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Zearalanone ................................  549 / 270
ZEFRAN™    (Polyacrylonitrile ..............  526 / 264
    Pyrrolidone) ...........................  526 / 264
Zein (See Protein) ........................  530 / 373
    Compositions containing ................  106 / 161.1+
Zeolites (See Molecular Sieve) ............  423 / 700+
    Compositions containing ................  502 / 60
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 263+
        External regenerant supply .........  210 / 190+
        Process ............................  210 / 660+
Zero Insertion or Suppression  
    Selective punching .....................  234 / 24
Zero Setting Devices  
    Dispenser with register ................  222 / 32+
        Selectively preset cutoff ..........  222 / 16
    Register ...............................  235 / 144 R
    Alloys .................................  420 / 513
        Aluminum ...........................  420 / 540
        Aluminum copper ....................  420 / 431
        Copper .............................  420 / 477
        Copper tin .........................  420 / 476
        Copper tin lead ....................  420 / 475
    Batteries ..............................  429
    Compound inorganic .....................  423
        Fluorescent compositions ...........  252 / 301.6 R
        Containing .........................  252 / 301.6 R
        Halides ............................  423 / 462
        Inorganic ..........................  423
        Organic ............................  556 / 118+
            Dithiophosphates ...............  556 / 25
            Thiocarbamates .................  556 / 38+
        Oxides and hydroxides ..............  423 / 622
        Paint containing ...................  106 / 254+
        Photo conductive ...................  430 / 87
        Pigment filler or aggregate ........  106 / 419+
        Retorts ............................  266 / 153
        Zincates ...........................  423 / 594.14+
    Electrodeposition ......................  205 / 305+
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 602+
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 369
    Electrothermic processes ...............  75 / 10.1+
        Volatilization of zinc .............  75 / 10.3+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 705
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Plating ................................  427 / 433
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 305+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 654+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 431
Zipper .....................................  24 / 381+
    Fastening to tape ......................  29 / 766+
    Luggage ................................  190 / 903*
    Making .................................  29 / 408+
    Plastic casting on tape ................  264 / 252
    X-art, package closures ................  206 / 810*
    X-art, plastic articles ................  425 / 814*
Zirconate Ceramic Compositions .............  501 / 134+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 422
        Organic ............................  556 / 51+
        Recovery of inorganic ..............  423 / 69
        Refractory composition .............  501 / 94
    Electrolytic fused bath ................  205 / 397
    Electrolytic synthesis aqueous bath ....  205 / 560
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 672
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 612+
Zithers ....................................  84 / 285+
Zone Melting  
    Electric furnace .......................  373 / 17
    Induction furnace ......................  373 / 139
    Metal refining .........................  75 / 10.11
    Single-crystal apparatus ...............  117 / 219+
    Single-crystal process .................  117 / 37+
    Breaking and training ..................  119 / 712+
    Harness ................................  54
        Breaking and training ..............  54 / 71+
    Propagation and care of animals ........  119 / 300
    Traps ..................................  43 / 58+
Zwieback ...................................  426 / 618+
    Mortared ...............................  52 / 415+

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