / 369
        Motor systems follow up ............  318 / 560+
        Motor systems reciprocating ........  318 / 127
        Motor systems reversing ............  318 / 282
        Motor systems reversing ............  318 / 286
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 715
            Armature winding circuits ......  318 / 721
            Field winding circuits .........  318 / 719
    Positional servo systems ...............  318 / 560+
        Robot ..............................  318 / 568.11+
    Power factor or phase responsive  
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 20+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 437+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 438+
        Motor systems induction ............  318 / 729
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 700+
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 700+
        Phase control systems ..............  323 / 205
    Power or load responsive  
        Battery charging systems ...........  320+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 24+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 474+
        Motor systems acceleration .........  388 / 844+
        Motor systems braking ..............  318 / 366
        Motor systems constant load ........  318 / 432+
        Motor systems during starting ......  318 / 430+
        Motor systems load limitation ......  318 / 434
        Motor systems plural motors ........  318 / 98+
        Motor systems speed control ........  388 / 930+
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 700+
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 141+
    Public address .........................  381 / 82+
    Radiant energy responsive  
        Electronic voltage magnitude .......  323
        Control systems ....................  323
        For nuclear reactor ................  376 / 215
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 26
        Heat responsive test ...............  374 / 32
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 480
        Photoelectric circuits .............  250 / 200+
        Special ray circuits ...............  250 / 336.1
    Rate of change responsive  
        Electronic tube voltage ............  323
        Magnitude control systems ..........  323
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 19+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 456+
    Robot ..................................  700 / 245+
    Signal .................................  340
        Alarm ..............................  340 / 500+
        Thermal control ....................  340 / 584+
        Vehicle mounted ....................  340 / 425.5+
    Sound or mechanical vibration ..........  318 / 128+
    Responsive motor systems ...............  318 / 128
    Speed responsive  
        Battery charging systems ...........  320
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 29+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 461+
        Motor systems braking ..............  318 / 369
        Motor systems dynamic braking ......  318 / 379
        Motor systems induction primary ....  318 / 799+
        Circuit ............................  318 / 799+
        Motor systems plural motors ........  318 / 59+
        Motor systems plural motors ........  318 / 66+
        Motor systems speed control ........  318 / 257+
        Motor systems speed control ........  318 / 268+
        Motor systems speed control ........  388 / 800+
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 715
            Armature winding circuits ......  318 / 721
            Field winding circuits .........  318 / 719
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 146
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 147
    Synchronization ........................  375 / 356+
    Telegraph systems ......................  178
    Telephone ..............................  379
    Television .............................  348 / 61+
    Thermally responsive  
        Alarm ..............................  340 / 584+
        Battery charging systems ...........  320 / 150+
        Electric heater systems ............  219 / 482+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 33+
        Impedance voltage magnitude ........  323 / 294
        Control systems ....................  323 / 294
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 471+
        Motor systems acceleration .........  388 / 934*
        Motor systems speed control ........  388 / 934*
        Signal system ......................  340 / 584+
    Time or time delay responsive  
        Battery charging systems ...........  320+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 18
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 364
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 447
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 452+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 484+
        Motor systems acceleration .........  388 / 858
        Motor systems braking ..............  388 / 921+
        Motor systems induction ............  318 / 727+
            Starting .......................  318 / 778+
        Motor systems reversing ............  318 / 283+
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 700+
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 141+
    Voltage responsive  
        Battery charging systems ...........  320
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 24+
        Generator systems ..................  322 / 28
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 479
        Motor systems acceleration .........  388 / 847
        Motor systems braking ..............  318 / 368
        Motor systems induction, ...........  318 / 805
        Primary circuit ....................  318 / 805
        Motor systems speed control ........  388 / 822
        Motor systems synchronous ..........  318 / 712+
            Armature winding circuits ......  318 / 720
            Field winding induced voltage ..  318 / 718
        Motor systems terminal voltage .....  318 / 459
        Motor systems ward leonard .........  318 / 145
        Phase control systems ..............  323 / 212
            Voltage magnitude control ......  323 / 234
    Well bore ..............................  340 / 853.3+
Electric Toothbrush ........................  D04 / 101
Electricians Tools .........................  D08
Electrifying Fluid .........................  361 / 225+
Electrocardiograph .........................  600 / 510
Electrochemistry ...........................  205
    Electrodes for apparatus ...............  205
    Machining ..............................  204 / 224 R+
    Processes or apparatus .................  205
Electrocoating .............................  205 / 80+
    By cathode sputtering ..................  204 / 192.1+
    By electrophoreses or electro ..........  204 / 471+
    Osmosis ................................  204 / 471+
Electroculture .............................  47 / 1.3
    Animal slaughtering ....................  452 / 58+
    Chair ..................................  128 / 898+
    Trap ...................................  43 / 98+
        Insect .............................  43 / 112
    Anode making ...........................  445 / 46+
        With assembly ......................  445 / 35+
    Arc furnace ............................  373 / 88+
    Arc lamp ...............................  314
        Composition ........................  252 / 500+
        Structure ..........................  313 / 357
    Battery, electro chemical ..............  429 / 209+
    Battery,thermo or photoelectric ........  136
    Brush and holder .......................  310 / 239+
    Brushes ................................  310 / 248+
        Composition for ....................  252 / 502+
        Cored ..............................  313 / 354
        Joint and connection digest ........  403 / DIG 5
        Structure ..........................  313 / 326+
    Carbon saver ...........................  313 / 335
    Cathode making .........................  445 / 46+
        Wire shaping .......................  140 / 71.5+
        With assembly ......................  445 / 35
    Coating ................................  427 / 58+
    Collector rings dynamoelectric .........  310 / 232
    Collector transmission to vehicle ......  191 / 45 R+
    Commutators dynamoelectric .............  310 / 233+
    Condenser ..............................  361 / 271+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 358
    Electrical apparatus used to ...........  204 / 660+
    Separate or purify liquid ..............  204 / 660+
    Electrical connector for ...............  439
        Chuck or socket ....................  279
        Clasp ..............................  403 / 344
            Carbon electrode ...............  403 / DIG 5
            Interfitted members ............  403 / 345
        Mechanical rod joint ...............  403
    Electrical precipitator ................  96 / 15+
        Processes ..........................  95 / 57+
    Electroanalysis ........................  600 / 345
    Electrolytic chemical apparatus ........  204 / 193+
        Composition ........................  204 / 291+
        Liquid electrode ...................  204 / 219+
        Structure ..........................  204 / 280+
        Supports ...........................  204 / 297.01+
    Electrolytic condenser .................  361 / 500+
    Electrolytic rectifier .................  361 / 436+
    Electronic tube ........................  313 / 326+
    Electronic tube element ................  313 / 326
    Electrophoretic or electro .............  204 / 600+
    Osmotic ................................  204 / 600+
    Electrophotographic charging ...........  399 / 168+
    Electrophotographic development ........  399 / 222+
    Electrothermic processes ...............  75 / 10.1+
        Consumable metal electrode .........  75 / 10.23+
    Filament making see cathode  
    Food treating apparatus ................  99 / 451
    Formed as inductive impedance ..........  315 / 40
    Electronic tube ........................  315 / 40
    Grid making ............................  445 / 35+
        Wireworking ........................  140 / 71.5
    Heating fluid in circuit ...............  392 / 311+
    Holders ................................  219 / 138+
        Arc furnace ........................  373 / 94+
        Arc lamp ...........................  403
        Arc lamp ...........................  314
    Igniter internal combustion ............  123 / 146.5 R
    Engine .................................  123 / 146.5 R
    Igniters ...............................  361 / 247+
        With burner ........................  431 / 264
    Immersible electrode in liquid .........  73 / 304 R
    Level gauge ............................  73 / 304 R
    Ion sensitive ..........................  204 / 416+
    Lamp ...................................  313 / 326+
        Arc composition ....................  252 / 500+
        Arc consumption feed type ..........  314 / 60
        Arc structure ......................  313 / 357
        Filament composition ...............  252 / 500+
        Filament form ......................  313 / 341+
        Gas or vapor .......................  313 / 326+
        Making .............................  445
    Lightning arresters ....................  361 / 117+
    Magnetic chemical apparatus ............  422 / 186.01+
    Making .................................  29 / 592.1
        Battery grid filling ...............  141 / 32+
        Battery grid of metal ..............  29 / 2
        Coating electron emissive ..........  427 / 77+
        Condenser electrode ................  29 / 25.41+
        Extruding plastic coating ..........  425 / 113
        Apparatus ..........................  425 / 113+
        Filament wireworking ...............  140 / 71.5
        Plastic operation filament  
        Plastic operation method ...........  264 / 104+
    Medical diagnostic .....................  600 / 373+
    Mercury cathode arc lamp ...............  313 / 328
    Mercury cathode tubes ..................  313 / 328+
    Mercury vapor lamps ....................  313 / 326+
    Metal for arc lamps ....................  313 / 328
    Metal heating ..........................  219 / 119+
        Arc ................................  219 / 145.1+
        Work holders .......................  219 / 138+
    Microphone .............................  381 / 433+
    Nernst glower ..........................  313 / 326+
        Composition ........................  252 / 500+
    Ozonizers ..............................  422 / 186.07+
    Perforating recording spark ............  347 / 161
    Pressure or vacuum furnace .............  373 / 60+
        Arc furnace with internal ..........  373 / 68
        Atmosphere control .................  373 / 68
        Arc furnace with internal ..........  373 / 77
        Atmosphere control .................  373 / 77
    Radio tube element .....................  313 / 326+
    Selectively permeable membrane .........  204 / 415
    Self baked furnace .....................  373 / 60+
        Self-baking ........................  373 / 89
        Soderberg electrode ................  373 / 97
    Spark plug .............................  123 / 169 EL
    Sterilizer or pasteurizer ..............  426 / 237+
    Storage batteries ......................  429 / 209+
        Making .............................  29 / 623.1+
        Paste mixtures .....................  429 / 149+
    Surgical ...............................  128 / 849
        Guide means ........................  606 / 129
        High frequency therapy .............  607 / 154+
        High frequency therapy .............  600 / 13+
        Instruments ........................  606 / 32+
    Tip cleaner for ........................  314 / 23
    Welding ................................  219 / 145.1+
Electrodeposition ..........................  205+
    Laminating combined ....................  156 / 150+
    Metals .................................  205+
Electrodynamometers ........................  324 / 144+
    Electromagnetic brake ..................  310 / 92+
Electroencephalograph ......................  600
Electroetching .............................  205 / 640+
    Molds or strip plates ..................  204 / 281
    Processes ..............................  205 / 67+
Electroliers ...............................  362 / 405+
    Stock material .........................  428 / 917*
    Type face design .......................  D18 / 26
Electrolysis ...............................  205
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 301+
    Destruction ............................  588 / 301+
Electrolytes ...............................  205
    Battery ................................  429 / 188+
    Circulation ............................  429 / 51
    Condenser or rectifier .................  252 / 62.2
    Conductivity tester ....................  324 / 438+
    Drain ..................................  429 / 95
    Feeding control ........................  429 / 63
    Fuel cell  
        Solid ..............................  429 / 30+
    Moveable means .........................  429 / 70
    Non movable means ......................  429 / 81
    Two-fluid ..............................  429 / 101
    Analogue computer ......................  235 / 61 R
    Apparatus ..............................  204
    Apparatus and method ...................  205
    Bleaching of organic material ..........  205 / 700
        Fibrous ............................  205 / 690
    Circuit controller .....................  361 / 435+
    Cleaning of metal or metal alloy .......  205 / 705+
    Condenser or rectifier .................  361 / 500+
        Electrolyte ........................  252 / 62.2
        Manufacture ........................  29 / 25.01+
    Electrodeposition ......................  205 / 80+
        Alloys .............................  205 / 238+
        Multiple layers ....................  205 / 170+
    Meters .................................  324 / 94
    Processes (and some products) ..........  205
    Recorder ...............................  347 / 163+
    Synthesis ..............................  205 / 334+
    Tank for determining ...................  235 / 61 R
    Equipotential lines ....................  235 / 61 R
Electromagnet See Magnet ...................  335 / 209+
    Armature and ...........................  335 / 220+
    Brake ..................................  310 / 93
    Brake operator and brake ...............  188 / 161+
    Chemical apparatus .....................  422 / 186.01+
        Object protection ..................  422 / 186.02
    Clutch .................................  310 / 92+
    Control for consumable electrode .......  314
    Deflecting arc in lamp .................  313 / 153+
    Electric switch ........................  335 / 2+
    Handling implements ....................  294 / 65.5
    Liquid separation or purification ......  210 / 222+
        Process ............................  210 / 695+
    Making methods .........................  29 / 602.1
    Moving consumable electrode ............  314
    Pickup for musical instrument ..........  84 / 725
    Relay systems ..........................  361 / 160+
    Relay systems switching ................  361 / 160+
    Surgical ...............................  600 / 9+
    Switching systems using ................  361 / 160+
    Systems of supply to ...................  361 / 160+
    Torque device ..........................  310 / 92+
    Tuner operated by ......................  334 / 17+
Electromagnetic Energy  
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.15+
    Inorganic or organic material ..........  204 / 157.15+
    Used in reaction to prepare or .........  522 / 1+
    Treat synthetic resin or ...............  522 / 1+
    Natural rubber .........................  522 / 1+
Electromagnetic Flowmeter  
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.01
Electrometallurgy ..........................  75 / 10.1+
Electrometers ..............................  324 / 76.11+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.01
    Electrostatic ..........................  324 / 109
    With amplifier .........................  324 / 123 R
Electron (See Electric; Space  
    Discharge device)  
    Apparatus for treating with ............  250 / 492.1
    Beam ...................................  430 / 942*
    Beam tube amplifier systems ............  330 / 44+
    Counter ................................  250 / 472.1
    Electron spin resonance testing ........  436 / 173
    Emissive coating .......................  427 / 77+
    Microscope .............................  250 / 311
        Amplifier systems ..................  330 / 42
        Photomultipliers ...................  313 / 523+
        Systems ............................  327 / 573
        Tube structure .....................  313 / 103 R+
        Tube structure .....................  313 / 441+
    Ray tube ...............................  313 / 107.5
        Tube ...............................  D13 / 180
        Twin indicator .....................  313 / 107.5
        With current connections ...........  315 / 382.1
Electronic & Electronics See  
    Electric, radio, television, wave  
    Auctions ...............................  705 / 37
    Cabinet ventilation ....................  454 / 184
    Compositing system .....................  348 / 578
    Computer controlled, monitored item ....  700 / 286+
    Cooker .................................  99 / 358
    Funds transfer .........................  705 / 39
        Requiring authorization ............  705 / 44
        To pay bills .......................  705 / 40
        Using an atm .......................  705 / 43
        With paper check handling ..........  705 / 44
        With programmed portable memory ....  705 / 41
        Device .............................  705 / 41
        Negotiation, using cryptography ....  705 / 80
        Price label ........................  705 / 20
        Capacitive .........................  219 / 764
        Inductive apparatus ................  219 / 600+
        Microwave ..........................  219 / 678+
    Music instrument .......................  84 / 600+
    Organs .................................  84 / 600+
    Piano tuning ...........................  84 / 454
    Receiving tubes ........................  313
    Switch .................................  327 / 365+
    Voltage regulation .....................  323
Electronic Cash Register (Ecr) .............  705 / 16+
    (See point of sale terminal) ..........  705 / 16+
    Calculating tax ........................  705 / 19
    Coupon redemption, electronic ..........  705 / 14
    For food  
        Portable ...........................  705 / 15
        Self-ordering by customer ..........  705 / 15
        Tabulating orders of individual ....  705 / 18
        Items ..............................  705 / 18
        With video screen for order ........  705 / 15
        Confirmation .......................  705 / 15
    Multiple, interconnected, and/or .......  705 / 21
    Controlled by host .....................  705 / 21
    Purchase with debit or credit card .....  705 / 17
    With inventory monitoring ..............  705 / 22
    With monitoring capabilities  
        Amount of cash in drawer ...........  705 / 18
        Inventory ..........................  705 / 22
        Tabulating of orders of items ......  705 / 18
        Tracking accumulating sales tax ....  705 / 19
Electronic Checkbook .......................  705 / 33
Electronic Commerce (See Commerce)  
Electronic Funds Transfer  
    At point of sale terminal ..............  705 / 17
    Theft prevention .......................  705 / 18
    Using a central clearinghouse ..........  705 / 17
    Verification of pin ....................  705 / 72
Electronic Journal Output ..................  705 / 24
Electronic Price Label (Epl) ...............  705 / 20
Electronic Purse ...........................  705 / 41
    Initializing or reloading ..............  705 / 66
    Using cryptography .....................  705 / 65
        Balancing account ..................  705 / 68
        Detecting double spending ..........  705 / 69
        With authentication ................  705 / 67
Electronic Still Camera ....................  358 / 909.1*
    Scanned semiconductor matrix ...........  348 / 294+
Electronic Transactions  
    Using cryptography .....................  705 / 64
        With intelligent token .............  705 / 65
            Balancing account ..............  705 / 68
            Detecting double spending ......  705 / 69
            Initializing or reloading ......  705 / 66
            With authentication ............  705 / 67
Electronic Tube See Electric Space  
    Discharge device  
    Acorn type .............................  313
    Battery type ...........................  313
    Bias supply ............................  327 / 530+
        Gas tube system ....................  315
        Power packs ........................  307 / 150
        Rectifier system ...................  363 / 117+
        Voltage divider ....................  307 / 15
        Voltage regulation .................  363 / 117+
        With voltage regulation ............  363 / 111+
    Interelectrode capacitance .............  324 / 409+
    Testing ................................  324 / 409+
    Metal type .............................  313 / 248
        Metal envelope as electrode ........  313 / 246+
    Miniature ..............................  313
    Mixer ..................................  313 / 300
    Pencil type ............................  313
    Ruggedized .............................  313
    Subminiature type ......................  313
Electronic Watermark  
    To prevent copying of business .........  705 / 58
    Data distribution ......................  705 / 58
    Batteries ..............................  136 / 243+
    Cathode ray tube system ................  315 / 1+
    Cathode ray tubes ......................  313 / 441+
    Diagnostic lamps .......................  600 / 249
    Illuminated signs ......................  40 / 541+
    Lamps ..................................  313
    Light sensitive circuits ...............  250 / 206+
        Electric lamp control ..............  315 / 149+
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 639+
        Battery type .......................  136 / 243+
        Electronic tube type ...............  313 / 523+
            Phosphor screen ................  313 / 525+
        Resistance type ....................  338 / 15+
        System discharge device control ....  315 / 149+
        Systems ............................  250 / 200+
    Photographic telegraph recorder ........  178 / 15
        Code recorder receiver .............  178 / 90
    Photometers ............................  356 / 218+
        Electrochemical ....................  347 / 163+
        Photographic .......................  346 / 107.2
        Radiant energy .....................  365 / 106+
    Recording or reproducing sound .........  369 / 100+
    Signalling .............................  398 / 1+
    Sound recording and reproducing ........  369 / 100+
    Surgical and medical ...................  607 / 1+
    Television .............................  348 / 207.99+
    Ultraviolet application ................  250 / 365+
    X ray tubes ............................  378 / 121
Electroosmosis or Electrophoresis  
    Apparatus ..............................  204 / 600+
    Immunoelectrophoresis ..................  436 / 516
    Processes ..............................  204 / 450+
Electrophotography Apparatus ...............  399
    Chemical processes and materials .......  430 / 31+
    Apparatus ..............................  204 / 194+
    Metal working with .....................  29 / DIG 12
    Processes ..............................  205 / 80+
Electropneumatic Action in Organs  
    Automatic ..............................  84 / 88
    Pipe organs ............................  84 / 338
    Swells .................................  84 / 347
Electropolishing ...........................  205 / 640+
Electroporation ............................  435 / 173.6
Electroprinting ............................  205 / 52+
Electroscopes ..............................  324 / 109
    Radiation measuring type ...............  250 / 390.01+
Electrostatic (See Separator, Solids)  
    Assembly apparatus or process ..........  29 / 900*
    Coating ................................  118 / 620+
        Control ............................  118 / 671
    Gas separator ..........................  96 / 15+
        Processes ..........................  95 / 57+
    Induction generators ...................  310 / 309+
    Measuring and testing ..................  324 / 327
    Printing using .........................  101 / DIG 37
    Spraying ...............................  239 / 690+
Electrosynthesis ...........................  205 / 334+
    Apparatus ..............................  607 / 1
Electrothermic Processes, Metallurgy .......  75 / 10.1+
    Consumable metal electrode .............  75 / 10.23
    Electrical induction ...................  75 / 10.14
    Gaseous treating agent .................  75 / 10.39
    Plasma .................................  75 / 10.19
    Solid treating agent ...................  75 / 10.39
    Volatilization of metal ................  75 / 10.29
    Manufacture of .........................  205 / 69
Elevator See Lifters .......................  187
    Aircraft control .......................  244 / 75.1+
    Amusement ..............................  472 / 131
        Roundabout .........................  472 / 2
    Artificial intelligence see  
    Artificial intelligence  
    Automobile lift or hoist ..............  269 / 58+
    Bucket .................................  198 / 701+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 178
    Caster leg .............................  16 / 32+
    Catch device ...........................  187 / 351+
    Design .................................  D34 / 28+
    Disabled individual ....................  187 / 200+
    Door ...................................  187 / 313+
        Control ............................  187 / 316+
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 189+
        Sheet ..............................  34 / 612+
    Electric control .......................  187 / 277+
        Electric motive power ..............  187 / 289+
    Extensible fire escape type ............  182 / 63.1+
        Manual extending means .............  182 / 67.1+
        Motor extending means ..............  182 / 66.2
    Fish ...................................  405 / 82
    Floating dry dock ......................  114 / 48
    Floor hatch ............................  187 / 336+
    Grain storage type .....................  52 / 245+
        With material port .................  52 / 192+
    Guide ..................................  187 / 406+
    Hanging door wheel mounts ..............  16 / 99
    Lighting on steps ......................  362 / 481
    Material handling ......................  414 / 592+
    Mortar mixer combined ..................  366 / 26
    Platform type scaffold .................  182 / 141+
    Power driven conveyor type .............  198
    Railway ................................  104 / 127+
    Refrigerated article ...................  62 / 378
        Process ............................  62 / 63
    Refrigerator ice .......................  62 / 379
    Screw ..................................  198 / 657+
    Self loading vehicle ...................  414 / 486+
    Shaft closure operators ................  49 / 68
    Signal or call unit ....................  D10 / 108
    Skeleton towers metallic ...............  52 / 111+
        With platforms .....................  182 / 141+
    Spiral .................................  198 / 778+
    Store service type .....................  186 / 22+
Ellagic Acid ...............................  549 / 278
Ellipsograph ...............................  33 / 30.1+
    Flexible cord type .....................  33 / 30.5
    Pattern follower type ..................  33 / 30.3
    Pivoted circular pattern type ..........  33 / 30.2
Elongated-Member-Driving Apparatus .........  227
Embalming ..................................  27 / 21.1+
    Compositions ...........................  424 / 75
    Embalming equipment or apparatus .......  D24
        Infusion or evacuation pump ........  D24 / 111
        Table ..............................  D24 / 183
Emblem or Badge See Medal ..................  D11 / 95+
Embossing (See Impressing; Indenting) .....  101 / 3.1+
    Embossing implement ....................  D18 / 15+
    Laminating fabrics with ................  156 / 219+
    Plastics ...............................  264 / 293
    Tobacco plugs ..........................  131 / 111+
    Typewriting machines ...................  400 / 127+
    Woodworking methods ....................  144 / 358
Embrittlement Test .........................  73 / 86
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 78+
        Presser device feature .............  112 / 236
Embroidery .................................  112 / 439
    Design .................................  D05
    Hoops ..................................  38 / 102.2
    Machinery ..............................  D15 / 66+
    Packages ...............................  206 / 49
    Processes ..............................  112 / 475.18+
    Trimmer cutter .........................  83 / 910*
Embryotome .................................  606 / 126
    Closure release ........................  49 / 141
    Draft coupling janney type .............  213 / 111+
    Elevator cable .........................  187 / 348
    Exit door securer with lock ............  70 / 92
    Gear for aircraft water landing ........  244 / 107
    Kits, eg flare, first aid, survival ....  206 / 803*
    Packs ..................................  206 / 803*
    Lock release ...........................  70 / 465
    Nuclear reactor ........................  976 / DIG 375+
    Operating means for closure bolt .......  292 / 92+
        Multiple bolt ......................  292 / 21
    Railway car exits ......................  105 / 348+
    Release for clockwork lock .............  70 / 274
    Operating mechanism ....................  70 / 274
    Resilient tires ........................  152 / 152
    Signal stations railway train ..........  246 / 13
    Dispatching ............................  246 / 13
    Uncoupling device for janney type ......  213 / 160
    Coupling ...............................  213 / 160
Emergency Power Sources, Electric  
    Ac dc converter ........................  327 / 531+
        Dry ................................  429 / 163+
        Storage ............................  429 / 149+
    Dynamotor ..............................  310 / 113
    Electric motor .........................  318 / 17
    Generator ..............................  310
    Generator system, portable .............  322 / 1
        With prime mover ...................  290
    Lighting systems .......................  315 / 86
        Flashlights ........................  362 / 208
        Generator motor ....................  363
        Portable ...........................  315 / 33
        Self-powered lamps .................  362 / 157
Emery ......................................  51 / 309
    Wheels .................................  451 / 541+
        Disc ...............................  451 / 548+
Emetine ....................................  546 / 96
    Compensated radiation thermometer ......  374 / 128
    Measurement ............................  374 / 9
Empennage ..................................  244 / 87+
Emptying See Discharging  
Emulsifying (See Art Use Classes)  
    Bituminous-in-water ....................  516 / 38+
    Oil-in-water ...........................  516 / 53+
    Water-in-oil ...........................  516 / 22+
Emulsion (See Art Use Classes)  
    Biocidal ...............................  514 / 937*
    Bituminous coating .....................  106 / 277
    Bituminous-in-water ....................  516 / 38+
        Agents for .........................  516 / 135+
        Mineral oil chemical treatment .....  208 / 188
            Combined .......................  208 / 188
        Processes ..........................  516 / 135+
    Cellulose ether or ester ...............  106 / 139.1+
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 301+
    Herbicide containing ...................  504 / 363
    Oil-in-water ...........................  516 / 53+
    Photographic ...........................  430 / 495.1+
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber  
    (See class 523, 524))  
    Water-in-oil ...........................  516 / 22+
Enamel .....................................  501 / 14+
    Opacifiers for .........................  106 / 312
Enameling ..................................  427
    Polymerization of coating ..............  427 / 487+
    Utilizing electrical, ..................  427 / 487+
    Magnetic, wave, or .....................  427 / 487+
    Particulate energy .....................  427 / 487+
    Metal working with .....................  29 / DIG 14
Encapsulation of Material  
    Gaseous core ...........................  521 / 76
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 249+
    Containment ............................  588 / 249+
    Liquid core ............................  264 / 4
        Using emulsion or dispersion .......  264 / 4.1
        Process ............................  264 / 4.1
    Solid core .............................  427 / 213.3
Encoder Communicating Switch-Type ..........  318 / 602
Encryption (See Cryptography)  
    For financial information and ..........  705 / 18
    Personal purchases .....................  705 / 18
    Gate ...................................  160
        Ship dry dock ......................  114 / 47
        Vehicle body .......................  296 / 50+
    Matching woodworking ...................  144 / 91
    Sleeves for electric conductors ........  174 / 93
End Effector ...............................  901 / 30+
Endless Belt Conveyor (See Conveyor,  
Endodontic Apparatus .......................  433 / 81
    Method or material for testing .........  433 / 224
    Treating, restoring, removing ..........  433 / 224
    Natural teeth ..........................  433 / 224
Endoradiosonde .............................  600 / 302
    Diagnostic specula .....................  600 / 101+
    Surgical cutter ........................  606 / 45
Endosmosis .................................  210 / 649+
Enema, Receptacle for Syringe ..............  206 / 364
Energy Accumulating Means, Motor ...........  180 / 165
    Vehicle ................................  180 / 165
Engine (See Motor)  
    Air steam ..............................  60 / 39.181+
    Ammonia ................................  60 / 509+
        Externally applied heat with .......  60 / 644.1
    Boring cylinder ........................  408 / 709*
    Carbonic acid ..........................  60 / 509+
        Fluid pressure and turbine .........  60 / 698+
        Internal combustion engine and .....  60 / 597+
            Combustion products ............  60 / 39.01+
            Fluid pressure .................  60 / 597+
            Turbine ........................  60 / 598+
        Motive fluid reheater between ......  60 / 679+
        Motors in series ...................  60 / 715+
        Multiple expansion chambers ........  91 / 152+
        Plural pneumatic ...................  60 / 407+
    Compressed air .........................  91
    Demonstrating and teaching .............  434 / 389
    Dental .................................  433 / 103+
    Design .................................  D15 / 1+
    Ether ..................................  60 / 509+
    Expansible chamber .....................  91
        One shot explosion actuated ........  60 / 632+
    External combustion ....................  60 / 39.6+
    Fire ...................................  169 / 24
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 63.1+
    Gas air ................................  60 / 39.19+
    Gunpowder ..............................  123 / 24 R
    Hand crank starter .....................  74 / 550+
    Heat exchanging ........................  165 / 51+
    Hot air ................................  60 / 508+
        Expansion of medium ................  60 / 516+
        Externally applied heat ............  60 / 643+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123
        Combustion charge forming ..........  123 / 434+
        Cooling ............................  123 / 41.01
        Design .............................  D15 / 1+
        Excess air to assist exhaust .......  60 / 900*
        Exhaust treatment of rotaries ......  60 / 901*
        Lubricators ........................  123 / 196 R
        Nozzle .............................  239 / 584+
        Oil by-pass heat exchange ..........  165 / 283
        Oil by-pass heat exchange ..........  165 / 297
        Pump drive .........................  417 / 364
        Refrigeration utilizing ............  62 / 323.1
        Rotary piston ......................  123 / 200+
        Rotary reactor, separator or .......  60 / 902*
        Treater of exhaust .................  60 / 902*
        Speed regulator ....................  123 / 319+
        Speed responsive throttle ..........  60 / 906*
        Control ............................  60 / 906*
        Temperature measurement ............  374 / 144+
    Locomotive .............................  105 / 26.05+
    Microwave ..............................  60 / 203.1
    Muffler for hobby craft engine .........  181 / 404*
    Plural motors system ...................  60 / 698+
    Power plant ............................  60
    Prime mover dynamo plant ...............  290
    Pulp refining ..........................  241
    Reaction motor .........................  60 / 200.1+
    Signal systems ships ...................  116 / 21
    Solar ..................................  60 / 641.8+
    Starter gearing ........................  74 / 6+
    Steam ..................................  91
        Design .............................  D15 / 2
    Steam traction .........................  180 / 36+
    Strap starter ..........................  74 / 139+
    Testing ................................  73 / 112.01+
    Toy ....................................  446
    Valve gear (see valve, actuation)  
    Washing machine system .................  60 / 908*
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 932*
Engineering Hydraulic and Earth ............  405
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 249+
    Containment ............................  588 / 249+
    Equipment design .......................  D18 / 57
    Photographic process ...................  430 / 269+
    Plate cutting ..........................  409 / 79+
    Printing ...............................  101 / 150+
    Stippling ..............................  72 / 76
    Tools ..................................  30 / 164.9
Enhancer ...................................  536 / 24.1
Enlargers Photographic .....................  355 / 18+
Ensilage Compaction ........................  100 / 65+
Enteric Coating of Medicinal Tablets .......  424 / 475+
Entrails Removing ..........................  452 / 106+
Entrenching Earthworking Apparatus .........  105 / 161
Envelope (See Bulb; Casing)  
    Battery plate separator ................  429 / 136+
    Closures ...............................  229 / 76+
    Cutting blank form .....................  83 / 911*
    Feeding or delivering ..................  271 / 2
    Making .................................  493 / 186+
        Sealing and stamping combined ......  156 / 442
        Tear strip opener ..................  493 / 923*
        Window .............................  493 / 919*
        X-art collection ...................  493 / 917*
        Leaf combined ......................  462 / 64+
        Strip connected ....................  229 / 69
    Moistening and sealing .................  156 / 441.5+
    Opener .................................  83 / 912*
        Design .............................  D08 / 102+
    Paper ..................................  229 / 68.1+
        Design .............................  D19 / 3+
Environmental Impact or Decreasing .........  422 / 900*
    Pollution ..............................  422 / 900*
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Destruction ............................  588
Enzyme .....................................  435 / 183
    Enzyme or microbe electrode ............  435 / 817*
    Fruit juice treatment ..................  426 / 51
    Medicinal compositions .................  424 / 94.1+
    Separation or purification .............  435 / 814*
        By sorption ........................  435 / 815*
        Ignition, internal combustion ......  435 / 816*
    Tobacco treatment ......................  131 / 308
Epaulet ....................................  2 / 246
    Badge type .............................  40 / 1.5+
Epdm See Synthetic Resin or Natural  
Ephedrine ..................................  564 / 364
    In drug ................................  514 / 653
    Land vehicle occupant propelled ........  280 / 207
        Drive wheel ........................  105 / 100
        Wheel ..............................  295 / 3
Epicyclic Gearing ..........................  475
Episcope ...................................  353 / 65
    Light valve ............................  359 / 196+
    Photometer .............................  356 / 217
EPONâ„¢    (See Synthetic Resin or ...........  528 / 87+
    Natural rubber) ........................  528 / 87+
Epoxide Resin (See Synthetic Resin or  
    Natural rubber)  
Epoxy Compounds ............................  549 / 512+
Equalized and Equalizing  
    Animal draft ...........................  278 / 3+
        Horses abreast .....................  278 / 5+
    Animal powered sweep ...................  185 / 22
    Bed bottom .............................  5 / 278
    Brake position adjusters ...............  188 / 204 R
    Dumping vehicle hopper door ............  298 / 37
    Closing ................................  298 / 37
    Extension table ........................  108 / 87
    Hot air furnace ........................  126 / 105 R
    Locomotive .............................  105 / 82
    Railway brake series ...................  188 / 46
    Railway motor torque ...................  105 / 135
    Railway truck ..........................  105 / 209
        Bogie ..............................  105 / 194
    Sectional cabinet closure ..............  312 / 110
    Serial valves dependent motion .........  137 / 613+
        Direct response ....................  137 / 512+
        Stop ...............................  137 / 629+
    Trolleys for single rail ...............  105 / 152
    Suspended car ..........................  105 / 152
    Vehicle fender car and truck ...........  293 / 14
    Vehicle running gear frame .............  280 / 104
Equatorial Telescope .......................  359 / 430
Equilin ....................................  552 / 625
Eraser .....................................  15 / 424+
    Abradant type mutilating ...............  451
    Blackboard .............................  15 / 208+
    Blade type .............................  30
    Design .................................  D19 / 53+
    Disintegrable type .....................  15 / 424+
        Brush combined .....................  15 / 105.52
        Cutter e g., pencil ..............  15 / 105.53
        Sharpener combined .................  15 / 105.53
        Mechanical .........................  15 / 3.53
        Ruler combined .....................  15 / 105.51
        Sharpener pencil combined ..........  15 / 105.53
    Mutilating type and burnisher ..........  7 / 124+
    Scraper type mutilating ................  30 / 169+
    Shield .................................  451 / 445
    Typewriter attachment ..................  400 / 695+
Ergolines ..................................  546 / 67+
Ergometer With Feedback ....................  482 / 900*
Ergosterol .................................  552 / 547+
Ergot Alkaloids ............................  546 / 67+
Erosion Preventing .........................  405 / 15+
    Mineral oil conversion combined ........  208 / 47
    Checking, electrical ...................  714
        Arithmetic operations ..............  708 / 530+
        Communications synchronization .....  714 / 798
            By error rate or count .........  714 / 707
        Data processing systems, general ...  714 / 1+
        Memory devices .....................  714 / 718+
        Of data per se .....................  714
        Program, software ..................  714 / 38+
    Correcting circuit .....................  714 / 746+
    Correcting storage on typewriter .......  400 / 6
    Detecting ..............................  714
        In digital data processing .........  714 / 48
        Systems ............................  714 / 48
        Positional servo systems ...........  318 / 638
    Prevention means on communication ......  341 / 24+
    Keyboards ..............................  341 / 24+
Erysodine ..................................  546 / 72
Erysonine ..................................  546 / 72
Erysothiopine ..............................  546 / 72
Erysothiovine ..............................  546 / 72
Erysotrine .................................  546 / 72
Erysovine ..................................  546 / 72
Erythraline ................................  546 / 48
Erythramine ................................  546 / 48
Erythratine ................................  546 / 48
Erythritol .................................  568 / 853+
Erythroidine ...............................  546 / 66
Erythromycin ...............................  536 / 7.2+
Escalator ..................................  198 / 321+
    Design .................................  D34 / 30
    Acetylene generator automatic ..........  48 / 56
    Safety .................................  48 / 56
    Fire ...................................  182
        Endless conveyor ...................  182 / 42+
        Single strand stile or pole ........  182 / 189+
        Tower or chute .....................  182 / 48+
    Gas holder high pressure safety ........  48 / 175
    Submarine ..............................  114 / 323+
    Clock and watch structure ..............  368 / 124+
    Clock electric driving type ............  368 / 131
    Clock electric driving type ............  968 / 496+
    Electrode feed .........................  314 / 82
    Gong striker ...........................  116 / 161+
    Mechanical clocks ......................  968 / 95+
    Meter electric .........................  324 / 139
    Motor ..................................  74 / 1.5
    Motor composite with ...................  185 / 5
    Motor spring with ......................  185 / 38
    Motor weight with ......................  185 / 31
    Music leaf turner ......................  84 / 498+
    Testing in clocks ......................  968 / 760
    Type casting machine ...................  199 / 23
    Typewriter feed mechanism ..............  400 / 319+
    Typewriter line locks ..................  400 / 672+
Escutcheon .................................  D08 / 350+
    Bushings or lining thimbles ............  16 / 2.1+
    Covers or face plates ..................  220 / 241
        Design .............................  D08 / 350+
        Electrical apparatus ...............  174 / 66+
        Fluorescent or phosphorescent ......  250 / 466.1
        Apparatus ..........................  250 / 466.1
    Design .................................  D08
    Door knob handle or rose plate .........  292 / 357
    Fluid handling .........................  137 / 377+
    Key operated lock ......................  70 / 452
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 46
    Radio plate for ........................  D14 / 257
    Television, plate for ..................  D14 / 239
    Wall outlet with .......................  D13 / 137.1+
Espalier ...................................  D25 / 100
Esr, Electron Spin Resonance ...............  436 / 173
Essential Oil ..............................  512 / 5
    Biocides containing ....................  424
Esters .....................................  260
    Carboxylic acid ........................  560 / 1+
        Hydrophenanthrene ..................  560 / 5+
        Nucleus containing .................  560 / 5+
    Cellulose ..............................  536 / 58+
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 30+
    Higher fatty acid ......................  554 / 1+
    Resin acid .............................  530 / 200+
        Free acid ..........................  560 / 5+
    Rosin acids ............................  530 / 215+
    Starch .................................  536 / 107+
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 48+
    Sulfate ................................  558 / 20+
    Tall oil acids .........................  530 / 232
    Thiocyanic acid ........................  558 / 10+
Estradiol ..................................  552 / 625
Estradiol, in Drug .........................  514 / 182
Estrenes ...................................  552 / 642+
Estriol ....................................  552 / 617
Estrone ....................................  552 / 625
Estrous Cycle Monitoring ...................  600 / 551
Etching ....................................  216+
    Apparatus ..............................  134
    Bright polishing .......................  216 / 100+
    Composition ............................  252 / 79.1+
    Differential apparatus .................  156 / 345.1+
    Direction indicator combined ...........  33 / 305+
    Electrolytic ...........................  205 / 640+
        Stripping elemental layer from .....  205 / 717+
        Metal or metal alloy ...............  205 / 717+
    Electrolytic coating combined ..........  205 / 210+
    Glass ..................................  216 / 31+
    Glass ..................................  216 / 80+
    Glass ..................................  216 / 97+
    Glass with glass working ...............  65 / 31
    Metal working with .....................  29 / DIG 16
    Photo ..................................  430 / 299+
        Multicolor printing surface ........  430 / 301
    Resist (etching) .......................  216 / 41+
    Semiconductor ..........................  438
    Semiconductor photoetching .............  430 / 313
    Sputter etching ........................  204 / 192.32
Ethanol (See Alcohol) .....................  568 / 840+
    Beverages containing ...................  426 / 592+
    Dehydrating ............................  203 / 19
Ethers .....................................  568
    Cellulose ..............................  536 / 84+
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 43+
    Cyclic hetero-o-type ...................  549 / 200+
    Oxy ....................................  568 / 579+
    Phenol .................................  568 / 630+
    Thio ...................................  568 / 38+
    Vinyl ..................................  568 / 687+
Ethers, Crown ..............................  549 / 347+
    Acetate ................................  560 / 265
    Cellulose not plastic ..................  536 / 100+
    Formate ................................  560 / 265
    Nitrite nitrous ether ..................  558 / 488
Ethylene (See Olefin Hydrocarbon)  
    Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid ......  562 / 566
    Glycol .................................  568 / 852
    Polymer ................................  526 / 352
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 500+
        By cracking ........................  585 / 648+
    Urea ...................................  548 / 316.4+
Ethylenic Monomers  
    Solid polymer solely therefrom .........  526 / 72+
Etiocholanic Acids .........................  552 / 610+
Eucalyptol .................................  549 / 397
Eudiometers ................................  73 / 23.2+
Eugenol ....................................  568 / 652
Euphoniums .................................  84 / 402
Eurhodines .................................  544 / 347+
Eutectic, Refrigeration Utilizing ..........  62 / 430+
    Automatic ..............................  62 / 139
    Process ................................  62 / 59
Evacuated Chamber  
    Means to introduce material into .......  414 / 217+
        Means to seal chamber ..............  414 / 292
Evacuating Receptacles .....................  141 / 65
    Air displacement in filling ............  141 / 59
    Receptacles ............................  141 / 59
        Successive receptacles .............  141 / 65
    Apparatus ..............................  141 / 65
    Electric lamp etc manufacture ..........  445 / 38+
        Apparatus ..........................  445 / 73
        Combined operation methods .........  445 / 56+
        Methods ............................  445 / 53+
    Food preserving ........................  426 / 404+
        Storage receptacle .................  99 / 472
    Gas filling combined ...................  141 / 66
    Hermetic closing of filled .............  53 / 403
    Receptacle, method .....................  53 / 403+
    Radiant energy tubes ...................  313 / 553+
        Having heating means ...............  313 / 549
Evaginated Shoe ............................  12 / 142 A
    Sole attaching means ...................  36 / 17 A
    Job performance of employees ...........  705 / 11
    Boiler .................................  122
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 31.1+
    Concentrating ..........................  159
        Spray type .........................  159 / 3
            Gaseous current ................  159 / 4.1+
    Gas and liquid contact apparatus  
        Porous mass ........................  261 / 94+
        Porous sheet .......................  261 / 100+
    Making .................................  29 / 890.07
    Oil combustion engine ..................  123 / 522
    Refrigerator ...........................  62 / 515+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 216+
        Defrost water by heater ............  62 / 275+
        Defrost water by refrigerator ......  62 / 279
        Heat ...............................  62 / 279
        Making .............................  29 / 890.035
    Sugar manufacture ......................  127 / 16
        Building ...........................  454 / 337
        Rail-car, bus or trailer ...........  454 / 110
Evaporometer ...............................  374 / 39
    Animal draft vehicle equalizer .........  278 / 13
        Horse detacher .....................  278 / 32
    Grain harvesters, head or butt .........  56 / 468
    Textile loom, dobby ....................  139 / 74
Eviscerating ...............................  452 / 106+
Excavation (See Digger) ...................  37
    By nuclear explosion ...................  976 / DIG 425
    Caisson ................................  405 / 272
        Pressurized ........................  405 / 8+
    Clamshell buckets ......................  37 / 461
    Ditch filler ...........................  37 / 142.5+
    Ditchers ...............................  37 / 347+
    Dredgers ...............................  37 / 307+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  405 / 129.1+
    Containment ............................  405 / 129.1+
    Land clearer ...........................  37 / 301+
    Mine ventilation .......................  454 / 168+
    Mining or quarrying with ...............  299 / 7
    Separating .............................  299 / 7
    Orange-peel buckets ....................  37 / 182+
    Railway graders ........................  37 / 104+
    Railway snow excavators ................  37 / 198+
    Road grader type .......................  37 / 381+
    Roadway snow excavators ................  37 / 196+
    Self-loading vehicles ..................  37 / 304+
    Shoring or bracing .....................  405 / 272+
    Snow excavators & melters ..............  37 / 227+
    Stone remover ..........................  37 / 303
    Stump and removers .....................  37 / 302
    Tunnel excavating ......................  299
    Tunnel ventilation .....................  454 / 166+
    Dipper .................................  414 / 690+
    Force pump .............................  37 / 342+
    Pipe and cable laying combined .........  405 / 154.1+
    Screw ..................................  175 / 394+
    Suction pump ...........................  37 / 317+
    Making .................................  144 / 185+
    Package filling ........................  493 / 967*
Exchange ...................................  65 / 30.13+
    Heat ...................................  165
        Mortar mixers having ...............  366 / 22+
            Processes ......................  366 / 4
        Temperature regulation .............  236
        Tobacco smoking device .............  131 / 194+
    Telephone ..............................  379
Execution Devices  
    Electric chairs ........................  128 / 898+
    Medicators .............................  604 / 19+
    Poisons ................................  424
    Surgical instruments ...................  606 / 1+
    Trap animal  
        Choking or squeezing ...............  43 / 85+
        Electrocuting ......................  43 / 98+
        Everset ............................  43 / 64+
        Explosive ..........................  43 / 84
        Impaling or smiting ................  43 / 77+
        Self reset .........................  43 / 73+
    Trap insect  
        Adhesive ...........................  43 / 114+
        Electrocuting ......................  43 / 112
    Animal .................................  119 / 702+
    Arm wrestling ..........................  482 / 905*
    Devices ................................  482
        Adjustable .........................  482 / 908*
        Breathing improvement ..............  482 / 13
        Ergometer with feedback ............  482 / 900*
        Field sports .......................  482 / 14+
        Having computer circuitry ..........  482 / 901*
        Having mechanical indicator ........  482 / 909*
        Home furnishing attached ...........  482 / 904*
        Home structure attached ............  482 / 904*
        Isometric ..........................  482 / 91
        Roundabout .........................  472 / 1+
        Stretching .........................  482 / 907*
        Weights ............................  482 / 93+
        Wheelchair attached ................  482 / 904*
    Kinesitherapy ..........................  601 / 23+
    Light thermal and electrical ...........  607 / 77
    Application combined ...................  607 / 77+
    Music ..................................  84 / 465+
    Opponent-supplied resistance ...........  482 / 906*
    Poultry feeding combined ...............  119 / 70
    Cereals ................................  426 / 449+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 378 R
    Decorticating ..........................  19 / 5 R+
    Seed or seed parts .....................  241 / 6+
    Stone ..................................  125 / 23.01+
Exhaust (See Evacuating Receptacles)  
    Mufflers ...............................  181 / 212+
        Design .............................  D12 / 194
        Brakes .............................  188 / 154
    Pipe making ............................  29 / 890.08
        Horns and whistles .................  116 / 138
    Recirculation ..........................  123 / 568.11+
    Silencers ..............................  181 / 212+
        For internal combustion engines ....  60 / 272+
    Steam engine ...........................  60 / 681+
        Combustion device feed in ..........  60 / 683
        Combustion engine ..................  60 / 272+
            Excess air to internal .........  60 / 900*
            Combustion engine ..............  60 / 900+
            Serially connected motors ......  60 / 679+
        Furnace ............................  432 / 67+
        Furnace, metallurgical .............  266 / 144+
        Furnace, solid fuel ................  110 / 203
        Motors .............................  60 / 685+
        Rotary engines .....................  60 / 901*
Exhauster(See Evacuating Receptacles)  
    Filled receptacle cooking ..............  99 / 359
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 359+
    Heating etc gas making apparatus .......  48 / 173
    Water closet tank outlet siphon ........  4 / 368+
    Cards pictures and signs ...............  40
        Design .............................  D20 / 10+
        Design display card ................  D20 / 40
    Check controlled .......................  194
    Dispensing combined ....................  222 / 23+
    Gem setting feature ....................  63 / 30
    Indicator combined .....................  116 / 307
    Cabinet with ...........................  312 / 234
    Bee hive ...............................  449 / 20+
    Door lock ..............................  70 / 92
    Fire escape chute ......................  182 / 48+
    Insect .................................  160 / 12+
    Railway car  
        Control ............................  105 / 341+
        Emergency ..........................  105 / 348+
    Stratifier discharge ...................  209 / 494+
Expanded Metal .............................  52 / 670+
    Making .................................  29 / 6.1
Expander and Expanding  
    Anchor .................................  411 / 15+
        Expanding or piercing earth ........  52 / 155+
    Boiler formers .........................  72 / 393
    Boring head cutter .....................  408 / 199+
    Building component .....................  52 / 67
    Cereals ................................  426 / 449+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 323.4+
    Collapsible taps .......................  408 / 147+
    Exfoliated composition .................  252 / 378 R
    Face plate railway car .................  105 / 10+
    Felly ..................................  157 / 9+
    Gas liquefying and separating ..........  62 / 621+
        Processes ..........................  62 / 621+
    Gate valve faces .......................  251 / 193+
    Hoof and shoe ..........................  168 / 47
    Joints (see device incorporating)  
    Liquefied gas fuel as refrigerant ......  62 / 7
    Mandrels ...............................  269 / 48.1
        Chuck ..............................  279 / 2.01+
        Lathe work mount ...................  82 / 169
        Winding reeling device .............  242 / 571+
        Or unwinding .......................  242 / 407.1
    Metal making ...........................  29 / 6.1
        Article ............................  428 / 596+
    Orthodontic ............................  433 / 7
    Pipe expanders .........................  72 / 393
        Methods of joint expanding .........  29 / 890.044
    Piston ring ............................  277 / 467+
    Piston ring applier ....................  29 / 222+
    Reamer .................................  408 / 227+
        Earth boring type ..................  175 / 263+
    Refrigeration by .......................  62
    Sheet metal shaping die ................  72 / 393
    Tube cutter ............................  30 / 103+
    Wheel felly ............................  157 / 9
Expansible Cabinets ........................  312 / 205
Expansible Chamber Devices .................  92
Expansion (See Expander)  
    Engine, refrigeration producer .........  62 / 402+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 172
        Liquefied gas producing ............  62 / 621+
        Process ............................  62 / 86
        Between articulated members ........  403 / 52+
        Bridge .............................  14 / 73.1
        Building ...........................  52 / 396.01+
        Distillation apparatus .............  202 / 268
        Flexible diaphragm or bellows ......  403 / 50+
        Fluid distributor nozzle ...........  239 / 397.5
        Heat exchanger .....................  165 / 81+
        Pipe ...............................  285 / 298+
        Resilient building .................  52 / 313
        Static mold forming ................  249 / 9
        Metallic receptacle ................  220 / 233+
        Pipe ...............................  138 / 89+
    Reeds warp preparing ...................  28 / 213
    Valve, refrigeration utilizing .........  62 / 527+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 222+
    Accounting, computer controlled ........  705 / 30
        Tax preparation ....................  705 / 31
        Time-based billing .................  705 / 32
Expert System Shell ........................  706 / 60
Expert System Tool .........................  706 / 60
    Borehole and drilling study ............  73 / 152.43+
    Depth sounding .........................  73 / 290 R+
        Electro-acoustic ...................  367 / 99+
        Sound ..............................  181
    Diagnostics medical ....................  600 / 300+
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 50
    Electrical .............................  324
    Electrical ore testing .................  324 / 376
    Meteorology ............................  73 / 170.16+
    Radar ..................................  342 / 191+
    Radiosonde .............................  340 / 870.01+
        System .............................  340 / 870.1+
    Sound ..................................  181
Explosion Control  
    Acetylene generator ....................  48 / 56
    Blast or cupola furnace ................  266 / 174
    Blowout plugs,frangible or fusible .....  220 / 89.1
    Containers of inflammable ..............  220 / 88.1+
    Substances .............................  220 / 88.1+
    Davy lamp or wire gauze protected  
    Dry cleaning and laundry apparatus .....  68 / 209
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 558+
    Gas cooking stoves .....................  126 / 42
    Gas distribution .......................  48 / 192
    Gas holder high pressure safety ........  48 / 175
    Escape .................................  48 / 175
    Internal combustion engines ............  123 / 24 R
    Milling or grinding apparatus ..........  241 / 31
    Mine safety systems ....................  299 / 12
    Safes and bank protection combined .....  109 / 26+
    Turbines ...............................  60 / 793+
    Water back .............................  126 / 35
    Water elevators ........................  417 / 73+
Explosive (See Ammunition; Bomb; ...........  102
    Engine; gun) ...........................  102
    Anchors ................................  114 / 295
    Article molding or shaping .............  264 / 3.1
        Extruding ..........................  264 / 3.3
        Forming or treating particulate ....  264 / 3.4+
        Material ...........................  264 / 3.4+
        Rolling to form sheet or rod .......  264 / 3.2
    Bag to contain explosive powder ........  102 / 282
    Cap mechanical gun combined ............  124 / 2
    Carbon preparation process .............  423
    Charge making ..........................  86
    Comminution or puffing  
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 301
        Cereals apparatus ..................  99 / 323.4+
        Cereals processes and products .....  426 / 625+
        Processes ..........................  241 / 1
        Vegetable processes ................  426 / 445
    Compositions ...........................  149
    Devices ................................  102
        Narcotic containing ................  102 / 512
        Safes & bank protection combined ...  109 / 36+
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 2+
    Fuses primers and igniting devices .....  102 / 200+
    Impact driven fastener, eg nail ........  411 / 440+
    Making apparatus .......................  422 / 163
    Material incinerator ...................  110 / 237
    Material treating ......................  264
    Metal deforming x-art ..................  72 / 706*
    Metal forming ..........................  72 / 56
    Mining .................................  299 / 13
    Operated assembling apparatus ..........  29 / 254+
    Operated one shot motor ................  60 / 632+
        Assembling device ..................  29 / 254
        Metal deforming device .............  72 / 430
        Well tube perforator ...............  175 / 2+
    Power plant x-art ......................  60 / 914*
    Testing ................................  73 / 35.14
    Thermic compositions or charges ........  149
        Apparatus ..........................  166 / 63
        Processes using ....................  166 / 299
        Torpedoes ..........................  102 / 301+
        Tubing perforator ..................  175 / 2+
        Automatic control system ...........  396 / 213+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 177+
    Meter ..................................  356 / 213+
    Butter and cheese cutter combined ......  425 / 308+
    Butter worker combined .................  425 / 200+
        Block and earthenware ..............  425 / 308+
        Block and earthenware ..............  425 / 325+
        Metal including powdered ...........  72 / 253.1+
        Mold core making ...................  164 / 174
        Particulate metal ..................  419 / 67
        Pastry and confections .............  99
        Pastry and confections .............  425
        Plastic molding ....................  425 / 381.2
        Soap molding .......................  425 / 308+
        Soap molding .......................  425 / 325+
    Drying combined ........................  34 / 70
    Presses ................................  100 / 104+
        With heater ........................  100 / 92+
Expression Mechanism Musical  
    Applying expression lines to ...........  84 / 463
    Record .................................  84 / 463
    Automatic pneumatic expression .........  84 / 33+
    Mechanism for automatic pianos .........  84 / 33+
    Automatic stringed instrument ..........  84 / 33
    Pneumatic action .......................  84 / 33+
    Electric organs ........................  84 / 626
    Electric organs ........................  84 / 662
    Electric organs ........................  84 / 701
    Electric organs ........................  84 / 734
    Piano ..................................  84 / 216+
    Tracker bar modified for ...............  84 / 157
    Expression .............................  84 / 157
    Cords ..................................  439 / 502+
    Tables, co planar surfaces .............  108 / 65+
    Dilatometer ............................  374 / 55
    Distance measuring .....................  33 / 784+
    Dynamometer ............................  73 / 862.391+
    Electrical .............................  324
    Gauges .................................  33 / 501+
    Optical ................................  356 / 625+
    Strain resistance ......................  338 / 2
    Stress strain test .....................  73 / 760+
    Boiler safety ..........................  122 / 504.3
    Burner cap or cover ....................  431 / 144+
    Cigar and cigarette ....................  131 / 256
    Electric arc prevention ................  218 / 1+
    Electric contact arc prevention ........  361 / 2
    Extinguishing composition ..............  252 / 2+
    Fire ...................................  169
        Design .............................  D29 / 125+
    Fluid type for burner ..................  431 / 145
    Furnace fire ...........................  169 / 54+
        Ash pan ............................  110 / 171
    Inflammable fluid containers ...........  169 / 66+
    Signalling system electric .............  340 / 289
    Tobacco ash receiver combined ..........  131 / 235.1+
    Tobacco product combined ...............  131 / 347
Extracting and Extracts (See Material  
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 261+
        Beverage ...........................  99 / 279+
        Mineral oil ........................  196 / 14.52
        Sugar ..............................  127 / 3+
        Textile treating fluid combined ....  68 / 19+
        With treating ......................  68 / 19+
    Biocidal ...............................  424
    Distillation combined  
        Retort .............................  202 / 107
        Separatory processes ...............  203
        Still ..............................  202 / 170
        Still with .........................  202 / 168+
        Thermolytic processes ..............  201
    Dye compositions .......................  8 / 438
    Dyes natural ...........................  8 / 646
    Food ...................................  426 / 655
        Chocolate ..........................  426 / 631+
        Coffee .............................  426 / 594
        Coffee substitute ..................  426 / 596
        Coffee substitute from fruits ......  426 / 594+
        Or vegetables ......................  426 / 594+
        Condiments and flavors .............  426 / 650
        Hop ................................  426 / 600
        Malt ...............................  426 / 64
        Meat ...............................  426 / 656
        Pectin .............................  426 / 655
        Sea food ...........................  426 / 655
        Tea ................................  426 / 435
    Inorganic materials ....................  423 / 210+
        Actinide series compounds ..........  423 / 249+
        Crystallization combined ...........  23 / 299
        Crystallization selective ..........  23 / 297
        Combined ...........................  23 / 297
    Medicinal animal .......................  424 / 520+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208 / 311+
        Conversion combined ................  208 / 46+
    Ores and metals ........................  75 / 711+
    Organic materials  
        Algins .............................  536 / 3
        Alkaloids cinchona .................  546 / 134+
        Alkaloids opium ....................  546 / 44+
        Alkaloids tobacco ..................  546 / 279.4
        Alkaloids undetermined .............  546 / 1
        Constitution .......................  546 / 1
        Esters carboxylic acid .............  560 / 1+
        Fats fatty oils ester type .........  554 / 8+
        Waxes higher fatty acids ...........  554 / 8+
        Glycosides .........................  536 / 18.5+
        N-glycosides .......................  536 / 2+
        Pectins ............................  536 / 2
        Synthetic resins from plant ........  528 / 1+
        Extract ............................  528 / 1+
        Tannins ............................  560 / 68+
    Sugar ..................................  127 / 43+
    Tanning ................................  8 / 94.32
        Aluminum compound combined .........  8 / 94.3
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 297
Extractor (See Wringers)  
    Bolt or screw ..........................  81 / 436+
    Centrifugal ............................  210 / 360.1+
    Closure remover ........................  81 / 3.07+
        Can opener having ..................  7 / 152+
        Compound tool having ...............  7 / 151+
        Pliers having ......................  7 / 126+
    Disassembling apparatus ................  29 / 700+
    Easy out ...............................  81 / 436+
    Electrolyte treatment ..................  204 / 233+
    Nail ...................................  254 / 18+
        Shoe lasting .......................  12 / 16
    Pen ....................................  29 / 808
    Press ..................................  100 / 104+
    Shell from firearm .....................  42 / 25
        Revolver ...........................  42 / 68
        Tilting breech .....................  42 / 46
    Shell projectile or wad ................  81 / 3.05
    Stump and poles ........................  254 / 199+
    Tooth ..................................  433 / 141+
    Wheel spoke ............................  157 / 12
Extruding (See Expressing Die)  
    Hydrostatic extrusion ..................  72 / 711*
    Artificial .............................  623 / 4.1+
    Contact lenses .........................  351 / 160 R+
    Cup ....................................  D24 / 120
    Deformity correction ...................  606 / 204.25
    Doll ...................................  446 / 392
        Movable ............................  446 / 343+
    Dropper ................................  604 / 295+
        Design combined with bottle ........  D09 / 723+
        Design combined with closure .......  D09 / 447
        Dispenser combined .................  222 / 420+
        Syringe ............................  604 / 295+
    Examining & testing instruments ........  351 / 200+
        Design .............................  D10 / 46+
        Objective ..........................  351 / 205+
        Subjective .........................  351 / 222+
        Test charts and targets ............  351 / 239+
    Exercising .............................  601 / 37
        Optometers .........................  351 / 205+
        With testing .......................  351 / 203
        Chain making .......................  59 / 21
        Wireworking ........................  140 / 104
    Hook and eye fastener ..................  24 / 698.1+
        Design apparel .....................  D11 / 208+
        Design,hardware ....................  D08 / 367+
        Relatively movable hook ............  24 / 598.4+
        Portions ...........................  24 / 598.4+
        Sewing machine attaching ...........  112 / 105
    Interlocking wire machine ..............  140 / 114
    Neck yoke ..............................  278 / 125
    Nose grips .............................  351 / 132
        Integral with bridge ...............  351 / 131
        Pince-nez ..........................  351 / 71+
    Photography ............................  396 / 18
        Testing instruments ................  351 / 206
    Pieces for optical instruments .........  359 / 600
    Protecting masks .......................  2 / 10+
        Design .............................  D16 / 301+
    Protectors for animals .................  54 / 80.2
        Design .............................  D30 / 144+
        Electric welder s hood combined ....  219 / 147
    Thill coupling .........................  278 / 77+
    Toy figure .............................  446 / 392
        Douches ............................  604 / 295+
        Electrically .......................  607 / 141
        Exercising .........................  606 / 204.25
        Medicine ...........................  424
    Vision testing & correcting ............  351
Eye Bolt, Making ...........................  29 / 7
Eye Glasses ................................  351 / 41
    Anti-glare or shading ..................  351 / 44
    Bridge .................................  351 / 133
    Cases ..................................  206 / 5+
        Design .............................  D03 / 265
    Cleansing compositions .................  510 / 163+
    Contact lens ...........................  351 / 160 R+
    Contact lens fitting ...................  351 / 247
    Correctors .............................  351 / 140+
    Design .................................  D16 / 300+
    Eye shields attached ...................  2 / 13
    Fitting apparatus ......................  351 / 200+
    Gages for ..............................  33 / 200
    Hinge ..................................  16 / 228
    Holder .................................  248 / 902*
        Design .............................  D03 / 266
        Rigid container ....................  493 / 914*
    Metal frame making .....................  29 / 20
    Ornamentation for ......................  351 / 51+
        Special tool for ...................  81 / 3.5+
    Protective goggles .....................  2 / 426+
    Temple .................................  351 / 121
Eye Goggles ................................  2 / 426+
    Anti-glare or shading ..................  351 / 44
    Design .................................  D16 / 303+
Eye Lens Insertion .........................  606 / 107
Eyebrow Brush ..............................  D04
Eyelash Curler .............................  D28 / 36
Eyelet .....................................  24 / 713+
    Apparel fastener .......................  D11 / 208+
    Closure fastener sealing ...............  292 / 314
    Making by die shaping sheet metal ......  72 / 343+
    Setting ................................  227 / 51+
    Machine ................................  227 / 51+
    Paper tag making .......................  493 / 375+
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 66
Eyeshade See Visor .........................  D29 / 109+

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