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T Squares ..................................  33 / 474+
    Design .................................  D10 / 65+
    Bolt or nut, side lock, tab ............  411 / 122+
    Deformable in situ .....................  411 / 122+
    Exhibitor type .........................  40 / 662+
    Protrusion to receive ..................  40 / 359
    Identification .........................  40 / 359+
    Suspender ends .........................  2 / 340
Tabernacle .................................  D99 / 25
Tables .....................................  108 / 17
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 753+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 3+
    Bed combined ...........................  5 / 507.1
    Billiard and pool ......................  473 / 4+
        Design .............................  D21 / 783+
    Cabinet convertible to .................  312 / 241
    Cabinet with separable table ...........  312 / 277
    Chair combined .........................  297 / 135+
    Chair convertible ......................  297 / 119+
    Cooling ................................  62 / 458
    Cover or cloth .........................  D06 / 617
    Croquet ................................  273 / 118 R+
    Disappearing instrument or device ......  312 / 21+
    Examining or surgical ..................  D24 / 183
    Furniture ..............................  108
        Design .............................  D06 / 396+
    Game ...................................  273 / 309
        Design .............................  D21 / 316
    Game boards ............................  273 / 287
        Collapsible ........................  273 / 285+
        Interchangeable pattern ............  273 / 284
        Rotatably mounted ..................  273 / 280
        With separable pattern .............  273 / 283
    Gauging eg grizzlies ...................  209 / 680
    Gravity assorting in liquid ............  209 / 172
    Suspension .............................  209 / 172+
    Invalid back rest combined .............  5 / 633
    Ironing ................................  38 / 103+
        Combined with sewing machines ......  112 / 217.1+
        Plural surface .....................  38 / 135+
        Single surface .....................  38 / 137+
    Light table, illumination for ..........  362 / 97.1
    Luggage convertible ....................  190 / 11+
    Machine part  
        Box nailing machine ................  227 / 154
        Cigar and cigarette making .........  131 / 41+
        Cutting machine ....................  83
        Grain separator straw carrier ......  460 / 90
        Metal can making and soldering .....  413
        Metal flanging .....................  72 / 102
        Plastic material cutting ...........  83
        Plastic material cutting ...........  425 / 289+
        Powered table for operating ........  74 / 16
        Attachments and auxiliaries ........  74 / 16
        Shingle machine ....................  83 / 704+
        Slicer woodworking .................  144 / 171
        Typewriter paper feeding ...........  400 / 647+
        Woodworking saw table ..............  269 / 289 R
            Modified for blade .............  269 / 83
    Manual assorting .......................  209 / 703+
    Pads ...................................  248 / 346.01
    Phonograph or sound recording and  
        Flat tablet traveling table ........  369 / 213
        Mandrels ...........................  369 / 260
        Tablet .............................  369 / 267
    Rack convertible to table ..............  108 / 16
    Refrigerator combined ..................  62 / 258
    Self levelling .........................  114 / 195
    Steam cooking ..........................  126 / 33
    Stratifier .............................  209 / 422+
        Starch making ......................  127 / 26
    Surface separable from support .........  108 / 157.1+
    Entity .................................  108 / 157.1+
    Surgical ...............................  5 / 600+
    Telegraph instrument ...................  178 / 114
    Tennis .................................  473 / 496
    Toy or doll ............................  446 / 482
    Transfer ...............................  104 / 48+
        Electricity transmission to ........  191 / 9
        Vehicle ............................  191 / 9
    Trunk ..................................  190 / 11+
    Turntables .............................  104 / 35
        Automobile .........................  104 / 44
        Plural related surfaces ............  108 / 103+
        Self service eg lazy susan .........  108 / 94+
        Self service power driven ..........  108 / 20+
        Single surface .....................  108 / 139+
    Vertically adjustable ..................  108 / 144.11+
        Combined with other structure ......  108 / 50.01
    Wall ...................................  108 / 152
        With structural installation .......  108 / 72+
    Work (see table machine part)  
        Abrading ...........................  451 / 411+
        Butter working .....................  99 / 452+
        Cloth inspecting ...................  26 / 70
        Illuminated operating table ........  362 / 33
        Ironing textiles ...................  38 / 103+
        Ironing with work catcher ..........  38 / 111
        Leather working ....................  69 / 19
        Milling planing or gear cutting ....  409 / 219+
        X ray ..............................  378 / 209
    Calendar tear off type .................  40 / 121
    Coffee .................................  426 / 594
    Dye compositions .......................  8 / 526
    Food design ............................  D01
    Medicinal ..............................  424 / 464+
        Design .............................  D24 / 101+
    Memorial ...............................  40 / 124.5
    Molding presses for ....................  425 / 406+
    Phonograph .............................  369 / 272.1+
        Making by turning ..................  82 / 1.11
    Railway signalling system ..............  246 / 19
    Calculator .............................  235 / 85 R+
    Teletypewriter .........................  178 / 25+
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 284+
        Indicating .........................  400 / 705.4+
Tachometer .................................  73 / 488+
    Design .................................  D10 / 98
    Electric ...............................  324 / 160+
    Rotation counter .......................  235 / 104
        Rotation counter, with .............  324 / 166
        Electrical speed indicator .........  324 / 166+
Tack .......................................  411 / 439+
    Pullers ................................  254 / 18+
        Shoe lasting machine ...............  12 / 16
        Shoe sole sewing machine ...........  112 / 30
        Making .............................  470 / 158
        Nailing implement ..................  227 / 136
    Cable and hook .........................  294 / 82.11+
    Fishing ................................  43 / 4+
        Design .............................  D22 / 134+
    Pushing and pulling implements  
        Block and ..........................  254 / 390+
        Single throw lever .................  254 / 128
        Tensioners .........................  254 / 242
    Traversing hoist cable type ............  212 / 76+
    Affixing tags ..........................  156 / DIG 23
    Collision released identification ......  116 / 32
    Envelopes ..............................  229 / 74
    Exhibitor type .........................  283 / 74+
        Fastenings .........................  40 / 662+
    Inserters ..............................  606 / 117+
        Cigar ..............................  131 / 106
        Cigar etc packaging combined .......  131 / 283
        Label pasting ......................  156
        Paper tag applying .................  493 / 375+
            X-art collection ...............  493 / 961*
        Paper wrapping machine .............  53 / 128.1+
        Plug tobacco .......................  131 / 113+
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 74+
Taillights .................................  362 / 498+
Taillights .................................  362 / 499+
Tailpieces .................................  84 / 299+
    Stringed instrument ....................  84 / 297 R+
    With muffler ...........................  181 / 227+
        With exhaust pipe ..................  181 / 228
    Lathe ..................................  82 / 148
    Milling machine ........................  409 / 242
Take Up  
    Bed bottom cord tightener ..............  5 / 212
    Braiding netting and lace making .......  87 / 31
    Brake position adjusters ...............  188 / 196 R+
    Brake wear .............................  188 / 79.51+
    Electric cable extensible ..............  174 / 69
    Electricity flexible extension .........  191 / 12 R
    To vehicle .............................  191 / 12 R+
    Embroidering machine thread ............  112 / 96
    Harvesting binder cord knotter .........  56 / 450
    Hitching post ..........................  119 / 789
    Leather sewing machine thread ..........  112 / 57
    Railway freight car shrinkage ..........  105 / 412
    Railway traction cable .................  104 / 196
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 241+
    Textile knitting fabric ................  66 / 149 R+
    Trolley rope slack .....................  191 / 93
    Twine holder ...........................  242 / 129.1+
    Weaving fabric .........................  139 / 304+
    Weaving warp feeding ...................  139 / 99
    Winding and reeling  
        Coil holder ........................  242 / 570+
        Convolute winding ..................  242 / 324+
        Recording tape or ..................  242 / 324+
        Motion picture film ................  242 / 324+
Talcum Powders .............................  424 / 69
Talking Machine See Phonograph  
    Book ...................................  434 / 317
Tall Oil ...................................  530 / 205+
    Derivatives ............................  530 / 230+
    Pulp preparation combined ..............  162 / 14+
Tally (See Counter)  
    Game ...................................  116 / 222+
    Printed forms ..........................  283 / 48.1+
    Register ...............................  235
    Strip feeding ..........................  400 / 586+
Tam-O-Shanter ..............................  D02 / 885
Tambourines ................................  84 / 418
Tamper (See Rammer)  
    Blasting charge ........................  86 / 20.11+
    Earthenware pipe .......................  425 / 456
        Female .............................  425 / 425+
        Male ...............................  425 / 469
    Railway track ..........................  104 / 10+
    Roads ..................................  404
        Pipe ...............................  131 / 248
        Pipe combined ......................  131 / 184.1
        Pipe cover combined ................  131 / 177
    Well torpedo combined ..................  102 / 304
Tamper-Proof Packages ......................  206 / 807*
    Fasteners with anti-tamper means .......  269 / 910*
Tampions (See Tompions)  
Tampon .....................................  604 / 358+
    Depositor ..............................  604 / 11+
    Making .................................  28 / 118+
    Sanitary ...............................  604 / 358+
        Materials ..........................  604 / 367+
    X-art collection .......................  604 / 904*
    Cycles .................................  280 / 200+
        Design .............................  D12 / 109
        Motor ..............................  180 / 219+
        Three tandem wheels ................  280 / 239
    Cylinder internal ......................  123 / 58.1+
    Combustion engine ......................  123 / 58.1+
    Horse hitch ............................  278 / 3+
    Power plants ...........................  60 / 698+
    Two wheeled skates .....................  280 / 11.233
    Drill ..................................  408 / 213
        Barbed or pronged tang .............  279 / 104
        Molded or cast in tang .............  279 / 105
        Offset tang ........................  279 / 93+
        Shouldered tang ....................  279 / 89+
    Tool handle fastenings .................  403
Tank See Vessel ............................  220
    Cars, trucks, ships  
        Ballasting .........................  114 / 125
        Grain tank body ....................  296 / 15
        Marine tanker ......................  114 / 74 R
        Railway car ........................  105 / 358+
        Railway tender .....................  105 / 236
        Self levelling vehicle .............  280 / 7
        Tank truck .........................  280 / 830+
        Vessel raising or docking air ......  114 / 52
        Tank ...............................  114 / 52+
        Water wagon ........................  280 / 830+
    Chemical reaction ......................  422
    Cooled heat transfer, liquid ...........  62 / 430+
    Containing .............................  62 / 430+
        Commodity contacting ...............  62 / 373+
        Liquid congealing ..................  62 / 356
    Depth gauges ...........................  73 / 290 R+
    Filling or emptying with fluids ........  137 / 561 R+
    Fire extinguishers .....................  169
    Fluid distribution .....................  137 / 561 R+
    Fowl and hog scalding ..................  452 / 74+
    Fuel with burner .......................  431 / 344
        Heated .............................  431 / 203+
    Gas and liquid contact  
        Contacting .........................  261 / 119.1+
        Liquid supply ......................  261 / 72.1+
    Gas holding ............................  220 / 581+
        Heating and illuminating gas .......  48 / 174+
        Package ............................  206 / .6+
        With dispensing ....................  222 / 3+
    Gasoline holding for motor vehicle .....  280 / 830+
    Glass melting ..........................  432 / 195
    Heat exchange  
        Trickler ...........................  165 / 118
        With agitator or conveyer ..........  165 / 109.1
    Heating system expansion ...............  237 / 66
    Ice mold ...............................  249 / 117+
    Lined metallic .........................  220 / 495.01+
    Liquefied gas storing ..................  62 / 451+
    Liquefied gas storing ..................  220 / 560.04
    Liquid heating .........................  122
        Cooking vessels ....................  126 / 344+
        Cooking vessels ....................  220 / 573.1+
    Lock valve combined ....................  137 / 384.2+
        Outlet nozzle attaching ............  29 / 890.142
        Sheet metal ........................  413 / 1+
    Masonry and concrete ...................  52 / 264
        Curved .............................  52 / 245
    Material or article charging or ........  414 / 288+
    Discharging ............................  414 / 288
    Material separating  
        Liquid separation ..................  210
        Solids .............................  209
    Military ...............................  89 / 36.08
        Endless track drive ................  180 / 9.1+
        Five or more wheels ................  180 / 22+
        Gun mounts .........................  89 / 40.03
        Steering by driving ................  180 / 6.7
        Toy ................................  446 / 433
    Model basin or testing tank ............  73 / 148
    Mold ...................................  249 / 144+
    Nuclear reactor combined ...............  376 / 403
    Oil tank with fire extinguisher ........  169 / 66+
    Photographic developing ................  396 / 636+
    Rack for ...............................  211 / 71.01+
        Bag type ...........................  211 / 85.15
    Sand blast equipment ...................  451 / 99+
    Self healing ...........................  428 / 912*
    Self healing ...........................  220 / 560.02
    Settling see settling tanks and  
    Shower bath ............................  4 / 602+
    Spring wheel air tank ..................  152 / 10
    Stage or theatrical ....................  472 / 82
    Stock material .........................  428 / 34.1+
    Sugar starch and carbohydrate ..........  127
    Treating ...............................  127
    Supply for ambulant ....................  239 / 302+
    Discharge sprayer ......................  239 / 302+
    Swimming pool ..........................  4 / 488+
        Water purification .................  210 / 167.1+
    Tank-type carrier truck ................  D12 / 95
    Tower ..................................  52 / 40
    Underground ............................  405 / 53+
    Underground ............................  220 / 567.1
    Volume or rate of flow meter ...........  73 / 217+
        Brushing scrubbing general .........  15
        Cleaning ...........................  15
        Clothes washing machines & tubs ....  68
        Dish and solids washing machine ....  134
    Water closet and urinal flushing .......  4 / 353+
        Disinfection .......................  4 / 222+
    Wheelwright tire setting ...............  157 / 7
    Wooden .................................  217 / 4
Tanker .....................................  114 / 74 R
Tannic Acid ................................  560 / 68+
Tanning ....................................  8 / 94.19 R+
    Apparatus ..............................  69 / 29+
    Electrolytic ...........................  205 / 692
    Fish skins .............................  8 / 94.12
    Hides ..................................  8 / 94.19 R+
    Processes manipulative .................  8 / 150.5
Tannins ....................................  560 / 68
    Descaling agent containing .............  510 / 249+
    Glucosidal .............................  536 / 4.1+
    Tanning with ...........................  8 / 94.19 R+
Tantalate Ceramic Compositions .............  501 / 134
    Alloys .................................  420 / 427
    Compound stock .........................  428 / 662
    Electrolytic treatment .................  205 / 704+
    Inorganic compound recovery ............  423 / 62
    Barrel .................................  137 / 317+
        Bung ...............................  217 / 98+
    Changer transformers ...................  336 / 137
        Transformer systems ................  323
    Connector electric .....................  439 / 638+
    Dancing shoe ...........................  36 / 8.3
    Gas taps illumination ..................  362 / 381
    Piercing electrical connector ..........  439 / 387+
    Pipe ...................................  408 / 215
    Screw threading ........................  408 / 215+
        Machine ............................  408 / 72 R+
        Wrenches ratchet ..................  408 / 120+
    Wheel bolt .............................  301 / 117
Tape (See Adhesive; Strips; Taping)  
    Adhesive ...............................  428 / 343+
        Processes of coating ...............  427 / 207.1+
    Box making .............................  493 / 116+
    Cutting to sever .......................  83
    Image film .............................  242 / 324+
    Inserting in apparel ...................  223 / 50
        Needles ............................  223 / 103
        Record .............................  360 / 134
    Magnet tapewinding .....................  242 / 324+
        Coated .............................  360 / 134+
        Recorded,moving head ...............  360 / 83
        Recorded,stationary head ...........  360 / 90
    Measuring ..............................  33 / 755+
        Design .............................  D10 / 71+
        Reeling device .....................  242 / 370+
    Package ................................  206 / 389+
        Tape cartridge package .............  206 / 387.1+
    Record medium ..........................  360 / 134
    Recorders sound transport system .......  360 / 90+
        Recording head .....................  360 / 110+
    Seed ...................................  47 / 56
        Machine ............................  53 / 545+
        Planting ...........................  111 / 199
    Spinning twisting apparatus ............  57 / 31+
    Spinning twisting process ..............  57 / 31
        Coating or impregnating ............  57 / 295+
    Spool holders ..........................  D19 / 67+
    Strand structure spun or twisted .......  57 / 260
        Coated or impregnated ..............  57 / 259
        Covered or wrapped .................  57 / 235
    Tape deck ..............................  D14 / 161+
    Tearing or breaking ....................  225
        Bag opening ........................  383 / 205+
        Box opening ........................  229 / 238
        Envelope opening ...................  229 / 309+
    Telegraphic ............................  178 / 111+
    Ticker .................................  178 / 34
Taper Forming (See Pointing)  
    Gauges .................................  33 / 531+
    Needle and pin making ..................  163
    Paper tube making ......................  493 / 296
    Pencil (see pencil sharpener) .........  30 / 451+
        Machine ............................  144 / 28.1+
    Taper tube making ......................  29 / DIG 41
    Tapering resistor ......................  338 / 217+
        Rheostat ...........................  338 / 138+
    Thread milling .........................  409 / 65+
    Turning ................................  82 / 15+
        Wood ...............................  142
Tapestries .................................  139 / 408
Taping an Artile By Winding ................  242 / 430+
    Article making method ..................  242 / 430+
    Ring winding ...........................  242 / 434
    Shoe upper making ......................  12 / 59.5
    Strip pasting and applying .............  156
    With adhesive bonding ..................  156
Tappers Electric Line ......................  439 / 387+
    Plow ...................................  171 / 71
    Poppet valve operating internal ........  123 / 90.48+
    Combustion engine ......................  123 / 90.48+
    Container with cutter or punch .........  222 / 81+
    Drilling and ...........................  408
    Fluid handling system ..................  137 / 317+
    Mains under pressure ...................  137 / 317
    Metallurgical plugging and .............  266 / 271+
    Power plant exhaust re expansion .......  60 / 677+
    Screw threading internally .............  408 / 222
Tar (See Pitch)  
    Compounds containing  
        Abrasive ...........................  51 / 305
        Biocidal ...........................  424
        Coating or plastic .................  106
        Fuel liquid ........................  44 / 311
        Polymer ctg (see synthetic  
        Resin or natural rubber)  
    Distillation ...........................  208 / 42+
        Destructive ........................  202
        Production by ......................  201
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 22+
        Making, treating and recovery ......  208 / 39+
Tar Sand  
    Mineral oil from .......................  208 / 400+
    Treatment with liquid ..................  208 / 390+
    Aerial projectile type .................  273 / 348.1+
        Projector combined .................  273 / 317+
        Tethered projectile combined .......  273 / 331+
        Thermal ............................  273 / 348.1
    Animal holder and releaser .............  119 / 427
    Bowling ................................  473 / 118+
    Cathode ray ............................  313 / 461+
    Design, hunting or shooting ............  D22 / 113+
        Holder and releaser ................  124 / 43
        Magazine ...........................  124 / 46+
    Following, with photocell control ......  250 / 203.1+
    For nuclear energy treatment ...........  376 / 156
    Global position determination ..........  250 / 206.1+
    Golf (see also golf) ..................  473 / 173+
    Moving .................................  273 / 359+
    Surface ................................  273 / 127 R
    Surveying ..............................  33 / 293
    X ray ..................................  378 / 143
Tartaric Acid ..............................  562 / 585
    In drug ................................  514 / 574
Tassel (See Product) ......................  428 / 28
    Garment trimming .......................  D05 / 7+
        Making and attaching ...............  223 / 46
    Making .................................  28 / 147
    Ornamented handle ......................  16 / 441+
    Shoe lace tip ..........................  24 / 715.5+
    Apparatus ..............................  87 / 52
        Shuttles ...........................  87 / 58+
    Shuttle winding ........................  242 / 472
Tattooing Pen ..............................  81 / 9.22
Taurine ....................................  562 / 104
Taurocholic Acid ...........................  552 / 550
Tawing .....................................  8 / 94.29+
Tax Preparation, Computerized ..............  705 / 31
Taxidermy, Teaching ........................  434 / 296
    Exhibition panel .......................  40 / 800
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 417
    Fare recorder ..........................  346
        Register combined ..................  346 / 15+
    Fare register ..........................  235 / 33+
Tea ........................................  426 / 592+
    Apparatus general ......................  99 / 485+
    Bag ....................................  426 / 77
        Design .............................  D01 / 199
    Balls ..................................  426 / 77+
    Extracts ...............................  426 / 597
    Infusers ...............................  99 / 279+
        Design .............................  D01 / 199
Teaching Devices  
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 927*
    Audio recording & visual means .........  434 / 308+
    Audio recording combined ...............  434 / 319+
    Audio visual machines ..................  D19 / 60
    Blocks & cards .........................  434 / 403
    Dental .................................  434 / 263+
    Design .................................  D19
    Graphic materials ......................  434 / 314+
        Design .............................  D19 / 62+
    Image projector combined ...............  434 / 324+
    Keyboard operation .....................  434 / 227+
    Music ..................................  84 / 470 R+
    Panel, chart or graph ..................  434 / 330+
    Science demonstrator ...................  D19 / 62+
    Telegraphy .............................  178 / 115
    Vehicle dual control  
        Aircraft ...........................  244 / 229
        Automobile .........................  180 / 322
    Handle, asymmetric .....................  D08 / DIG 9
Tear Gas  
    Gun ....................................  42 / 1.08
    Bag opening ............................  383 / 200+
    Bag seam ...............................  383 / 210+
    Box opening ............................  229 / 200+
    Box seam ...............................  229 / 245+
    Breaking or ............................  225
    Envelope closure seam ..................  229 / 80.5
    Envelope opening .......................  229 / 307
    Label pasting paper hanging ............  156 / 510
    Machines ...............................  225 / 93+
    Paper gauge ............................  225 / 91+
    Paper straight edge ....................  225 / 91
    Sheets, strands or webs ................  225
    Tear strip  
        Cigarette package opening ..........  206 / 264
        Envelope ...........................  493 / 923*
        Pliable container ..................  493 / 930*
        Roll, strip, or sheet having .......  206 / 824*
    Tensile test ...........................  73 / 835
    Tobacco stemming .......................  131 / 319+
Teat Cups ..................................  119 / 14.47+
    Pulsator combined ......................  119 / 14.38
    Organic compounds ......................  534 / 14
Tedders ....................................  56 / 370+
    Rake combined ..........................  56 / 365+
Teeming (See Casting)  
Teepee .....................................  135 / 100
Tees, Golf .................................  473 / 387+
    Device for setting .....................  473 / 386
Teeth (See Tooth)  
    Dentistry ..............................  433
        Selection guide ....................  433 / 26
    Display package with ...................  206 / 83
    Gearing ................................  74 / 457+
        Lubrication ........................  74 / 468
    Razor guard ............................  30 / 82
    Static mold ............................  249 / 54
Teething Devices ...........................  606 / 235+
    Design .................................  D24 / 194+
TEFLONâ„¢    .................................  526 / 255+
    Electrical cable insulation ............  174 / 110 FC
    Pipe & tubular conduit digest ..........  138 / DIG 3
    Surgery digest .........................  128 / DIG 14
Telautograph ...............................  178 / 18.01+
Telegraphophones ...........................  369
Telegraphs .................................  178
    Combined with telephone  
        Alternative ........................  379 / 108.01+
        Simultaneous .......................  370 / 214
    Design .................................  D14 / 472+
    Earth transmission .....................  375 / 218
    Optical light transmission .............  398 / 1+
    Photo telegraphs .......................  358 / 400+
    Radio transmission .....................  375
    Ships telegraphs .......................  116 / 21
    Systems ................................  178 / 2 R+
        Pulse ..............................  375
    Train telegraphs .......................  246 / 7+
    Writing on telautograph ................  178 / 18.01+
Telemetering ...............................  340 / 870.01+
    In well bore ...........................  340 / 853.1+
    Radio ..................................  128 / 903*
    Selecting in telemetry .................  340 / 870.01+
    Telephone ..............................  128 / 904*
Telephone ..................................  379
    Answering device  
        Answering-recording system .........  D14 / 141.1
        Calling number recorder ............  379 / 142.01+
        Remote inquiry .....................  379 / 76
        Sound recorder or reproducer .......  379 / 70+
    Attachment .............................  379 / 441+
        Base pad ...........................  248
        Index ..............................  40 / 336+
        Pad ................................  281 / 44
        Roll type pad ......................  281 / 11
    Automatic systems ......................  379 / 258+
        Call ...............................  379 / 350+
            With recorded message ..........  379 / 69
        Card ...............................  40 / 336+
        Common control .....................  379 / 268
        Party line .........................  379 / 182+
    Booths .................................  52 / 27+
        Design .............................  D25 / 16
        Movable wall .......................  52 / 71
    Calling ................................  379 / 352+
    Card attached to telephone .............  40 / 336+
    Cellular or zoned radiotelephone .......  455 / 422.1+
    Coin collectors for pay stations .......  194
    Coin operated ..........................  379 / 143+
    Computerized switching .................  379 / 284
    Cordless ...............................  455 / 462+
    Design .................................  D14 / 142+
        Dial structure .....................  379 / 362+
        Illuminated ........................  362 / 24
        Locking ............................  379 / 445
        Pulse transmitter ..................  379 / 362+
        Self luminous ......................  40 / 337
        Telephone system ...................  379 / 258
    Directory ..............................  40 / 371
    Earth transmission .....................  455 / 40
    Handset ................................  379 / 433.01+
    Headgear support .......................  379 / 430
    Key systems ............................  379 / 156+
    Light wave telephony ...................  398 / 132+
    Lights for telephones ..................  362 / 88
    Mechanical telephones ..................  181 / 138
    Message counter ........................  379 / 139
    Muffler for mouthpiece .................  181 / 242
    Over composite line used for ...........  379 / 90.01+
    Other services .........................  379 / 90.01+
    Pad or book holder combined ............  248 / 441.1+
    Party line .............................  379 / 177+
    Plural phone systems ...................  D14 / 140.1
    Push button call transmitters ..........  379 / 368+
    Radio transmission .....................  455
    Receiver and transmitter combined ......  379 / 433.01+
    Repeaters ..............................  379 / 338+
        Dial pulse .........................  379 / 341+
            Conversion .....................  379 / 339
        Voice frequency ....................  379 / 338+
    Repertory dialers ......................  379 / 355.01+
    Sets ...................................  379 / 419+
    Sterilizer .............................  379 / 439
    Supports ...............................  379 / 454+
    Switchboard ............................  379 / 319+
    Switches ...............................  379 / 422+
    Telemetry ..............................  128 / 904*
    Toy telephones .........................  446 / 141
        Design .............................  D21 / 517
    Train telephony ........................  246 / 7+
    Transducers ............................  379
Telephony Ultrasonic .......................  367
Telephotography See Television  
Telescopes .................................  359 / 399+
    Design .................................  D16 / 132
    Fiducial for sighting ..................  356 / 247+
    Lens ...................................  359 / 642+
Telescopic and Telescoping Devices  
    Antenna ................................  343 / 901+
    Awning .................................  160 / 62
        Frames adjustable size .............  160 / 372+
        Multipart outrigger ................  160 / 80
        Roll type multipart outrigger ......  160 / 71
    Bag or garment reversing inside ........  223 / 40
    Out ....................................  223 / 40
    Chute ..................................  193 / 30
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 51+
    Freight car stakes .....................  105 / 389
    Garment or clothes hanger ..............  223 / 89+
        Coat or dress ......................  223 / 94
    Gas holders ............................  48 / 176+
    Gun sight ..............................  42 / 119+
        Design .............................  D16 / 132
    Ladder .................................  182 / 195
    Luggage ................................  190 / 104+
    Metallic receptacles ...................  220 / 8
    Motor ..................................  91 / 169
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 298+
        Ball and socket ....................  285 / 145.1+
    Pipes and tubular conduits .............  138 / 120
    Racks ..................................  211 / 195+
    Railway car vestibule connections ......  105 / 17
    Railway tie ............................  238 / 73
    Screw type jacks etc ...................  254 / 102
    Spotlight control or mounting ..........  362 / 418+
    Track sander ...........................  291 / 45
    Trunk ..................................  190 / 22
    Upending bedstead ......................  5 / 157
    Wardrobe ...............................  190 / 15 R
TELETYPEâ„¢    ...............................  178
Television .................................  348
    Accounting for use .....................  725 / 1+
    Band with reduction ....................  348 / 384.1+
        Analog signal ......................  348 / 384.1+
        Digital signal .....................  375 / 240.01+
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 7.2
    Camera .................................  348 / 207.99+
        Submarine hook & grapple for .......  294 / 66.2
        With recorder ......................  358 / 906*
    Channel selector .......................  116 / DIG 31
        Holographic ........................  348 / 41
        Recording or reproducing ...........  386 / 1+
            Drop out correction ............  386 / 2+
            Editing ........................  386 / 4
            Photographic ...................  386 / 42+
            Recorder fault correction ......  386 / 21+
            Slow motion ....................  386 / 6
            Time control ...................  386 / 13+
        Signal processing ..................  348 / 571+
    Computer application of special ........  348 / 61+
    Purpose television systems .............  348 / 61+
    Computer tv applications ...............  348 / 552
    Crt circuits, focusing the ray .........  315 / 382.1
    Current supply, diverse type ...........  315 / 169.1
    Degaussing .............................  361 / 150
    Design .................................  D14 / 126
        With communications equipment ......  D14 / 130
        With phonograph or radio ...........  D14 / 131
    Editing color record ...................  386 / 4
    Editing dynamic magnetic record ........  386 / 52+
    Fiber optics ...........................  358 / 901.1*
        With tv camera .....................  348 / 359
        With video display .................  348 / 804
    Freight car identifier .................  348 / 61+
    Frequency response modification ........  348 / 912*
    Ghost elimination ......................  348 / 614
        Monochrome to color ................  246 / 200 R
    Image signal processing ................  348 / 571+
    Interactive video distribution .........  725
        Access control .....................  725 / 25+
        Billing ............................  725 / 1+
        Electronic program guide ...........  725 / 39+
        Use surveying ......................  725 / 9+
        Video on demand ....................  725 / 86+
    Magnetic recording of signal ...........  386 / 46+
    Panoramic ..............................  348 / 36+
    Photochromic ...........................  348 / 902
    Photographic recorder ..................  386 / 128+
        Color ..............................  386 / 42+
    Picture tube ...........................  313 / 364+
        Focus coil .........................  313 / 442
        Focus coil per se ..................  335 / 213+
        Photographic screen making .........  430 / 23+
            Etching ........................  216
        With filter on face ................  313 / 465+
    Program indicator ......................  40 / 901*
    Pseudo color ...........................  348 / 32+
    Radar combined object detection ........  342 / 55
    Receivers ..............................  348 / 553+
        Remote control .....................  348 / 734
        Stereo control .....................  348 / 725
    Record editing .........................  386 / 52+
    Recording or reproducing ...............  386 / 46+
        Camera with recorder ...............  358 / 906*
        Color ..............................  386 / 1+
        Noise or dropout correction ........  386 / 47+
        Noise reduction ....................  386 / 114
        Pause control ......................  358 / 908*
        Photographic .......................  386 / 128+
            Photographing displayed image ..  386 / 128+
        Signal content changing ............  386 / 85+
        Thermoplastic ......................  386 / 127
        Track skippers .....................  358 / 907*
    Signal processing ......................  386 / 46+
    Slow motion recording ..................  386 / 68+
        Color ..............................  386 / 6
    Special systems ........................  348 / 42+
    Stereo .................................  348 / 42+
    Stereoscopic ...........................  348 / 42+
    Support stand ..........................  D34 / 12+
    Synchronizing ..........................  348 / 500+
    Training mechanism for ordnance ........  89 / 41.05
    Transmitter ............................  348 / 723+
    Tube ...................................  220 / 2.1 A
    Tuners .................................  116 / DIG 29
        Remote tuner .......................  116 / DIG 30
    Two-way over telephone .................  348 / 14.01+
    Underwater transmitter .................  405 / 185
    Video display screen support ...........  248 / 917*
    Wired broadcast systems ................  725
    With sound .............................  348 / 484+
    X-ray television .......................  378 / 98.2+
Telltale (See Indicator; Sampler;  
    Toller .................................  73 / 863+
Tellurions .................................  434 / 284
Tellurium(See Selenium and Compounds)  
Telomer (See Alkylation)  
Temperature Regulation or Modifying ........  236
    (See cooler & cooling, furnace, ........  236
    Heat, stove) ...........................  236
    Animal watering devices ................  119 / 73
    Arc lamp ...............................  314 / 26+
    Beverage apparatus infuser .............  99 / 281+
    Compensating, supports .................  248 / 901*
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 331+
    Cooking apparatus and material .........  99 / 326
    Control ................................  99 / 326+
    Dispensing automatic control ...........  222 / 54
    Temperature responsive .................  222 / 54
    Distillation apparatus condensing ......  196 / 141
    Distillation apparatus vaporizing ......  196 / 132
    Drying and gas or vapor contact  
        With solid apparatus ...............  34 / 524+
        With solid process .................  34 / 493+
        With solid process .................  34 / 497+
    Electronic tube ........................  313 / 11+
    Electronic tube cooling combined .......  315 / 32
    Circuit element ........................  315 / 32+
    Fastener made of thermo-responsive .....  269 / 909*
    Memory material ........................  269 / 909*
    Fermentation processes .................  435 / 3
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 253+
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 287+
    Internal combustion engines ............  123 / 41.01+
    Lamp or electronic tube system .........  315 / 112+
    Liquid heating vessel ..................  126 / 351.1
    Magnets and electromagnets .............  335 / 217
    Measurement ............................  374
    Mercury vapor lamp .....................  313 / 11+
    Open top liquid heating vessel .........  126 / 374.1
    Pressurized & high temperature .........  8 / DIG 16
    Liquid treatment of textiles ...........  8 / DIG 16
        Sulfur dioxide .....................  423 / 539
        Sulfur trioxide ....................  423 / 523
    Solid material comminution or ..........  241 / 17
    Disintegration .........................  241 / 17
    Solid material comminution or ..........  241 / 23
    Disintegration .........................  241 / 23
    Solid material comminution or ..........  241 / 65
    Disintegration .........................  241 / 65+
    Stabilized oscillator ..................  331 / 176
    Superheater ............................  122 / 479.1
    Tobacco treatment ......................  131 / 303
    X ray tube .............................  378 / 127
Tempering (See Annealing)  
    Appliance design .......................  D15 / 144
    Hard glass .............................  65 / 114
        Apparatus ..........................  65 / 348+
    Design .................................  D10 / 64
    Design, artistic .......................  D19 / 39
    Eye glass or spectacles ................  351 / 111+
    Fabric manipulation ....................  139 / 292+
Templet (See Pattern)  
    Abrading machine  
        Peripheral face ....................  451 / 237+
        Radial face ........................  451 / 281
    Cutting torch ..........................  266 / 58+
    Drilling ...............................  408 / 3
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 562+
    Gear cutting, milling, planing .........  409 / 125+
    Toilet .................................  132 / 319
    Turning ................................  82 / 11.1
        Taper ..............................  82 / 17
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 144.1+
Tempo Marks on Player Rolls for ............  84 / 164
    Automatic musical instruments ..........  84 / 164
    Kitchen hand tool ......................  D07 / 682
    Meat ...................................  452 / 141+
    Mother ships etc .......................  114 / 258
    Railway ................................  105 / 231+
        Boiler feed heater .................  122 / 434
        Draft connections ..................  213 / 2+
        Safety bridge cab and ..............  105 / 459
        Vestibule connection cab and .......  105 / 9
    Traction engine ........................  280 / 400+
Tendon Removing ............................  452 / 172
Tennis .....................................  473 / 415+
    Ball ...................................  473 / 604+
        Design .............................  D21 / 707+
        Nets (design) ......................  D21 / 799.1
    Courts .................................  472 / 92+
    Nets, etc ..............................  473 / 490+
    Practice device for ....................  473 / 459+
    Racquet ................................  473 / 524+
        Design .............................  D21 / 729+
        Restringing tension meter ..........  73 / 862.43
    Shoes ..................................  36 / 114+
    Simulated game .........................  273 / 108.1
    Chair round with sawing ................  144 / 8
    Wheel spoke with sawing ................  144 / 18
    Wheel with boring ......................  408 / 31+
    Wood boring and ........................  408 / 31+
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 198.1+
        Cutter tool ........................  408 / 199+
        Turning ............................  144 / 205+
Tens Carry Mechanism for Registers .........  235 / 133 R+
Tensile Testing ............................  73 / 826+
Tensiometer ................................  73 / 862.391
Tension See Stretching  
    Cable, cord, band, rope, sheet,  
    Or strand  
        Band saw ...........................  83 / 814+
        Bed bottom .........................  5 / 165
        Bed bottom margin ..................  5 / 233
        Cable railway ......................  104 / 117
        Cutting combined ...................  83
        Drier heating control ..............  34 / 525
        Electricity thermal fuse ...........  337 / 190
        Elevator rope drive ................  187 / 264
            Actuates brake .................  187 / 361+
        Fabric holder for cleaning .........  15 / 233
        Wiper ..............................  15 / 233
        Flexible material ..................  254 / 199
        Hack saw ...........................  144 / 156
        Harvesting compressing and .........  56 / 450
        Binding ............................  56 / 450
        Harvesting reel for standing .......  56 / 224
        Grain ..............................  56 / 224
        Laying .............................  405 / 177
            Underwater .....................  405 / 165
        Sewing machine .....................  112
        Ships cable ........................  114 / 213+
        Ships sail rigging .................  267 / 69+
        Spring devices .....................  267 / 69+
        Strand brakes ......................  188 / 65.1
        Strand winding brake ...............  242 / 147 R
        Strap ..............................  24 / 68 R+
        Strop ..............................  76 / 81+
        Textile beaming ....................  28 / 194+
        Textile braiding carrier ...........  87 / 56+
        Textile braiding netting ...........  87 / 61
        Textile knitting ...................  66 / 146
        Textile knitting relief ............  66 / 160+
        Textile spinning driving band ......  57 / 105
        Textile weaving ....................  139
        Traveling band abrading machine ....  451 / 311
        Winding or unwinding ...............  242 / 410+
        Wireworking ........................  72 / 183+
    Clothesline tighteners .................  211 / 119.01+
    Comb cleaner strands ...................  132 / 119
    Dams and levees with stays .............  405 / 113
    Fabric, sewing machine .................  112 / 470.28+
        Drag clamp .........................  112 / 470.28
        Tube end ...........................  112 / 470.29
        Plural workpieces ..................  112 / 470.31+
    Gates ..................................  49 / 34
    Harvester endless cutter ...............  56 / 292
    Land vehicle wheel .....................  301 / 55+
        Compression combined ...............  301 / 54
    Metal working, tension applied .........  29 / DIG 42
    Plural blade cutting tool ..............  30 / 266+
        Scissors or shears .................  30 / 208+
    Railway draft appliance cushion ........  213 / 42
    Railway dumping car door actuator ......  105 / 302
    Razor edge .............................  30 / 52
    Ship tension relievers .................  114 / 213+
        Travelers ..........................  114 / 205
    Snap hook tension operated lock ........  24 / 600.3
    Spoked wheel assembling ................  29 / 894.33
    Spring .................................  267 / 69+
    Spring wheel ...........................  152 / 21+
    Trolley collector stand ................  191 / 70
    Umbrella rib ...........................  135 / 23
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 40
    Vehicle leaf spring ....................  267 / 48
Tent .......................................  135 / 87+
    Cape convertible to ....................  2 / 89
    Convertible to diverse article .........  135 / 95
    Design .................................  D21 / 834+
    Knapsack convertible to ................  224 / 154
    Oxygen .................................  128 / 205.26
Tenter or Tentering  
    Frame for textile sheets ...............  38 / 102+
    Textile web running length .............  26 / 89+
        Biaxial ............................  26 / 73
        Heater or dryer combined ...........  26 / 92
        Web condition responsive ...........  26 / 76
        Control ............................  26 / 76
    Actuating nut adjustable wrench ........  81 / 168+
    Adapters ...............................  429 / 121
        Electrical .........................  174 / 4 R
        Lightning protection type ..........  174 / 2+
    Attachments or feet for ladders ........  182 / 201+
        Safety devices .....................  182 / 108+
    Cock for fluid nozzle ..................  239 / 392
    Connections ............................  429
        Seal feature .......................  429 / 185
    Data processing equipment ..............  D14 / 300
    Electric (see connection)  
        Battery ............................  429 / 179
        Conductor end structure ............  174 / 74 R+
        Conductor fluid insulated type .....  174 / 18
        Combined housing ...................  174 / 18
        Conductor fluid insulated type .....  174 / 19
        End structure ......................  174 / 19
        Conductor holding on insulator .....  174 / 169+
        Cord conductor .....................  439 / 874+
        Cord conductor .....................  439 / 877+
        Electric ...........................  439 / 884+
        Fuse cartridge .....................  337 / 248
        Gas and vapor lamp .................  439 / 611+
        Housing conductor ..................  174 / 60
        Incandescent lamp ..................  439 / 611+
        Insulator combined .................  174 / 176+
        Meter enclosure for ................  361 / 659+
        Meter type .........................  324 / 149
        Sheet metal manufacture ............  29 / 874+
        Telephone multiple switchboard .....  379 / 310+
    Electrical manufacture of ..............  29 / 874+
    Gate valve pivoted .....................  251 / 300
    Gate valve reciprocating ...............  251 / 147
    Hook for railway dumping car door ......  105 / 303
    Actuator ...............................  105 / 303
    Pneumatic dispatch system ..............  406
    Railway ................................  104 / 27+
    Railway revolving passenger ............  104 / 21
    Transfer ...............................  104 / 21
    Switchboard ............................  361 / 600+
Termite Shield .............................  52 / 101
Terneplate .................................  428 / 648
Terpene (See Alicyclic Hydrocarbon) .......  585 / 350+
    Alcohols ...............................  568 / 875
    Esters of lower fatty acids ............  560 / 249
    Keto ...................................  568 / 338+
    Rosin combined .........................  530 / 214
Terpin Hydrate .............................  568 / 832
Terra Cotta ................................  501 / 141+
    Tile, hollow ...........................  52 / 606+
Terrain Model, Educational .................  434 / 130
Terrarium ..................................  47 / 69
    Design .................................  D11 / 145
Terrazzo ...................................  52 / 315
    Pavement ...............................  404 / 47+
    Revealed strips ........................  52 / 318
    Strips .................................  404 / 47+
Terrets ....................................  54 / 63
Terry Cloth ................................  139 / 396
    Looms ..................................  139 / 25+
Test Tube Tray or Rack .....................  D24 / 227+
    Electrolyte conductivity ...............  324 / 439+
    Tooth pulp .............................  433 / 32
    Amplifier condition ....................  330 / 2
    Check controlled apparatus  
        Fraud prevention ...................  194 / 302+
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 50+
        Composition ........................  436
        Electrolytic apparatus .............  204 / 400+
        Electrolytic process ...............  205 / 775+
        Fermentative analysis ..............  435 / 4+
        Process ............................  436
    Contrast agents (in vivo)  
        Fluorescent ........................  424 / 9.6+
        Magnetic resonance imaging .........  424 / 9.3+
        Ultrasound .........................  424 / 9.5+
        Visible color change in mouth ......  424 / 9.7+
        Or skin ............................  424 / 9.7+
        X-ray ..............................  424 / 9.4+
    Cooker combined ........................  99 / 342+
    Coordination ...........................  434 / 258+
        Composition for (in vivo) ..........  424 / 9.1+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 9+
    Dryer ..................................  34 / 89
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 40+
    Electric (see also manufacturing of ....  324
    Electric devices infra) ................  324
        Battery ............................  429 / 90+
        Bipolar transistor .................  324 / 768
        Diode ..............................  324 / 767
        Electrolytic .......................  204 / 400+
        Field effect transistor ............  324 / 769
        Lamp and electronic tubes ..........  324 / 403+
        Meters .............................  324 / 74+
        Meters with amplifier condition ....  330 / 2
        Testing ............................  330 / 2
        Meters with amplifiers .............  324 / 123 R+
        Ore detection ......................  324 / 323+
        Radiant energy .....................  250 / 472.1
        Telephones and telephone ...........  379 / 1.01+
        Circuits ...........................  379 / 1.01+
    Enzyme .................................  435 / 4+
    Fertility tests ........................  435 / 806*
    For high frequency systems .............  324 / 633+
    For wire telegraphy ....................  178 / 69 M
    Gas separator combined .................  96 / 417+
    Hardness ...............................  73 / 78+
    Immunoassay ............................  435 / 7.1+
    Instruments for ........................  D10 / 46+
    Insulation .............................  324 / 500+
    Manufacture of electric devices ........  29 / 593
        Electric lamp ......................  445
            Apparatus ......................  445 / 63+
            Process ........................  445 / 3
        Space discharge devices ............  445
            Apparatus ......................  445 / 63+
            Process ........................  445 / 3
    Material by sifting ....................  209 / 237
    Milk ...................................  422 / 74
    Nuclear reactor condition ..............  376 / 245
    Optical ................................  356
        Lens ...............................  356 / 124+
    Papers for .............................  435 / 805*
    Plugs for pipes ........................  138 / 90
    Protein binding ........................  435 / 7.1+
    Pulse or digital communications ........  375 / 224+
    Radar systems ..........................  342 / 165
    Radio receiver .........................  455 / 226.1
    Radio transmitter ......................  455 / 115.1+
    Radio tube .............................  324 / 405+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 125+
    Seed ...................................  47 / 14
    Stress strain of materials .............  73 / 760+
    Thermal ................................  374
        Flammability .......................  374 / 8
Testosterone ...............................  552 / 638
Tetherball Game ............................  473 / 465+
    For animal .............................  119 / 795+
        Attached to vehicle ................  119 / 771
        With securing means (ie. collar) ...  119 / 792+
    For human being ........................  119 / 770
    Pipe joint parts .......................  285 / 119
    Tool ...................................  279
Tetracyclines ..............................  552 / 203+
    In drug ................................  514 / 152
Tetrafluoroethylene ........................  570 / 136
    Preparation ............................  570 / 153+
    Solid polymers (see also synthetic .....  526 / 255
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  526 / 255
Tetrahydroanthraquinone Oxime ..............  552 / 210
Tetrahydrozoline ...........................  548 / 347.1
Tetrakisazo ................................  534 / 806+
Tetralin (See Aromatic Hydrocarbon) .......  585 / 400+
Tetramer (See Polymer)  
Tetramisole ................................  548 / 155
    In drug ................................  514 / 368
Tetrazine ..................................  544 / 179
Tetrazoles .................................  548 / 250+
Tetrode ....................................  313 / 297+
    Gas ....................................  313 / 581+
    Gas ....................................  313 / 599
        Hot cathode type ...................  313 / 593
    Oscillator .............................  331
    Remote cutoff ..........................  313 / 297+
Tetryl .....................................  564 / 441
Textiles (See Cloth; Fabric)  
    Antistatic .............................  57 / 901*
    Bicomponent material ...................  57 / 905*
    Bleaching & dyeing .....................  8
    Braiding netting and lace making .......  87
    Central or south american ..............  D05 / 20+
    Patterns ...............................  D05 / 20+
    Chemical modification of ...............  8 / 115.51+
    Cleaning or laundering .................  8 / 137+
    Cloth finishing see cloth finishing ....  26
    Coating ................................  427
        Apparatus ..........................  118
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 160
        Pretreatment or post-treatment .....  427 / 538
        Of coated substrate utilizing ......  427 / 538
        Plasma .............................  427 / 538
        Textile operation combined .........  28 / 169+
        Polymerization of ..................  427 / 501
        Warp preparation combined ..........  28 / 178+
    Container for ..........................  206 / 389
    Counters of threads in fabric ..........  356 / 242.1
    Cyanoethylation of fibers ..............  8 / DIG 13
    Dry mixtures of textile reagents .......  8 / DIG 14
    Dyeing & bleaching .....................  8
    Fiber preparation ......................  19
        Assembling .........................  19 / 144
        Bleaching ..........................  8 / 101+
        Carding ............................  19 / 98
        Chemical modification ..............  8 / 115.51+
        Combing ............................  19 / 115 R
        Drafting ...........................  19 / 236
        Drying .............................  19 / .27
        Fluid or special treatment .........  19 / 66 R
        Fluid treating apparatus ...........  68
        Ginning ............................  19 / 39+
        Liberating .........................  19 / 1+
        Manipulative fluid treatment .......  8 / 147+
        Picking ............................  19 / 80 R
        Stapilizing ........................  19 / .3+
        Stopping ...........................  19 / .2+
        Working ............................  19 / 65 R+
    Finishing ..............................  26
        Sheet stretching ...................  38 / 102
        Tenter, for webs ...................  26 / 89+
        Web spreader .......................  26 / 87+
        Web stretcher ......................  26 / 71+
    Flame retardant ........................  57 / 904*
    Fluid treating and washing .............  8 / 147+
        Apparatus ..........................  68
        Carbonizing ........................  68 / 2
        Machines ...........................  68 / 3 R+
        Water reclaiming ...................  68 / 1
    Foamed or fibrillated ..................  57 / 907*
    Glyoxal & polyaldehyde treatment .......  8 / DIG 17
    Of textiles ............................  8 / DIG 17
    Grafting textile fibers ................  8 / DIG 18
    Improving felting properties ...........  8 / 112
    Ironing and smoothing ..................  38
        Ironing tables .....................  38 / 103+
        Pressing or smoothing processes ....  38 / 144
        Smoothing implements ...............  38 / 69+
        Smoothing machines .................  38 / 1 R+
    Isocyanate & carbonate fiber ...........  8 / DIG 11
    Modification ...........................  8 / DIG 11
    Jet interlaced or intermingled .........  57 / 908*
    Kier treatment .........................  8 / 157
    Knitting ...............................  66
        Darning ............................  66 / 2
        Fabric manipulation ................  66 / 147+
        Fabrics or articles ................  66 / 169 R+
        Feeding ............................  66 / 125 R+
        Looper pin and hook ................  66 / 3+
        Needles ............................  66 / 116+
            Beds ...........................  66 / 114+
            Independent needle machines ....  66 / 7+
            Needle cooperating elements ....  66 / 90+
            United needle machines .........  66 / 78+
        Pattern mechanism ..................  66 / 231+
        Reknitting .........................  66 / 1.5
        Stopping ...........................  66 / 157+
    Knots & knot tying .....................  289
    Line appliances ........................  57 / 906*
    Lubrication ............................  427
        Apparatus ..........................  118
        Chemical modification combined .....  8 / 115.6
        Compositions .......................  252 / 8.81+
        Dyeing combined ....................  8 / 495+
        Textile operation combined .........  28 / 167+
    Manufacturing ..........................  28 / 100+
        Computer controlled, monitored .....  700 / 130+
    Molten metal, bleaching digest .........  8 / DIG 19
    Mordanting textiles ....................  8
    Nylon ..................................  8 / DIG 21
    Organic titanium compounds on ..........  8 / DIG 5
    Polyester fibers .......................  8 / DIG 4
    Polyolefin .............................  8 / DIG 9
    Polyvinyl halide esters or alchol ......  8 / DIG 10
    Fiber modification .....................  8 / DIG 10
    Pressurized & high temperature .........  8 / DIG 16
    Liquid treatment .......................  8 / DIG 16
    Pressurized gas treatment ..............  8 / DIG 15
        Dyeing type ........................  8 / 445
        Printing type ......................  101
    Reinforcing or tire cords ..............  57 / 902*
    Resin bleach ...........................  8 / DIG 6
    Sewing threads .........................  57 / 903*
    Silicones ..............................  8 / DIG 1
    Spinning twisting twining ..............  57
        Apparatus ..........................  57 / 1 R+
        Processes ..........................  57 / 362
        Strand structure ...................  57 / 200+
    Stock material .........................  442
        Coated or impregnated ..............  442 / 59+
    Swelling & stretching of fibers ........  8 / DIG 3
    Treating compositions  
        Biocide containing .................  424
        Durable finishes ...................  252 / 8.61+
    Vinyl sulfones & precursors thereof ....  8 / DIG 2
    Wave energy treatment ..................  8 / DIG 12
    Weaving ................................  139
    Weighting or mordanting ................  8 / 443
    Wire fabrics & structure ...............  245
Texturing Thread ...........................  28 / 247+
Thatch Roof ................................  52 / 750
Thaumatrope ................................  446 / 244
    Antenna ................................  343 / 704
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 70
    Defrosters .............................  62 / 272+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 151
        By ventilation .....................  454 / 121+
        Frost indicator combined ...........  62 / 128
        Frosted window panes ...............  52 / 171.2+
        Process ............................  62 / 80+
    Earth ..................................  405 / 131
        With excavating ....................  299 / 3+
    Engines ................................  123 / 41.01+
    Ice tank ...............................  62 / 349+
        Process ............................  62 / 73
    Pipes ..................................  138 / 32+
    Radiators by own steam .................  165 / 73
    Arena buildings auditoriums ............  52 / 6+
        Toy ................................  446 / 82+
    Car drive in ...........................  52 / 6+
    Chairs indicating or illuminating  
        Electric indicator .................  340 / 667
        Furniture with light ...............  362 / 131
        Indicators .........................  116 / 200+
    Curtains ...............................  160
        Derrick hoist ......................  254 / 266+
    Illusion devices .......................  472 / 57+
    Lights .................................  362 / 227+
        Control systems for ................  315
        Dimming systems ....................  315 / 291+
        Switching systems ..................  315 / 313+
    Seat ...................................  D06 / 334+
    Stage appliances .......................  472 / 75
        Design .............................  D25 / 58
    Stages .................................  52 / 6+
        Movable ............................  52 / 29+
    Tickets ................................  283 / 53
Theelin ....................................  552 / 625
        Electrical .........................  340 / 568.1+
        Mechanical .........................  116 / 75
    Prevention, motor vehicle ..............  180 / 287+
        From parking garage ................  705 / 13
Theine .....................................  544 / 274
Theobromine ................................  544 / 274
Theodolites ................................  33 / 290+
    Design .................................  D10 / 66
    Horizontal and vertical angle ..........  33 / 281
    Horizontal angle .......................  33 / 285
    Optical ................................  356 / 138+
    Optical readout ........................  33 / 1 T
Theophyllines ..............................  544 / 267+
    In drug ................................  514 / 263.34
    Lamps ..................................  250 / 504 R+
    Vitamins ...............................  424
    Activating adhesion in labeling ........  156 / DIG 21
    Activating closure .....................  220 / 201
    Activator for bank protector ...........  109 / 33
    Battery and cells ......................  136 / 200+
    Compositions or charges ................  149
        Boiler feeders .....................  122 / 451.1+
        Closure ............................  49 / 1+
        Dampers ............................  126 / 287.5
        Electrical alarms ..................  340 / 584+
        Electrical signals .................  340 / 584+
        Flexible panels ....................  160 / 1+
        Freeze responsive drain valves .....  137 / 59+
        Mechanical alarms ..................  116 / 101+
        Mining .............................  299 / 3+
        Non-fusible closure release ........  49 / 2
        Refrigeration, heat ................  62 / 383
        Transmission .......................  62 / 383
        Temperature regulation .............  236
        Timers .............................  60 / 516+
        Vertically sliding sash  
        Weighing scale compensator .........  177 / 226
    Electric motors ........................  310 / 306+
    Electrical devices  
        Batteries ..........................  136 / 200+
        Electromagnet and thermal ..........  335 / 141
        Current switch .....................  335 / 141+
        Lightning arresters ................  361 / 117+
        Meters .............................  324 / 105+
        Multiple circuit switch ............  200 / 3
        Pyromagneto electric ...............  310 / 306+
        Thermal current switch .............  337 / 14+
        Thermal switch .....................  337 / 298+
    Expansive instruments ..................  33 / DIG 19
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 221
        Gas separation processes ...........  95 / 289
    Heat exchange devices ..................  165
    I-aging composition ....................  430 / 964*
    Impedance in amplifier system path .....  330 / 143
    Insulated rigid containers .............  493 / 903*
    Liquid level or depth gages ............  73 / 295
    Measurement ............................  374
    Motor ..................................  60 / 516+
    Neutrons ...............................  376 / 158
    Neutrons ...............................  376 / 347
    Reactive building component ............  52 / 232
    Recording ..............................  347 / 171+
    Surgical applications ..................  607 / 1+
        Inhalers ...........................  128 / 204.17
        Instruments ........................  606 / 27+
        Kinesitherapy ......................  601 / 15+
        Medicators .........................  604 / 20+
        Orthopedics ........................  602 / 2
    Switches ...............................  337 / 298+
        Electrically heated ................  337 / 14+
    Tests ..................................  374
        Borehole formation logging .........  73 / 152.02+
        Calorimeters .......................  374 / 31+
        Gas analysis .......................  73 / 25.01+
    Volume or rate of fluid flow meters ....  73 / 204.11
Thermionic Devices .........................  313
    Circuit element combined ...............  315 / 32
    Structurally ...........................  315 / 32+
    Electric lamps .........................  313
Thermistor .................................  338 / 22 R
    Systems ................................  323 / 369
    Casting ................................  164 / 53
    Compositions ...........................  149 / 37
    Explosive or thermic ...................  149 / 37+
        Composition containing .............  149 / 37+
    Track joint welder .....................  104 / 15
    Type reduction .........................  75 / 959*
    Body treating electric elements  
        Body wear ..........................  607 / 151+
        Electrical applicators .............  607 / 115+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.12
    Electric motor .........................  310 / 306+
        Motive power system ................  318 / 117
    Electric relay circuit .................  361 / 160+
    Electricity to heat to electricity .....  322 / 2 R
    Generator systems ......................  322 / 2 R
    Refrigerator ...........................  62 / 3.2+
        Peltier effect battery .............  136 / 203+
    Structure ..............................  136 / 200+
    Temperature control system .............  236 / 69+
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 179+
        Combined ...........................  374 / 141
    Battery ................................  136 / 200+
        Controls burner ....................  431 / 80
    Motors .................................  310 / 306+
        Expansion and contraction type .....  60 / 516+
        Systems ............................  318 / 117
    Directly applied fluid pressure ........  264 / 544
    Differential ...........................  264 / 544
Thermolysis (See Cracking)  
    Bimetallic stock .......................  428 / 616+
    Case for ...............................  206 / 306
    Design .................................  D10 / 57+
    Electrically heated ....................  60 / 516+
    Expanding fluid ........................  374 / 201+
    Expanding solid ........................  374 / 187+
        Bi-metallic ........................  374 / 204+
    Heated .................................  60 / 516+
    Hydrometer combined ....................  73 / 442+
        With float .........................  73 / 449
    Liquid gauge combined ..................  73 / 292
    Making by glass working ................  65 / 62
        And calibrating ....................  374 / 1+
    Structure ..............................  374 / 100+
    Testing of .............................  374 / 1+
    Thermostat .............................  D10 / 50
Thermonuclear Reaction Fusions .............  376 / 100
    Compresses .............................  607 / 96+
Thermophoric Compositions ..................  252 / 70
Thermopiles ................................  136 / 224+
Thermoregulators ...........................  236
THERMOSâ„¢    Bottle .........................  215 / 12.1+
    Ceramic ................................  215 / 12.1+
    Design .................................  D07 / 608+
    Metallic ...............................  220 / 592.01+
        Vacuumizing ........................  220 / 592.27
Thermostat See Thermometers  
    Control and regulation  
        Arc lamps ..........................  314 / 89+
        Burner .............................  431 / 18+
        Refrigeration ......................  62 / 132+
        Temperature and humidity ...........  236
        Valve cutoff .......................  137 / 457
        Composition ........................  252 / 70
        Compound metal .....................  428 / 616+
    Switches ...............................  337 / 298+
        Electrically heated ................  337 / 14+
        Electromagnet ......................  335 / 141+
Thetine ....................................  549 / 89
Thiadiazines ...............................  544 / 8+
Thiadiazoles, 1,2,3- .......................  548 / 127
Thiadiazoles, 1,2,4- .......................  548 / 128+
Thiadiazoles, 1,2,5- .......................  548 / 134+
Thiadiazoles, 1,3,4- .......................  548 / 136+
Thialdehydes ...............................  568 / 20
Thiamines ..................................  544 / 327
    In drug ................................  514 / 276
Thiazines ..................................  544 / 3+
    Bio-affecting and body treating ........  514 / 222.2+
    Compositions ...........................  514 / 222.2+
Thiazoles ..................................  548 / 146+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 751+
        Heavy metal ctg ....................  534 / 701+
    Synthetic rubber or natural rubber .....  525 / 349
    Accelerator ............................  525 / 349
    Thiazoles, 1,2- ........................  548 / 206+
    Thiazoles, 1,3- ........................  548 / 146+
Thiazolidine ...............................  548 / 146+
Thiazoline .................................  548 / 146+
Thief Devices See Sampler  
Thienamycin ................................  540 / 351
    Coupling jacks .........................  254 / 28.5
    Land vehicle animal draft ..............  278 / 33+
        Couplings ..........................  278 / 52+
        Supports ...........................  278 / 81+
    Tugs ...................................  54 / 50+
Thimbles ...................................  D03 / 29
    Bushing ................................  16 / 2.1
    Clews ..................................  114 / 115
    Combined with cutting devices ..........  7 / 121+
    Conduit end lining .....................  174 / 83
    Cutter tool combined with ..............  7 / 121+
    Hardware ...............................  16 / 108+
    Insulator pin type socket ..............  174 / 200
    Making .................................  72 / 356
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Externally threaded gland ..........  277 / 526
        Internally threaded gland ..........  277 / 525
    Sewing apparatus .......................  223 / 101
        Design .............................  D03 / 29
    Stovepipe ..............................  126 / 314+
    Ventilation valved .....................  454 / 273+
    Composition coating or plastic .........  106 / 311
    Hair ...................................  30 / 195
    Plant ..................................  172 / 534
        Cross-art collection ...............  172 / 900*
Thioacetic Acid ............................  562 / 26
    Esters .................................  558 / 250
Thioacetol .................................  568 / 63
Thioamides .................................  564 / 74+
Thiobarituric Acids ........................  544 / 299+
Thiobiurets ................................  564 / 22
Thioborate Esters ..........................  558 / 285
Thiocarbamate Esters .......................  558 / 232+
Thiocarbamic ...............................  562 / 27
Thiocarbanilide ............................  564 / 26+
Thiocarbazides or Semicarbazides ...........  564 / 18+
Thiocarbazones or Semicarbazones ...........  564 / 19+
Thiocarbonic Acid ..........................  423 / 415.1
    Esters .................................  558 / 243+
        Cellulose ..........................  536 / 60+
Thiocarboxamides ...........................  564 / 74
Thiocarboxylic Acid ........................  562 / 26
    Esters .................................  558 / 230+
        Cellulose ..........................  536 / 60+
Thiocarboxylic Acid Anhydrides .............  562 / 886
Thiocyanate ................................  423 / 366
    Esters .................................  558 / 10+
Thioethers .................................  568 / 38+
Thioglycollic Acid .........................  562 / 512
    Esters .................................  560 / 147
Thiohydroxamate Esters .....................  560 / 312+
Thioimidic Acid Esters .....................  558 / 1+
    Imidothiocarbonates ....................  558 / 2
    Pseudothioureas ........................  558 / 4
    Thiohydroximidic acid esters ...........  558 / 3
Thioindigo .................................  548 / 457+
    Bicyclo ring system ....................  549 / 52
    Indole nucleus ctg .....................  548 / 464
Thioketones ................................  568 / 20
THIOKOLâ„¢    (Polyalkylenepolysulfide) ......  528 / 388
Thiolsulfinate Esters ......................  560 / 310
Thiolsulfonate Esters ......................  560 / 307
Thiolsulfonic Acids ........................  568 / 21
Thiomorpholines ............................  544 / 59+
Thionitrate Esters .........................  558 / 480+
Thionitrite Esters .........................  558 / 488
Thionyl Chlorid ............................  423 / 462
Thiooxamides ...............................  564 / 77
Thiophene ..................................  549 / 29+
    Indole nucleus combined ................  548 / 464
    Phosphorus attached ....................  549 / 6
Thiophenols ................................  568 / 67
    Addition salts .........................  564 / 280
Thiophosgene ...............................  562 / 839
Thiosulfate Esters .........................  560 / 308+
Thiosulfates, Inorganic ....................  423 / 514+
Thiosulfenamides ...........................  564 / 100
Thioureas ..................................  564 / 17
    Stabilized or preserved ................  564 / 3
    Synthetic rubber or natural rubber .....  525 / 352
    Accelerator ............................  525 / 352
    Chalcogen or nitrogen attached .........  549 / 27
Third Rail  
    Conductor ..............................  191 / 29 R+
    Shoe ...................................  191 / 49
    Snow excavator .........................  37 / 204
    Switch .................................  246 / 419
Thiuram Disulphide .........................  564 / 76
    Alloys .................................  420 / 1+
    Composition radio active ...............  252 / 625+
    Compound recovery ......................  423
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 45
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 394+
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 181
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 412
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 901*
    Organic compounds ......................  534 / 11+
        Spinning and twisting frames .......  57 / 353
    Counters of threads in fabrics .........  356 / 242.1
    Cutters on sewing machines .............  112 / 285+
    Dental floss holders ...................  132 / 323+
    Envelope affixing ......................  493 / 376
    Frames .................................  28 / 149+
    Generating helix or thread .............  409 / 65+
        Knitting machines ..................  66 / 125 R+
        Spinning and twisting frames .......  57 / 352+
    In bolt to nut lock  
        Gripper ............................  411 / 246+
        Jam nut oppositely threaded nut ....  411 / 244
            Intersecting thread, on bolt ...  411 / 245
        Jam nut reversed threads on one ....  411 / 243
        Thread lock by pitch difference ....  411 / 307
        Thread lock differential thread ....  411 / 263
        Thread lock dissimilar threads .....  411 / 308+
            One deforms other ..............  411 / 309
            One deforms other near crest ...  411 / 311
        Thread lock interrupted threads ....  411 / 304
        Thread lock non-circular thread ....  411 / 282
        Thread lock plural threads, ........  411 / 312
        Oppositely biased ..................  411 / 312
        Thread lock rocking thread .........  411 / 264
        Section, on bolt ...................  411 / 264
    Lock, bolt or nut to substructure ......  411 / 106
    Lock, bolt to nut ......................  411 / 259+
        Including elastic gripping .........  411 / 301+
    Packages ...............................  206 / 389+
    Protectors for spinning and ............  57 / 352+
    Twisting frames ........................  57 / 352+
    Sensing elements on sewing machine .....  112 / 278
    Sewing .................................  57 / 903*
    Sewing machine handling of .............  112
    Spooling machines ......................  242 / 480.7
    Textile manufacture  
        Coating or dyeing combined .........  28 / 217+
        Finishing ..........................  28 / 217+
        Spinning ...........................  57
    Winding ................................  242 / 470+
Threaded Device(See Bolt, Nut, Screw)  
    Bottle or jar cap ......................  215 / 329+
    Bottle or jar stopper ..................  215 / 356
        Fastening ..........................  215 / 283+
        Interrupted thread fastening .......  215 / 281
    Chuck or socket adjusting ..............  279
    Fastenings .............................  411
        Bolt or nut substructure ...........  411 / 81
        Lock ...............................  411 / 81
        Bolt to nut lock ...................  411 / 190+
        Chuck grip .........................  279 / 7
        Element, deformed ..................  411 / 333+
        Making .............................  470 / 1+
        Nuts ...............................  411 / 427+
        Wire nail ..........................  411 / 439+
        Die cutting ........................  408 / 215+
        Drilling and tapping tool ..........  408 / 215
        Glass molding presses ..............  65 / 309+
        Grinding apparatus .................  451 / 218+
        Grinding methods ...................  451 / 48
        Metal molding apparatus ............  164 / 216
        Milling ............................  409 / 65+
        Platen rolling .....................  72 / 88+
        Rolling ............................  72 / 104
        Spirally corrugating tubes .........  72 / 103+
        Static mold ........................  249 / 59
        Swaging ............................  470 / 204+
        Tapping ............................  408 / 215+
        Turning ............................  82 / 110+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 390+
        Thimble ............................  285 / 386+
        Disassembly impact receiving .......  29 / 277
        Pipe ...............................  138 / 96 R
    Safe closure ...........................  109 / 72
    Tool adjusting .........................  81
Threader and Threading  
    Buttons and staples ....................  227 / 32
        Setting combined ...................  227 / 34
    Curtain rod ............................  223 / 105
    Loom shuttle ...........................  139 / 221+
        Implements .........................  139 / 381+
        Replenishing loom ..................  139 / 259
        Hand ...............................  223 / 99
        Sewing machine .....................  112 / 224
    Sewing machine needle ..................  112 / 225
    Setting combined .......................  112 / 225
    Stuffer box crimpers ...................  28 / 268+
    Textile twisting .......................  57 / 279+
Three Dimensional Object  
    Imitation or treated natural ...........  428 / 15
    Simulated perspective display ..........  345 / 419+
Three Dimensional Photography See  
Three Phase  
    Current meters .........................  324 / 107+
    Motors .................................  310 / 159+
Threonine ..................................  562 / 570
Threshers ..................................  460
    Combines ...............................  56 / 122+
        Motorized ..........................  56 / 14.6
    Design .................................  D15 / 10+
Thresholds for Buildings ...................  49 / 467+
Throstle Frames ............................  57
Throttle (See Valve)  
    Engine speed responsive ................  60 / 906*
    Governors for internal combustion ......  123 / 319+
    Combustion engines .....................  123 / 319+
    Nozzle .................................  239 / 546
    Pneumatic piano ........................  84 / 41
    Pump regulator .........................  417 / 1+
    Train control ..........................  246 / 186+
Thrower (See Projector)  
    Belt ...................................  474 / 101
    Conveyor ...............................  198 / 638+
    Fluid sprinkling,spraying ..............  239
    And diffusing ..........................  239
        Or splasher ........................  239 / 214+
    Gaseous suspension classifier ..........  209 / 153
        Firearm attachment .................  42 / 105
        Hand ...............................  102 / 486
        Ordnance ...........................  89 / 1.1
    Mechanical .............................  124
    Pneumatic conveyor .....................  406 / 71
    Point switch railways ..................  246 / 264+
    Scattering non-fluid material ..........  239 / 650+
    Water guns .............................  222 / 79
    Cradle rocker ..........................  5 / 106
    Printing machine  
        Bed and cylinder ...................  101 / 283+
        Multicolor bed and cylinder ........  101 / 191+
Thrum Mechanism ............................  112 / 69
    Antifriction bearing ...................  384 / 590+
        Radial thrust bearing combined .....  384 / 452+
    Balanced pistons .......................  92 / 126
        Typewriter .........................  400 / 390+
    Bearings plain .........................  384 / 420+
        Railway car journal ................  384 / 188
    Compositions for developing ............  149
Thumbtack ..................................  411 / 439+
    Applier ................................  81 / 44
    Remover ................................  254 / 18+
Thymidine ..................................  536 / 28.54
Thymidine Phosphate ........................  536 / 26.8
Thymol .....................................  568 / 781
Thyratron (See Space Discharge Device  
    Space discharge device)  
    As a control circuit element ...........  388 / 917
    Current responsive fault sensor ........  361 / 100
        For relays or solenoids ............  361 / 205
    For current conversion .................  363 / 27
    For current conversion .................  363 / 54
    For current conversion .................  363 / 57
    For current conversion .................  363 / 68
    For current conversion .................  363 / 85
    For current conversion .................  363 / 96
    For current conversion .................  363 / 128
    For current conversion .................  363 / 135
    For frequency conversion ...............  363 / 160
    Gating circuit with thyristor ..........  327 / 438
    Manufacturing of thyristor .............  438 / 133
    Regenerative switching device ..........  257 / 107+
        Combined with fet ..................  257 / 124
        Combined with fet ..................  257 / 133+
        For over-voltage protection ........  257 / 173
        With amplified gate ................  257 / 115
Thyroid Extracts  
    Medicine containing ....................  424 / 568
Thyroxin ...................................  562 / 447
Ticket .....................................  283
        Check availability .................  705 / 5
            From several reservation .......  705 / 6
            Centers ........................  705 / 6
        Inventory ..........................  705 / 6
        Parking ............................  705 / 13
        Presale ............................  705 / 5
        Travel planning ....................  705 / 6
    Booth ..................................  D25 / 16
    Cases for pocket .......................  206 / 39
        For card ...........................  150 / 147+
        With cutter ........................  30 / 124
    Dispensing package .....................  206 / 39.4+
    Electronic (non-paper) .................  705 / 5
    Fare boxes .............................  232 / 7+
    Holders ................................  206 / 39+
        Railway cars .......................  40 / 642.02+
    Letter box deposit or collection .......  232 / 18
    Record .................................  232 / 18
    Machine ................................  221
    Magazine ...............................  312 / 50
        Pin ticket tag applying ............  493 / 375+
        Printing ...........................  101 / 66+
    Registering device .....................  235 / 32
    Theatre ................................  283 / 53
Ticklers, Carburetor Primers ...............  261 / DIG 73
Ticktack ...................................  446 / 417
Tiddlywink Game ............................  273 / 353
Tide or Wave Motors ........................  60 / 497+
    Channel ................................  405 / 76+
    Combined with other ....................  60 / 495+
        Gravity ............................  60 / 639+
        Weight .............................  185 / 30
    Fluid current motors ...................  416
    Gas pump actuator ......................  417 / 330+
        Liquid piston type .................  417 / 100
    Generator drive ........................  290 / 53
        Electric control combined ..........  290 / 42
    Liquid pump drive ......................  417 / 330+
    Marine propulsion ......................  440 / 9+
    Air mattress parallel strip ............  5 / 711
    Animal hitching ........................  119 / 792+
    Apparel clasp or tack ..................  D11 / 202+
    Apron ..................................  2 / 52
    Bale and package .......................  24 / 16 R+
        Making of wire .....................  140 / 73
    Between building panels ................  52 / 578+
    Building type ..........................  52 / 698+
    Collar combined ........................  2 / 130
        Design .............................  D02 / 602
        Panel ..............................  256 / 28+
        Rail ...............................  256 / 62+
    Form panels having .....................  249 / 40+
    Forms ..................................  223 / 82
    Neck ...................................  2 / 144+
        Design .............................  D02 / 605+
        Design, ascot ......................  D02 / 605+
        Fastener ...........................  24 / 49.1+
        Fastener design ....................  D11 / 202+
    Propped ladders ........................  182 / 175+
    Railway surface track ..................  238 / 29+
        Cast rail seats ....................  238 / 270
        Integral rail clamps ...............  238 / 350
        Tie plates .........................  238 / 287+
        Wrought rail seats .................  238 / 273
    Rod ....................................  249 / 213+
    Rod control of lights ..................  362 / 57+
    Ski ....................................  280 / 814+
    Stretching .............................  223 / 65
    Vehicle body ...........................  296 / 40
    Wire fabric ............................  245 / 3
Tighteners .................................  254
    Belt band chain cord hoop slat  
    Strap, see pulls & pulling  
        Article carrier strap ..............  294 / 150
        Baling press bale band .............  100 / 29+
        Barrel hoop ........................  217 / 94+
        Bed bottom elastic slat ............  5 / 211+
        Belt ...............................  24 / 32
        Clothesline ........................  211 / 119+
        Drive belt .........................  192 / 224+
        Flexible material ..................  254 / 199+
        Gearing belt .......................  474 / 101+
        Locomotive drive belt ..............  105 / 105+
        Musical drum cord ..................  84 / 413
        Package strap ......................  24 / 19
        Resilient wheel antiskid ...........  152 / 217+
        Strap ..............................  24 / 68 R+
    Belt conveyor ..........................  198 / 813+
    Pipe coupling ..........................  285 / 309+
    Saw handle .............................  30 / 517+
    Wheel tire machine .....................  157 / 8+
    Wheel with compression spoke ...........  301 / 75+
    Adhesively secured .....................  52 / 390+
    Asphalt ................................  106 / 273.1+
    Countertop .............................  D23 / 308
    Cutting ................................  125
    Design .................................  D25 / 138+
    Digest .................................  33 / DIG 20
    Facing (see facer construction) .......  52 / 384
    Filler block between sustainers ........  52 / 320+
    Floor covering .........................  D05
    Game ...................................  273 / 292+
    Hollow block ...........................  52 / 606+
    Mah jong ...............................  273 / 292+
    Molding machine ........................  425 / 134+
    Molding machine ........................  425 / 218+
    Mosaic design ..........................  428 / 44+
    Roof ...................................  52 / 518+
    Sheet attached .........................  52 / 384+
Till Locks .................................  70 / 85+
    Burglar alarm ..........................  116 / 76
Tiller See Steering  
    Design .................................  D15 / 11+
    For rudders ............................  114 / 144 R+
Tilting Devices  
    Dispensers .............................  222 / 164+
    Dispensing stands ......................  248 / 128+
    Dumping receptacles ....................  414 / 425
    Receptacle supports ....................  248 / 133+
    Tables .................................  108 / 1+
    Vehicle body ...........................  414 / 381
        Self loading .......................  414 / 469+
Timbale Iron ...............................  99 / 431
Time (See Horology; Timers)  
    Balls ..................................  116 / 200+
    Compression or expansion  
        Sound ..............................  704 / 503+
        Time division multiplex ............  370 / 521
    Constant circuit  
        Controlling miscellaneous ..........  327 / 261+
        Device .............................  327 / 261+
        In oscillator ......................  331
    Management using artificial ............  706 / 926*
    Intelligence ...........................  706 / 926*
    Measuring and indication ...............  368
        Automated, for cost ................  705 / 418
            With changing rates ............  705 / 418
        Design .............................  D10 / 40+
        Electric phase indication ..........  368
        Electrical systems .................  324 / 160+
        Radiant energy reflected ...........  342 / 176+
        Railroad train passage .............  246 / 108+
        Railroad train passing remote ......  246 / 123
        Point ..............................  246 / 123
        Reaction of persons, examiner ......  273 / 446+
        Controlled .........................  273 / 446+
        Rotation counter ...................  235 / 104
        Solar observation instrument .......  33 / 268
        Teaching telling time ..............  434 / 304
    Operated and controlled  
        Aerosol dispenser ..................  222 / 649+
        Aerosol sprayer ....................  239 / 99
        Battery charging or discharging ....  320
        Bedstead occupant awakener .........  5 / 131+
        Beverage infusor ...................  99 / 280+
        Burner .............................  431 / 86
        Cable winding drum .................  254 / 266
        Camera release circuit .............  396 / 263+
        Cereal puffing apparatus ...........  99 / 323.7
        Chemical reaction apparatus ........  422 / 50+
        Combustion starting ................  431 / 87
        Contact printer ....................  355 / 115
        Dispensing articles ................  221 / 15+
        Doors ..............................  49 / 29+
        Drying .............................  34 / 562+
        Electric circuit breaker ...........  200 / 33 R+
        Electric demand meters .............  324 / 103 R+
        Electric lamp and electronic .......  315 / 360
        Tube systems .......................  315 / 360
        Electric relays ....................  361 / 160+
        Electric space discharge system ....  315 / 360
        Electricity motive power system ....  318 / 445+
        Explosive devices ..................  102 / 276+
        Feeding devices for animals ........  119 / 51.11+
        Feeding devices for fish ...........  119 / 51.11
        Fire kindler .......................  431 / 86+
        Fluid handling .....................  137 / 624.11+
        Fluid handling with indicator ......  137 / 552.7
        Fluid sprinkling,spraying,or .......  239 / 70
        Diffusing ..........................  239 / 70
        Furnace damper .....................  126 / 285.5
        Furnace feeding ....................  110 / 192
        Gas contact with solids ............  34 / 562+
        Gas separator ......................  96 / 424+
        Heating and cooling device .........  165 / 232
        Heating and cooling device .........  165 / 238+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 198 R
        Limit stop .........................  192 / 138+
        Liquid purifier or separator .......  210 / 138+
        Locks ..............................  70 / 267+
        Machine mechanisms trip ............  74 / 3.5+
        Magnets or electromagnets ..........  335 / 210+
        Material treating apparatus ........  34 / 562+
        Memorandum holder ..................  368 / 42
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 141+
        Systems ............................  327 / 141+
        Mortar mixers ......................  366 / 60+
        Periodic electric relays ...........  361 / 160+
        Projection printer .................  355 / 67+
        Railway switches and ...............  246 / 161
        Signals interlocked ................  246 / 161
        Recording devices ..................  346
        Refrigeration ......................  62 / 231+
        Refrigeration, automatic ...........  62 / 157+
        Signal electrical traffic ..........  340 / 907+
        Control ............................  340 / 907+
        Signal or indicator ................  116
        Signal or indicator electrical .....  340 / 309.16+
        Solar observation instruments ......  33 / 268
        Spring motor .......................  185 / 27+
        Stove damper .......................  126 / 285.5
        Switch with electromagnetic ........  335 / 59+
        Operator ...........................  335 / 59+
        Switch with thermal operator .......  337 / 301+
        Switching systems ..................  307 / 141+
        Telephone coin collector ...........  379 / 123
        Telephone toll register ............  379 / 124+
        Time stamps ........................  346 / 80+
        Typewriting machine lock ...........  400 / 673+
        Urinal flushing ....................  4 / 302+
        Valve ..............................  137 / 624.11+
        Valve with fluid timer .............  251 / 48+
        Valve with indicator ...............  137 / 552.7
        Weight motor .......................  185 / 37+
        Well apparatus .....................  166 / 64
        Work holder for manual tearing .....  225 / 8
        X ray apparatus ....................  378 / 96
    Punch or time clock ....................  D10 / 41
    Switch .................................  200 / 33 R+
        Periodic type ......................  200 / 19.01+
Timepieces .................................  368
    Assembly and manufacture ...............  29 / 896.3+
        Watchmakers tools ..................  81 / 6+
    Calibrating and testing ................  73 / 1.42+
    Holder, not carried on wrist ...........  224 / 903*
Timer (See Horology; Time, Operated  
    And controlled)  
    Automated, for cost ....................  705 / 418
        Locking objects for specified ......  705 / 418
        Time ...............................  705 / 418
    Camera shutter .........................  396 / 452
        Delayed releaser ...................  396 / 475+
    Disparate device controlled ............  368 / 1+
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 638+
    Expansible chamber motor ...............  91 / 35
    Food cookers ...........................  99 / 327+
    Food cookers ...........................  99 / 332+
    Food cookers ...........................  99 / 335+
    Gas separator combined .................  96 / 424+
        Desorbing solids ...................  96 / 115+
        Metal founding apparatus ...........  164 / 157
        Control ............................  164 / 157
    Parachutes .............................  244 / 150
    Pneumatic dispatch systems .............  406 / 18
    Rotation counters ......................  235 / 104
    Sandglass design .......................  D10 / 44
    Telephone coin collector ...............  379 / 123
    Telephone toll register ................  379 / 124+
    Temperature or humidity control ........  236 / 46 R
    Time measuring instrument ..............  D10 / 40+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 557
        Aluminum copper ....................  420 / 530
        Copper .............................  420 / 470
    Cans ...................................  220
        Inorganic ..........................  423 / 462+
        Organic ............................  556 / 81+
        Oxides and hydroxides ..............  423 / 618
        Stannates ..........................  423 / 594.9+
        Coating ............................  205 / 300+
        Synthesis aqueous bath .............  205 / 610+
        Synthesis fused bath ...............  205 / 367
    Plate ..................................  428 / 646+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 690+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 432
    Recovery from scrap  
        Hydrometallurgy ....................  75 / 716
        Metallurgy .........................  75 / 401
    Hand fork tine clearers ................  294 / 50+
    Hand rakes .............................  56 / 400.21
    Harvester rake teeth ...................  56 / 400
    Harvesting sheaf carriers ..............  56 / 478
    Power driven conveyors  
        Endless ............................  198 / 692+
        Reciprocating ......................  198 / 772
Tinsel .....................................  428 / 7
        Chenille type ......................  57 / 24
        Covering or wrapping ...............  57 / 5
    Chenille type strands ..................  57 / 203
    Christmas type decoration ..............  D11 / 121+
    Making article of tinsel ...............  493 / 955*
    Billiard cues ..........................  473 / 49+
    Canes ..................................  135 / 70
    Cigar ..................................  131 / 361+
        Perforators or slitters ............  131 / 253+
    Cigar cutters ..........................  30 / 109+
        Ash receiver combined ..............  131 / 233
        Combined ...........................  131 / 248+
        Pocket receptacle combined .........  206 / 238+
    Cleaners for light burners .............  362 / 458
    Crutches ...............................  135 / 70
    Fishing rods ...........................  43 / 24
    Hat attachments ........................  2 / 181+
    Lacing .................................  24 / 715.4+
    Pile driving ...........................  405 / 253+
    Shoe toe ...............................  36 / 77 R
    Tobacco pipe ...........................  131 / 227+
    Tops ...................................  446 / 264
    Umbrella ...............................  135 / 44
        Rib ................................  135 / 33.5
    Vehicle pole and thill .................  278 / 50+
    Walking aids,general ...................  135 / 77+
Tipcat Game ................................  273 / 341.1
    Pojectile therefor .....................  473 / 592
    Can cap soldering ......................  228
    Cigar and cigarette making .............  131 / 29+
        Wrapping ...........................  131 / 61.1+
    Dispensing container ...................  222 / 164+
        Handled ............................  222 / 466+
    Lace ...................................  29 / 243.57
    Vehicles ...............................  414 / 381+
        Self loading .......................  414 / 469+
Tipple Mine Car ............................  414 / 381+
Tipup for Fishing ..........................  43 / 17
    Air impermeable liner ..................  152 / DIG 16
    Anti-skid design .......................  D12 / 608
    Bead spreader  
        Holders for spread casings .........  81 / 15.3
        Rubber tire setters ................  157 / 1.1+
        Tire casing spreaders ..............  254 / 50.1+
    Bead to rim seal .......................  152 / DIG 9
    Building ...............................  156 / 110.1+
        Drum ...............................  156 / 414+
    Carcass materials ......................  152 / 548+
        Arrangement ........................  152 / 558+
    Carrier vehicle attached ...............  224 / 42.12+
        Tire tool combined .................  157 / 1.11
    Chain ..................................  152 / 208+
        Design .............................  D12 / 608
    Clamps .................................  152 / DIG 8
    Cord, reinforcing textile strand .......  57 / 902*
    Cordless ...............................  152 / 452
    Covers .................................  206 / 304+
    Crack resistant ........................  152 / DIG 4
    Design .................................  D12 / 500+
    Fabrics ................................  152 / DIG 14
    Gauge & balancer .......................  D10 / 86
    Grooved rim ............................  152 / DIG 17
    Hub tires ..............................  152 / DIG 18
        Gas dispensing for .................  222 / 3+
        Gauge ..............................  D10 / 86
        Hose holder and fluid supply .......  137 / 355.17
        Portable receptacle ................  141 / 38
        Filling type .......................  141 / 38
        Valve stem closures and plugs ......  138 / 89.1+
        Valved stem coupling ...............  137 / 231
        Valves stem type ...................  137 / 223+
        Vehicle combined devices ...........  152 / 415+
        Vehicle combined gas pumps .........  417 / 231+
        With nongaseous materials ..........  141 / 38
    Land vehicle wheels ....................  301 / 5.1+
        Antiskid devices ...................  152 / 208+
        Resilient wheels and tires .........  152
    Leak indicator .........................  116 / 34 R
        Electric ...........................  340 / 442+
    Locks for automobile ...................  70 / 259+
    Making and repairing  
        Boring and turning .................  29 / 29
        Forging ............................  72 / 305
        Laminated type .....................  156
            Apparatus for ..................  156 / 394.1+
            Including adhesive bonding .....  156 / 110.1+
        Metal processes ....................  29 / 894.37
        Metal rolling ......................  72 / 67+
        Metal working ......................  29 / 22
        Mold cores .........................  425 / 26+
        Mold cores .........................  425 / 49+
        Molding with heating and ...........  425 / 28.1+
        Vulcanizing ........................  425 / 28.1+
        Molding with heating and ...........  425 / 340
        Vulcanization ......................  425 / 340+
        Molding with heating and ...........  425 / 363
        Vulcanization ......................  425 / 363
        Patches ............................  152 / 367+
        Presses for repairing tires ........  425 / 20+
        Roughening by filing ...............  29 / 76.1+
        Tools for repairing ................  81 / 15.2+
        Trimming cutter ....................  82
        Vulcanizable gum apparatus .........  425 / 11
        Vulcanizable gum apparatus .........  425 / 28.1+
    Mold ...................................  409 / 902*
    Mounting and demounting apparatus ......  157 / 1.1+
    Mounting machinery .....................  D15 / 199
    Overlap ................................  152 / DIG 15
    Patching ...............................  152 / 367+
        Processes ..........................  156 / 95+
    Pebble ejectors ........................  152 / DIG 1
    Peg leg ................................  152 / DIG 6
    Pneumatic ..............................  152 / 450
        Inner tube .........................  152 / 511+
        Process for laminating .............  156 / 110.1+
        Puncture filling materials for .....  106 / 33
        Repairing press ....................  425 / 11+
    Processes of making metal ..............  29 / 894.37
    Processes of repairing .................  264 / DIG 74
    Racks ..................................  211 / 23+
        Velocipede type ....................  211 / 20+
        Velocipede type wall mounted .......  211 / 19
    Railway wheels  
        Loose tires ........................  295 / 10
        Sheet metal integral web and .......  295 / 24
        Tire cushions ......................  295 / 11+
        Tire fasteners .....................  295 / 15+
    Removers ...............................  157
    Repair tool ............................  D08 / 31
    Resilient tires ........................  152 / 151+
        Anti-skid armored ..................  152 / 167+
        Anti-skid devices ..................  152 / 208+
        Cushion ............................  152 / 246+
        Cushion and pneumatic combined .....  152 / 155+
        Grooving ...........................  157 / 13
        Inflating devices ..................  152 / 415+
        Patches ............................  152 / 367+
        Pneumatic ..........................  152 / 450+
        Repair tools for ...................  81 / 15.2+
        Wheel securing means ...............  152 / 375
    Retreading .............................  425 / 17+
    Rims ...................................  301 / 95.101+
    Rubber valves ..........................  152 / DIG 7
    Sandwich breakers ......................  152 / DIG 19
    Slits in treads ........................  152 / DIG 3
    Spare tire compartment .................  296 / 37.3
        Fender wells for ...................  280 / 152.05
    Split rim seal .........................  152 / DIG 10
    Static discharge .......................  152 / DIG 2
    Testing ................................  73 / 146
        Abrasion ...........................  73 / 8
        Pressure gauges ....................  73 / 700+
        Valve leak .........................  73 / 48
    Tire bead grommets .....................  245 / 1.5
    Tread pattern design ...................  D12 / 502+
        Asymmetrical type ..................  D12 / 505+
        Directional type ...................  D12 / 533+
        Feature within groove ..............  D12 / 901
        Non-directional type ...............  D12 / 569+
        Tie bar ............................  D12 / 900
    Tubeless valves ........................  152 / DIG 11
    Valves stem guards .....................  152 / DIG 13
    Vulcanizing machinery ..................  D15 / 199
    Water pilled ...........................  152 / DIG 5
    Wheelwright machines ...................  157
    White sidewalls ........................  152 / DIG 12
    Winding machine ........................  242 / 434+
Tissue Equivalent Ionization ...............  250 / 472.1
    Chamber ................................  250 / 472.1
    With tissue equivalent gas .............  250 / 336.1
Tissue or Sheet Dispenser ..................  206 / 233
    Dispenser, interfolded sheets ..........  D06 / 518+
    Holder .................................  248 / 905*
Titanate Ceramic Compositions ..............  501 / 134+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 417
    Composite metal stock ..................  428 / 660
        Metal working digest ...............  29 / DIG 45
    Compounds inorganic ....................  23
    Compounds organic ......................  556 / 51+
    Copper alloys ..........................  420 / 492
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 669+
    Light sensitive titanium compound ......  430 / 947*
    Organic titanium compounds on ..........  8 / DIG 5
    Textiles ...............................  8 / DIG 5
    Oxide and hydroxide ....................  423 / 608
    Pigments fillers and aggregates ........  106 / 436+
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 560
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 612+
    Movie ..................................  352 / 90
        Still copy device ..................  355 / 39
Titrating Devices ..........................  422 / 92+
    Bread ..................................  99 / 385+
        Automatic ..........................  99 / 325+
    Household unit .........................  D07 / 328+
Tobacco ....................................  131
    Alkaloids ..............................  546 / 279.4
    Barns ..................................  432 / 500*
    Cigarette making .......................  131 / 280+
        Tobacco feeding ....................  131 / 108+
    Commercial processing machinery ........  D15 / 10+
    Condition sensing  
        Continuous tobacco rod .............  131 / 906*
        Detecting machine malfunction ......  131 / 910*
        In feed hopper .....................  131 / 909*
        Pneumatic means ....................  131 / 904*
        Radiation source ...................  131 / 905*
        Rejection by .......................  131 / 907*
        Unique characteristic ..............  131 / 908*
    Curer ..................................  D23 / 334
    Derrick hoist for hangers ..............  254 / 266
    Design, tobacco & smoker supplies ......  D27
    Die cutting ............................  83 / 510
        Apparatus ..........................  34
        Fluid treatment combined ...........  131 / 300+
        Processes ..........................  131 / 300+
    Extract for use in drugs ...............  424 / 751
    Hangers ................................  294 / 5.5
    Harvesters .............................  56 / 27.5
    Insecticide from .......................  424 / 751
    Jar or pouch design ....................  D27 / 185+
    Packages ...............................  206 / 242+
    Paper wrappers for cigars, .............  229 / 87.01
    Cigarettes .............................  229 / 87.01
    Pipe literature digest .................  131 / DIG 1
    Pipe making apparatus ..................  425
    Plants .................................  PLT / 263.1
    Plug or compressed shape making ........  131 / 111+
    Plug tobacco label for fastener ........  40 / 670
    Pocket receptacle for, convertible .....  206 / 236+
    Or combined ............................  206 / 236
    Puffing process ........................  131 / 291
        Fixing after puffing ...............  131 / 903*
        Inorganic chemical agents used .....  131 / 902*
        Liquified gas used .................  131 / 900*
        Organic liquid used ................  131 / 901*
    Smokers appliances .....................  131 / 329+
    Spinning ...............................  57 / 28+
    Stalk stripping ........................  460 / 134
    Storage or curing building .............  D25 / 1+
    Stringers or unstringers ...............  414 / 26
    Supplies ...............................  D27
    Treatment ..............................  131 / 290+
    Vehicle rack ...........................  296 / 5
Tobias Acid ................................  562 / 68
Toboggan (See Ski; Sled) ..................  280 / 18
    Design .................................  D12 / 11
    Saucer type ............................  280 / 18.1
    Water ..................................  441 / 65+
Tocopherol .................................  549 / 408+
    In drug ................................  514 / 458
Tod, Total Oxygen Demand Testing ...........  436 / 62
    Cap protectors .........................  36 / 72 R
    Caps ...................................  36 / 77 R
Toggle (See Particular Device)  
    Bolt ...................................  411 / 340+
    Forging press ..........................  72 / 451
    Machine element ........................  74 / 520+
    Switch mechanism .......................  200 / 401
Toilet .....................................  132
    Aerobic decomposing ....................  4 / DIG 12
    Animal grooming ........................  119 / 600+
        Design .............................  D30 / 158+
    Animal waste collection ................  119 / 161+
    Article ................................  D28 / 9+
        Container or wrapper ...............  493 / 960*
        Holder .............................  D28 / 73
        Mirror .............................  D28 / 64.1
        Special package ....................  206 / 823*
        Tooth brush ........................  D04 / 104+
        Vanity case for ....................  206 / 235
    Bath, closet, sink, spittoon ...........  4
    Beauty aid demonstration ...............  434 / 377
        Teaching hair or wig styling .......  434 / 94
    Bed ....................................  5 / 604
        Receptacle in mattress .............  5 / 695
    Bowl ...................................  4 / 420+
        Brushes ............................  15 / 164+
        Dispensing to bowl .................  4 / 223+
    Brush holder ...........................  D06 / 551
    Brushes, bristled ......................  D04 / 130+
    Brushes, non-bristled ..................  D28 / 9+
    Case design ............................  D03 / 901*
    Case illuminator .......................  362 / 135
    Childs training seat ...................  D23 / 296
    Deformable traps .......................  4 / DIG 16
    Disinfection ...........................  4 / 222+
    Electric flushing ......................  4 / DIG 3
    Electrolytic ...........................  4 / DIG 17
    Grooming articles ......................  132
    Having deformable trap .................  4 / DIG 13
    Head covering ..........................  2 / 174
    Heated seats ...........................  4 / DIG 6
    Kit absent special .....................  401 / 118
    Toilet article, eg mirror ..............  401 / 118+
    Kits ...................................  132 / 286+
    Manicure tool ..........................  132 / 73+
    Oil toilet .............................  4 / DIG 11
        Dispensing holder ..................  206 / 389+
        Interleaved folds ..................  221 / 48+
        Roll holders .......................  242 / 570+
            Design .........................  D06 / 523
        Winder .............................  242 / 520+
    Prison bathrooms .......................  4 / DIG 15
    Seat ...................................  4 / 234+
        Cover ..............................  4 / 245.1+
        Pad of covers ......................  4 / 244.1
        Seat or cover ......................  D23 / 311+
    Water additive or substitute ...........  4 / DIG 10
Toilet Water, Perfume ......................  D28 / 5
    Checks labels and tags .................  283 / 74+
        Coin type ..........................  40 / 27.5
    Coin ...................................  D11 / 95+
Tolidine (See Benzidine)  
Toll Collecting  
    Automated ..............................  705 / 13
        Calculation of running time ........  705 / 13
        Between points on road .............  705 / 13
        Universal account ..................  705 / 13
Tollers ....................................  73 / 863+
Toluene (See Aromatic Hydrocarbon) ........  585 / 400+
    Oxidation of ...........................  562 / 409+
Toluidin ...................................  564 / 305
Tombstones (See Monument) .................  52 / 103+
    Design .................................  D99 / 17+
    Name plate for .........................  40 / 124.5
    Picture attachment for .................  40 / 124.5
Tompions ...................................  89 / 31
    Arms of phonographs  
        Electrical .........................  369 / 135+
        Mechanical .........................  369 / 158
    Control means ..........................  333 / 24 R+
        Equalizer network ..................  333 / 28 R
        With amplifier .....................  330
            Automatic impedance control ....  330 / 144+
            Automatic thermal impedance ....  330 / 143+
            Control ........................  330 / 143+
            Cathode feedback ...............  330 / 94+
            Feedback .......................  330 / 109+
            Input coupling impedance .......  330 / 157+
            Interstage coupling impedance ..  330 / 185+
            Output coupling impedance ......  330 / 195+
    Musical pitch see music  
Toner ......................................  430 / 105+
    Concentration control ..................  118 / 689+
    Radiation imaging ......................  430 / 965*
Tong (See Lazy Tongs)  
    Agriculture or forestry ................  D08 / 4
    Animal catching ........................  119 / 801+
    Extension ladder .......................  182 / 157+
    Fire escapes ...........................  182 / 69.1
    Fireplace equipment ....................  D08 / 52+
    Fireplace tong stand ...................  D06 / 416
    Food preparation & serving .............  D07 / 686
    Handling implement .....................  294 / 3
        Clothes ............................  294 / 8.5
        Design .............................  D07 / 686
        Fire ...............................  294 / 11
        Grapple ............................  294 / 119
    Harvester self raking ..................  56 / 165
    Making .................................  76
    Metal drawing appliance ................  72 / 290
    Roofers sheet metal seaming ............  29 / 243.5+
    Tools ..................................  81 / 300+
    Depressors .............................  600 / 240+
        Atomizers with .....................  128 / 200.15
        Design .............................  D24 / 136
    Envelope closure .......................  229 / 84
        Sealing ............................  229 / 82
    Harvester type .........................  56 / 218
        Tilting platform central cutter ....  56 / 188
    Knitting needle making .................  163 / 3
    Land vehicle  
        Animal draft .......................  278 / 33+
        Antivibrators ......................  280 / 108
        Attachments ........................  280 / 155
        Extension actuators ................  280 / 46
        Trailer, adjustable ................  280 / 462
        Truck ..............................  280 / 82+
    Lock type shoe sole sewing machine .....  112 / 33
    Punching tie band ......................  29 / 21.1
    Railway switch point ...................  246 / 442+
    Rigid vibrator music instruments .......  84 / 408
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 54
    Single throw lever actuated by .........  414 / 436
    Straddle row cultivator without ........  172 / 338+
    Vehicle brake operator  
        Auxiliary ..........................  188 / 115+
        Movable ............................  188 / 119+
    Hardness testing .......................  600 / 398+
    Medical diagnostics ....................  600 / 398+
    Musical pitch ..........................  84 / 454
    Sphygmomanometer .......................  600 / 490+
Tonsillotome ...............................  606 / 110+
    Hemostasis .............................  606 / 111+
    Other treatment combined ...............  606 / 34+
Tools (See Implements; Instruments) .......  81
    Abrading and polishing .................  451
    Advancing means ........................  173 / 141+
    Assembling .............................  29 / 700+
    Belt lifters ...........................  474 / 130
    Boxes ..................................  206 / 349+
    Chest ..................................  312 / 902*
    Cleaning ...............................  15 / 104.001+
    Cleansing means ........................  173 / 197+
        Fish ...............................  452+
        Hog carcass scrapers ...............  452 / 94+
        Ship hull ..........................  114 / 222
    Closure applying and removing  
        Ammunition capping .................  86 / 37+
        Ammunition shell closing ...........  86 / 28
        Bottle and jar closing .............  53 / 287+
        Bottle cap with opener .............  215 / 228+
        Box openers ........................  254 / 18+
        Can head with opener ...............  220 / 260+
        Can openers ........................  30 / 400+
        Cap removal facilitated ............  215 / 295+
        Closure removing ...................  81 / 3.07+
    Complex for deforming metal ............  72 / 394+
    Compound ...............................  7
        Magnetic feature, collection .......  7 / 900*
        Resilient pivot, collection ........  7 / 901*
    Cooler .................................  62 / 293
    Cutlery ................................  30
    Dental .................................  433 / 25+
        Orthodontic ........................  433 / 3+
    Design of ..............................  D08
    Detachable,portable,power-driven .......  30 / 500
    Diamond ................................  125 / 39
        Drill having diamond edge ..........  408 / 145
        Holders for abrading and ...........  451 / 389+
        Polishing ..........................  451 / 389+
        Making blank or process ............  76 / 101.1+
        Making dies ........................  76 / 107.1+
        Making drills ......................  76 / 108.1+
        Precious stone working .............  125 / 30.01
    Driving means ..........................  173
        Metal deforming machine ............  72 / 429+
        Vibration isolation ................  173 / 162.1+
    Earthworking ...........................  172
        Boring or drilling .................  175
        Hand forks and shovels .............  294 / 49+
        Hand manipulated cultivating .......  172 / 371+
        Hand rakes .........................  56 / 400.01+
        Handling hand and hoist line .......  294 / 2
        Mining and disintegrating ..........  299 / 29+
        Spade or shovel with cutter ........  7 / 116+
        Subsoil irrigators and .............  405 / 35+
        Weed killers .......................  405 / 35+
    Electrically heated ....................  219 / 221+
    Elongated handles ......................  D08 / DIG 7+
    Farriery ...............................  168 / 45
    Feed ...................................  173 / 141+
        Earth boring type ..................  175 / 162
    Food handling ..........................  D07 / 669
        Cherry seeding .....................  30 / 113.1+
        Corn husking .......................  460 / 26
        Corn shellers ......................  460 / 45
        Cutlery ............................  30
        Meat and vegetable preparing .......  30
        Oyster openers .....................  452 / 13+
        Peach stoner .......................  30 / 113.1+
        Raisin seeding .....................  30 / 113.1+
        Scoring ............................  30 / 164.9
    Hair dressing or manicuring ............  D28 / 9
    Hand ...................................  81
        Assembly or disassembly ............  29 / 270+
        Cooler .............................  62 / 293
    Handle .................................  81 / 489+
    Handles ................................  7 / 167+
    Handling ...............................  294
        Carried by belt ....................  224 / 904*
        For dental machines ................  433 / 77+
        For metal lathes ...................  82 / 159+
    Impacting device .......................  173 / 90+
    Leather ................................  69 / 20
        Boot and shoe making ...............  12 / 103
    Making .................................  76
        By die rolling .....................  72 / 184+
        Cutting spirally grooved ...........  409 / 65+
        Grinding to shape or sharpen .......  451
        Sharpening electrolytically ........  205 / 640+
    Manicuring .............................  132 / 73+
    Medical or surgical ....................  D24
    Metal working  
        Assembly, magnetic, or indicia .....  29 / DIG 105
        Tools ..............................  29 / DIG 105
        Bolt nail nut rivet and screw ......  470 / 25
        Making .............................  470 / 25
        Cutting & punching sheets & bars ...  83
        Deforming ..........................  72 / 462+
        Design .............................  D15 / 122+
        Horseshoe making ...................  59 / 60
        Metal tool and implement making ....  76
        Soldering ..........................  228 / 51+
        Tool or work attached ..............  29 / DIG 104
        Wire working .......................  140
    Multipurpose ...........................  7
    Nut lock tool ..........................  81 / 10
    Pliers and tongs .......................  81 / 300+
    Pushing and pulling ....................  254
    Rack-type holder .......................  D08 / 71
    Rack-type holder .......................  D08 / 349+
    Self heating with burner ...............  126 / 401+
    Sharpener ..............................  83 / 174
    Shaving or hair clipping ...............  D28 / 44+
    Shoe making ............................  12 / 103
    Stone working ..........................  125 / 36+
    Telephone dialing ......................  379 / 456
        Bead spreading .....................  254 / 50.1+
        Breakers for split rims ............  157 / 1.35+
        Repairing ..........................  81 / 15.2+
        Repairing with vulcanizing .........  425 / 12
        Setting and removing ...............  157 / 1.1+
        Valve stem cap with tool ...........  152 / 431
    Top and dies ...........................  408 / 215+
    Valve removal tools ....................  29 / 221.6
    Vehicle-mounted ........................  83 / 928*
    Vises ..................................  269
        Barrel chamfering ..................  147 / 42
        Design, hardware ...................  D08
        Design, machinery ..................  D15 / 122+
        Turning ............................  142 / 56
    Wrenches ...............................  81 / 52+
        Impact .............................  81 / 463+
Tooth (See Teeth)  
    Agricultural and earthworking  
        Cultivator tooth structure .........  172 / 713
        Diggers ............................  171
        Excavating tooth ...................  37 / 452+
            Tooth mounting .................  37 / 455+
        Hand cultivating tool ..............  172 / 378+
        Hand rakes .........................  56 / 400.21
        Harrows ............................  172
        Horse drawn rakes ..................  56 / 400
        Planting drill .....................  111 / 154+
        Raking machine .....................  56 / 344+
    Brushes ................................  15 / 167.1
        Design .............................  D04 / 104+
        Dispensing .........................  132 / 311
        Holder .............................  D06 / 524+
        Kit ................................  132 / 308
        Material supply combined ...........  401 / 268+
        Receptacle for .....................  206 / 361+
        With massage tool ..................  15 / 110
    Comb teeth cutting .....................  144 / 26
    Combs ..................................  132 / 152+
    Dentifrices ............................  424 / 49+
    Dentistry ..............................  433 / 167+
        Design .............................  D24
        Pulp tester ........................  433 / 32
    Gear ...................................  74 / 457+
        Lubrication ........................  74 / 468
        Testing ............................  73 / 162
    Inserted tooth metalworking ............  407 / 33+
    Cutter .................................  407 / 33+
        Brush or paste retained ............  401 / 118+
        Apparatus ..........................  29 / 23.1
        Forging ............................  72 / 376
        Gear cutting .......................  409 / 1+
        Method .............................  29 / 895.31
        Saw tooth ..........................  76 / 25.1+
        Toothed article ....................  83 / 908*
        Toothed cylinder  
    Paste ..................................  424 / 49+
        Holder-squeezer ....................  D06 / 541
        Tube ...............................  222 / 92+
    Picks ..................................  132 / 321+
        Design .............................  D28 / 65
        Making .............................  144 / 185+
        Packaging ..........................  53 / 236
        Receptacle .........................  206 / 380+
    Stone sawing ...........................  125 / 22
    Tooth article making ...................  83 / 908*
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 53
    Wood sawing ............................  83 / 835+
        Fastenings .........................  83 / 840+
Toothbrush See Also Tooth ..................  D04 / 104+
    Cocktail-type pick .....................  D07 / 683+
    Holder, household ......................  D07 / 635
    Holder, personal .......................  D28 / 65
Top Boards  
    Vehicle body ...........................  296 / 32+
        Convertible box ....................  296 / 13
        Securing devices ...................  296 / 36
Topical Remedies ...........................  424
    Bioactive synthetic polymer ............  424 / 78.02+
    Veterinary .............................  424
    Beet ...................................  99 / 635+
        Digging followed by topping ........  171 / 26+
    Harvesting grain or corn crops  
        Cutter and catcher combined ........  56 / 56+
        Cutter combined ....................  56 / 63
        Bedstead post top knob .............  5 / 281
        Slat frame top .....................  5 / 244
    Chance device ..........................  273 / 147
    Counter ................................  312 / 140.3
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 98+
        Design .............................  D12 / 401+
    Metallurgical furnace top ..............  266 / 199
    Still top closure ......................  202 / 250+
    Stove ..................................  126 / 211+
    Table panel ............................  52 / 782.2+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 256+
        Design .............................  D21 / 460+
        Motorized ..........................  446 / 259
    Solid fuel .............................  44 / 540
Torches (See Flare; Illuminating)  
    Design .................................  D26 / 8
    Liquid fuel burner .....................  431 / 327
        With common support for igniter ....  431 / 127+
    Pyrotechnic ............................  102 / 336+
    Aerial .................................  244 / 14
    Automatic controlled steering ..........  114 / 23+
    Guards .................................  114 / 240 R+
        Net type ...........................  114 / 241
    Marine .................................  114 / 20.1+
        Boats ..............................  114 / 18+
        Guards .............................  114 / 240 A+
        Launching ..........................  114 / 238+
        Submarine boats ....................  114 / 316+
    Railway signal .........................  246 / 487
        Placing mechanism ..................  246 / 210+
    Remote control .........................  114 / 21.3
    Toy ....................................  102 / 353
    Well ...................................  102 / 301+
Torpedo Boats ..............................  114 / 18
    Submarine ..............................  114 / 316+
    Brake testing lever measuring ..........  73 / 131
    Clutch control by ......................  192 / 54.1+
    Controls hoist .........................  254 / 275
        Absorption .........................  73 / 862.08+
        Transmission .......................  73 / 862.191+
        Wrench .............................  73 / 862.21
    Gearing control by .....................  74 / 337
        Planetary see notes thereunder .....  475 / 254+
    Railway rolling stock  
        Axle arm ...........................  105 / 132.1
        Opposing equalizer .................  105 / 135
    Tubes ..................................  74 / 607
    Wrench overload yielding ...............  81 / 467+
Torsiometers ...............................  73 / 847+
    Balances ...............................  73 / 383
    Clock pendulums ........................  368 / 180
    Rod for dumping horse rake .............  56 / 392
    Spring closers .........................  16 / 75+
    Spring locomotive ......................  105 / 70
    Spring trolley erector .................  191 / 69
        Stress strain ......................  73 / 847+
        Vibration ..........................  73 / 650
    Vehicle spring .........................  267 / 273+
        Leaf and ...........................  267 / 25+
Total Oxygen Demand, Tod ...................  436 / 62
Totalizers .................................  235
    Weigher combined .......................  177 / 15+
Touch Systems, Electric Power ..............  323 / 904*
Toupees ....................................  132 / 53+
Tourniquets ................................  606 / 203
    Design .................................  D24 / 169
Tow Spreading ..............................  28 / 282
Tow Truck  
    Design .................................  D12 / 14
Tow-to-Top Stapilizing .....................  19 / .3+
Towels .....................................  D06 / 608
    Dispensing .............................  312 / 34.1+
        Sheets .............................  D06 / 522
        Unwinding, by ......................  242 / 550+
    Packaged towel .........................  206 / 812*
    Racks ..................................  211 / 16
        Design .............................  D06 / 512+
        Lock combined ......................  211 / 6
        Stacked article type ...............  211 / 50+
Tower (See Mast)  
    Bisulphite process .....................  423 / 520
    Chemical apparatus .....................  422
        Distillation .......................  202
        Oil fractionating ..................  196 / 139
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 48+
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261
    Overhead electrical conductor ..........  174 / 45 R
        Fire extinguishing .................  169 / 25
    Railway ................................  104 / 125
    Suspension bridge ......................  14 / 21
    Type antenna ...........................  343 / 874+
    Wheeled water ..........................  169 / 25
Towing See Traction  
    Aerial signs ...........................  40 / 215
    Aerial targets .........................  273 / 360+
    Attachments for wheeled vehicles .......  280 / 292
    Crane, self propelled ..................  212 / 344
    Marine propulsion ......................  440 / 33+
    Ships ..................................  114 / 242+
    Vehicle tow chains and ropes ...........  280 / 480
Toxic Waste Destruction or .................  588
    Containment ............................  588
Toxiferine .................................  540 / 472
Toys .......................................  446
    Aircraft ...............................  446 / 34
    Animal .................................  D21 / 546+
    Appliance (design) .....................  D21 / 523+
    Aquatic ................................  446 / 153+
    Buildings ..............................  446 / 476+
    Construction toys ......................  446 / 85+
    Container or wrapper ...................  493 / 959*
    Design .................................  D21 / 398+
    Drums ..................................  84 / 420
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 268+
    Figure wheeled toys ....................  446 / 269+
    Firearms ...............................  42 / 54+
    Flying .................................  446 / 34+
    Furniture (design) .....................  D21 / 519+
    Handler-type toys ......................  414 / 915*
    Inflatable .............................  446 / 220+
        Design .............................  D21 / 439+
    Magnetic ...............................  446 / 129+
    Model airplane controls ................  244 / 190
    Money boxes ............................  446 / 8+
    Music boxes ............................  84 / 94.2+
    Railway track ..........................  238 / 10 E
    Remote control of ......................  446 / 454+
        Electric toy trains ................  104 / 295+
    Scale model vehicle design .............  D21 / 533+
    Soap bubble devices ....................  446 / 15+
    Sounding toys ..........................  446 / 397+
    Sounding wheeled toys ..................  446 / 409+
    Spinning and whirling ..................  446 / 236+
    Torpedoes ..............................  102 / 353
    Watches ................................  368 / 45
    Wheeled toys ...........................  446 / 431+
Tr, I.E Transmit Receive or Transmit ......  333 / 13
    Tr box in radio set ....................  455 / 76+
    Transmit-receive circuitry .............  367 / 903*
    Harness ................................  102 / 353+
        Carriers ...........................  54 / 54+
        Design .............................  D30 / 134+
        Detachers from singletrees .........  278 / 24+
        Hame and trace connectors ..........  54 / 30+
        Thill or pole connections ..........  278 / 118
        Whiffletree connections ............  278 / 102+
Tracer .....................................  409 / 126
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 513
        Explosive shell ....................  102 / 513
    Radioactive composition ................  976 / DIG 422
    Radioactive composition as .............  252 / 625+
Tracheotomy ................................  606 / 185
Tracing Board ..............................  D19 / 52
Track See Rail  
        Harvester ..........................  56 / 314+
        Railway ............................  104 / 279+
        Snow excavating ....................  37 / 198+
        Wheel path of earthworking .........  172 / 833
        Tractor ............................  172 / 833
    Endless flexible .......................  305
        Land vehicle combined ..............  280 / 28.5
        Motor vehicle combined .............  180 / 9.1+
        Shoe making ........................  29 / 891.1
        Step ascending vehicle combined ....  280 / 5.22
    Endless track ..........................  305
    Layers railway .........................  104 / 2+
    Leveling gauge .........................  33 / 287
    Light, track-type ......................  D26 / 61+
    Marine towing ..........................  440 / 35
    Material and article handling  
        Pivoted track elevator or hoist ....  414 / 597
        Tilting ............................  414 / 357
        Tilting track elevator or hoist ....  414 / 599
        Vertically movable .................  414 / 354+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 9+
    Operated sawmill carriage ..............  83 / 716
    Panel ..................................  16 / 96 R+
    Railway ................................  104
        Grade crossing protection ..........  246 / 111+
        Guard fence ........................  256 / 14+
        Guard gate .........................  49 / 133+
        Iron forging dies ..................  72 / 343+
        Mechanism automatic signals and ....  246 / 297+
        Gates ..............................  246 / 297+
        Mechanism automatic switches .......  246 / 322+
        Pushers on locomotives .............  105 / 31
        Surface ............................  238
        Testing ............................  73 / 8
        Trips cab signal or train ..........  246 / 201
        Control ............................  246 / 201+
        Trips electric .....................  246 / 76
    Sanders ................................  291
    Store service ..........................  186 / 34
    Wheel substitute .......................  305
Tracker ....................................  84 / 151+
    Box location ...........................  84 / 116
    Double tracker for pneumatic ...........  84 / 31
    Player pianos ..........................  84 / 31+
    Plural sheets for single tracker .......  84 / 120
    Tracker combined with sheet ............  84 / 146+
    Cabinet combined .......................  312
        Disappearing instrument type .......  312 / 21
        Cabinet ............................  312 / 21+
        External ...........................  312 / 349
        Internal ...........................  312 / 350
        Showcase type cabinet ..............  312 / 114+
    Rack combined ..........................  211 / 162
        Paper or textile sheet type ........  211 / 46
        Rack ...............................  211 / 46
        Shelf type rack ....................  108 / 143
        Wall or window type rack ...........  211 / 94.01
            Horizontally spaced ............  211 / 94.02
    Railway ................................  104
        Surface track ......................  238
    Trunk tray .............................  190 / 29+
        Railway ............................  105 / 26.05+
        Steam, motor vehicle ...............  180 / 36+
    Floor and wall cleaners  
        Pump ...............................  15 / 341+
    Motor vehicle  
        By other than wheel ................  180 / 7.1+
            Endless flexible track .........  180 / 90
            Stepper ........................  180 / 8.1+
        Runner supported ...................  180 / 182+
            Endless track ..................  180 / 190
            Endless track substitutable ....  180 / 184
            For wheel ......................  180 / 184
            Traction wheel .................  180 / 184
        Suction effect .....................  180 / 164
        Vertical surface traversing ........  180 / 901*
        Device .............................  180 / 901*
        Wheel, additional traction .........  180 / 15
        Wheel, traction, attachments .......  180 / 16
        Harvesters .........................  56 / 211
        Railways ...........................  104 / 165+
        Stoneworking tools .................  125 / 37
        Vacuum cleaner .....................  15 / 341+
    Prime mover dynamo plant ...............  290 / 45
        Electric control ...................  290 / 9+
        Mats ...............................  238 / 14
        Maximum traction type brakes .......  188 / 48
        Blade moving means .................  30 / 46
    Regulators for locomotives .............  105 / 73+
    Runner vehicles (see motor vehicle  
        Traction wheel, occupant ...........  280 / 12.13+
        Propelled vehicle ..................  280 / 12.13+
        Wheel drive ........................  280 / 12.13+
    Surface coating or plastic .............  106 / 36
        Land vehicle .......................  301 / 41.1+
        Railway turntable actuators ........  104 / 43
Tractors (See Motor Vehicles)  
    Cab ....................................  180 / 89.12
    Design .................................  D15 / 23+
    Handling device on tractor device ......  414 / 920*
    Obstetric ..............................  606 / 119+
    Pusher attachment for ..................  293 / DIG 1
    Toy simulation .........................  446 / 434
    Tractor mounted mortar mixing ..........  366 / 606*
    Chamber ................................  366 / 606*
Trading Stocks  
    Electronically .........................  705 / 37
Traffic Control  
    Accident display .......................  434 / 305
    Air ....................................  342 / 36
    Airway .................................  340 / 945+
        Computer controlled, monitored .....  701 / 120+
    Barrier ................................  404 / 6+
    Building structure .....................  52 / 174+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  701 / 116+
    Director ...............................  404 / 9+
    Lights .................................  340 / 907+
        Design .............................  D10 / 115
    Railway ................................  246
    Signals and guides .....................  116 / 63 R
        Design .............................  D10 / 109+
        In pavement ........................  404 / 9+
            Electric .......................  362 / 153.1
        Reflective triangle for highway ....  40 / 903*
        Use ................................  40 / 903*
        Stationary signs ...................  40 / 612+
Tragacanth .................................  536 / 114
    Boat carrying ..........................  280 / 414.1
    Coupling ...............................  280 / 504+
    Design .................................  D12 / 101+
    Hitch ..................................  D12 / 162
    Land vehicle ...........................  280 / 400+
    Mobile home design .....................  D12 / 101+
    Semitrailer ............................  280 / 423.1+
    Two wheeled ............................  280 / 400+
        Dumping ............................  298 / 5+
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 3
    Automatic stop .........................  246 / 167 R+
        Fluid automatic ....................  303 / 47
        Fluid multiple motors ..............  303 / 7+
        Fluid multiple motors valves .......  303 / 53
        Railway ............................  188 / 34
        Railway automatic ..................  188 / 124+
        Railway automatic momentum .........  188 / 147+
        Vehicle ............................  188 / 3 R
        Vehicle automatic ..................  188 / 112 R
    Chemical apparatus .....................  422 / 189+
    Clock electric switch ..................  200 / 35 R+
    Control automatic ......................  246 / 167 R+
    Coupling type pipe or cable ............  248 / 53
    Support ................................  248 / 53
    Dispatching ............................  246 / 2 R+
        Yieldable element ..................  74 / 411
        Steam car boiler plus train ........  237 / 42
        Steam ..............................  237 / 42
        Water heated by train steam ........  237 / 34+
        Clock ..............................  368 / 62+
        Dial ...............................  368 / 220
        Watch ..............................  368 / 268
    Land vehicle ...........................  280 / 400+
        Occupant propelled tractor .........  280 / 204
    Lighting ...............................  362 / 478+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 14.1+
    Railway ................................  105 / 1.4+
        Audible indicators .................  246 / 217
        Block signal systems ...............  246 / 20+
        Cab signal or train control ........  246 / 167 R+
        Dispatching ........................  246 / 2 R+
        Drawbridge protection ..............  246 / 118+
        Electric switch ....................  246 / 220
        Endless ............................  104 / 25
        Fluid motor actuated ...............  246 / 260
        Grade crossing protection ..........  246 / 111+
        Moving .............................  104 / 18+
        Passengers station signals .........  246 / 209
        Position indication ................  246 / 122 R
        Railway signal structure ...........  246 / 473 R+
        Roadway defect protection ..........  246 / 120+
        Switch stands ......................  246 / 394
        Torpedo mechanism ..................  246 / 210+
        Train carried station indicator ....  246 / 174+
    Vehicle prime mover dynamo plants ......  290 / 3
Training ...................................  434
    Aircraft ...............................  434 / 30+
    Animal .................................  119 / 712+
        Harness ............................  54 / 71+
    For improving play of game or sport ....  473
    Hedge ..................................  47 / 4
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 41.01+
    Physical on rails ......................  104 / 62
    Vehicle ................................  434 / 29+
    War ....................................  434 / 11
Trampoline .................................  482 / 27+
    Design .................................  D21 / 797
    Life saving nets .......................  182 / 138+
Transactinide Chemistry ....................  423 / 249+
Transactinide Chemistry ....................  534 / 11+
Transaction, Financial  
    Processed using cryptography ...........  705 / 50
        Communication between two ..........  705 / 79
        Financial networks .................  705 / 79
        With confirmation of transaction ...  705 / 75
    (See disproportionation)  
Transceiver ................................  455 / 73+
    Angular position measurement ...........  33 / 1 PT
    Making acoustic transducer .............  29 / 594
    Making indicating transducer ...........  29 / 595
    Making magnetic recording ..............  29 / 603.01+
    Reproducing transducer e.g .............  29 / 603.01+
    Tape head ..............................  29 / 603.01+
    Piezoelectrical ........................  84 / DIG 24
    Underwater vibration ...................  367 / 141+
Transductor (See Amplifier Saturable  
    Core reactor systems)  
    Applying processes .....................  156 / 230+
    Bed, invalid lifter ....................  5 / 83.1+
    Coated article .........................  427 / 146+
    Decalcomania see decalcomania ..........  428 / 914*
    Designs for hot iron ...................  8 / 467+
    Devices for knitting machines ..........  66 / 148
    Direct contact transfer ................  156
        Apparatus ..........................  156 / 539+
        Methods ............................  156 / 230+
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 467+
    Egg candling ...........................  356 / 55+
    Electrical transmission  
        Table ..............................  191 / 9
    Electrophotographic latent image .......  399 / 154
    Electrophotographic visible image ......  399 / 297+
    Heat ...................................  165
    Identifying or fraud preventing ........  428 / 915*
    Lamina processes .......................  156 / 230+
    Laminate ...............................  428
        Reciprocating valves ...............  137 / 251.1+
        Regulators .........................  137 / 505.16
    Making by coating ......................  427 / 146+
    Paper carbonless .......................  503 / 200+
    Paper files and binders  
    Picture see decalcomania  
    Pipes with heat transfer ...............  138 / 38
        Bed and cylinder ...................  101 / 251+
        Intaglio ...........................  101 / 154
        Multicolor .........................  101 / 177
        Planographic .......................  101 / 142+
        Preparatory designs ................  101 / 33+
        Rotary .............................  101 / 217+
        Passenger ..........................  104 / 20+
        Tables .............................  104 / 48+
        Trolley ............................  104 / 96+
    Register ...............................  235 / 133 R+
        Inserter, remover, fork ............  402 / 80 R
        Transfer post ......................  402 / 47
    Stripping of backing ...................  156 / 247+
    Textile smoothing machine  
        Article ............................  38 / 7+
    Textiles weaving  
        Bobbin changing ....................  139 / 242+
        Bobbin changing tips ...............  139 / 244
        Thread control cutter ..............  139 / 267
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 82
        Molding or forming with bunch ......  131 / 82
        Transfer ...........................  131 / 82
        Wrapper ............................  131 / 105
    Transportation .........................  283 / 27+
        With fraud prevention or ...........  283 / 72+
        Detection ..........................  283 / 72+
    Type casting  
        Assembling .........................  199 / 32
        Assembling collector & transfer ....  199 / 26
        Distributing .......................  199 / 36
    Wood sawing  
        Log ................................  83 / 708+
Transfer or Decal ..........................  D05 / 63+
Transformation, Nuclear ....................  376 / 100
Transformation, Nuclear ....................  376 / 156
Transformers ...............................  336
    Arc lamp supplied by ...................  314 / 32
    Differential transformer ...............  33 / DIG 5
    Electric ...............................  336
    For arc lamp systems ...................  314 / 32
    For incandescent lamps systems .........  315 / 276+
    Housing or mounting assembly ...........  361 / 836
    In amplifier  
    Induction heating system ...............  219 / 600+
    Induction heating type .................  219 / 670
    Input coupling .........................  330 / 188+
    Interstage coupling ....................  330 / 165+
    Lamp or electronic tube supplied .......  315 / 276
    By .....................................  315 / 276+
    Metal heating system ...................  219 / 50+
    Movable core type ......................  336 / 130+
    Output coupling ........................  330 / 195+
    Plate ..................................  336
    Power ..................................  D13 / 110+
    Regulating .............................  336
        Interconnection systems ............  307
        Systems ............................  323
    Saturating transformer .................  336 / 155
        External or operator controlled ....  323 / 329
        Input responsive ...................  323 / 302
        Output responsive ..................  323 / 249
        Regulating system ..................  323
    Structure ..............................  336
        Self regulating ....................  323 / 310
    Telegraph system .......................  178 / 64
    Tuned high frequency ...................  333 / 177+
Transgenic Animal ..........................  800 / 295+
Transistor (See Amplifier, Electric) ......  257
    Amplifiers .............................  330 / 250+
    Bipolar ................................  257
        Making .............................  438 / 309+
    Composition ............................  252 / 62.3 R
    Field effect ...........................  257
        Making .............................  438 / 142+
    Static memory ..........................  365
        Floating gate memory storage .......  365 / 185.01+
    Systems see system  
        Miscellaneous ......................  327
        Tester .............................  D10 / 77
    Testing (nonquantitative) ..............  324 / 768+
Transits ...................................  33 / 290
    Optical ................................  356 / 138+
    Agitator mixing chamber stationary .....  366 / 332+
    Agitator stirrer .......................  366 / 343+
        Cover combined .....................  366 / 255+
    Gate ...................................  49 / 404+
        Operator ...........................  49 / 324+
        Electric ...........................  84 / 600+
        Transposing ........................  84 / 470 R+
    Plow ...................................  172 / 483+
    Steering post ..........................  74 / 496+
    Telegraphic printer ....................  178 / 26.1
Transmission (See Gearing)  
    Aircraft power plant ...................  244 / 60
    Automotive lock ........................  70 / 245+
    Centrifugal bowl separator with ........  223 / 23+
    Clutch control with ....................  192 / 3.51+
        Computer controlled ................  701 / 51+
    Control and brake ......................  192 / 215+
    Design .................................  D15 / 149
        Cranes transmission to .............  191
        Distribution .......................  307
        Facsimile ..........................  358 / 400+
        Filter network .....................  333 / 167+
        Light wave .........................  398 / 140+
        Multiplexing .......................  370
        Power transmission .................  307
        Pulse or digital communications ....  375
        Quarter wave transmission line .....  333 / 27
        Radio ..............................  455 / 91+
        Safety system for transmission .....  361 / 1
        Lines ..............................  361 / 1
        Signal box .........................  340 / 287+
        Signal transmitters ................  341 / 173+
            Hand held ......................  341 / 20+
        Telecommunications .................  455
        Telegraph ..........................  178
        Television .........................  348+
        Transmission to vehicles ...........  191
        Transmit-receive circuitry .........  367 / 903*
        Lamp electrode .....................  314 / 61
        Power plant ........................  60
        Pump with motor ....................  417 / 379+
        Railway car axle drive .............  105 / 96.2
        Scales .............................  177 / 208+
    Guide for a shiftable handler ..........  414 / 918*
        Heat exchangers ....................  165 / 185
        Liquid heaters and vaporizers ......  122 / 367.1
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 197.1
    Lamp electrode power control ...........  314 / 79+
    Latch operated clutch ..................  192 / 24+
    Line ...................................  174 / 103+
        Concentric .........................  174 / 103+
        Involving line parameters ..........  333 / 236+
        Resonant ...........................  333 / 236+
        With nonsolid insulation ...........  174 / 28+
    Machine element ........................  74
        Belt & pulley drive system .........  474
        Planetary gearing ..................  475
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 337+
        Having two wheels in tandem ........  180 / 230
        Safety belt responsive to ..........  180 / 269
        Transmission thereof ...............  180 / 269
    Railway car axle box mounted ...........  105 / 96.1
    Rotary crane ...........................  212 / 247+
    Tower or post ..........................  D25 / 126+
Transmutation of Elements Fission ..........  376 / 156
    By fusion ..............................  376 / 100
Transmutation of Elements Fission ..........  976 / DIG 396+
Transom (See Window)  
    Operators ..............................  49 / 356
    Railway truck ..........................  105 / 208+
        Bolster combined ...................  105 / 202+
    Product with abnormal ..................  428 / 918*
    Testing and inspecting sheets ..........  356 / 432+
    Viewer .................................  40 / 361+
    Walled receptacle ......................  220 / 662+
Transplanters ..............................  111 / 100+
    Biodegradable receptacle ...............  47 / 74+
    Dibbling implements ....................  111 / 92+
    Receptacles ............................  47 / 73+
        Big ball tree ......................  47 / 76
    Seedling ...............................  47 / 77+
    Tree ...................................  111 / 101
    Radar ..................................  342 / 42
Transportation (See Vehicle Handling)  
    Advancing material of indeterminate ....  226
    Length .................................  226
    Aquatic animal culturing handing .......  119 / 201+
    And transportation .....................  119 / 201+
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 23+
    Vehicle design .........................  D12
Transporting Attachments Harvesters ........  56 / 228
    Electric conductors ....................  174 / 33+
        Indicators with transposing ........  84 / 480
        Dial ...............................  84 / 480
        Keyboard transposers ...............  84 / 445+
        Teaching device with ...............  84 / 474
        Transposing dial ...................  84 / 474
        Teaching device with ...............  84 / 473
        Transposing slide ..................  84 / 473
        Tracker and music sheet ............  84 / 145
        Shifted to change key ..............  84 / 145
Transposing of Music .......................  984 / 310+
Transuranium Compounds  
    Inorganic ..............................  423 / 250+
    Organic ................................  534 / 11+
Trap & Trapping  
    Animal etc .............................  43 / 58+
    Bank protection devices ................  109 / 3+
    Burglar ................................  43 / 59
    Chamber dispensing .....................  222
        Agitator combined with movable .....  222 / 226+
        Agitator or ejector for movable ....  222 / 216+
        Barometric type stationary .........  222 / 457
        Fluid flow discharge from ..........  222 / 636
        Movable ............................  222 / 636
            Into conduit ...................  406 / 63+
        Inkwell dip well ...................  222 / 576+
        Jarring movable ....................  222 / 197
        Movable or conveyor type ...........  222 / 251+
        Removable from container for .......  141 / 110
        Discharge ..........................  141 / 110+
        Rotatable container with ...........  222 / 170
        Stationary .........................  222 / 424.5+
        Stationary with cutoffs ............  222 / 425+
        Supply movable relatively to .......  222 / 162
        Tiltable assembly ..................  222 / 454+
    Comminutor projected material ..........  241 / 82
    Currycomb combined .....................  119 / 626
    Deposit receptacle coin ................  232 / 55+
    Design .................................  D22 / 119+
        Ladder combined ....................  182 / 77+
        Manhole cover ......................  404 / 25+
        Railway car platforms ..............  105 / 426+
        Vertically swinging outside  
    False or picking key ...................  70 / 390
    Fish traps .............................  43 / 100+
    Fish, game, vermin traps ...............  D22 / 119+
        Design .............................  D22 / 119+
        Fish locating instrument ...........  D10 / 46+
        Hooks ..............................  43 / 34+
            Design .........................  D22 / 144
        Lures ..............................  D22 / 125+
        Nets, landing spears, etc ..........  D22 / 135+
    Gas & liquid (see seal, liquid)  
        Automatic heating radiator with ....  236 / 41
        Automatic temperature etc ..........  236 / 53
        Regulation .........................  236 / 53+
        Bath or basin ......................  4 / 679+
        Beverage infusers ..................  99 / 301
        Boiler .............................  122
        Cigars etc .........................  131 / 331
        Concentrating evaporators ..........  159 / 31
        Decanters with .....................  210 / 513+
        Dispenser inlet or outlet ..........  222 / 188
        Filters with sediment ..............  210 / 299+
        Fluid current conveyor .............  406 / 62+
        Fluid delivery track sanders .......  291 / 11.1+
        Fluid distribution .................  137 / 171+
        Gas and liquid contact .............  261 / 86
        Apparatus ..........................  261 / 86
        Gas separator combined .............  55 / 355
        Manufacturing processes ............  29 / 890.146
        Nonrefillable bottle ...............  215 / 15
        Sewerage ...........................  137 / 247.11+
        Smoking pipes etc ..................  131 / 201+
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 283
        Steam ..............................  137 / 171+
        Water closet .......................  4 / 300+
    Ion ....................................  335 / 210+
        With cathode ray tube ..............  313 / 424+
        With tv picture tube ...............  313 / 424+
    Nests ..................................  119 / 330+
    Railway plow ...........................  104 / 145
    Safety pockets for garments ............  2 / 254
    Steam ..................................  137 / 171+
        Thermostatic .......................  236 / 53+
        Centrifugal projectors .............  124 / 4+
        Disk holders and carriers ..........  124 / 42+
        Disk magazines .....................  124 / 46+
        Projectors .........................  124
        Trap shooting target handling ......  273 / 406
    Vehicle fender .........................  293 / 15+
Trapezes ...................................  482 / 24+
Trapping ...................................  43
Trash (See Refuse; Waste)  
    Bundle .................................  428 / 2
        Metal ..............................  428 / 576
    Burners ................................  126 / 222+
        Furnace structure for garbage ......  110 / 235
        And sewage .........................  110 / 235+
        Furnace structure for refuse .......  110 / 235+
    Can liners .............................  220 / 908.1+
    Can support ............................  248 / 907*
    Clearers for plows .....................  172 / 606+
    Animal hitching ........................  119 / 784+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 204+
    Ship mast ..............................  114 / 112
    Textile spinning rings and .............  57 / 119+
    Track hardware .........................  16 / 87 R+
    Bags ...................................  206 / 278
        Design .............................  D03 / 201+
        Electronic identification ..........  705 / 5
    Grates .................................  110 / 267+
    Planning, computerized .................  705 / 6
        From several reservation centers ...  705 / 6
    Special sewing machine .................  112 / 470.12+
    Wave loom ..............................  139 / 436
    Wave tube  
        Demodulator ........................  329
        Modulator ..........................  332
        With delay line ....................  315 / 3.5+
Traverse Rod ...............................  D08 / 377
Trawl ......................................  43 / 9.1+
    Lines ..................................  43 / 27.4
Tray (See Dish; Receptacle)  
    Animal stock ...........................  119 / 729+
    Automobile supported table .............  108 / 44+
    Bank protection deal ...................  109 / 19
    Cabinet showcase type ..................  312 / 126+
    Cafeteria dispenser unit ...............  D34 / 14
    Circular household article .............  D07 / 553.6+
    Coin pickup or delivering  
        Coin deliverers ....................  232 / 64+
        Special receptacles for coins ......  206 / .8+
    Compartmented ..........................  D07 / 553.1+
    Dental equipment .......................  433 / 77+
    Designed for glasses ...................  D07 / 553.4+
    Drying etc .............................  34 / 237+
        Removable tray type ................  34 / 192+
    Egg candling ...........................  356 / 61
    Gas filter tray ........................  55 / 494
    Handle supported .......................  294 / 172
        Special article ....................  206 / 557+
    Heaters ................................  261 / DIG 30
    Ice cube ...............................  249 / 117+
    Incubator ..............................  119 / 322+
    Making wood ............................  144 / 33
    Paper receptacle .......................  229 / 190+
    Photographic fluid treating ............  396 / 636+
    Rack ...................................  211 / 126.1+
        Stacked ............................  211 / 126.2+
        Terraced ...........................  211 / 128.1+
        Wall or window mounted .............  211 / 88.01
            Expandable tray ................  211 / 88.02
    Sample case ............................  190 / 17
    Slide projector ........................  40 / 361+
    Special receptacle .....................  206 / 557+
    Tobacco ash receiving ..................  131 / 231+
    Trunk ..................................  190 / 35
    Warming ................................  D07 / 363
    Burglar alarm operated by ..............  116 / 98
    Electric circuit controller ............  200 / 86 R
        Burglar alarm ......................  340 / 565
    Railway car wheel ......................  295 / 31.1+
    Railway rail with ......................  238 / 122+
        Joint with bridge ..................  238 / 218+
        Surface per se .....................  238 / 148
    Resilient tire  
        Antiskid ...........................  152 / 208+
        Armored ............................  152 / 167+
    Shoe antislip ..........................  36 / 59 C+
    Testing ................................  73 / 146
        Abrasion or rubbing ................  73 / 8
    Vehicle step ...........................  280 / 169
    Wheel guard ............................  293 / 58
    Closure actuator .......................  49 / 263+
    Grinding wheel mount ...................  451 / 341
    Levers .................................  74 / 512+
    Machine element ........................  74 / 561
    Sewing machine conversion ..............  112 / 217.4
    Trackmans car drive ....................  105 / 93
    Animal exercise ........................  119 / 700
    Closure operating ......................  49 / 262
    Exercising devices .....................  482 / 54
        For animals ........................  119 / 700
    Motors .................................  185
    Occupant propelled vehicle .............  280 / 228
Treasure Locator See Prospecting  
    Covers .................................  47 / 23.1+
    Felling ................................  144 / 34.1+
        Portable circular saw ..............  30 / 360+
    Hacks ..................................  30 / 121
    Handlers for trees & poles .............  414 / 23
    Husbandry ..............................  47
    Imitation ..............................  428 / 18+
        Tree- like ornament lighted ........  362 / 123
    Impregnation ...........................  47 / 57.5
        Broadleaf ..........................  PLT / 216+
        Conifer ............................  PLT / 213+
        Fruit ..............................  PLT / 156+
        Nut ................................  PLT / 152+
    Ship masts  
        Cross and trestle ..................  114 / 92
    Shoe ...................................  12 / 114.2+
    Stand for supporting ...................  248 / 519+
    Supports and props .....................  47 / 42+
    Surgery ................................  47 / 8
        Guards .............................  47 / 32.4+
        Insect traps .......................  43 / 108
Trellis ....................................  47 / 44+
    Design .................................  D25 / 100
Tremolos ...................................  381 / 62
    Brass wind instrument tremolo ..........  84 / 401
    Electric oscillator having .............  331 / 182
    Electric tone generator tremolo ........  84 / 629
    Fan tremolo for reed organs ............  84 / 374
    Stringed instrument ....................  84 / 313
    Valve tremolo for pipe organs ..........  84 / 348
Trepan .....................................  606 / 176+
Trephine ...................................  606 / 172+
    Scaffold or saw horse ..................  182 / 181.1+
        Unitary foldable ...................  182 / 153+
    Tire setter ............................  157 / 7
    Trees ship mast ........................  114 / 92
    Type propped extension ladder ..........  182 / 105
Triamcinolone ..............................  552 / 566
    Geometrical instrument .................  33 / 474
    Musical instrument .....................  84 / 402+
    Reflective triangle for highway use ....  40 / 903*
Triarylmethyl ..............................  552 / 101+
Triazines ..................................  544 / 3+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 751+
    Stilbene ctg ...........................  544 / 193.1
Triazoles, 1,2,3- ..........................  548 / 255+
Triazoles, 1,2,4- ..........................  548 / 262.2+
Triazolobenzodiazepinone ...................  540 / 499
Tricarballylic Acid ........................  562 / 590
    Esters .................................  560 / 190+
Trichloracetic Acid ........................  562 / 602
    Esters .................................  560 / 226+
    Coffee pots ............................  99 / 306
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 115+
    Ice melt cooler ........................  62 / 312+
        Process ............................  62 / 64
    Textile treating .......................  68 / 205 R+
Trickling Filter ...........................  261 / 94+
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 150+
        Processes ..........................  210 / 601+
Tricot Knitting Machine ....................  66 / 87
Tricycle See Velocipede  
    Design .................................  D12 / 112+
Triethanolamine ............................  564 / 506
Triethylene Diamines .......................  544 / 351
Trigger (See Trip and Trigger)  
        Gas tube type ......................  315
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 185+
        Type ...............................  327 / 185+
    Firearms ...............................  42
Triglycerides ..............................  436 / 71
Trigonometry, Teaching .....................  434 / 211
Trimelletic Anhydride ......................  549 / 245
Trimmers See Cutters  
    Billiard cue ...........................  30 / 494
    Brick ..................................  425 / 289+
    Brick ..................................  83
    Burner wick ............................  431 / 120
    Capacitor ..............................  361 / 271+
    Cigar and cigarette ....................  131
    Condenser ..............................  361 / 271+
        With inductor ......................  334 / 78+
    Cooking mold ...........................  99 / 430
    Embroidery .............................  83 / 910*
    Farriery hoof ..........................  168 / 48.1+
    Hat ....................................  223 / 24
    Hedgerow ...............................  56 / 233+
    Lawn ...................................  172 / 13+
    Photograph .............................  83
    Pie ....................................  425 / 293
    Plastic block press ....................  425 / 289+
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 122+
        Attachment .........................  112 / 130
    Sheet cutting ..........................  83
        Scrap cutting ......................  83 / 923*
    Shoe inseam machine ....................  12 / 4.3
    Shoe sole and heel edge ................  12 / 85+
    Textile selvage ........................  139 / 302+
    Waffle iron drip .......................  99 / 375
    Apparel ................................  223 / 44+
        Design .............................  D05 / 7+
    Battery grid ...........................  83 / 903*
    Brush and broom ........................  300 / 17
    Cartridge case .........................  86 / 19.7
    Chain sizing and .......................  59 / 29
    Dental plaster .........................  433 / 144
    Design .................................  D05 / 7+
    Garment ................................  2 / 244+
        Making and attaching ...............  223 / 44+
    Gun ....................................  42 / 85
    Harness ................................  54 / 75+
        Design .............................  D30 / 134+
    Hat ....................................  2 / 175.3
        Banding ............................  223 / 22
        Brim ...............................  223 / 16
    Horseshoe ..............................  59 / 59
    Leather skiving and splitting ..........  69 / 9.3
    Packages ...............................  206 / 389+
    Pearl button surfacing .................  79 / 10
    Screw threading dies ...................  408 / 215+
    Shoe sole and heel machines ............  12
        Design .............................  D15 / 122+
    Stock material .........................  428
    Woodworking box shaping ................  144 / 135
Trinitrotoluene ............................  568 / 935
    Containing .............................  149
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 69
    Explosives containing ..................  149 / 107
Triode .....................................  313 / 293+
    Amplifier ..............................  313 / 293+
    Detector amplifier .....................  313 / 293+
    Diode high mu ..........................  313 / 303
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Diode pentode ..........................  313 / 298
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 6
    Direct coupled twin ....................  313 / 3
    Double .................................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Dual grid ..............................  313 / 297
    Duo diode ..............................  313 / 303
    Duplex diode ...........................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Duplex diode high mu ...................  313 / 303
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Gas ....................................  313 / 581+
        Hot cathode type ...................  313 / 592
    Heptode converter ......................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Hexode converter .......................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    High frequency .........................  313 / 293+
    High frequency twin ....................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    High mu ................................  313 / 293+
    High mu twin ...........................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Low mu .................................  313 / 293+
    Low mu uhf .............................  313 / 293+
    Medium mu ..............................  313 / 293+
    Medium mu twin .........................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Power amplifier ........................  313 / 293+
    Power amplifier twin ...................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Triple diode ...........................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Triple diode high mu ...................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Twin ...................................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Twin power amplifier ...................  313 / 301
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Two grid ...............................  313 / 297
    U h f ..................................  313 / 293+
Trioxane ...................................  549 / 367
Trip and Trigger  
    Animal trap ............................  43 / 58+
    Belt conveyor unloader .................  198 / 633+
    Cable hoist ............................  212 / 116
    Closure fastener .......................  292 / 332+
    Electric switch latch trip  
        Clock train ........................  200 / 39 R+
        Double snap, blocked ...............  200 / 411+
        Double snap, restrained ............  200 / 415+
        Electromagnetic ....................  335 / 174+
        Reciprocating ......................  200 / 434+
        Single snap, blocked ...............  200 / 470
        Single snap, restrained ............  200 / 471+
        Thermal current ....................  337 / 70+
    Expansible chamber motor  
        Trip gear ..........................  91 / 338
    Firearm ................................  42 / 70.01+
    Guns and ordnance ......................  89 / 27.11+
        Automatic gun ......................  89 / 132+
        Electric ...........................  89 / 28.05+
        Shocker ............................  56 / 401+
    Mechanical gun .........................  124 / 31+
    Odometer ...............................  235 / 97
    Operated file cutter ...................  76 / 15+
        Depositing mechanisms ..............  111 / 34+
        Cable gripper ......................  104 / 205+
    Railway switches and signals  
        Derailment contact trips ...........  246 / 171+
        Track trip automatic electric ......  246 / 76
        Track trips ........................  246 / 201+
        Train trips ........................  246 / 359+
    Released valve .........................  251 / 66+
    Rotary printing member .................  101 / 234+
    Saw setting  
        Pivoted set ........................  76 / 62
        Sliding set ........................  76 / 67
    Ship anchor ............................  114 / 210
    Swinging door lock .....................  70 / 157
    Trip mechanisms ........................  169 / DIG 3
    Trips ..................................  74 / 2+
        Compressing and binding ............  56 / 436+
    Vehicle brake operator .................  188 / 111
    Vehicle fenders  
        Dash and wheel .....................  293 / 33
        Drop fender ........................  293 / 34+
Tripelennamine, in Drug ....................  514 / 352
Triphenylmethanes ..........................  552 / 101+
    Bond hydrocarbon  
        Purification .......................  585 / 800+
        Synthesis ..........................  585 / 534+
    Diode ..................................  313 / 1
    Mirrors ................................  359 / 529+
Tripod .....................................  248 / 163.1+
    Camera supports ........................  396 / 419+
    Design .................................  D16 / 244+
    Ladder prop ............................  182 / 169
    Support stand ..........................  248 / 163.1+
        Heads ..............................  248 / 176.1+
Trirams ....................................  114 / 61.1+
Trituration ................................  241
Trocars ....................................  604 / 264+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 69
    Crane ..................................  212 / 346
        Swing boom carries .................  212 / 250+
        Vertically .........................  212 / 257
        Cable operated trolley .............  37 / 400+
        Supported ..........................  37 / 400+
    Ladders ................................  182 / 36+
    Linear traversing hoists  
        Rope carrier .......................  212 / 119
        Collectors .........................  191 / 50+
        Conductors .........................  191 / 33 R+
        Nonretracting trolley stops ........  191 / 95
        Rails ..............................  104 / 106+
        Retrievers .........................  191 / 85+
        Suspended single rail ..............  105 / 148+
        Transfer ...........................  104 / 96+
    Railway switches .......................  246 / 419
        Trolley actuated controller ........  246 / 84
        Automatic ..........................  246 / 84
        Trolley actuated controllers .......  246 / 252
        Trolley completed circuits .........  246 / 254
    Wire support ...........................  191 / 40+
Trombones ..................................  84 / 395+
    Electric transmission line .............  333 / 219+
    Mutes ..................................  84 / 400
    Section in high frequency ..............  333 / 33+
    Transmission lines .....................  333 / 33+
Tropanes ...................................  546 / 124+
Trophy .....................................  428 / 542.4
    Design .................................  D11 / 131
Tropine ....................................  546 / 127
Trotlines ..................................  43 / 27.4
    Animal feeding .........................  119 / 61.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 121+
        On livestock carrying vehicle ......  119 / 409
    Belt conveyor ..........................  198 / 818+
    Bunk or manger .........................  119 / 61.1
    Burners ................................  431 / 52+
    Chute unloading ........................  193 / 6
    Closure ................................  49 / 408
    Dish or bowl ...........................  119 / 61.5
    Dryer gravity flow .....................  34 / 166
    Flume ..................................  405 / 119+
    Holder for soldering ...................  269
    Railway track rail .....................  238 / 129
    Roof eaves .............................  52 / 11+
        Support ............................  248 / 48.1
    Sprinkler supply .......................  239 / 724+
    Vibrating conveyor .....................  198 / 771
    Wood sawing log transfer ...............  83 / 707+
Trousers ...................................  2 / 227+
    Design .................................  D02 / 742+
        Undergarment .......................  D02 / 712+
    Forms ..................................  223 / 72+
    Guards and straps ......................  24 / 72.1
    Hangers ................................  223 / 95+
    Knee protectors ........................  2 / 62
    Leg guards attached to .................  2 / 23
    Stretching .............................  223 / 63
    Union type .............................  2 / 79
Trowels ....................................  15 / 235.4
    Design .................................  D08 / 10
    Handle fastening .......................  403
    Antifriction thrust bearing  
        Truck center .......................  384 / 594
        Truck side .........................  384 / 595
    Brakes .................................  188 / 21+
        Railway ............................  188 / 47
    Design of ..............................  D12 / 82+
    Fork lift ..............................  414 / 529+
    Garbage compacting .....................  100 / 100
    Hand ...................................  280 / 47.17+
        Dumping ............................  298 / 2+
        Self loading .......................  414 / 467
    Hoisting ...............................  254 / 2 R+
    Ladder .................................  182 / 63.1+
        Hand truck .........................  182 / 16
    Land vehicle  
        Body ...............................  296
        Freight accomodating ...............  410
        Hand ...............................  280 / 47.17+
        Hand dumping .......................  298 / 2+
        Multiple ...........................  280 / 81.1+
        Swivel .............................  280 / 86
        Tongue .............................  280 / 82+
        Wheeled skate ......................  280 / 11.27+
    Motor vehicle  
        Steered bogie ......................  180 / 449
    Plain thrust bearing  
        Truck center .......................  384 / 422
        Truck side .........................  384 / 423
    Portable platform for ..................  108 / 51.11+
    Railway ................................  105 / 157.1+
        Brakes .............................  188 / 47
        Changers ...........................  104 / 32.1+
        In conduit .........................  104 / 139
        Two car ............................  105 / 4.1+
    Semitrailer ............................  280 / 423.1+
        Accomodated on freight carrier .....  410 / 56+
        Design of ..........................  D12 / 97+
    Step climbing ..........................  280 / 5.2
        Wheeled vehicle ....................  280 / 29
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 552+
    Vehicle carrier ........................  410 / 3+
        Design .............................  D12 / 94+
    Ear trumpet ............................  181 / 129+
    Music ..................................  984 / 135
    Music ..................................  84 / 387 R+
        Design .............................  D17 / 11
    Mutes ..................................  84 / 400
        Formed sliver trumpet ..............  19 / 157
        Sliver forming trumpet .............  19 / 150
        Stop for sliver controlling ........  19
        Trumpet ............................  19
        Thickness working trumpet ..........  19
Trundles ...................................  446 / 450+
    Sounding device combined ...............  446 / 411+
    Spool in reeling device ................  242 / 391+
    Baggage ................................  190 / 19+
        Design .............................  D03 / 272
        Lighting in ........................  362 / 156
    Bed convertible to .....................  190 / 2
    Garment type ...........................  2 / 238
        Knitted ............................  66 / 176
        Knitted union type .................  66 / 175
    Insect traps for tree ..................  43 / 108
    Locks for ..............................  70 / 69+
    Pneumatic dispatch systems .............  406
    Telephony ..............................  379
    Trays ..................................  190 / 35
    Wardrobes ..............................  190 / 13 R
Trusses ....................................  52 / 690+
    Brake beams ............................  188 / 219.1+
    Bridge .................................  14 / 3+
    Coopering hoops ........................  147 / 49
    Curvilinear or peaked ..................  52 / 639+
    Frame for wood handsaw .................  30 / 506
    Pole brace .............................  52 / 146+
    Rail joint rod .........................  238 / 168
    Railway car framing  
        Freight ............................  105 / 407
        Passenger ..........................  105 / 399
    Railway track tie ......................  238 / 40+
    Railway truck bolster ..................  105 / 229
    Ship yardarms ..........................  114 / 96
    Surgical bandaging .....................  128 / 95.1+
    Vehicle axle ...........................  301 / 129
    Whiffletree ............................  278 / 93+
    Wire fence brace .......................  256 / 36
Tryptamine .................................  548 / 504
Tryptophan .................................  548 / 496+
    In drug ................................  514 / 419
Tub (See Bucket; Vessel)  
    Basin combined .........................  4 / 553+
    Bath ...................................  4 / 538+
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 228
    Combined ...............................  4 / 546+
    Masonry ................................  52 / 264+
    Metallic ...............................  220
    Railway amusement ......................  104 / 59
    Staved wooden ..........................  217 / 72+
    Surgical ...............................  607 / 81+
    Textile fluid treating .................  68 / 232+
    Vegetable and meat cutter ..............  241 / 199+
    Wooden .................................  217
Tube (See Conduit; Pipe) ..................  138
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 51+
    Axle casing ............................  74 / 607
    Bell ...................................  116 / 169
    Bobbin winding .........................  242 / 470+
        Cleaning ...........................  122 / 379
        Fire ...............................  122 / 44.1+
        Fire and water .....................  122 / 42+
        Flue ...............................  122 / 135.1+
        Sheets .............................  122 / 512
        Stand ..............................  122 / 13.01+
        Structure and connection ...........  122 / 511
        Water ..............................  122 / 235.11+
        Gauge ..............................  73 / 732+
        Switch .............................  200 / 81.8
    Braiding ...............................  87 / 9
        With core ..........................  87 / 6
    Burner gas and air mixers ..............  431 / 354+
    Capillary, refrigeration utilizing .....  62 / 511
    Car propulsion pneumatic ...............  104 / 156
        Motor charging .....................  104 / 159+
    Cleaners for steam boiler tubes ........  15 / 317
    Condensers and coolers .................  15 / 317+
    Cleaning implements ....................  15 / 104.03+
    Closing end ............................  228 / 60
    Collapsible tube .......................  138 / 119
    Collapsible tube squeezer holder .......  D06 / 541
    Collapsible wall type dispenser ........  222 / 92+
    Combustion .............................  431 / 350+
    Compressor valve .......................  251 / 4+
    Connections for cycleframes ............  280 / 274+
    Container or wrapper for coiled ........  206 / 389
    Form ...................................  206 / 389+
    Corrugating ............................  72 / 176
    Cutter .................................  401 / 152+
    Dispenser collapsible ..................  222 / 92+
        Applicator combined with means .....  401 / 152
        For collapsing .....................  401 / 152+
    Electric (see space discharge  
        Assembling .........................  445
            Apparatus ......................  445 / 66+
            Process ........................  445 / 23+
        Circuit systems ....................  315
        Discharge type .....................  313
            With gas or vapor envelope .....  313 / 634+
            With particular envelope .......  313 / 317+
        Electric lamp envelopes ............  220 / 2.1 R+
        Illuminating lamp structure ........  313
        Lamp support .......................  248 / 49+
        Lantern ............................  362 / 263+
        Manufacture ........................  445
    Evaporating ............................  159 / 26.1+
        In flue ............................  159 / 39
    Expander ...............................  72 / 393
    Fire extinguishing .....................  169 / 35
    Flanger ................................  72 / 317
    Geissler ...............................  313 / 567+
    Glass molding  
        Curved .............................  65
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 177+
    Inflatable .............................  83 / DIG 3
    Lantern ................................  362 / 178
        Electric ...........................  362 / 263+
    Liquid cooler ..........................  62 / 389+
    Liquid depth exploring .................  73 / 298
        Bending ............................  72 / 369
        Boiler heater ......................  29 / 890.03+
        Cigar wrapping .....................  131 / 58+
        Compound, i.e plural layers .......  228 / 126+
        Corrugating ........................  72 / 176
        Drawing ............................  72 / 283
        Drawing and welding apparatus ......  228 / 17.5+
        Expanding ..........................  72 / 393
        Flanging ...........................  72 / 317
        Laminated ..........................  156
        Paper tube making ..................  493 / 269+
        Plastic molding ....................  425 / 72.1+
        Rolling apparatus ..................  72 / 95+
        Rolling process ....................  72 / 365.2+
        Sewing .............................  112 / 63
        Sheet metal ........................  72 / 49
        Upsetting ..........................  72 / 353.2+
        Welding apparatus ..................  228
        Welding electric ...................  219 / 59.1+
        Welding process ....................  228 / 101+
    Material ...............................  428 / 34.1+
        Brass ..............................  84 / 393
        Organ reed .........................  84 / 361
        Piano pneumatic ....................  84 / 57
    Nasal medicator ........................  128 / 203.12+
    Paint ..................................  222 / 92+
        Metal or metal foil ................  29 / 17.1+
    Paper article making  
        Cup ................................  493 / 52+
        Folding box ........................  493 / 162+
    Paper receptacle .......................  229 / 93
        Cylindrical ........................  229 / 93
    Paste tube .............................  222 / 92+
        Holder-dispenser ...................  248 / 108
        Squeezer-holder ....................  D06 / 541
    Plastic molding reinforced .............  425 / 500+
    Pneumatic dispatch tube or system ......  D18 / 35
    Pneumatic stackers .....................  406 / 154+
    Portable drinking ......................  239 / 33
        Filter combined ....................  210 / 251
        Jet regulator ......................  417 / 182+
        Rotary .............................  415 / 88
        Vibrating ..........................  417 / 241
    Railway rail ...........................  238 / 134+
    Railway tie ............................  238 / 70+
        Plastic reinforced .................  238 / 87
        Plastic reinforced armored .........  238 / 97
    Railway track pedestal .................  238 / 114
    Ranque .................................  62 / 5
    Roentgen ray ...........................  378 / 121
    Rolling ................................  72 / 95+
    Rubber bag or package ..................  206 / 69
    Sampling ...............................  73 / 864+
    Shield for radio .......................  174 / 350
        Envelope ...........................  313 / 248
        Part of tube .......................  313 / 313
    Siphon .................................  137 / 123+
    Smoking device .........................  131 / 191
    Speaking ...............................  181 / 18+
        Implements .........................  30 / 90.1+
        Well tubing ........................  166 / 55.2
    Support ................................  248 / 49+
        Paste type .........................  248 / 108+
    Switch electric ........................  337 / 228+
    Testers electric .......................  324 / 405+
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 139+
    Tire inner  
        Anticreep ..........................  152 / 500
        Armored ............................  152 / 195
        Casing combined ....................  152 / 166
        Leakage test .......................  73 / 49+
        Structure ..........................  152 / 511+
    Trolley rail ...........................  104 / 108
    Vacuum (see space discharge device)  
    Vortex, cooling ........................  62 / 5
    Washboard ..............................  68 / 230
    Workpiece ..............................  428 / 586
Tuberculosis Antigens ......................  424 / 248.1
    Bath ...................................  4 / 538+
Tuberculosis Sera ..........................  424 / 168.1+
    Light bulbs ............................  313
    Cigar tip etc ..........................  131 / 89+
    Grain harvester band ...................  56 / 458+
    Sewing machine work guide ..............  112 / 144+
        Detachable .........................  15 / 194
        Fasteners ..........................  15 / 190
        Socket .............................  15 / 191.1+
    Brush making machines ..................  300 / 2+
    Mattress ...............................  5 / 696
        Fiber preparation ..................  19 / 215+
        Pile loom replenishing .............  28 / 216
        Pile pattern setting ...............  28 / 214+
        Pile weaving .......................  139 / 2+
        Sewing machine for .................  112 / 80.01+
        Sewing machine for .................  112 / 470.24
        Tuft making ........................  28 / 147
        Design .............................  D30 / 137
        Hame ...............................  54 / 32+
        Saddle tug bearers .................  54 / 43.1
        Thill ..............................  54 / 50
    Ships ..................................  114
        Propulsion .........................  440 / 33+
Tulle See Net  
    Brushing machines ......................  15 / 75+
    Gear ...................................  74 / 341
        Cone combined ......................  74 / 348+
    Kitchen or table .......................  215
        Antipick ...........................  70 / 421
        Compound ...........................  70 / 316+
        Key ................................  70 / 392
        Key adjustable .....................  70 / 384
        Single key tumbler and ward ........  70 / 347
        Single key tumbler type ............  70 / 348+
        Structure ..........................  70 / 323+
        Tumbler type .......................  70 / 291+
        Bed ................................  101 / 334
        Bed selective or progressive .......  101 / 104+
        Gripper attached ...................  101 / 411
Tumbling (See Rumble)  
        Machine ............................  451 / 326+
        Process ............................  451 / 32+
        Sand blast machine .................  451 / 85+
    Heat exchanging ........................  165 / 88
    Leather making  
        Fluid treating apparatus ...........  69 / 30
    Skin removal ...........................  99 / 629+
    Solid material comminution  
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 170+
        Processes ..........................  241 / 26
    Textiles fluid treatment  
        Fluid extractor combined ...........  68 / 24
        Liquid flowing and .................  68 / 58+
        Machines ...........................  68 / 139+
        Scrubbing and ......................  68 / 60
        Scrubbing squeezing and ............  68 / 30
        Squeezing and ......................  68 / 61
        Tank heater combined ...............  68 / 16
    Toy ....................................  446 / 168+
        Figure .............................  446 / 324
Tun Dish ...................................  266 / 275
Tuned Radio Frequency Radio Receiver .......  455 / 150.1+
Tuners See Tuning  
    In radio set ...........................  455 / 150.1+
    Musical instrument pitch pipe ..........  84 / 454+
    Radio ..................................  334
    With distributed capacitance ...........  333 / 219+
    And inductance .........................  333 / 219+
    Alloys, ferrous ........................  420 / 8+
    Alloys, non-ferrous ....................  420 / 430
    Carbide ................................  423
    Composite metal stock ..................  428 / 665
    Filament compositions ..................  75
    Fluorescent or phosphorescent ..........  252 / 301.5
    Compositions ctg .......................  252 / 301.5
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 673
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 57+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 623
    Forks ..................................  84 / 409
        Electric driving means .............  310 / 15+
        Electric filter element ............  333 / 186+
        Electric generator .................  310 / 15+
        Electric tone synthesis ............  84 / 723+
        Making .............................  29 / 896.22
        Oscillator .........................  331 / 156
        Tuning device ......................  84 / 457
    Indicator in radio .....................  455 / 154.1
        Accessories for giving pitch .......  84 / 454+
        Chord group as in zithers ..........  84 / 312 R
        Piano tuning device ................  84 / 200+
        Reed organ .........................  84 / 364
        Tools ..............................  84 / 454+
        Trombone tuners ....................  84 / 396
        Tuning pegs for strings ............  84 / 304+
        Valve brass tuners .................  84 / 394
    Radio ..................................  334
        Antenna ............................  343 / 745+
        Dial ...............................  116 / 241+
        Electric motor operator ............  334 / 20+
        Electrical indicator ...............  455 / 154.1
        Mechanical .........................  74 / 10 R
        Mechanical limit stop type .........  192 / 138+
Tunnel .....................................  405 / 132+
    Apparatus for making ...................  405 / 138+
    Excavating .............................  299
    Head ...................................  202 / 244
    Railway telltale signals ...............  246 / 486
    Recovery of fluid ......................  299 / 2
    Ventilation ............................  454 / 166+
Turban .....................................  D02 / 878
Turbine ....................................  415
    Blade making ...........................  29 / 889.7+
        Rotor making  
            Apparatus ......................  29 / 23.51
            Process ........................  29 / 889.2+
    Casing making and assembling ...........  29 / 889.2
    Combustion .............................  60 / 39.01+
    Control and governor ...................  415 / 13+
    Cooling ................................  415 / 175+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 107
    Exhaust treatment ......................  60 / 685+
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 861.79+
    Fluid pressure motor combined ..........  60 / 698+
    Fluid supply ...........................  60 / 643+
    Generator drive ........................  290 / 52
    Hydraulic ..............................  60 / 330+
    Internal combustion engine .............  60 / 624
    Combined ...............................  60 / 624
    Internal combustion engine .............  60 / 597+
    Combined ...............................  60 / 597+
    Locomotive drive .......................  105 / 26.05
    Mixed fluid ............................  60 / 649+
    Multiple ...............................  60 / 698+
    Nuclear reactor combined ...............  376 / 378
    Nuclear reactor combined ...............  376 / 391
    Nuclear reactor combined ...............  376 / 402
    Nuclear reactor combined ...............  376 / 179
    Pneumatic ..............................  60 / 643+
    Pump drive .............................  417 / 405+
    Submarine drive ........................  114 / 337
    Torpedo drive ..........................  114 / 20.1+
Turfing, eg Chenille .......................  112 / 80.01+
Turkey Red Oil .............................  554 / 85+
Turn Indicators  
    Geographical ...........................  33 / 328+
    Vehicle ................................  116 / 28 R+
        Electric ...........................  340 / 465+
Turnbuckles ................................  403 / 43+
    Making .................................  29 / 896.7
        Forging dies for ...................  72 / 343+
Turners (See Orienters)  
        Mattress and bed ...................  5 / 412
        Patient ............................  5 / 600
    Boot and shoe making  
        Channel flap .......................  12 / 30
    Cheese .................................  99 / 644
    Earthenware pipe .......................  414 / 754+
    Foods and beverages  
        Egg ................................  99 / 644
        Griddle ............................  99 / 424
        Toaster carrier or grid ............  99 / 395
    Incubator egg ..........................  119 / 323+
    Locomotive drive wheel .................  105 / 85
    Music leaf .............................  84 / 486+
    Pancake type ...........................  294 / 8
    Plate ..................................  294 / 6
    Weed ...................................  172 / 514+
    Wood sawing  
        Log ................................  83 / 708+
Turning ....................................  82
    Inside out garments bags and tubes .....  223 / 39+
        Bag sewing and .....................  112 / 10
    Screw threading and ....................  408 / 20+
    Screw threading and ....................  408 / 22
    Sewing machine guide for fringe ........  112 / 149
    Shoe upper machine .....................  12 / 57
    Stone ..................................  125 / 10+
    Wood ...................................  142
        Boring and .........................  408 / 22+
        Polishing and ......................  144 / 47
        Tenon ..............................  144 / 205+
    Rail ...................................  238 / 124
    Railway switch  
        Automatic ..........................  246 / 277
        Stationary .........................  246 / 427
    Antenna ................................  343 / 797+
    Coin trap ..............................  232 / 61
    Design .................................  D25 / 51
    Gate ...................................  49 / 46+
    Letter box trap ........................  232 / 52
    Operating register .....................  235 / 93
    Railway car entrance ...................  105 / 341.5
    Automobile .............................  104 / 44
    Freight carrier installed ..............  410 / 1
    Gearing windmill .......................  74 / 381
    Ladder truck ...........................  182 / 65.1+
    Plural related surfaces ................  108 / 103+
        Terraced ...........................  108 / 94+
    Railway ................................  104 / 35+
        Locomotive .........................  105 / 28
        Trolley transfer ...................  104 / 99
    Rotatable base support .................  248 / 349.1
    Single surface .........................  108 / 139
    Table self serving power driven ........  108 / 20+
    Vehicle attached jack ..................  254 / 421
Turpentine (See Terpene) ..................  585 / 350+
    Plant source extraction ................  47 / 10+
    Abrading work holders ..................  451
    Aircraft type ..........................  89 / 37.21
    Drilling multiple spindle ..............  408 / 35
    Metal working plural tools .............  29 / 33 J+
        Turrets ............................  29 / 36+
    Punching pliers ........................  83 / 364
    Screw threading multiple die ...........  408 / 35
    Warships ...............................  114 / 5+
    Furnace ................................  110 / 182.5+
    Liquid heaters .........................  122 / 6.6+
    Metallurgical apparatus ................  266 / 265+
TV (See Television)  
Tweezers ...................................  294 / 99.2
    Design .................................  D28 / 55
    Removing hair or splints ...............  606 / 133
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 210
    Holders ................................  242 / 141+
        Design .............................  D08 / 360.1
    Making .................................  57
    Polishing ..............................  28 / 219+
Twining ....................................  57
    Augers .................................  408 / 230
    Drills .................................  408 / 230
Twisting and Twisters  
    Conveyer belt unloading ................  198 / 831
        Hold-down means ....................  198 / 837+
        Load held between belts ............  198 / 620+
    Dough ..................................  425 / 319+
    Dough ..................................  425 / 323
    False ..................................  57 / 284+
    Metal ..................................  72 / 299
        Bending combined ...................  72 / 64+
    Mop wringing ...........................  15 / 263
        Mop combined .......................  15 / 120.1+
        Running length .....................  72 / 64
    Stocking support .......................  2 / 337
    Textile ................................  57
        Lace fabric making .................  87 / 24+
        Slat and wire fabric making ........  140 / 30+
            Portable .......................  140 / 39+
            Twister heads ..................  140 / 36
        Warp thread uniting ................  28 / 210
    Wire ...................................  140 / 149
        Joining ............................  140 / 118+
        Portable slat and wire .............  140 / 39
        Making devices .....................  140 / 39+
        Sheaf binding combined .............  56 / 132
        Shocker combined ...................  56 / 451+
        Slat and wire fabric making ........  140 / 30+
        Twister heads for slat and .........  140 / 36
        Wire fabric making devices .........  140 / 36
    Wrapping machine .......................  53 / 370
    Wringing ...............................  68 / 243
Twitchells Reagent .........................  554 / 89
    Fat cleavage with ......................  554 / 154
Two Way Amplifier System ...................  370 / 279+
    Anti singing ...........................  379 / 345+
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 338+
    Echo suppressing .......................  379 / 345+
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 338+
Tying See Baling,Banding,Bundling,  
    Fastener,knot & knotting  
    Baling .................................  100
    Building components ....................  52 / 698+
    Cords and strands ......................  289
        Bags ...............................  53 / 138.6+
        Bags combined with filling .........  53 / 138.6+
        Dies for wire ......................  140 / 116
        Sewing machine stitch forming ......  112 / 156
        Warp replenishing for looms ........  28 / 211
Tympani ....................................  84 / 419
    Casting ................................  199
        Finishing and grooving .............  29 / 24
    Printing ...............................  101 / 398+
        Blanks and processes ...............  101 / 401.2+
        Border or ornamental design ........  D18 / 32+
        Continuously rotating type head ....  400 / 901*
        Design .............................  D18 / 24+
        Foreign alphabet type face .........  D18 / 25
        Groove .............................  101 / 381
        Script fonts .......................  D18 / 28
    Setting ................................  276
        Lead handlers ......................  276 / 34
        Wheel recorder .....................  178 / 38+
        Wheel recorder combined ............  178 / 35
Typewriter .................................  400
    Cabinet type housing or support ........  312 / 208.1+
    Carriage feed, stepping motor for ......  400 / 903*
    Carrying case ..........................  312 / 208.4
    Chemical symbol character ..............  400 / 900*
    Collocating gauge ......................  33 / 658
    Controlled by speech ...................  178 / 31
    Cover ..................................  312 / 208.3
    Cryptographic ..........................  400 / 89+
    Design .................................  D18 / 1+
    Manifolding devices ....................  400 / 497+
    Pad ....................................  D19 / 99
    Printer combined .......................  101 / 46
    Ribbon .................................  400 / 237+
        Testing ............................  73 / 12.03
    Subscript or superscript character .....  400 / 904*
    Table ..................................  312 / 21+
    Telegraphic transmitter combined .......  178 / 81
    Typed-head continuously rotating .......  400 / 901*
    Typing instruction .....................  434 / 227+
    Web feed, stepping motor for ...........  400 / 902*
    Word counter ...........................  235 / 102
Tyrosine ...................................  562 / 445
    In drug ................................  514 / 567

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